Summary: This sermon proclaims the good news that salvaion is not something we earn by adhearance to legalistic obedience to the law, but it is freely received by the work of Jesus Christ.

The Supremacy of Christ is Defended Against

Religious Legalism

Colossians 2:11-17

October 14, 2001


A. Last week, Bob Russell of Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY began a series of sermons on the book of Colossians with these words…

"Sometimes I look over this audience and wonder how many really understand what it means to be a Christian.

Are we here because we get a good feeling or it’s the in place to be, or we want to keep our family happy, or we like playing ball?

Or are we here because we are genuinely committed to following Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior?

B. Do we really understand Christianity? Do we really understand salvation?

1. Today, I’m here to say that there are many in Christendom who do not understand.

2. There are many who think that Christianity is a list of do’s and don’ts.

3. There are too many who enforce their list of do’s and don’ts on other people.

4. But, my friends I am here today to say that Jesus Christ is superior over this dreaded spiritual disease called legalism.

5. Legalism is nothing more than a slow death that will lead even those who profess to believe in Jesus straight to hell.

6. Keeping your list of don’s and don’ts will never save you.

7. That’s what every other religion on the face of the earth teaches: earn your salvation.

8. Only Jesus Christ says, "Here’s your salvation, take it, its free."

9. But, unfortunately, too many of those even in Christendom prefer legalism to Jesus.

C. ["Real" Truth, Citation: A. W. Tozer in Power for Living (Oct. 16, 1977). Christianity Today, Vol. 33, no. 13.

There is today an evangelical rationalism which says that the truth is in the Word and if you want to know truth, go learn the Word.

If you get the Word, you have the truth.

That is the evangelical rationalism that we have in fundamentalist circles: "If you learn the text you’ve got the truth."

This evangelical rationalist wears our uniform.

He comes in wearing our uniform and says what the Pharisees ... said: "Well, truth is truth and if you believe the truth you’ve got it."

Such see no beyond and no mystic depth, no mysterious or divine.

They see only, "I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ His only Son, our Lord."

They have the text and the code and the creed, and to them that is the truth.

So they pass it on to others.

The result is we are dying spiritually.

To know the Truth, we must "know" the Son.

D. [Legalistic Strait Jacket, Citation: Richard J. Foster in "TSF Bulletin," Nov.-Dec. 1982. Leadership, Vol. 4, no. 2.]

Nothing can choke the heart and soul out of walking with God like legalism.

Rigidity is the most certain sign that the Disciplines have spoiled.

The disciplined person is the person who can live appropriately in life.

Consider the story of Hans the tailor.

Because of his reputation, an influential entrepreneur visiting the city ordered a tailor-made suit.

But when he came to pick up his suit, the customer found that one sleeve twisted that way and the other this way; one shoulder bulged out and the other caved in.

He pulled and struggled and finally, wrenched and contorted, he managed to make his body fit.

As he returned home on the bus, another passenger noticed his odd appearance and asked if Hans the tailor had made the suit.

Receiving an affirmative reply, the man remarked, "Amazing! I knew that Hans was a good tailor, but I had no idea he could make a suit fit so perfectly someone as deformed as you."

Often that is just what we do in the church.

We get some idea of what the Christian faith should look like: then we push and shove people into the most grotesque configurations until they fit wonderfully!

That is death.

It is a wooden legalism which destroys the soul.

1. My friends there is a much better way and His name is Jesus Christ!

2. Let’s look at how Paul dealt with the disease of legalism in Colossians 2:11-17.

I. Christ has done the real circumcision.

Colossians 2:11, In him you were also circumcised, in the putting off of the sinful nature, not with a circumcision done by the hands of men but with the circumcision done by Christ,

A. Let me quickly explain what Paul is talking about here…

1. As you may know, circumcision is the cutting off some extra flesh from males.

2. God actually instituted this in the OT as part of His covenant with His people.

3. God told His people to cut off this flesh as a sign of their covenant with Him.

4. However, in the NT, this is no longer necessary.

5. Circumcision around the flesh is no longer a sign of a believer.

6. Fleshly circumcision means nothing to people now days.

7. Fleshly circumcision is done for reasons of cleanliness or simply because it is a family tradition, no one does it to prove they belong to Jesus.

8. However, the circumcision that Jesus does today is a spiritual circumcision of the heart.

9. Jesus spiritually circumcises the flesh from our hearts to signify that we belong to Him.

10. When Jesus does this circumcision of the heart, He is cutting away the desires of the heart for the things of this world.

11. Christ is circumcising our fleshly nature that longs for the immediate gratification that the things of this world offer.

12. But Christ’s circumcision prepares us to look ahead to the eternal rewards of heaven.

B. Paul is telling the Colossians that they can circumcise their males all they want to, but that doesn’t mean that they have given their hearts to God.

