Summary: Pilate was a man who asked "what is the truth?" and yet time and time again HE ALMOST sets the truth free in his life


(a tragic word)

text: John 18:37-40 & 19: 1-16

I). In our text we begin reading how Pilate asked Jesus “Art not thou the King of the Jews?” Jesus replies thou sayest that I am a King. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Everyone that is of the truth heareth my voice. The hypocrisy of the Jewish people was through their interpretations of the law and the use of it to reach worldly gain and prestige. Jesus came to earth and fulfilled the law. Jesus became the very righteousness of GOD. The very word of GOD was made manifested in the flesh, so all man could see the Glory of GOD and his divine way and plan for man.


He became the truth in a world filled with religious hypocrisy. He became the way, the truth and the life. Pilate was being introduced to the truth and it was looking him straight in the eye. Pilate concentrated on the answer of Jesus and probably pondered it in his mind. The conviction of the truth sitting in his presence, bringing anxiety and remorse. He questions Jesus What is the Truth? Then quickly goes out to before crowd to seek for the release of this man. For never a man spake like this man. For his words were sharper than any two edged sword piercing through to Pilate’s conscience.

II.) Let us back up a little and realize the advents that had led up into this point.

A) The High priest and the Sadherin ( Jews equivalent to our Supreme Court) sought to take Jesus and Kill him for they were envious and feared the reaction of the Jews to this man. For this cause they sat out to take Jesus Christ ( please note this) they feared an uproar of the people if they took him for he was greatly followed. Then out of no where appears Judas the disciple with a plan of betrayal, so for thirty pieces of silver Jesus the savior of the world ( price of a slave) was betrayed unto the high priest and the hypocrisy of their law and court. They sought him out and through the betrayal kiss of Judas he his captured.

Caiaphas was the high priest and greatly influenced by his father in law Annas. They brought Jesus into the home of Caiaphas was he was put on trial by the Sadherin, Annas and the high priest. This was the first trial of Jesus Christ before his own people and the religious sector of the Jewish people. This trial took place under the cover of darkness between the hours of midnight and morning. MARK 14:54-65 reference scriptures that we will not turned today. Caiaphas no doubt feeling the condemnation of the truth ( finds that no part of the true law of GOD had Jesus transgressed against, for he fulfilled every part of true law of GOD) in his very presence gets anxious and questions. ART THOU CHRIST, THE SON OF THE BLESSED? Without noticing that through the spirit of condemnation, no doubt, declares it to be True by his own actions from this point on.



III.) The high priest, Annas and the Sadherin take Jesus Christ to Pilate and accuse him of failure to pay tribute to Caesar and perverting the nations by saying that he himself is Christ the King. LUKE 23:1-4 REFERENCE. VERSE 3 “AND PILATE ASKED HIM SAYING ART NOT THOU THE KING OF THE JEWS? AND HE ANSWERED HIM SAID, THOU SAYEST IT. VERSE 4 “ THEN SAID PILATE TO THE CHIEF PRIEST AND TO THE PEOPLE, I FIND NO FAULT IN THIS MAN.” Pilate must have felt something to make him believe that Jesus Christ was the king of the Jews for him to directly say I find no fault in him. (1) He almost let him go and sent him free but to try and pass this decision from him and stay in a compromising position. He said unto them, you take him and try him and do as you see fit. But they replied it is unlawful for us to put a man to death. I believe with out a doubt they were afraid of him and deep in their hearts they knew he was the SON OF GOD. But condemnation was so strong and fleshly desires they over rode their convictions and turned to Pilate to do their dirty work.

