Summary: God has made a way through our wilderness of sin, Weakness of humanity and Wickedness of the World. A way through the worlds "facade" of what it calls life.

Hungry for the highway

Isaiah 35



In the Movie "the Truman show" Truman doesn’t realize the truth that his great hometown life is a façade-orchestrated and created by an evil producer who wants to hold him captive to increase the shows ratings. The movie is a parody of the facade of the world we live in. The producer is the archvillain trying to keep Truman bound to his reality. Truman is the hero-just trying to find his way... just trying to find the truth, meaning and purpose of his life.

In this episode he sets out his boat (terrified of water) seeking what is really out there-trying to escape the façade of what has been for portrayed him as life...

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[Reveal the need]

As Truman opened the door, he realized that what he perceived as real, all his life, was a lie. Up those stairs and through that door was another reality-another life. In our world of wars, terrorism, violence, crime, death, sickness and sorrow stands before us the same door-a way past the façade in the lives of this life-a way of truth.

[Biblical text]

the prophet Isaiah spoke of this way. After a number of sermons regarding God’s judgment upon the Edomites and the Gentile world -he prophesies to King Hezekiah about a promise God is giving him in the latter part of his reign. But like most profits in the Old Testament, Isaiah’s prophecies spans three moments in time in one prophecy.

1. A direct promise to Israel under Hezekiah’s reign.

2. A promise of coming Redeemer who bring restoration to the present plight of mankind and-

3. A future restoration of the Earth in the final chapters of time.

Read text

[Structural Overview]

God has made a way for mankind to escape the deception man is living in. God has made a way to truth and the discovery of our purpose in life. He is made that way for you and for me. Through Isaiah’s prophecy we will discover how God has made that way possible through the wilderness of societies sin, the weakness of humanity’s condition and the wickedness of this present world-so that we may once again enjoy God splendor and glory.

[Homiletical purpose]

I believe Isaiah’s prophecy is calling on us to believe more strongly the restorative effects of Christ’s provision for us through the way of the cross.


I. [1-2] Despite Our Wilderness-God Has Made a Way!

A. Here we see the antithesis of the fall of man and the curse in the garden of Eden.

1. Genesis 3:17-19 pronounces how the Earth, which was full of abundance became a wilderness due to our sin.

a. In sorrow and toil shall mankind eat the fruit of the soil.Thorns and thistles shall be brought forth. Hard labor and work - toil and sweat should be the way man survives.

b. In contrast, when man was created he enjoyed God’s glory and splendor. Genesis 3: 8 tells us that man actually "heard the sound and walked with God in the garden." He enjoyed fellowship and life with his creator.

c. However, as we know, man chose to rebel against God. But entire human race would fall under the judgment of sin and death, sorrow and sickness were the results-a wilderness developed.

1. The Harmony in creation was lost-animals, insects, plants, humans - would compete to survive - each preying upon the other.

2. The Harmony in mans soul was lost - fellowship with God was now hindered - He would have to find a way to reach God. Lonliness, isolation, soul searching, emptiness, unfulfilment - all the

result of the wilderness brought about by sin.

3. Man was doomed to live his life under the deception and lies of his deceiver. Satan had won a death blow to the human race. He would now control the world - its govt’s, systems, societies, philosophies -even religions. He brought about a spiritual wilderness that we now live in - and he desires to keep mankind blinded, deceived and dumb until he dies - hiding the way, the truth and the life as a viel over mans eyes, keeping mankind from seeing the way of escape that God has provided.

B. But notice what the prophet says, " Even the wilderness will rejoice in those days." God has made a way!

1. God began to make that way the moment man sinned. He would provide a Redeemer. Genesis 2:15 tells of the prophecy of Christ, " Jesus would bruise and tread Satan underfoot in victory - while Satan would but bruise Christ’s heels at the cross of Calvary."

2. Isaiah prophecies to Hezehiah, Israel would physically blossom in the wilderness with rejoicing and abundance. However prophets often saw through the lens of time and observed various times of history all at once - not realizing the span of years in between.

a. This promise of restoration extended beyond Hezekiah’s reign to the day of Christ Jesus.

b. Today (only since the 1960’s) has Isreal blossomed in the dessert. Entire dry valleys are now fertile farms. The dessert has come alive and flowered..Israel is prosperous! The Jewish people recognize this as Gods work. Isaiah 35 is being fulfilled in our lifetime - yet remains unfulfilled at the same time - for there is no

singing or shouts of joy in the region - rather there continues to be violence and terrorism.The streets hearthe rumble of tanks and the echo’s of war.

(Transition) But if we will notice how God acts to make a way. It is often in times or devestation (in our wilderness seasons God will show us his glory and splendor. Despite the wilderness sin had created - God has made a way of escape for us through Jesus Christ.

II. [3-7] Despite our weakness-God Has Made a Way!

A. The way God has made will: strengthen you if you are weary, give you heart if things look hopeless, free you if you are fearful. He has made this way with you in mind.

1. D. L. Moody recounts a story-a minister was talking to a man in prison. The man said, "my heart is so hard it seems as if it was chained, I cannot come." "Come along,chain and all," said the minister, and he just came to Christ, hard heart, chain, and all, and Christ snapped the chains, and set him free. If you’re bound by Satan it is the work of God to break the chains and make a way.