1. And if they hadn’t given their hearts to Christ, neither circumcision, nor any other religious regulation was going to save them.

2. Knowing and even obeying all of the laws in the OT can never save, only Jesus Christ can save!

3. Circumcision cannot save.

4. Keeping the 10 commandments cannot save.

5. The only thing that can save is to have our hearts circumcised by Christ!

II. Christ has raised us up from death.

Colossians 2:12, having been buried with him in baptism and raised with him through your faith in the power of God, who raised him from the dead.

A. Paul says we have been buried with Christ in baptism.

1. When we are immersed in the waters of baptism, we are being buried.

2. It is a picture of the death of our old self.

3. We are burying our own wants and desires.

4. We are burying our ways of doing things.

5. We are burying our old self and we are raised from the waters of baptism to new life in Jesus Christ.

B. We have a very difficult time with the word death.

1. We have a fear of death.

2. To even talk about a spiritual death scares people.

3. Why is that? Simple: its the fear of the unknown.

4. We fear physical death because we don’t know much about the next life.

5. We fear spiritual death because we don’t know much about spiritual life.

6. We are afraid that dying to the pleasures of this world will be a very difficult life.

7. We don’t know much about living a spiritually pure life, so we even fear a spiritual death.

8. And the sad thing is that far too many people think they spiritually died and they are still living in the flesh, even though they profess to be believers in Christ.

9. Last week, John Relyea, our missionary to Papua New Guinea, spoke about his college-age daughter, Heather, who is having a difficult time adjusting to the many of her classmates who have "unsaved eyes."

10. And she is exactly right!

11. Very often you can look in someone’s eyes, you can listen to the words that come of their mouths, you can watch the way they do things and tell whether they are saved.

12. And far to many people say and think they are saved, but they really do have "unsaved eyes."

13. They have never crucified and buried their old self and it is evident in their life.

14. Because those who have never died, are not really alive.

III. Christ has made us truly alive.

Colossians 2:13, When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins,

A. The only ones who are really alive are those who have been made alive in Christ.

1. People can say they are alive all they want to, but they doesn’t mean they really are.

2. But if you are still living to try to gratify the fleshly nature you are as dead as dead can be.

3. If you are having sex outside of God’s parameters of a married man and a woman, why are you doing that? Answer: you are gratifying your own fleshly desires.

4. If you are negative and critical, why are you that way? Answer: Because you are gratifying your own fleshly desires.

5. If you are gossiping, why are you doing that? Answer: Because you are gratifying your own fleshly nature.

6. If your life feels like a never ending list of burdens, you are still trying to gratify your old fleshly nature—whether you think your saved or not!

B. When God makes us truly alive, we are truly alive!

1. We can face tomorrow’s struggles because we know that God can handle anything that comes our way!

2. We can give up things of this world like illicit sex and drugs because we know that even though they seem to make us feel better for a while, they were really killing us!

3. We can truly relax and enjoy the sunrise, because we are secure in Christ!

IV. Christ has canceled the written code.

Colossians 2:14, having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross.

A. Now Paul says that Christ has canceled the written code.

1. The written code is the written code of the OT.

2. Paul says Christ has canceled the written code.

3. Paul says Christ has canceled the regulations of the written code.

4. Paul says the written code was against us.

5. Paul says the written code stood opposed to us.

6. Paul says Christ took away the written code.

7. Paul says Christ nailed the written code to the cross.

B. Do you understand what that means?

1. That means that we are no longer tied to a list of do’s and don’ts!

2. Paul was telling the Colossians that fleshly circumcision (which was a major thing in the written code) has now been canceled and nailed to the cross.

3. But it wasn’t just circumcision, it was all of the written code.

4. The old written code is not what saves—in fact it opposed us from getting to God!

5. Do you see that adhering to a list of do’s and don’ts doesn’t saves us, it actually leads us away from God!

6. Insisting people live by the letter of the law is death!

7. Insisting people live by the letter of the law drives people away from God.

8. Insisting people live by the letter of the law has destroyed more churches in the last hundred years than anything else!

C. Religious legalism has destroyed more churches and hear this: God is going to destroy churches that refuse to let go of legalism in the future!

1. God is in the process of cleansing the church worldwide.

2. John Relyea corroborated this from his perspective of the other side of the world last week.

3. God is in the process of asking people in many churches to come to Jesus and let go of religious legalism.

4. God is in the process of asking people to come to Jesus and quit trying to live by the letter of the law.

5. God is in the process of asking people to come to Jesus and quit trying to force other people to live by the letter of the law.

6. God is in the process of asking people to come to Jesus and find real life!

7. And those who refuse, He is removing!

8. I’ve seen it all around here and John Relyea tells me he’s seeing all around him.

9. Why is God doing this, because adhering to a list of do’s and don’ts can not save—only Jesus can save!

10. Christ has canceled the written code, nailing it to the cross!

V. Christ has triumphed over the powers and authorities.

Colossians 2:15, And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.