IV.) This brings us up to the point of our text. Pilate would have been better off to let him go at his first convictions and I believe that in his heart he wanted to and almost did. But satan always has another solution, one that seems all right but always leads to deeper condemnation. PROVERBS 14: 12 “THERE IS A WAY THAT SEEMETH RIGHT UNTO MAN, BUT THE END THEREOF ARE THE WAYS OF DEATH.” Satan whispers in his ear take him in and talk with him and then if you seem fit to release him. They all will be in agreement. Surely once they see you, Pilate the governor having examined him and finding no fault in him they will agree to release him. In this meeting is where Pilate is face to face with the truth and his heart is under conviction, so much that he cries out What is the truth?” Pilate hears Jesus saying no man comes unto the father but by me. No man knows the true purpose or truth for their creation but through me. For I am the way, I am the truth and I am life. For to know, Christ is know the true meaning of life, existence and the purpose for all men being created. That is where peace, joy and our salvation from the terrors of this world lies. In Christ for he is the truth, the very righteousness of GOD. For as every word that proceeded out of GOD’S mouth, Christ became on earth. No doubt his heart was beating a 100 miles a minutes for no one can be in the presence of Christ and not feel either conviction ( remorsement for your sins) or condemnation ( damnation for your sins) This all depends upon the heart of the man in his presence. No doubt he begins searching his mind and no doubt wishing he would had let him go at the beginning. Probably saying in his mind “ if I only had” I almost !!!! now he does not know what he will do. Then some one says he from Galilee. You mean Jesus Christ is a Galileaen then I will send him to Herod, for Galilee is his jurisdiction. He will make the decision in this case. No doubt he felt relieve and thought he was surely off the hook this time. He probably thought,(2) I almost let him go and to think of the uprisings and the persecutions I would have faced. This was a close call and now we will see what Herod has to say. Let Herod make the decision and I will stay clear of this matter.

V.) Jesus is sent before Herod, the one who had John The Baptist beheaded and the son of the one who set out to kill Jesus at birth. Herod was exceedingly glad to see and meet this man called Jesus for his reputation was that he was a man of many miracles. But the cries of the rulers and high priest were vehemently getting louder and accusing him. Herod asked Jesus questions but he would not answer, for Jesus Christ knew his heart and the coldness of it. Herod then called for his soldiers and they mocked him, and arrayed him in a purple robe. Then Herod sent Jesus back unto Pilate. But they must have discussed this man called Jesus. Herod did not think much of him, a man with little knowledge perhaps handicapped mentally. He thought and supposed Jesus Christ to be no great threat. Pilate , who had already had a discussion with Jesus and I believe he knew in his heart that he was the SON OF GOD, knew that Jesus Christ spoke great words of wisdom that no man could reprove. But through Herod thinking of Jesus as no threat and that he was know way guilty of a crime of death, Pilate thought this is my way out of facing the truth. Now Pilate said surely now they will agree to release this man. Then Pilate goes before the high priest and the rulers of the people and declares I have examined this man and Herod also and we have found no fault in this man of the matters in which you accuse him. He has done nothing worthy of death. I will chastise him and let him go. They cry, away with this man for we will not accept his release. Pilate has the authority to release him. He has the signet ring on his finger, he controls the outcome of this trial. For now he even has a colleague who agrees with him. But through the uncertainty of the outcome and scare of what will Caesar or the rulers of Rome say. For they just passed a decree that all governors must tried to keep the peace and be more compassionate upon the Jews way of life and religion laws. He is beside himself on what he should do next, feeling the conviction of the truth and the condemnation of the sins of this world. How did this thing ever get this far for do not the other rulers see the jealous and malice of Caiaphas and Annas? Do they not realize the truth of this matter, that this man has done nothing wrong, especially anything worthy of death. He almost, at this point thinks of releasing him, he now has almost enough courage to do the right thing. For this man call Jesus Christ is not guilty of any crimes or anything that they have brought to his accusation. Just as he almost makes the right decision. Someone says go to the people, for it is a Jewish custom on the feast of the Passover to release a prisoner unto the people for pardoning of his wrong doings. Just as he is almost ready to stand for the truth and declare it someone offers him away of compromise. Brilliant, now the people will stand for what is right we will go around the rulers and high priest and they will not stand against their own people. Remember, at the beginning the priest and rulers were afraid of taking Jesus Christ in the middle of the day for the uprising it would cause. For he was welled liked and followed by many seeking and desiring to see miracles. But something happen while Pilate was indecisive, satan had busy tossing the people to and fro. He was seeking out to destroy Jesus Christ but not only him but every soul that he could grasp a hold of. The rulers and high priest were sowing discourse among the people causing an uprising against this man called Jesus Christ. If Pilate releases him earlier when he first felt the conviction the majority of the people would have been with him. But through his almosts and his I will put it off and try this first, satan been busy seeking who he may devour and destroy. While many are pondering and saying I am almost ready to give my heart to Jesus Christ, satan is busy destroying their homes, their jobs and destroying their lives. I am almost ready but I still have some wild oates to sow. All the while satan is sinking his teeth into his prey, YOU wnting not only to destroy your life but to give you torment forever more. Today is the day of Salvation. You may say I am not quite yet ready but I am almost, give me another week. ECCLESIASTES 10:12 “FOR MAN ALSO KNOWEST NOT HIS TIME: AS THE FISHES THAT ARE TAKEN IN AN EVIL NET, AND AS THE BIRDS THAT ARE CAUGHT IN THE SNARE; SO ARE THE SONS OF MEN SNARED IN AN EVIL TIME, WHEN IT FALLETH SUDDENLY UPON THEM.”

