Summary: Since the terrorism of Sept. 11th, we need to rebuild for the future of America and the church.


INTRO.- ILL.- A doctor said to his patient, “I have some good news and some bad news. Which do you want first?”

Patient: “Give me the bad news first.”

Doctor: “We amputated the wrong leg.”

Patient: “What’s the good news?”

Doctor: “Your other leg won’t need to be amputated after all.”

ILL.- A surgeon was invited to a dinner party. As the host was carving the meat he said, “How am I doing doc? How do you like my technique? I’d make a pretty good surgeon, don’t you think?”

When the host finished carving the meat, the surgeon finally spoke up and said, “Anybody can take them apart, Harry. NOW LET’S SEE YOU PUT THEM BACK TOGETHER AGAIN.”

Have you ever been in a hospital for surgery? Did you go back together well? Did you mend well? DID YOUR BODY REBUILD ITSELF?

ILL.- April 15th. That’s not a good day for many people. It’s tax day and it was a very taxing day for me in 1998. Not because I got axed by taxes, but because I got “axed” by a surgeon who replaced my right hip. I had a complete hip replacement because of osteoarthritis.

I thought since I had run thousands of miles, 14 marathons, and was still in pretty good shape that this surgery thing would be a snap. My boss at the Silk Tree Factory told me to plan to take off five weeks. I said, “I’ll be back in two weeks.” I WENT BACK IN FIVE WEEKS! And I really didn’t want to go back then!

I got a big surprise! My body and hip didn’t recover as quickly as I thought it would. I had to walk with crutches for eight weeks and another six weeks or so with a cane. The girls at work loved it. They called me, “Crip,” “Old man,” and “Chester.” And I often felt worse than old man “Chester” from Gunsmoke fame.

My recovery and rebuilding was slow at best. I thought I’d bounce back very quickly, but I discovered that it takes time for the body to heal and rebuild itself.

Just as it takes time for the human body to recover and rebuild itself after surgery, so it takes time for the human spirit to recover and rebuild after suffering trauma.

SUCH AS WHAT? Such as losing a loved one in death. Such as the people in New York and Washington after losing many loved ones in that terrible act of terrorism on September 11th.

It’s difficult to imagine the pain and hurt that many of those people are going through right now. Even though we can’t completely imagine how they feel we must suffer with them.

Romans 12:15 “Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.”

ILL.- In an interview with NEWSWEEK magazine, New York mayor, Rudy Giuliani, was asked if he was getting any sleep. He said, “About three, four hours. This morning I woke up very early and was going to go down there at, like, four in the morning [before] I realized that was not a good idea. So I stayed. But then [at about 1 p.m.] I went there for just a couple of hours. I just wanted to walk. I’ve taken so many people down there with cameras, I just wanted to walk by myself through there, and see it and feel it and talk to people.”

“And while I was there they found a firefighter and took him out. It was just an unbelievable experience. The firefighters will not allow anyone else to extricate the bodies of their fallen brothers.

They brought him down in between about 40 firefighters who stood there saluting, and then a priest came and gave a blessing. Then they carried him off. If you watch that and you don’t cry, then you have to question whether you’re human.”

I am glad that Mayor Giuliani can cry. If we were there, to see the devastation and the people, we would cry too.

First, comes the tears. Then perhaps anger, confusion and mistrust. But then comes the recovery and the rebuilding.

New York will rebuild. What? I don’t know, however. The Pentagon will have to be rebuilt. Rebuilding is necessary, but rebuilding doesn’t always happen. It must happen for us, however. How will it happen?

ILL.- Again, New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani was asked another question by NEWSWEEK magazine which might enlighten us. They asked: What I’m hearing is that, behind the scenes the tough Rudy is still there, you’re still really pushing people, holding them accountable. (is that true?)

Giuliani said, “At a meeting they said that it would take 10 days to clean up one of the buildings. I said ‘It took God seven days to create the earth. So we can do better than that, don’t you think?’ But they’re terrific, absolutely terrific.”

Mayor Giuliani, you are both right and wrong. You are right that God created the heavens and the earth in seven days. But you are wrong if you think you can do better!

This is one of the reason why we humans get into trouble. We sometimes think we are smarter than God or that we can do things God can’t do. Or that we must take matters into our own hands without seeking the Lord’s wisdom and help. That attitude and action gets us into trouble every time. We end up on the short end of the stick every time. We find out that we aren’t so smart after all and our ideas don’t always work.

There is a point where human wisdom and work won’t get the job done!

Prov. 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and He will make your paths straight.”

Ah ha! There’s the answer to recovery and rebuilding for the future! We must always look to the Lord! We must realize our human limitations. We must acknowledge that we don’t have all the answers, BUT THAT THE LORD DOES! We must seek Him and His will in everything for recovery and rebuilding to come!

PROP.- I want us to consider some different areas of life where we need to rebuild for the future.

1- Rebuilding a strong country

2- Rebuilding a spiritual church


ILL.- A new soldier was on sentry duty at the main gate of a military post. His orders were clear: No car was to enter unless it had a special sticker on the windshield.

