Summary: Entire sanctification means that I am willing to lay down my life for the brethren. Can God be any more pleased than when we have this attitude?

The Holiness Lifestyle: "Kindred Spirits for the Work of Christ"

Author: Dr. Neal Gray

Passage: Philippians 2:19-30

Purpose: Entire sanctification means that I am willing to lay down my life for the brethren. Can God be any more pleased than when we have this attitude?



One of my favorite movies of all time is one called, "Anne of Green Gables." The main character is a small girl who, through tragic circumstances, finds herself living in a foster home. The foster parents turn out to be a huge blessing to Anne, (that’s "Anne with an ’e’," if you please), but she still faced difficulties as she grew up.

She made a statement once about the need to have a like-minded companion; it is a statement that caught my attention. It was something like this:

"What I need is a really good friend--a bosom buddy. You know...a KINDRED SPIRIT with whom I can share my inmost soul."

We all need such a friend, don’t you think? In today’s message we find that Paul regarded at least two men in precisely the way the Anne longed for.


The Bible passage for today’s sermon is Philippians 2:19-30.


They All Seek Their Own Interests

Before we examine Timothy’s relationship with Paul, let’s consider THOSE WHOM HE WOULD NOT SEND. Paul writes, "For all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ’s," (2:21). Who do you think he was speaking of?

We already know that Paul recognized there were men preaching the gospel, but who preached "Christ of contention, not sincerely, " (1:16). They were seeking their own glory, and they were willing to belittle Paul.

==> When I hear a man of God being criticized, I recognize that somewhere there is strife--SOMEWHERE THERE IS JEALOUSY.

Paul says, "I can’t trust these men to come to you and be of genuine help."

I Trust Him

But Timothy was Paul’s spiritual son, having led him to the Lord. Timothy was a young man that was a third generation Christian. Both his mother and grandmother were Christians, so fast this gospel had spread!

And, although younger than Paul, there seemed to be no generation gap between the two men. The elder, a statesman and soldier for Christ; the younger, a willing apprentice, thoroughly dedicated.

And Paul trusted him. He knew that Timothy was a genuine spiritual leader because his interests were those of Christ Jesus.

Spiritual Leadership in the Church

Nothing is lacking so much in Christ’s Church as a deep and free trust in the motives of the pastoral leadership.

And really, who can blame the people of the church for their distrust. The Church has suffered so much because of spiritual leaders who were really not "spiritual" at all. So many pastors have their own interests at the center of their activities.

Oh, if only it would be that the pastor’s interests were those of Christ Jesus! I’m preaching a hard word here; I know that. But, I HAVE SEEN THE CHURCH BECOME STALE AND COMATOSE BECAUSE OF SELFISH PEOPLE placed in positions of spiritual leadership.

During my first year in seminary, I felt like things just weren’t going so well at my work and at the church I attended. I had not been recognized for my accomplishments. In a counseling session with a professor, I poured my selfish heart out, "Poor me," I basically said. Now, the professor said something to me that hurt, but he was right; he said, "Neal, sounds to me like you are awfully self-centered." Immediately I felt as though a sword had been thrust into my heart. It hurt. But he was right.

Those of us who are placed, or called, to leadership in the Lord’s Church-- and that includes not only the pastor, but Sunday School teachers, Children’s Church pastors, and the church officers--must pray often that God will continue to mold us by His love until our interests are those of Christ Jesus. Everyone else, please pray for us!

A Kindred Spirit

I love that phrase that Paul speaks about Timothy, "I have no [other] man like-minded, who will naturally care for [you]," (2:20). What high praise from the Apostle! Timothy was a Christian friend with a "kindred spirit."

I looked up the word "kindred" in the dictionary to see its full meaning. It said: "Having a similar or related origin, nature, character, or the like."

Timothy was, therefore, a man who was like Paul in nature and character. Knowing that Timothy would minister to the Philippians, Paul says, "I will soon send Timothy. He will care for you."