B. The way God has made-the prophet tells us-is good news! He tells us God is coming and he will do two things when he comes:

1. Destroy your enemies.

2. He will come and save you.

(Looking through the telescope of history, Isaiah sees the day of Christ’s first coming. At the cross, Jesus did both these things for us. He offers to save us from sin and sin’s punishment-which is eternal death. He died on Calvary’s cross to save us and offer us God’s gift a way to eternal life and restored fellowship with the Father.

C. God made a way through Jesus his son. When Isaiah prophesied God is coming-it was through the ministry of Jesus. Jesus literally fulfilled Isaiah’s words-God in the flesh ministering to human weakness. God reached out to us when we could not reach out to him.

1. Luke 4:14-19

2. Notice verse 7, if you read from the Amplified Bible - it uses the literal Hebrew translation - " And the mirage shall become a pool." Any dessert traveler knew a mirage was not real. If you were to approach a mirage you would be dissappointed to find that it doesn’t exist...there is no water. There is no life. There is no satisfying of thirst! What is the word picture Isaiah is painting for us - What kind of way has Christ made for us?

a. I believe that when you think about what this scripture may be implying you will be pointed to Christ’s purpose in coming.

b. Essentially a Mirage is a lie...a deception, one can never drink and be satisfied from a mirage.. The scriptures tells us that Jesus came to "destroy the works of the devil" The work of the devil is his deception and lie base.

In truth...Jesus came to provide Gods way past Satans deception and show us the real way to relationship with the Father. He offers fulfilment and the quenching of real spiritual thirst. False

religions cannot do, transendental meditation, positive thinking - cannot address the barreness or mirage of the soul - Only Jesus offers reality...the others are but a mirage.

(Transition) God has made a way through our wilderness and weakness...but through Christ Jesus, He has also made a way through one last obstacle...He not only made a way but paved a glorious way that we may walk on...

III. [8-10] Despite our Wickedness - God has made a Highway of Holiness!

A. This main road-this "Highway of Holiness" that Isaiah describes andprophesied about was paved by God in a costly price- in order for it to the span the history of mans sin and to work through countless ages-to this present-day-a Highway was made through the purchase price of Christ’s life. To make a way for us through our wilderness, weakness and wickedness.

1. Isaiah said "with this news!" What news? The opening of John’s Gospel tells us - Jesus spoke it (John 3:16 tells us the news)

2. The cross beams of the cross made that road. This is why it says in verse 8 "evil hearted people will never travel on it. It will be only for those who walk in Gods way."

a. Jesus describes to us what the Highway looks like-observe its length and width! Matthew 7:13 "For wide and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But narrow is the road that leads to life - and few find it."

b. Why is the road so narrow? Isn’t it true that "All roads lead to God?" Whether its Jehovah or Allah..isn’t it the same road of faith?

1. Only Jesus stands at the intersection of human history and proclaims " I am THE way, the truth and the life.No one comes to the Father but throught me."

2. The text tells us that "Fools will never walk there". It is interesting that the Bible repeatably says that the fool is the one who deny’s that there is a God. This Highway is not for the wicked.

B. Isaiah depiction of the Highway God has made is one of Sanctification.

1. Sanctification means to "Be Set Apart for God". We are set apart for God once we become born again in Christ.

2. Only one kind of person is barred from walking there and that is the person who is not set apart. This includes the person who doesn’t know Christ as his Savior but also the Christian who does and yet is walking in unconfessed sin.

3. We never read that "sightseers" will ever get very far. Jesus told us that "You shall find me...when you shall seek me with all your heart."

C. Isaiah depicts that the lions will not lurk along its course, there will be no other dangers - only the redeemed will follow it.

1. But this does not describe our life now. For we often are hindered by dangers, troubles and trials. Isaiah looks into the future return of Christ as our King - the Second Coming of Christ which the church anticipates very soon. But now,while traveling this road we do have dangers - one such danger is our enemy.

2. The Bible describes Satan as "a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour" this means you and me - especially if we are a threat to showing others in this world the way God has made. Satan is always beside the Highway, shouting at us, trying to get us to believe his lies and deceit-but he cannot touch us without Gods approval. But we can yield to

to his voice and lies by an act or our will - and then we slip off the Highway of Holiness and into Sin path.

3. Anna Blake Mezuida wrote " I shall walk eager still for what Life holds. Although it seems the hard road will not end. One never knows the beauty round the bend!

(Transition) Despite the worlds wickedness and its rejection of its Creator.Despite our falleness and the fact of our own wickedness before Christ - God has made a Highway of Holiness for all those who place their trust in Christ. And if we are faithful to travel it, and be cautious, alert and mindful of our relationship with God - We have a promise of Restoration.

Where does this way God has provided lead? Verses 8-10 tell us.


Before I close I want to point out something the prophet emphasized which I hope you do not miss. Observe verse 3

"With this News...Strengthen, Encourage and Say"

God has restored a way for mankind to reach Him - He made that way possible through the Cross of Christ. But He requires of us something. With Restoration comes Responsibility. God took the responsibility upon Himself to restore fellowship with Him - He expects those of us who will follow Christ Jesus on the Highway of Holiness to take the responsibility to Share the Gospel (This exciting News) with others who don’t know the way and are blinded by the enemy of our souls.

Perhaps your here today - wondering what purpose life really has? Wondering if God really cares or is He indifferent to your life? Well, He does much so that He has made a way for you:

1. A Way out of the Wilderness of Your Sin - and the Mirage of what the World calls "Life"

2. A Way out of you desperate Weakness and inability to change

3. A Way out of Wickedness and onto His Highway of Holiness.