A. My friends Christianity is not spelled D O; its spelled D O N E!!

1. Don’t let anyone tell you that you have to live your life by a certain set of rules and regulations in order to be saved.

2. You can’t earn your way to heaven.

3. You can never do enough to save yourself.

4. The work of salvation is FINISHED!

5. Christ did not say, "It is finished—except for the work the people must do themselves to earn their own salvation."

6. No, Jesus’ last words on the cross were, "IT IS FINISHED."

7. Christianity is not spelled "D O"; its spelled "D O N E!"

B. People may try set themselves up in positions of power and authority, but Christ has triumphed over them!

1. Don’t let anyone put you under the bondage of living by the letter of the law.

2. Don’t let anyone put you under the bondage of living by their list of do’s and don’ts.

3. Don’t let anyone put you under the bondage of religious legalism because Christ has triumphed over all power and authority.

4. Christ made a public spectacle of those kinds of people on the cross.

5. Christ has triumphed over powers and authorities.

VI. Christ has given us reason to celebrate.

Colossians 2:16, Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day.

A. My friends the supremacy of Christ over the bondage of living in slavery to works is a reason to celebrate!

B. Now you may be wondering how I got that out of this verse…

1. Paul says that because we are no longer under the bondage of the written code, we don’t have to worry about what we can and cannot eat or drink.

2. Paul says that because we are no longer under the bondage of the written code, we are no longer told to worship God using strict interpretations of religious rules and regulations.

3. Paul says that because we are no longer under the bondage of the written code, we don’t even have to observe the strict rules of the Sabbath.

C. Do you see that living under the letter of the written law is depressing and miserable and living in Christ is love, joy, peace, and happiness!

1. We have been freed from the negative, critical, depressing life of trying to do enough good deeds to make God happy.

2. We have been freed from the negative, critical, depressing life of trying not to offend God by doing something wrong!

3. The NT tells us that God loves even while we are still sinners!

4. God doesn’t love us more if we do a good deed!

5. God doesn’t love us less if we do something wrong!

6. We are secure in Christ because God will never love us more or less than He did when He sent His Son to die on the cross for our sins and that is a reason to celebrate!

7. We don’t have to live by all the legalities of the written code and that is a reason to celebrate!

8. God loves you just as you are—the good, the bad, and the ugly and that’s a reason to celebrate!

9. You don’t have to do anything to try to make yourself acceptable to God and that’s a reason to celebrate!

10. Other people may think we need to live up their expectations, but God loves us just as we are and that is a reason to celebrate!

11. Other people may think that we should be doing or not doing certain things in order to be a Christian, but the only One whose opinion really matters has said that He loves us just as we are and that is a reason to celebrate!

12. Christ has given us reason to celebrate!

VII. Christ has brought reality.

Colossians 2:17, These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.

A. Paul says the written code was only a shadow of Christ.

1. In other words the written code was simply to show us the character of Christ and what it would take to earn our own salvation.

2. The written code was simply to teach us who Christ is and how much we need Him.

3. The written code was simply to teach us the fallacy of trying to do enough good deeds to out weigh the bad things we have done.

4. The written code was simply to teach us the fallacy of trying to do enough good deeds to save us.

5. The written code was simply to teach us that none of us are good people.

6. The written code was simply to teach us that all of us are bad people.

7. The written code was simply to teach us that there is nothing that we can do or not do to earn our salvation.

8. The written code was simply a shadow of the reality that is in Christ.

B. The sad thing is that too many people never learn this lesson.

1. The sad thing is that too many people are still trying to earn their salvation—even many who profess to be believers.

2. One time I was away from home for a long time.

When I was finally able to fly home, Jill was at the airport to pick me up.

As I walked off the jet way, I saw Jill coming towards me with the sun shining brightly behind her.

As she got closer to me, she began running and extending her arms towards me.

I prepared myself to receive her, but much to my surprise, she ran right past me.

She threw herself down on the floor and began kissing and hugging my shadow.

3. Now Jill would obviously be out of her mind to do something like that, but sadly there are many who do exactly that when it comes to Christ!

4. They run right past Christ and throw themselves down on the ground and start embracing the do’s and don’ts of the written code.

5. They’d rather have the shadow than the reality.

6. What we really ought to do is throw ourselves into Jesus’ arms and tell Him how grateful we are for His love; how grateful we are for His forgiveness; how thankful we are that He loves us even though we don’t get all the do’s and don’ts right.

