Summary: Hope. We cannot live adequately without it. Dr. Emil Brunner said,"What oxygen is for the living, such is hope for the meaning of human life." Learn more about "Our Blessed Hope", in this weeks message.



Malcolm Muggeridge was a very famous and highly respected British journalist who for many years was an ardent atheist.His opinions and thoughts were coveted by American publishers and he occasionally wrote the editorial page for Time magazine.Toward the end of his illustrious career as the Dean of British broadcasters, he became a Christian.

Several years ago he was a guest at a breakfast in Washington, D.C. where he shared his life story.When he had finished his testimony, he made a number of

comments about world affairs, all of which were

very pessimistic. One of the those present asked, “Dr. Muggeridge, you have been very pessimistic. Don’t you have any reason for optimism?” He replied, “I could not be more optimistic than I am, because my hope is in Jesus Christ alone.”

He allowed that remark to settle in for a few seconds, and then he added,“Just think if the apostolic church had pinned its hopes on the Roman Empire!”(Halverson/ The Living Body)

Hope. We cannot live adequately without it. The late German philosopher, Immanuel Kant, said that there are three questions that everyone asks:

“What can I know?”

“What shall I do?”

“For what shall I hope.?”(217/160

Ravi Zacharias said, “Hope is that indispensable element that makes the present so important. Significantly, the absence of future hope has an amazing capacity to reach into the present and eat away at the structure of life, as termites would a giant foundation.”

Dr. Emil Brunner said, “What oxygen is for the lungs, such is hope for the meaning of human life.” Take oxygen away and death occurs through suffocation, take hope away and humanity is constricted through lack of breath; despair and hopelessness set it.”



As believers we have a blessed hope to which we look forward. It is the return of our Lord Jesus Christ to usher in His kingdom in all its fullness. We must be careful lest we misunderstand this verse and take it lightly. The Greek word that is translated ‘hope” has a different connotation than our word “hope.”

When we use our English word “hope”, we generally mean something that might come to pass. It is a word we would use when we mail in our Reader’s Digest Sweepstake’s entry.

We certainly don’t expect to win but we hope we might win. Although our chances of winning are remote yet we still “hope”. However, when the New Testament uses the word “hope” it means something that will, absolutely, positively come to pass.

Hence, when it refers to the return of Christ as our blessed hope, it is referring to something that we can count on coming to pass. It is an absolute certainty.


In Matthew 24 Jesus shares with us some signs that will precede His second coming. In vs. 3. Jesus’ disciples asked Him,“…..WHAT WILL BE THE SIGN OF YOUR COMING AND OF THE END OF THE AGE?” (Vs. 3)

Beginning in verse 6 He answered them by revealing some signs. The cumulative effect of them is, indeed, very convincing to the open mind. Continuing our study of the past two weeks, let’s look at a few more signs.



- SUCH THINGS MUST HAPPEN, BUT THE END IS STILL TO COME. NATION WILL RISE AGAINST NATION, AND KINGDOM AGAINST KINGDOM.” Jesus says that we are not to be alarmed by wars. They are to be expected It can’t be otherwise in this sin-marred world. A dramatic increase in wars is just one more sign that points to Christ’s return. It is estimated that in the last

60 years more than 100 million people have been killed in wars. Many places throughout our world are in a constant state of war. It is no longer just country against country but more often than not, it is ethnic groups within the same country fighting each other.

In addition there is now the frightening and all-encompassing war being waged against us by terrorists.

In spite of the ever increasing influence of the United Nations and a more highly educated world population, peace is as illusive as ever. That is because thee root causes of hatred and war are spiritual. Politics and education cannot even begin to solve spiritual problems.Peace will never be attained until Christ, the Prince of Peace, returns and ushers in a “NEW HEAVEN AND EARTH WHEREIN DWELLETH RIGHTEOUSNESS” (2 Peter 3:13). Until Christ returns, there will be more and more wars.