The Philippian Pastor

Next we look at Epaphroditus. What a neat name! Epaphroditus was the Philippian’s "messenger and minister," (2:25). I take it that he was their current pastor, (or at least one of them, cf. 1:1, "to the overseers").

A Distressed and Caring Man

Epaphroditus had traveled to Rome to see Paul, and to minister to his needs. But, evidently, in his travel he became sick.

Now, something humorous and wonderful occurs here. See if you can see the loving relationship between pastor and parish.

The Philippian church sent Epaphroditus to minister to Paul on their behalf. Then Epaphroditus became sick. The word got back to the church that he was sick. And then Epaphroditus "was full of heaviness, because that ye had heard that he had been sick," (2:26).

==> Here was a man that hurt, because the people who loved him were hurting, because he was sick! These are the types of relationships that we all need to have!!! Amen.

Receive Him in the Lord with All Joy

So, Epaphroditus had risked his life (cf. 2:30) for the purpose of ministering to another saint. Paul shows him great appreciation for what this preacher had done.

The Lord healed him, and Paul sent him back to Philippi to continue his ministry to the saints there, and to send back news about the apostle. The saints were to "receive him in the Lord with all gladness," (2:29).

Joy is nice!

Deficient in Your Service to Me

Take a look at verse 30 again, "he was nigh unto death, not regarding his life, to supply your lack of service toward me." There are two principles in this sentence that may escape your notice.

1. First, this Christian, Epaphroditus had risked his life in ministering to another Christian. Truly this is a high standard, to risk your life.

2. Second, notice the phrase, "to supply your lack of service toward me." The clearest evidence that you are serving the Lord is that you are actively serving--yes, serving--your Christian brothers and sisters. At first you serve like a soldier serves; later you serve out of love.

Paul saw this man as a soldier, a "fellow soldier," (2:25) for Christ.

Three Christian Soldiers

And now you can see, three kindred spirits laboring for the same interest.

I see this little man, Paul, chained to a Roman soldier. What is he doing? He’s witnessing about Christ, and rejoicing in the Lord. HE HAD THE INTEREST OF CHRIST JESUS.

I also see the young Timothy, walking about in that pagan city, Rome. You say you cannot live the Christian life in a godless society? Timothy did pretty well. He was a "kindred spirit" with the great Apostle. HE HAD THE INTEREST OF CHRIST JESUS.

And then I take a look at Epaphroditus, a faithful pastor from Philippi, which was a Roman colony. He served Christ and Christ’s servants without regard for his own life. HE, TOO, HAD THE INTEREST OF CHRIST JESUS.

==> Kindred spirits, fellow soldiers for Christ.


Symptoms of the Holiness Lifestyle

I see in these men one of THE SYMPTOMS OF THE SANCTIFIED LIFE, namely, they were willing to risk their lives for the brethren, having the interest of Christ Jesus in their hearts, minds, and lives.

Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. (1 John 3:16)

No ordinary man or woman can do this. It takes the grace of God to be this "set apart." To be willing to sacrifice oneself, this is entire sanctification.

How Do You Measure?

And then I look at me, and I have to say, "Stop making excuses for the things that you have been called upon to do for the Lord, that you have not been doing!"

Are you making excuses, too? Your life is not in danger of death; about the most you have to lose is the chain that keeps you tied to your own selfish interests.

These three men could have the interest of Christ Jesus in the midst of certain persecution. Surely, I can see to Christ’s interests in my life in the twenty-first century where I am free to proclaim Him.

Kindred Spirits

My dear church, though I do not measure up to the Apostle Paul, I know that my heart, my mind, and my life are in love with Jesus. I desire so much for His Church to have a good reputation, to be effective, to accomplish His mission, and to be pleasing to Him.




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| Practical Holiness Ministry (r) |



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| Dr. Neal Gray is Pastor of the Baltimore |

| Parkville Church of the Nazarene. |

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| 2 Pet. 3:18 - 2 Tim. 2:2 - Matt. 20:26-28|


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