C. Now let me see if I can make some sense of this and something I said earlier…

1. I said earlier that if we are saved we won’t have sex outside of heterosexual marriage.

2. I said earlier that if we are saved we won’t be negative and critical.

3. I said earlier that if we are saved we won’t gossip.

4. Now listen carefully: we don’t do good deeds in order to be saved; we do good deeds because we are saved.

5. Now don’t let that slip past you and say its just semantics.

6. This is not semantics is eternally important!

7. If we are trying to earn our salvation, we can never be saved!

8. After we are saved, we do what is right because we are living our lives for Christ.

9. Trying to be a good person won’t save us, it will kill us!

10. But after we are saved, we do good deeds because Christ is living in us.

11. We don’t do good deeds to be saved, we do good deeds because we are saved.

12. If you are trying to do good deeds in order to earn something or try to make up for something, you aren’t saved!

13. After you are saved, you need to let Christ live in you and you won’t sin anymore.

14. If you LET Christ live in you, you won’t continue to sin!

15. Religious activity won’t save—Christ is the reality; only Christ can save!

16. Keeping the Ten Commandments won’t save you—only Christ can save!

17. Going to church won’t save you—only Christ can save!

18. When we are saved we will do good deeds, because Christ lives in us.

19. When we are saved we will keep the commands of Christ because He lives in us.

20. When we are saved, we will go to church because Christ lives in us.


A. Being a good person and keeping religious rules won’t save us!

1. Christ has done the real circumcision. Christ has raised us from death.

2. Christ has made us truly alive. Christ has taken away the written code.

3. Christ has triumphed over the powers and authorities.

4. Christ has given us reason to celebrate. Christ has brought reality.

B. [Good Won’t Get You There, Feda H. Babinski, via Donald Husk]

I’m standing there in front of gates like none I’ve ever found

They shine like golden ribbons as they glide across the ground

I see the stairs that never end how brilliantly they glow

I start to climb and realize there’s nothing down below

Then suddenly the two appear yes they must be my guide

They didn’t speak or show their face while they were by my side

We reached the top and I was placed in line with everyone

The two so quickly disappeared I guess their job was done

Such purity was all around so it just had to be

The day that would determine where I’d spend eternity

The line moved very slowly but since I’d been good and kind

I knew where I was going so I really didn’t mind

I watched so many walk away with wings as white as snow

The others were escorted out to where? I didn’t know

My turn had come to face the Lord but much to my surprise

I didn’t feel so confident when I looked in his eyes

I felt His power all around and nothing was the same

He opened up this golden book and asked me for my name

He said, "Where your name should appear there’s just a vacancy"

I said, But God I’ve been so good please look again for me"

God closed the book and tiny angels wiped his tears away

He said, "I hope you’ll understand what I’m about to say

Do you recall that poor old man who asked you for a dime?

You hurried passed and said to him that you did not have time

There also was a little child who wanted you to play

Again you didn’t have the time and pushed the child away

In line while at the grocery store she tried to hurry so

You grumbled as you passed her by because she moved too slow

You see, I came so many times but you turned me away

So now I don’t know who you are I’m sad for you today

If I’m not living in your heart you can’t be free from sin

So being good is not enough you must be Born Again"

The two appeared just like before they stood close by my side

This time I saw their faces and became so terrified

Through tears I was escorted to my final destiny

I had no one to blame at all except for one, just me

Then suddenly a ringing sound completely filled my head

I opened up my eyes and found that I was still in bed

Through sweat and tears I realized how real our dreams could be

And then I wondered just how long that God would wait for me

That night I gave my heart away I’m Born Again through prayer

God proved to me with so much love that "Good Won’t Get You There"

C. How do you need to respond to Christ today?

1. Jesus Christ is superior to religious legalism.

2. What’s on your list?

a. What are the things that you think make you a good person?

b. What are the things that you do or don’t do that you think are going to get you into heaven?

c. What is it that you do and don’t do that you think are going to make you good enough to get into heaven?

d. What’s on your list? Write ‘em down on a piece of paper and then give it to Jesus!

e. You need to give your list to Jesus today!

f. Because my friend you are a bad person! You don’t deserve to go to heaven!

g. There is nothing you’re ever going to do that is going to make you "good enough" to get into heaven.

h. If you have a hard time hearing that you’re a bad person, you need Jesus.

i. You need to once and for all make Jesus the Lord of your life.

j. I don’t care whether you thought you were saved before or not, you need to get salvation right!

k. You need to accept the fact that Jesus loves you just as you are—even though you’re a bad person!

l. You don’t need to do anything to get Jesus to love you!

m. He already loves you so much that He died for you—even before you ever thought about doing something good.

n. What’s on your list?

o. Whatever it is, I invite you to step forward and let me help you give it to Jesus.

3. Or perhaps you need to place your membership in this church and start getting serious about not just knowing about Jesus, but truly knowing Jesus.

4. Whatever response you need to make, I want to encourage you to make it as we stand and sing, # 62"Just As I Am."