Summary: In this time of crisis our nation and our churches need revival from God

The Beginnings of Revival

2 Chronicles 7:14

October 2001


What does America need most right now?

Some would say that we need peace the most

Some would say that we need security the most

Some would say that we need justice the most

Some would say that we need victory the most

On October 11th I believe that I saw what we need most in our nation. This date was a day of remembrance for those who lost their lives in the terrorist attacks. I watched as crews at ground zero in Manhattan stopped digging and clearing rubble for a moment of silent prayer. I was moved as I watched a service of remembrance at the Pentagon. Before President Bush addressed the crowds, a military choir sang the Battle Hymn of the Republic and it was incredible. The song stirred the hearts of all who heard it and even the President was choked up about it. The final chorus of that great hymn says: “Glory, glory halleluia. Glory, glory halleluia. Our God is marching on!”

What we need most in this great nation right now is for God to move. We need God to come and manifest His power, His grace and His forgiveness. What we need is revival. Not in part of the nation, not in some of the nation, not in most of the nation but in all of this great nation.

Revival is the extraordinary work of god among His people causing extraordinary results in and through the church – Promise Keepers

Revival is a process that God uses to change the world. Revival is God’s way of bringing His people back to him. Revival is not just for those who are lost but it is also for the faithful who have lost the fire of their faith. Revival is for those who need a fresh anointing from God. In reality revival, real revival is for every single person on earth.

Phases of Revival

Phase 1: God is on a mission to redeem a lost world. He calls His people into relationship with Himself, and he accomplishes His work through them.

Phase 2: God’s people depart from Him, turning to substitutes for his presence, purpose and ways.

Phase 3: God disciplines His people out of His love for them that they would return to Him

Phase 4: God’s people cry out to Him for help

Phase 5: God calls His people to repent and return to Him or perish

Phase 6: God revives His repentant people by restoring them to a right relationship with Himself

Phase 7: God exalts His Son Jesus in His people and draws the lost to a saving faith in Him

Let’s look at God’s prescription for revival



I. Revival Begins with a Personal Call

A. A call from God

1. Revival begins with a call from God

a.) God call for people to return to Him

b.) God calls for people to recommit to Him

c.) God calls for people to remember Him

2. The message of god is very clear

a.) Revival is an act of God, not us. We do not bring revival. We do not create revival. We can only respond when God calls

b.) Revival can only begin when you respond. The voice of an eternal, Almighty God is calling your name. The same voice that called to Moses from a burning bush is calling out to you. The same voice that called Samuel in the tabernacle is calling out to you. The same voice that called Lazarus back from the grave is calling out to you. God is calling, will you respond?

B. A call for a special people

1. God’s people are special

a.) We hold an eternal inheritance

b.) We are children of god Almighty

c.) We are separated for holiness

2. God knows you are special

a.) God created you - You are the workmanship of God

b.) God knows you completely

3. God has a plan for your life

a.) God has a personal call for you to answer

b.) God has a purpose for you to fulfill

C. A call of conditions

1. God gives conditions for revival

Since it is God who brings revival to us, He also sets the conditions for revival. His primary and only condition is for us to respond to His call on our lives. God never forces His will on any person. He allows us to have the final choice.

2. God will bless those who pursue Him

God is searching for people He can pour His blessing on. Following God is a choice and not everyone will follow God when He calls. God has promised to pour His blessing on those who are committed to Him

II. Revival Blossoms with a Private Conviction

A. Conviction that leads to brokenness

1. The point of brokenness

When God brings conviction into our lives, we must respond. Brokenness opens us for new life and new power because it is only when we humble ourselves before God that He can fully work in our lives. Brokenness is the door to divine blessings

2. The Perspective of brokenness

Brokenness requires an attitude of humility for God to work. If we are to see God bring blessings, we must surrender everything to Him. All of our past. All of our present and all of our future. When we give everything to God then there is no area of our life that He cannot bless

B. Conviction that leads to prayer

1. The purpose of prayer

Prayer is bringing yourself into the very presence of God. It can be done from anywhere but the destination is the same, the throne room of God Almighty. Prayer is the means that we have access to the resources of heaven. Prayer gives us the opportunity to show God our love for Him, confess our sins to Him, thank Him for all of the blessings He has given to us and request assistance from him

2. The power of prayer

Prayer allows you to make an impact on the world around you. We have all heard the saying: Prayer changes things. Prayer makes an impact in your life, an impact on the lives of those you are praying for and an impact on the life of the church. Prayer actually changes people.

C. Conviction that leads to seeking

1. The person being sought

We have been called to seek God. Not just casually look for but to intensely seek Him with all your heart

2. The potential of seeking

When we actively seek God, it allows us to reach the divine potential God has instilled within us. Seeking God will help you to spiritually grow. Seeking God will bring a new freshness to your spiritual walk. Seeking God will bring His blessing to your life

D. Conviction that leads to turning

1. The priority of turning from sin

Every person has sinned and fallen short of the God’s glory. All of us have the exact same problem. Our sin keeps us separated from a right relationship with a loving God. Sin disrupts His flow of power, provision and blessing into our daily living.

2. The providence to turn to God

God has given you all that you need for salvation. You need to understand that God loves you completely and without condition. If you want to truly experience revival, you need to allow God’ grace to infuse every area of your life.

III. Revival Blesses with a Promise Communicated

A. God communicates a promise of hearing

1. God promises to listen to your prayers

Think of it like this, the God of all the universe see your needs and prayers as important. Literally, if it matters to you it matters to God. God is always on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year.

2. God promises to meet your needs

God has more than enough resources to take care of you and to meet every single need in your life. God has more than enough power to combat your difficulties. God has more than enough grace to empower your life. God has more than enough love to fill the deepest voids of your life. God wants to meet you where you are and meet your needs

B. God communicates a Promise of hope

1. God will grant forgiveness

God has provided for the greatest need in your life; the forgiveness of your sin. His is waiting for you to ask for His help in all of the other areas of your life. There is no limit to what God can do through you. Allow his forgiveness and power to flow into your life.

2. God will give you His grace

God has never withheld His grace from anyone who genuinely seeks His forgiveness. No one is too far gone for God to reach. No need is too great for God to meet. No void too great for God to fill.

C. God communicates a promise of healing

1. God will refresh the weary

God wants to relieve the spiritual dryness in your life with a fresh outpouring of His Spirit. God will bring healing to the pain of your past. God will offer strength for today and blessed hope for tomorrow.

2. God will renew the weak

God will move to renew the strength to your spiritual walk. God will move to renew the power to your daily life. God will move to renew the enthusiasm to your faith. God will move to renew the passion to your service.

3. God will restore the wandering

God seeks those who are lost. God searches for hearts that He can bless. God supplies direction for lives clouded with confusion. God supports those who lean on Him.


If all the sleeping folk will wake up, If all the lukewarm folk will fire up, If all the dishonest folk will confess up, If all the disgruntled folk will cheer up, If all the depressed folk will cheer up, If all the estranged folk will make up, If all the gossipers will shut up, If all true soldiers will stand up, If all the dry bones will shake up, If all the church members will pray up... Then we can have a revival!

-- R.G. Lee

Are you ready for revival?