Summary: Confusion keeps many people from the Abundant Life, we need to figure out Who doew What and When and we’re there!

The Abundant Life of Jesus

Part II - The Greatest Life


Well, if you were living on "Depression Avenue," have you

moved; have you moved to the "Abundant Acres of Jesus." John

10:10 invites all to come, the place is paid for, come on and see,

what the Lord can do.

A friend once lived in Atlanta doing intern work for a Church.

He had to pass a Church every day and it had one of thos Church

signs that usually contained a message. One day, he noticed, no

message, but a prayer request. It read, "Pray for Pastor Richard-

son." This went on for quite a while, until one day he had to laugh.

Because the permanent message on the sign read, "God is Good."

But, that day, the other message read, "Pastor Richardson is


What is the greatest life? If you could choose another life,

the greatest kind of life to live, what would it be? Would you

choose riches? Would you choose fame? Would you choose

adventure? Would you choose to be a great athlete? Well, Jesus

tops them all. HIS abundant life is greater IN EVERY CATEGO-

RY than anything else.

You ever watch those "infomercials?" I do. I’m fascinated

by them. If you watch close, you’ll notice that they are not really

selling money. They’re selling what MONEY CAN BUY.

We really don’t want more money! I mean, who wants stacks

of lousy pictures of dead presidents? And they’re green! Of course,

they’re green, they’re all DEAD! We don’t really want money, we

want what money CAN GET US. We really want feelings like:

Love, joy, peace, freedom, self-control and the like. And $50,000 a

month seems like a good way to get it, depending on who’se

program you believe.

Jesus said, in John 10:10, " . . . I have come (remember how

He came) that you might have LIFE, and this life MORE

ABUNDANTLY." This is the greatest life because it offers what

the world is really seeking.

Luke 5:1-11 and Gal. 5:22-23 describes this life in more

detail, and we don’t have to pay three easy monthly installments of

$125. We merely need to believe His promise and do what He said

to do.

I know, for me, I began getting these ends without those TV

means. I began getting my nets full, and my boat sinking from

Jesus Himself. Love, Jesus came to me with amazing love. There

I was, a rebel, stiff-necked, arms folded, and my back to Jesus (you

know, we are not poor little puppies, beaten down by life, abused

children of sin, we are REBELS). I remember a time when I was

all of this and more, I didn’t seek Him, He sought me. He came to

me, the rebel, and pulled me to Himself. I was not eager, but He

was persistent.

But, He didn’t just love me. It wasn’t, "Oh well, I guess I’ve

gotta love Gary Waguespack." He did it with JOY! With a smile

and a chuckle, gladness in His countenance, He drew me to Him-


And, He shared a great PEACE with me. He took me to the

end of my life and showed me my security. My name was written

in His blood, in the Lamb’s Book of Life. I know, I’m going to

make it to the end. His blood cleanses A l l sin. And, boy, was

He patienct with me. And KIND? Why should He bless me so,

after my stubborn self-will. GENTLENESS, was always His man-

ner, I deserved a good swift kick, many times, but it wasn’t

harshness that greeted me, it was always gentleness. And, so on

through the fruit of the Spirit. Jesus fills our nets all by Himself.

But, he goes beyond this. His life, is MORE abundant. He

allows us to get blessed everywhere we go, by everyone we meet.

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, add to the blessings. Family and

Friends also squeeze more good feelings in. And, indeed, our

lives are overwelmed, NOT BY THE WORLD, but by the Lord

and His Blessings!

Well, if we’re not living this, why not? There are reasons,

and they all flow out of Mat. 7:24. "He that heareth these words

of mine, and doeth them, is like a wise builder, who built his house

on a ROCK."

Wisdom is practical knowledge. It’s knowing how to make

life work. You know when you shake something to get it to work,

or your computer isn’t cooperating, so you turn it on, and turn it

off, turn it on, and turn it off, until it works. Well God designed

our lives to work in a certain way.


POSSIBLE! You’ve probably heard, "Knowledge is Power."

But, that’s not quite true. Knowledge ALONE is not power,

it must also be accompanied by DOING. Did your mother or

someone ever say, "If you’re so smart, why aren’t you rich."

Well, there’s a reason, because we never put action with our

"smarts." Jesus understood, it was hearing (knowledge) and

doing )action that makes life work the way it should

I seem to remember as story about Henry Ford. He had

a problem with one of his factories; it was a major shutdown and

all his experts couldn’t fix it. He called a friend, a genius in this

field, also a millionaire in his own right. He asked for help and

the guy came. He tinkered for about a half an hour and then pushed

a lever and: Wooosh! It worked. A week or so later, Henry Ford

got a bill and it was for TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS.

