Summary: Benefits of worship

The Results of Worship Isaiah 1:11-20


All of Gods children know that they should worship Him. The scriptures declare, “Psa. 45:11. Psa. 95:6 We

who have been saved know from Heb. 10:25 that we ought not to forsake "the assembling of ourselves

together." I fear that though all of us know we ought to worship, some of us might even know what the result

of that worship should be. The worship of God has been changed . 1) Some want it to be an experience

where the music and preaching put people up into an emotional dither. 2) Some want the worship service

to be one of entertainment.. 3) others have even changed the name from worship to a "celebration." They

do not have the same meaning. 4) Church signs say "non-traditional services.

If you think you can go to the House of God, go through a few motions of worship, sing some songs,

hear a speech from the Bible, then leave and forget it all, you’ve missed what worship is. The main

focus is upon the RESULTS WORSHIP should have on us, for worship without results is mockery

Referring to the Old Testament, 1 Corinthians 10:11, Isa. 1:11-20, Here is what we see: 1. God

was not pleased. "I am weary to bear them," to describe His view of their worship. 2. Further, God

says...I will not hear you. We are in serious trouble if God refuses to hear us. How much of our

worship does God accept? This is a personal question. In the service if God is worshiped, then

personal worship must have occurred. 3. God never condemns without offering redemption from the

offense. God does say to get the sin our of their lives. 4. God offers forgiveness and complete

victory over sins. Before the service this morning was there any preparation of your heart and soul

to worship? Was there a time of self examination to see if there was any unconfessed sin in your

life? Did you prepare yourself to come before the King? 5. With the offer of forgiveness and

reconciliation, there is always a warning. 6. We learn that the result of worship should produce

godly living. Let me say it this way...the act or ritual of worship is vain (worthless) if it does not come

from a heart yielded to God. The act of worship is to show the condition of the heart. Ritual,

ceremony, and acts of worship are an outrage to God if the person is not living for the Lord. !


which constitute worship of God: singing, praying, preaching, giving, and the Lords Supper. In

SINGING it is sad and sinful that this morning that here in America churches are putting on "musical

shows" taking the music of the world and offering it as worship unto the Lord! PRAYER humbles

us, and helps us to discern the will of the Lord for our lives. Why waste time praying if we do not

want to know and to follow God’s will? GIVING conquers selfishness and self-love. It makes us

masters over our money, instead of our money being master over us. It sets the proper relationship

to God one of thanksgiving and dependency on Him. Bringing our tithes and offering and presenting

them to the Lord is not optional in worship. Tithing is a test of faith and it teaches dependency on

God.. PREACHING is a time for communicating the truths of Gods word. It is a time of instruction,

correction, rebuking, and exhorting. Preaching gives the child of God the spiritual food he needs to

grow. Jesus instituted the LORDS SUPPER, and told us to keep it as a memorial unto His return.

the Lords Supper is designed to call our attention to the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus

Christ, how that He shed His blood, and His body was broken for us, and how that He is coming


2. Can you see that all of these acts of worship are designed to help the worshiper? They will help

us to see our faults, and tell us how to walk in new truth. They will teach us how to treat our fellow

man, how to walk uprightly before our God, and how to take care of our body. They will inspire us

and help us conquer our enemies. God is in the life changing business and if honors Him when we

obey Him and grow spiritually. We worship Him when we come in a spirit of seeking God’s truth that

He might change us and make us what He wants us to be. God is not impressed with our ceremony,

yet it should be done properly that it honors the Lord. We do not understand God if we think all He

wants is for us to adore Him and offer vain lip service of praise.

2. Our Worship of God Today Is Designed to cause Us to See Truths That Will Produce an Effect for

the Better in Our Lives.

Worship is only a means to an end. 1. Its purpose is not just to give you a good feeling and some

emotional stimulus. 2. If all you can see from giving is the fact that you’ve put ten percent plus an

offering into the church treasury, you’ve missed the point of giving. You do not see how it honors the

Lord, nor do you understand how giving with a joyous heart grows us spiritually closer and more

dependent on the Lord. It is the same with preaching. If it doesn’t cause you to see yourself

before God, and dozens of other truths that you need to know and practice, then you are missing the

point of preaching. Many are careful to regularly go through the motions of worship.

They continue right on with the very same attitudes, with the very same conduct, and the very same

approach to life as if they had never worshiped God for one minute.

Isaiah 6:1-9: Worship ought to first result in your seeing the Lord, in worship, you ought to see

yourself, Worship should also make you see others, your worship of God is the fact that your life

should be changed– It ought to change your attitudes, correct and adjust the course of your life,

cause you to walk in honesty and integrity before God, and cause you to grow daily in the Lord. Its

design is to effect full-time change in your life every day. It is designed to cause you to talk better, to

control your temper, be more generous, treat your family better, be a better employee or employer,

to be a better citizen, to be a better servant in the church, to make you more humble, to make you

more zealous and bold, and to do a thousand other good things for you. In simple terms, it all

amounts to the fact that you should put into practice those things that you see and learn in worship of


3. If These Good Responses Do Not Result from Your Worship, Then You Have Failed in Your

Worship of God.

God is far more interested in justice, love, forgiveness, meekness, temperance, and other such

qualities in your life, than He is in all the songs, prayers, money, and other such things you could

ever offer unto Him. All in the world that these mechanics-of worship are designed to do is to point

you to godliness in your daily life. Isa. 1:11-20, is so pointed. God is talking there, and asking why

bring sacrifices and burnt offerings, if you fail to practice justice and judgment in your life. He is

making the point amply clear that if you do not get the point of worship, then your worship is vain. If

that worship produces no right results in your life, then that worship has failed. Ecc. 5:1 EX 3:5

4. Worship means a CONTENTMENT IN LIFE.

“In your presence is fullness of joy.” It is not the wrongness in the person next to us it is us that there is a

wrongness. We all have an access to have the fullness of God’s presence. “I hate bologna sandwiches!”

Why do we keep eating them if we do not like them. In worship we take the bologna out of our lives and

replace it with something much better because we come to a table set by the King. Job was like that. He

lost his children, his property, and health and it says “he fell to the ground and worshiped.” Everything he

had came from God and God had the right to take it away. “Blessed be the name of the Lord.” If you know

that contentment comes only from a lifestyle of worship what ever comes you will still have peace. Martha

and Mary. Martha was fussing and fuming. Mary was worshiping. What are you doing? Are you contented?

5 Worship brings the salvation of others. Worship brings others to Christ. The early Christians were

meeting in worship and the Lord was saving people everyday. From this I would have to say that the more

we worship and put into worship the more we are going to see saved from sin. We are not just here to come

to a building and hold a meeting. When we really get into worship we are going to see others come to God.

6. Worship will transform lives, “We are being transformed into the same image.” Moses got a glow in his

life from his worship of God. So with us when we worship the Holy Spirit comes into our lives and gives us

the Sonshine reflection on our lives. We have to worship and then we are transformed. It is only the Spirit of

God that can make a real difference in our lives.

We know that GOD is calling YOU out to be Loved by GOD. GOD is Not going to give up on YOU! GOD Loves

YOU Very Much!