VI.) The world of Pilate’s, was slowly crashing in upon him and he was being caught in a snare of a evil time and an evil event. He was being caught in satan trapped and he really does not see the way out. For each time he tries to find an answer or a compromise, he is caught greater in the trap. For the answer lies in his sight, standing directly in front of him looking him squarely in the face. The truth for all man kind and this is freedom from all guilt and shame(condemnation), for the truth shall set you free. Jesus Christ was the answer to his dilemma and problem but he look for the answer through compromise. Now he is almost sure the crowd will see it his way and he cries out to them whom do wish me to release unto you 1 Barabas who is a thief or Jesus Christ The king of The Jews. They give cry give us Barabas and away with Jesus Christ. Pilate’s heart almost stops, he can not believe his ears. What is wrong with these people? He cries out again I have examined this man and can find no fault in him. Do you not remember the miracles he worked among you and all the time these high priest have sent out to make it harder on you and wish you all to be judged harshly with. For this man has brought nothing but love and good to your people while the high priest set out to judge and torment you for all your short comings. Now can you imagine Pilate, as his heart is now in his throat if only I would have released him earlier, I almost did then and almost then. Pilate cries out WHAT WILL YE THEN THAT I DO UNTO WHOM YE CALL THE KING OF THE JEWS. THEY CRIED CRUIFY HIM CRUIFY HIM.