He was upset and called the guy and complaine. "10,000

dollars for a half hour of tinkering?! This is outrageous!" Henry

said. The man said he would send another bill. This one read,

"For 1/2 hour of tinkering, $5. For knowing where to tinker,

$9,995." Knowledge, APPLIED, is power. And the better the

knowledge, the more the power.

When it comes to the Abundant Life of Jesus, there are

5 (?) areas of hearing and doing that we need to understand to fully

release and begin to live the Greatest Life.

1. We need to hear, know and understand, that the Abundant Life

of Jesus is real and meant for everyone, that we all CAN DO John

10:10. There are 4 reasons why we can. See Sermon 1.

2. We need to hear, know and understand, who does what, when.

3. We need to hear, know and understand, what really motivates

us to do anything: Joy and Sorrow!

4. We need to hear, know and understand, how we work. The Lord

has given us gifts, powers that can change anything we want to

change: In the Creation it was "Having Dominion, but, sin

damaged this capacity, but didn’t completely destroy it, especially

for Redeemed persons, 2 Cor. 5:17, we are new creations!

5. We need to hear, know and understand, how to change things

we don’t like into things we do like, that we can take true control

of our lives.

6. We need to hear, know and understand, how to break up the

sabotaging patterns of fear, procrastination, rejection, confusion,

and depression.

The Bible is full of information, directions on how to be

happy, successful, prosperous, take control, etc. but we don’t do

what the Bible says, therefore we don’t get what the Bible offers.

The first reason we don’t is that many of us are confused over

1. Who does What, and When. Many of us are "waiting on the

Lord" to do things, the Lord is waiting on US TO DO! Another

way of saying the same thing is Nobody is going to life your life

for you.

Many of us seem to have the MISTAKEN idea that the Lord

is like a drug or alcohol. He kind of, overwelmes us with good

feelings so that we can’t help ourselves, but to do wonderful things

and feel a wonderful way.

In this state, we are not ourselves, but mystically blended with

Jesus. Then, this wears off and we struggle with sin, waiting on the

Lord for another "fix" so that we can be blended with Him, not our-

selves and do wonderful things.

That’s not the Bible. Jesus didn’t live anyone’s life FOR

THEM. Take Peter in Luke 5. Jesus gave directions, but Jesus

didn’t push the boat our, nor did he throw the net, nor did He

pull the nets in. Had Peter "waited on the Lord" the way many

of us do, he’d have caught NOTHING.

We’ve got a radically unbiblical notion of WAITING ON THE

LORD, from a MISREADING of Isaiah 40:31. "He that waits on

the Lord will renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings

like eagles . . . ." So, we wait, and the Lord waits, and nothing


That passage comes from the science of birds. Apparently, a

young eagle sometimes needed help to learn to fly high. I mean,

"Buddy" Eagle, would jump out of the nest and fly a bit, but he’d

fly low. It was just easier, higher air is less dense and more difficult

to maneuver, so "Buddy" eagle would simple do the easier thing.

But, mother wanted little, "Buddy" eagle to be an eagle which

means to fly HIGH! So, she would swoop down directly beneath

the little eagle, lifting him in a gliding pattern, then letting him go.

She would help him "rest," so that he’d be able to ascend with

her. Over and over she would do this, until he’d be flying high, like

he was created to do. This was a very active form of resting.

But, we wait, Peter could have sat and waited. "I’m waiting

on the Lord." He could have said, sounding wonderfully

"Spiritual." And, the Lord might have said, "But, I AM the Lord,

and I’m telling you to push the boat out, cast the nets." Peter

could have replied, "No, I don’t want to ’get in the way,’ of whatever

the Lord might be doing here, I’ll just wait, He’ll sovereignly move

the boat, make the fish jump in the boats, and everything, I’ll just

wait." "But, I am the Lord," Jesus might have replied. "Push the

boat out, cast the nets!!!" "You mean you want me to D O

something?!" Peter might have responded. "YES!" Jesus might

have said, to US!

Confusion over Who does what has stopped many Christians

before they get started, they never even get up to "bat," much less

get to first base.

"When" is the other part of this. When do we "do" what the

Lord is saying? Now! See, I must do it, I can do it, and I must

start NOW! The Lord provides the directions and the power and

we do the rest.

Let me illustrate my wife & I have a "Luke 6:38 testimony."

Some years ago we had a desparate financial situation. We prayed

and the Lord told us what to do (and it wasn’t "wait"). He told us

first to Increase our regular offerring. And second, for one month

do not spend any of our salary on food, to trust Him to provide and

spend the money on our bills. We did, and He did. We increased

our offerring an food started showing up from near and far and

without us telling anyone our need.

1. Who does What, When? We do, whatever God says, NOW!