Summary: Using the story about the Ten Lepers who were clenased I talk about the reasons why followers of Christ should be thankful today.

Read Luke 17:11-19

Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem. Now, we can’t just read that verse and move on. There is an important truth about this verse and that is when Luke says Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem he wants us to know that He is on his way to the cross. On his way he travels between the borders of Samaria and Galilee. Ten men who have leprosy here that Jesus is coming and get as close to him as they can. They cry out, Jesus, Master have mercy on us! Leprosy is a horrible diseas that deteriorates the skin. Those diagnosed with it could not live with the rest of the community. They had to be ostracized and live away from the camp. They couldn’t even go to the place of worship. Yet, Jesus hears their request and tells them to go show themselves to the priest. According to Leviticus 13 and 14, the priest was the one who would examine the leper and see if he was cleansed and allowed back into society or tole to remain quarantined. So, on their way they were cleansed. Whether or not they got to the Temple or not one of them could not help but return to Jesus and humble himself and thank the Lord Almighty.

This story paints a picture much like our world today. We want God’s gifts but we don’t want him. We want healing but we don’t want the Healer. We want Redemption but we don’t want the Redeemer. This simply should not be.

As we approach Thanksgiving this next week may this story remind us of what we should be thankful for.

I. I am thankful that my leprosy of the soul has been cleansed.

None of us here is suffering from the skin disease leprosy but all of us had or has leprosy of the heart. Leprosy of the heart is a heart cold to the gospel and has no room for God. A heart that is sinful. We like the lepers have to cry out "unclean, unclean." When we let Jesus restore us and come in our hearts he makes us clean. For that, we should be eternally grateful.

ILLUSTRATION: This week we have seen the one of the positive results of the war on terrorism in Afghanistan. When the Taliban was forced out of some of those major cities there was great rejoicing in the streets. For the first time in years music could be heard from jam boxes, children were carrying balloons, and men were dancing in the street. Something they were not able to do before. You see, freedom is cause for great celebration. That’s is one of the reasons why we are here tonight. To celebrate the freedom Christ has given us because we are cleansed!

II. I am also thankful that God is approachable

Verse 12 tells us that the lepers stood at a distance. They couldn’t touch anyone. They were separated from all..even the Son of God from their illness. If they touched or came too close to someone then they would be considered unclean. But when the ten lepers go see the priest and are cleansed we see the One Samaritan "ex-leper" come and fall down at his feet in worship and gratitude. Aren’t you glad God is approachable? Anyone can come to God through Christ. Before that sin and rebellion stands in the way. Now we have access to his very throne.

Hebrews 4:16 says "Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence!" We have confidence through Christ to approach him at any moment of the day.

ILLUSTRATION: Growing up I was a big Houston Oiler fan. My grandparents used to take us to watch them practice when they had their training camp in San Angelo, Texas. I never got to see them play a regular game but I did get to watch them when they scrimmaged the Cowboys in San Antonio. I was so excited. Warren Moon was my idol and I was going to be able to watch him live! I remember it was the highlight of my year. At the end of the scrimmage I heard the most tremendous news I ever heard--they were going to let us on the field to take pictures and meet the players! This was like icing on the cake and better than the game itself for a young teenager who followed the Oilers. When I stepped on that turf I could hardly believe my eyes as Warren Moon walked right in front of me. It brought a whole new perspective for me and it was a day I will never forget!

Aren’t you glad that we don’t have to sit in the stands but we are able to literally step into the presence of God?! God is approachable and for that we need to be thankful.

I am also thankful that when I fall on my face at Jesus’ feet with gratitude it is not a sign of weakness but strength.

ILLUSTRATION: The Masai tribe in West AFrica have an unusual way of saying "thank you." Translators tell us that when the Masai express thanks, they bow, put their forehead on the ground and say, "My head is in the dirt." When members of another African tribe want to express thanks, they sit for a long time in front of the hut of the person who did the favor and literally say, "I sit on the ground before you." Those Africans understand well what Thanksgiving is and why it is different for us: at its core, thanksgiving is an act of humility." Joel Gregory

Don’t ever thank that humbling yourself before God in gratitude is a sign of weakness. As a matter of fact giving thanks is God’s will for your life! 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says to "give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for your life in Christ Jesus." Graditude is God’s purpose for you!

4). Finally, I am thankful that because of Jesus I will never be the same again.

In verse 19 Jesus tells the cleansed leper to "rise and go." You know he would never be the same. This is all we know about his life. Nothing more in the scriptures tell us what he did after this. But I think we can safely assume that when he went back to his home he would never be like he was before. We have to remember that he had to be away from his family, away from work, away from the place of worship. Those must have been some sad days. Days he would never let go to waste from now on!

I am so thankful that because of Jesus I will never be the same. He has given me so much. Most of all he has given me Himself. I am eternally grateful. I can’t help but be a different person because of him.

Unfortunately, there are some roadblocks to gratitude. What keeps us from giving gratitude?

A. Our present circumstances have us distracted.

If that is you tonight let me ask you to serioulsy pray this week, "God, open my eyes to your activity."

B. Another roadblock would be that you are convinced that you are only supposed to give thanks for what you can see.

This is where we must understand that there are so many other things besides our pay raise that we can be thankful about.

C. You have run out of reasons. This is a major roadblock. But let me just remind you of the most important reason we need to be thankful: What he did for the leper he can do for you!

Oh, Lord help us to always remember that there are plenty of reasons why we should be thankful. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.