VII.) Now Pilates mind and heart are racing as fast as they can, His mind brings in remembrance of the times that almost let Jesus go. I felt like and almost let him go right at the very beginning. Then after I examined him and knew that he had done nothing wrong I almost release him then. Then after Herod agreed with me, Why did I not release him then? I almost, but what did hinder me. The peer pressure, the agony of facing persecution nothing of this can compare to the condemnation I feel in my heart for this innocent man. Now Pilate thinks there is still a way out of this thing. I will plead upon their mercies and compassion as human beings. I will beat this man liken unto none others, I will mar his visage, so that they will not even be able to recognize who he is. I will mock him, and ridicule him, and surely they will let go before death is brought upon him. They will have compassion and mercy upon him, especially after all the mercies and compassion that had for them. For he healed their sick and freed them from the demons that were destroying some of their lives. Each time they cried out for help he was there with healing and whatever miracle they needed in their life. So then he had his soldiers to take and scourge him, spit upon him, and even platted a crown of thorns upon him, struck the top of his head with a reed, platting the thorns into his scull and then giving him the reed. They cried hail, hail, to the king of the Jews. Pilate not able to stand the sound of the whip cracking across his back walks outside only to have a messenger bring him a note from his wife. “ Have thou nothing to do with that just man for I suffered many things this day in a dream because of him.” Now as condemnation and conviction are at war in this poor man soul. He is but most miserable knowing that so many times he had almost done the right thing and released him. Now standing before Pilate was a gruesome sight, flesh torn and the insides of a man protruding out. He still has one glimmer of hope now I know they will cry for his release. For no man has ever been abuse and beaten as this man in my court. He brings Jesus before the crowd and cries aloud at top of his voice wanting all to see and have mercy upon this man so that he could release him. HAIL, BEHOLD THE KING OF THE JEWS. But yet the high priests, the rulers and all the people cry even at a louder voice away him. Then once again Pilate cries and pleads to the high priest I have found no fault in this man. Pilate again came unto Jesus, Condemnations had now began to be cast upon for him greatly. He has over rode, so many times, the conviction in his heart of the truth of Jesus Christ. Through his trying to compromise the solution, when there was only one solution and that was releasing Jesus Christ and proclaiming him lord of lords of his life. Now he runs back in seeing all about to crash upon him nothing had gone as he had supposed. Sin will take you farther than you want to go and farther than you will realize and until everything is crashing down around you. He yells “ WHENCE ART THOU” and remember Jesus Christ not answering Herod for Jesus feels the condemnation now that Pilate is under, the anger that is now beginning to control him. JOHN 19:10 THEN SAITH PILATE UNTO HIM, SPEAKEST THOU NOT UNTO ME? KNOWEST THOU NOT THAT I HAVE THE POWER TO CRUIFY THEE, AND HAVE THE POWER TO RELEASE THEE? Guess who just condemn himself by declaring he had the power to release him but had not up to this point. why? Because the weight of sin was more than he could overcome. He entertained the thoughts of the world and what others in the world would think of him. In everything he done, seeking for the compromise where all is happy and none offended. Why ? For his own glory, so everyone would say What a brilliant job he done in rectifying this situation. Verse 11 JESUS QUICKLY ANSWER HIM “THOU COULDEST HAVE NO POWER AT ALL AGAINSDT ME, EXCEPT IT WERE GIVEN THEE FROM ABOVE: THEREFORE HE THAT DELIVERED ME UNTO THEE HATH THE GREATER SIN”

Talk about condemnation Pilate runs out before the people and the high priest and pleads for their agreement in releasing him, But now the Jews are more determine and say directly so all could hear if thou let this man go, thou art not Caesar friend. Therefore Pilate feeling the pressure of this world and the condemnation says I wash my hands of this matter and will not have a part in condemning this innocent man. But Pilate plays the most crucial part, for here on earth he had the power to release this man. But through his in decisiveness and compromising of the decision, he became a tragic story of “ I almost”. For he had the power here on earth to decide death or life. We today have the decision also between death or life. Do I recognize and see the truth for my creation and the purpose for which man was created in the likeness and the image of GOD. For the only way of committing and seeing the truth in is Jesus Christ. Confessing and believing that he is the Son of GOD and that he came to this earth and was slain for our remission of sins. Through his obedience unto GOD’S plan, was resurrected on the third day so that we may have eternal life and have it more abundantly. Will you accept the truth in this matter and realize that without Jesus Christ in your heart and life that your life is feel with condemnation everyday. Please do not look out as Pilate and see the truth hanging on a tree. Knowing that you almost accepted it and you almost allowed it in your life. The truth is the setting free of your conscious and coming clean from all sins and shame.

Many cry that today, I had no part in cruifying him nor would I if I was alive in that day. Yet Jesus Christ sets before them in all truth with arms open wide saying receive the truth and truth shall set you free.

Throughout pilates compromising instead of taking a stand for the truth the convictions of the lord began to condemns him. This made it harder to make things right. Through all the almosts he began to get angry and felt condemn because his heart was saying What if I would have released him.

The title of this message is “ALMOST” A TRAGIC WORD.





Melvin Newland wrote : a poet once wrote of all the words tongue and pen, the saddest are these “it might have been” if that is true, then one the most tragic words in the human language must be “ almost”

Almost- not quite, nearly, missed opportunities, aborted effort, and fumble chances.