An Army car came up with a general seated in the back. The sentry said, “Halt, who goes there?” The driver said, “I have General Wheeler in the back.”

The sentry said, “I’m sorry, but I can’t let you through the gate. You’ve got to have a sticker on your windshield.” The general said, “Drive on.” The sentry said, “Hold it. You really can’t come through the gate. I have orders to shoot if you trying driving in without a sticker.”

The general repeated his orders, “I’m telling you to drive on through the gate!” The sentry walked up to the rear window and said, “General, I’m new at this. Do I shoot you or the driver?”

Several applications could be made to this story, but the one I want to make is this: OUR COUNTRY WILL NOT RECOVER NOR BE REBUILT BY A STRONG MILITARY! I’m not against the military nor against military action, but a strong military is not the final answer to rebuilding our country.

ILL.- During the Gulf War or Desert Storm we had military men leading our forces like: Gen. Stormin Norman Schwarzkopf and Gen. Colin Powell. And we were thankful for these men. Most American people gave these men a lot of credit for victory in the gulf. But let me remind you that Stormin Norman had a Bible on his bedside table which he said he read every night!


Psalm 33:12 “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord...”

The Lord must invade the thinking and doing of our country if we are ever to experience victory, recover and rebuild!

What can we do as individuals to help rebuild a stronger country?

ILL.- I read where the TV and movie stars’ telethon raised $150 million dollars to help the victims of New York. Another article stated, “Donations Break $500 Million After Attacks.” Checks are pouring into charities for victims of the terrorist attacks with pledges nationwide rising quickly past $500 million. Actress Julia Roberts is giving $2 million of her own money.

These gifts are practical ways to help America rebuild, but they are not enough. There has to be a spiritual rebuilding of America if she ever to be a strong country again!

We must be passionate patriots.

ILL.- When I lived in Joplin, MO, many years ago, the city had a great slogan. “Think well, speak well, do well for Joplin.” That’s exactly how we should feel about America! Think well of America! Speak well of America! Do well for America!

We must be flag wavers, flag carriers, we must be good citizens, and we must support our leaders and President with prayer and positive encouragement.

I Tim. 2:1-2 “I urge, then, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone - for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”

Titus 3:1-2 “Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men.”

Let me tell you something that you could do that just might be a very positive help in rebuilding our country. PRAY MUCH FOR PRESIDENT BUSH AND WRITE HIM A LETTER OF POSITIVE ENCOURAGEMENT!

Most people think it is their privilege and profession in life to complain. That’s why God put them here; to complain and be negative about everything.

Many people prefer to complain about the President and the leadership of our country. And there are times when perhaps we should complain, BUT NOW IS THE NOT THE TIME! Now is the time to be as positive and helpful and supportive as possible!

Why not write President George Bush, telling him that you are praying for him and you are behind him in his efforts to help rebuild America?

This would be a great thing for all our youth to do and every member of the church! Here is the President’s address:

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20500

A written letter, especially, a handwritten letter will get more attention than any other method of contact. Why not consider doing that?

Psalm 127:1 “Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain.”

WE NEED TO PRAY THAT GOD WILL BUILD OUR HOUSE! That God will build America back and be even stronger and more spiritual than ever before!


ILL.- During the board meeting at a small church, one of the deacons said, “Pastor, I think we need a chandelier for the church.” “No,” replied another deacon. “I’m against it.”

The pastor asked, “Why don’t you think we need a chandelier, brother?” The deacon replied, “Well, in the first place nobody in the church can spell it. And in the second place, nobody in the church can play it. And in the third place, WHAT THIS CHURCH NEEDS, ABOVE ALL ELSE, IS MORE LIGHT!”

That church really needed a deacon with some more education and understanding. And perhaps it did need more light. More spiritual light. Some churches do and some don’t.

ILL.- My Hispanic preacher friend, Ruben Casas, from East Los Angeles, CA, wrote me about his church this past week. He told me that after the terrorism incident of Sept. 11th his church was full the next Sunday. I wrote back and asked, “How full is full? How many people attended your church?”

Here is what he wrote: “Before I was called to be the pastor, the church had 17 pastors in its history. All of them left the area for bigger and better churches. The neighborhood has never been attractive for the pastoral families to live in.

“When I came to the USA, I visited that church. I have been involved with this church since 1975 when I became a member. We had about 80 people in attendance on our Sunday morning service when I became the pastor. We had a lot of elderly people. Most of them died already. Only two of them are alive.

“We grew to about 200 and opened a church with a large group from our congregation. We grew again to about 180 and started another church again with a large group of members leaving us with just over 100 people. The story repeated itself and we became about 200 members and started a third church. The three churches we planted are doing fine.

“Our situation is very strange. Because of our location, the people we work with are recent immigrants. Most of them are extremely poor, unemployed or underpaid. We work with day laborers, persons who do not hold a steady job, and agricultural workers.