Jesus also made it clear that various natural and

physical catastrophes, particularly famines and earthquakes, will point to His return. In Matthew 24:7 He said, “THERE WILL BE FAMINES AND EARTHQUAKES IN VARIOUS PLACES.”

Famines and earthquakes appear to be occurring with greater frequency.The World Almanac says that there were only 6 sizable earthquakes between 1800 and 1900.

From 1900 to 1950 there were 12; twice as many in half the time. In the next 20 years there was a dramatic increase.In the single year of 1976 there were at least

50 quakes of 6.5 on the Richter scale and 18 quakes over 7.0.

Historically verifiable facts such as these give credence to the biblical claim that there will be a dramatic increase in earthquakes as the time of Christ’s return nears.

Famines have also increased in severity and frequency.

The names of places like Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Calcutta, Mexico City, Somalia and Afghanistan to mention but a few are all synonymous with hunger and

starvation.In addition millions of people throughout the world are undernourished. It is ironic that famine is increasing at a time when agricultural technology has enabled farmers to grow more food than is needed.

Indeed, there is enough food in storage throughout the world to feed every single hungry man, woman and child.

Knowing that man’s greed and his politics would be

the cause of famine even in an age of abundance, the

Lord has made it clear that famine would increase dramatically before His return. His words are certainly being fulfilled today. Famine is a reminder that someday God will intervene in this sin sick world and put an end to the hatred, greed and injustice that causes famine.

Life as we now know it is not going to continue on uninterrupted.God is going to intervene and

when He does there will never again be hunger and starvation.


In verse 5 Jesus mentions another sign that is surrounded by intrigue. He says that in the last days, “…MANY WILL COME IN MY NAME, CLAIMING, ‘I AM THE CHRIST,’ AND WILL DECEIVE MANY.”

As the time of Christ’s return draws near there will be more and more individuals like the Rev. Moon of the Unification Church who actually claim to be Jesus Christ. These anti-Christs are really false teachers both religious and secular.

The religious ones will fool people into thinking that they are the way to God and heaven. They will delude many into thinking that they have special spiritual powers and connections with God.

The secular false teachers will reject God, heaven and

spiritual realities saying that there is nothing more to life than just our physical earthly pilgrimage.They will dupe people into believing that there are no absolutes.They will fool people into thinking that truth cannot be known. These anti-Christs or false

teachers are influential educators, business leaders and political leaders who deny the deity of Christ.

Although interpretations differ, a large majority of evangelical Christians believe that the presence of these false Christs will culminate in the appearance of one final Anti-Christ who is mentioned in 1 John 2:18.

In the last days they feel that there will be one bold, arrogant, powerful and persuasive individual leader who will actively promote that which is evil in God’s sight. He is viewed by many as a leader who will masquerade as a prince of peace, a savior of the world.

One who will promise to solve the world’s most pressing problems. In warning us of this individual 2 Thessalonians 2:3 & 4 says, “DON’T LET ANYONE DECEIVE YOU… FOR THE DAY OF THE LORD WILL NOT COME UNTIL THE



In the last days many believe this man of sin or Anti-Christ will appear and continue a rebellion against God and His righteous and wholesome ways. He will be utterly opposed to the things of the Lord and will lead people away from God’s ethical and moral standards. He will even set himself up as God. Throughout history it has been erroneously suggested that this Anti-Christ had arrived in the person of Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini and a host of others. Who this Anti-Christ is remains a mystery.When he will arrive on the scene we don’t know.When the time is right, many feel he will appear and use his considerable influence and power against the Lord God.

Soon after he arrives Christ has promised to return and usher in His Kingdom in all its fullness and power.


In Matthew 24:14 Jesus gives another sign.

- He says, “THE GOSPEL ….WILL BE PREACHED IN THE WHOLE WORLD AS A TESTIMONY TO ALL NATIONS, AND THEN THE END WILL COME.” God’s Word makes it clear that the gospel will be proclaimed to every tongue, tribe and nation before the end comes. As a result of our technological explosion, the gospel has, in the last few years, gone forth in an unprecedented manner. Satellites can now beam the message of Christ into the most remote, undeveloped and inaccessible areas of the world. Radios tuned to but one Christian station are distributed in mass to selected people groups

where there are no missionaries or churches. In addition, there has been a proliferation of agencies and organizations like Wycliffe Bible Translators that translate the Scriptures into the languages of unreached people.