We have just read about a tragic event where a man had several chances to do what was right. He had all the power and authority, but yet he did not, he squander every chance and with every chance squander it became more and more harder the next time. Satan is crafting and well prepared and every fumbled chance to defeat him he build himself a little stronger. The more chances that Pilate passed on the less conviction control him and more condemnation set in. The more almost opportunities, the more angry and disappointing feelings satan imposes on you. The more time you fell to surrender to the truth of Jesus and confess him lord and master of your life. The more condemnation will set in and the more angry and hostility set in. Hell is full of people who are looking back and saying I almost gave my heart to lord there and there. What would more tormenting to look and see every missed opportunity that you had to make right with GOD and having it played over and over in your mind. Never mind the fire and coldness from the darkness, can you imagine your mind always replaying the day you turned down Jesus Christ and more abundant life in him you could have had, but for the vanity of things of this world,that are temporal and will pass away you passed on the chance. Pilate was one the most famous almoster. For time after time he sought after the easiest way out, The way without suffering and persecution and he found no way and eventually went on take his own live.

I had a man that worked for me on the day after Christmas a few years ago died of a major heart attack is front yard. When I went to pay my respects and try to comfort the family his wife came to me. She said these words, when he came to me complaining of pain in his left arm and chest. I pleaded with him to go to the hospital and be checked out. But being certain in his mind that this could be nothing more than indigestion from Christmas day dinner he said no. I almost went to the phone and called the 911 but did not. When he walk outside to work on the van I saw him collapse on the ground and by the time I went to him he was already gone. Even though she does not know if they could have save him or not she stills relives the fact that she almost but did not. Would he still be alive today, this I am afraid she will ask herself everyday. What if? I almost.

What about king Agrippa who told Paul, Thou almost persuaded me to be Christian.

What about Judas who was one of the apostles of Jesus Christ who walk and talk with Jesus Christ and saw the many miracles in which he did. He sat down and heard him teach on how he must be sacrifice so all might live. How about him looking from the pits of heel and saying I almost made it. I was so close. What did hinder me? Thirty pieces of silver! Is it worth it?

What about the 5 virgins who were called and dressed and had there lights with them but did not bring extra oil to trim the lights, to keep then going in the midst of the darkness. For while the Bridegroom calleth, their lights went out and while they were away seeking more oil for the lamps he came and took the other 5. When they came to the door they knock but they were not allowed to enter in but was cast out. They almost made it but they squander their opportunity to get oil. No doubt they said we almost went with the 5 to get extra oil but did not feel it was necessary for we thought we would have enough. We almost!!!!!

But think God Jesus Christ can turned the tragic word of almost and make it into a splendor remembrance.

The Prodical son almost ruin his life and died poor and without but came to himself and returned to father house. As he approached the house the father see him in the distance and runs out to meet him. Then the Prodical son asks his father for forgiveness and to be as a servant but the father is a father of total restoration. He kills the fatted calf and put a ring on his finger representing one in the family. Calls to all the neighbors come and rejoice with me for my son who was once lost is now found. He almost destroyed his life but he came to the truth and the truth set him free.

Peter who through his denial of the Lord three times, almost lost all but came to his senses and when Jesus Christ was risen. He said to them, go fetch my disciples and Peter.

Remember conviction worketh sorrow, which worketh repentance, which worketh salvation, which gives life and more life abundantly. Remember whenever we as Christian lose the convictions of Christ. We need to hit our knees and cry out to GOD. For without conviction, condemnation set in.

Condemnation: anger, strife, judgement, damnation, and eventually death.

Compromise worketh deception, deceit, not real, passive and makes God sick and he will turn you over to reprobate mind with a sheared conscience, thinking you are rich but indeed you are as poor as a beggar.

Is this going to be a night you say almost surrender my heart to Jesus Christ. The night that you almost discover the true joys of living. Coming to know the purpose and destiny for which you were born. Today is the day of salvation do not put it off for way of a transgressor is hard and the wages of sin is death. Please do not leave here and them look back and say I almost gave my heart to Jesus Christ. For he stands before you as the truth of your purpose and creation, crying out.