“I have baptized more than four hundred believers. Some of them went back to their countries. Some have gone to live in the suburbs. Nine have become ministers here in the US. Eight of them are doing missionary work in Mexico and in Central America. Right now, four of the members are in Bible


“At this time, the church is about 200 again. I do not want to start another church this time. I will try something new in 2002. We will go for a second Sunday morning service. Thus, we will be able to grow and keep the new members in our congregation, thus strengthening our finance situation.

“It will require preaching twice, but that is okay. I am tired of being just another chapel in the city. I believe God has given me a ministry which is to grow. The Lord has given me a vision for the future. I will work hard to share the vision with my people. I will ask them to catch the vision. And I well also train many of them to make the vision a reality.”

Brothers and sisters, it sounds like to me that Brother Ruben Casas has done a good job! He’s baptized over 400 people into Christ, their church is full and planning on growth! As I said, some churches have the light and some need more light.

ILL.- Another growing church is the Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY, which runs 14,000 to 16,000 almost every weekend in three services. The weekend after the terrorism of Sept. 11th their weekend attendance hit 22,089! THEY HAVE THE LIGHT AND APPARENTLY, ARE SPREADING IT QUITE WELL!

What about us? I was told that at one time our church ran over 300 in attendance. Where is everyone? What happened? A variety of things happened and we need to rebuild!

We can’t continue to cry over spilled milk! We must move forward! We must not make the same mistakes we did in the past! We must pick up the pieces and rebuild!

We must build the church as spiritually as possible and it will be even better in the future! With the Lord’s help, guidance, wisdom, and blessing, we can do it!

Romans 12:11 “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.”

I Cor. 15:58 “Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm (in the faith). Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”

We must give ourselves to the Lord’s work in every area as never before: teaching, witnessing, testifying, serving, praying, calling, contacting, sharing, and caring. We must support the church and serve anyway we can.

Someone once said, “If you want the church to go, go to church.” We certainly won’t rebuild and become spiritually strong if we are not faithful in our attendance.

We’ve got Sunday School, morning worship service, Sunday night Bible study, Youth Meetings, Tuesday morning study, and Wednesday night Bible studies. THE MORE OF THESE YOU ATTEND THE MORE THE CHURCH WILL REBUILD AND BECOME SPIRITUALLY STRONGER!

Occasionally, I hear talk of getting dropout people back into the church. I am not opposed to that. If we can do that; great! More power to you!

ILL.- When I attended the First Baptist Church of Webb City, MO, as a kid you couldn’t miss their attendance board. It wasn’t at the back of the church, it was at the front of the church! It was in plain sight so everyone in the church could see what the attendance was. BUT DO YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE WE COULD SEE?

There were two figures that always caught my attention. They were: BIBLES BROUGHT AND CONTACTS. Yes, they took a count of how many people actually brought their Bibles and how many contacts they made during the past week.

The people were encouraged and challenged to contact absentees during the week! AND WE SHOULD DO THE SAME! I’m talking about contacts in the form of phone calls, personal calls (knocking on the door calls), and note contacts. And today, we can also make e-mail contacts.

HOW MANY CONTACTS DID YOU MAKE LAST WEEK? What? You didn’t make any at all. Shame on you. Why not? Most of you talk on the phone plenty. Why not talk for Christ? Why not call some absentees and say, “We missed you. Is there a problem? Can I help you? I will be looking for you and praying for you.”

I want to challenge you to make contacts every week! EVERYONE OF YOU!

And as important as this is, it’s not enough! It is something that we must do, but by itself, it is not enough. It will not get the job done.

A church cannot grow numerically or spiritually by simply trying to maintain what they have. THE MAINTENANCE MODE WILL NOT GET THE JOB DONE! We must be in the outreach mode! The reaching out mode! The reaching out to new people mode! We must constantly be inviting new people to church! Witnessing to people we’ve never made contact with before!

If we will humble ourselves before God and reach out to people, the church will grow! It will grow both numerically and spiritually!


The terrorists have invaded America. We are hunkered down. We are fearful. We are wondering where they will attack next.

I Pet. 5:8 “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around....looking for someone to devour.”

The terrorists are enemies of America. They are enemies of all that is good and right and holy. WE MUST BE ALERT. But more importantly, America must be spiritually alert. And that’s the Christian’s job. It’s our job to pray and point people to the source of truth and to the truth who is Jesus! God must be our housebuider!

The terrorists are all around us. Sometimes they even invade the church. HUH? WHAT? Yes, there are those who would tear down the Lord’s work through negativeness, intimidation, and criticism.

ILL.- Poem

I saw them tearing a building down,

A gang of men in a busy town;

With a “ho-heave-ho” and a lusty yell,

They swung a beam and the side wall fell.

I asked the foreman, “Are these men skilled,

As the men you would hire if you had to build?”

He laughed and said, “No indeed:

Just common labor is all I need.

I can easily wreck in a day or two,

What builders have taken a year to do.”

Are you on the construction crew? Or the destruction crew?

Romans 14:19-20 “Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food.” We could well say, “Do not destroy the work of God for any reason.”

God put us here to build up, not destroy. Let’s commit ourselves to build a strong America and a spiritual church.