Summary: This sermon brings out how often times as Christians we rush out of church so fast that we leave Jesus behind.

"Have You Left Jesus In The Church House?"

Text: Luke 2:41-52


Ø Very little information is given of Jesus’ childhood in the scriptures.

Ø Here Luke gives us an incident when Jesus was 12.

Ø In our passage we have the story of Mary and Joseph going with Jesus to Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover.

Ø When they were finished observing the feast of the Passover they immediately started for home.

Ø They journeyed for one whole day before realizing that Jesus was not among the group that they were traveling with.

Ø They retraced their steps all the way back to Jerusalem.

Ø Mary and Joseph found Jesus in the temple discussing spiritual matters with the doctors of the Law.

Ø I going to preach a message this morning entitled, "Have You Left Jesus In The Church House?"

Ø What I want you to see is this here are two people who probably love Jesus more than anyone else on the earth at the time.

Ø Mary his mother and Joseph his stepfather.

Ø However, despite their love for Jesus they left Him in the church house there back in Jerusalem.

Ø I want us to notice some things this morning.

I. V. 43 - "And when they had fulfilled the days, as they returned"

Ø Notice Mary and Joseph were in hurry to get home.

Ø They did not linger there in Jerusalem.

Ø They had accomplished their religious obligation and did not want to hang around the church house any longer than they had to.

Ø Sound like most independent Bible believing Baptist, Amen!

o Can’t wait to get home -

§ To eat Sunday Dinner.

§ To watch the ball game.

§ To take a dip in the pool.

§ Go to the mall.

§ Ladies to change into those britches - Amen!!

o Can’t wait to get outside -

§ To have puff on the cigarette - Amen!

Ø Mary and Joseph were in such a rush to leave the church house that they left without Jesus.

o V. 43 - "the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem; and Joseph and his mother knew not of it."

Ø V. 43 - "the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem"

o Jesus was in no rush.

o He stayed behind in Jerusalem

o Obvious by the following verses He was interested in what he heard.

o Because when Mary and Joseph came back and found Him, Jesus was listening to what the men of God had to say and was asking questions of them.

o Sometimes we need not be in such a rush to get out the door of the church but mediate and reflect on what you just heard and ask the preacher questions.

o Any true man of God is not afraid of questions because that shows that somebody was listening to what he had to say.

o Many times Christians fail to hear God because they always in a rush going no where.

Ø What a sad situation Mary and Joseph left Jesus behind in the church house and they did not even know it.

Ø How many times do you leave the church house without Jesus and don’t even know it?

II. V. 44 - "But they, supposing him to have been in the company,"

Ø Mary and Joseph took it for granted that Jesus was with them somewhere amongst the group they were traveling with.

Ø They just assumed Jesus was around somewhere.

Ø How many of us Christians do exactly the same thing

o We take Jesus for granted and assume that He is with us even when we show no interest in Him.

Ø V. 44 - "went a day’s journey; and they sought him"

Ø Can you image here a two people who loved Jesus probably above anyone else at the time and they went a whole day without thinking about Him.

o Without missing Him.

Ø How can any one of us get through the day without Jesus.

Ø Oh! some of us think we can, by the way we neglect our relationship with Him.

Ø If you love someone that you are always thinking about them and checking in and seeing where they are at and how they are doing.

Ø My dear friend if you think you can go through a day without Jesus then you are in store for a day trouble and turmoil.

Ø How can you begin your day without Jesus.

o We do exactly that when we fail to begin our day with prayer and Bible reading.

Ø You just cannot suppose anything.

Ø If you want Jesus to be real in your life that you need to spend sometime with Him.

Ø How many of us feel the effects of going without water and food for the day.

o You become irritable and cannot focus in the physical realm.

o The same thing goes in the spiritual realm because Jesus is the water and bread of life.

Ø We only start looking for the Lord when some trouble hits during the day.

o Then we want to treat Him like bell hop to come to our aid.

o We get tired of carrying the bags and decide that we want Him to carry the bags.

Ø The Word of God tells us that Jesus is to have the preeminence in all areas of our lives.

o Jesus should be constantly on our hearts and minds.

o If he was then our behavior would reflect it - Amen!!!