Many new and innovative ways of getting the gospel message out are proving most effective. One of them involves reaching foreign students for Christ while they are studying in American Universities. When they return to their homelands they share the good news.

Whether they return to their homelands as doctors, nurses, teaches,engineers or whatever, they become

effective missionaries. Consequently, the message of Christ is penetrating the most unlikely of places.

This prophetic sign is but another that points to the return of Christ. These signs and their fulfillment remind us of our blessed hope, the return of Christ and the consummation of human history.God is in control of human history.He is sovereign; He is in complete control of things.He will have the final say in things and life as we now know it will someday end but it will end according to God’s plan and not some

evil terrorist’s diabolical scheme. There is coming a day when God will intervene. He has promised to create a new heaven and earth wherein dwelleth righteousness.

He will eradicate all sin, sorrow, suffering and sickness. There will be no more cancer, heart problems or disease of any kind. There will be no more

hunger, hurt, loneliness or fear. Loneliness, rejection, heartache and death will be a thing of the past. God’s plan will come to pass.

Christ will return to this earth to usher in God’s Kingdom in all it fullness and power. This is our blessed hope.

Unfortunately, many today live without any hope. They have no hope for anything beyond these fleeting years on earth. So they just live for this life. How tragic!

Living for this life alone results in discontentment, emptiness, meaninglessness and ultimately disillusionment.God’s Word speaks of this sad state of affairs when it says in 1 Corinthians 15:19,“IF ONLY

FOR THIS LIFE WE HAVE HOPE….. WE ARE TO BE PITIED MORE THEN ALL MEN.” We were created for far more than this earthly life.

We were created to know God, to love, serve and worship Him. We were created to live eternally

with him. Scripture says that God has put “…ETERNITY IN OUR HEARTS….” Deep within us he has given us a longing for the transcendent, for the eternal.If we

live without this hope; this assurance of eternal life with Christ, our lives here on earth never become all that they should be and we are to be pitied.


“Several years ago, millionaire Eugene Long was asked to speak to a class of sixth-graders from East Harlem, New York.What could he say to inspire these students, most of whom would drop out of school? Scrapping his notes, he decided to speak to them from his heart. ‘Stay in school,’ he admonished, ‘and I’ll help pay the college tuition for every one of you.’ That was the turning point.For the first time in their lives, these students had hope.One of them said, ‘I had something to look forward to, something waiting for me. It was a golden feeling.’ Nearly 90% of that class went on to graduate from high school.” (M.DeHann)

When it comes to the quality of our lives, hope makes all the difference in the world. Without hope our lives degenerate into something God never intended.


Fortunately, those who have received Christ as their Savior have hope. Titus 2:13 says, “WE WAIT FOR THE BLESSED HOPE, THE GLORIOUS APPEARING OF OUR GREAT GOD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST….” That blessed hope makes an unbelievable difference in the quality of our lives right here and now!

Christ becomes a powerful and living reality when we, by faith, allow Him his rightful place in our hearts and lives.In Christ we can experience life that is marked by meaning, fulfillment, peace, contentment and hope. Christ enriches and enhances beyond measure our fleeting days here on earth.And then he gives us a glorious future that goes far beyond our earthly

pilgrimage. Our lives and relationships do not end at physical death. We have the promise of eternal life in heaven with Christ and loved ones. God has promised that He will “NEVER LEAVE US NOR FORSAKE US.”

As we put our trust in Christ and surrender our lives to His lordship,Romans 15:13 declares that “THE GOD OF HOPE FILLS US WITH ALL JOY AND PEACE.”

Following Christ and living for Him makes a lot of sense. Have you accepted him as your Savior? Is He the

Lord of your life?