III. V. 44 - "they sought him among their kinsfolk and


Ø When Mary and Joseph realize that Jesus is not with them notice where they look first.

o "among their kinsfolk"

Ø Mary and Joseph were his parents and responsible for his welfare and safety not their family.

Ø As Christians we are responsible for maintaining and developing our individual relationship with Jesus Christ.

Ø So should not be looking for Jesus among our family or friends.

Ø Jesus is not someone that you just take Him somewhere and then just dumped off and leave so you can go off and have your fun.

Ø Jesus is not suppose be a latch key child in your life.

IV. V. 45 "And when they found him not"

Ø Obviously Mary and Joseph were looking for Jesus in all the wrong places because they did not find Him.

o They did not find Him with family or friends.

o They did not find Him playing Little League Baseball

o They did not find Him playing Pop Warner Football

o They did not find out in some field kicking the soccer ball.

Ø Jesus was not any ordinary child.

o He was God and man.

o We are told in v. 52 - "Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man."

V. V. 45 "they turned back again to Jerusalem, seeking him"

Ø It finally dawns on Mary and Joseph to go back to Jerusalem to look for Jesus.

Ø They finally realized that they had left Jesus behind.

Ø That is what some of you need to do is realize that you have left Jesus behind.

Ø No, I do not mean that you lost your salvation but you lost the relationship that you once had.

o In other words, "You have left your first love"

o You sometimes leave out of church so quickly that you leave him behind.

VI. V. 46 "And it came to pass, that after three days they found


Ø It took Mary and Joseph three days to find Jesus.

o Instead of realizing that he would surely be in the church house because Jesus loved to be in the house of God.

o Instead they spend three days looking for Jesus.

Ø They probably went the Christian Bookstore of Jerusalem where they sell those perverted Bibles - No Jesus.

Ø They probably went to the Christian Rock Concert - No Jesus.

Ø They probably rode the Sunday School Buses of Jerusalem.

o They found a lot of fun and games but - No Jesus.

Ø As they entered Jerusalem they saw a great big banner which read, "Come and Join Us this Sunday for the Walk for Jesus"

o They said "Surely we will find Him there"

o So, they joined in but - No Jesus.

Ø After Mary and Joseph exhaust looking for all the possible places Jesus could be, they said, "Let’s try the church house"

VII. V. 46 "they found him in the temple"

Ø Notice what Mary and Joseph found Jesus doing -

o He wasn’t there chewing gum and sucking on candy.

o He wasn’t there passing notes back and forth.

o He wasn’t there distracting the other children and their parents.

o He wasn’t constantly getting up and down to go to bathroom.

o He wasn’t in Junior Church.

Ø No, we are told they found Him, "in temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking questions."

o He was there in the church house learning as much as He could about the things of God.

VIII. V. 48 "And when they saw him, they were amazed: and his mother

said unto him, Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us? behold, thy

father and I have sought thee sorrowing."

Ø We see here that Mary is being a typical mother.

Ø She scolds her son for staying behind and worrying them.

Ø I want you to notice Jesus’ response in v. 49.

Ø "And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?"

Ø Jesus basically responds and says "Where else did you expect to find me?"


Ø What we want to see is we can get so rushed and frazzled that we can leave out the church house without Jesus.

Ø Whenever you come to the church house you should never be in a rush to leave.

Ø Part of your worship is just to sit and reflect on what the man of God just said.

Ø Being in the church house should strengthen our relationship with Jesus and cause us to appreciate Him that much more.

o Not want to leave Him behind.

o If it does than you are in the wrong church.

Ø We are often the last ones to arrive at church and the first ones to leave out.

Ø If you want fast food religion try one of the other ones.

o Worshipping God is not suppose to be convenient.

o You are not here to give God the bum’s rush then hit the door.

Ø I hope no one here would ever go a day’s journey like Mary and Joseph only then realized that you left Jesus behind.

Ø Remember, if you do where to find him in the church house about His Father’s business.

Ø My friend that is what you should be doing while waiting for the Lord to return.

o Be about your Father’s business.

o Occupy till he comes!