Summary: Christians live in the shadow of the resurrection.

“You’re strange!” Those words might be heard on the school playground. The little boy who seems different from the rest – a bit odd – he’s strange to all the other children. It’s part of our human nature to point out apparent differences. We all do it in some way. Most of the time our observations and comments lead only to heartache or hatred.

Still, the fact remains that there are differences among us and people will highlight them. People may even target you as a recipient of their disdain or suspicion. After all, you probably appear to be different to someone else. As a Lutheran Christian, this is especially true. People may listen to you or observe your behavior and come to the conclusion, YOU CHRISTIANS ARE STRANGE! Make no apologies if this happens. Consider it a blessing to be strange, a bit odd, or different from the rest of the world. We are. As believers in Christ, 1) We Have a Different Value System. As people motivated by the Holy Spirit, 2) We Have Different Calling.

1) We Have a Different Value System

The world’s value system can be summed up in one phrase: “The more you have, the better off you are.” That statement is true to a point. It’s good to have more, if what you have is beneficial. We can apply that statement to, say, cavities and find it to be false, however. It would be foolish to say that the more cavities you have the better off you are, unless, of course, you’re a dentist.

It all depends on how we define the “more” in our lives. What is our value system? To capitalistic America, the answer is simple, “Fort Knox.” The amount of gold locked in those vaults directly affects the value of our dollar, and how much we can spend. So, “more is better.” Many people apply this same value system to their own lives. The “more is better” philosophy determines success. How do you know if someone is successful? You look at their bank statement or paycheck.

Now, money is not evil. The pleasures of this life are not evil in and of themselves. Yet, the gauge we use to define these things, or the level of importance they hold in our lives, can be dangerous. Again, what is our value system? How do we define our worth? Peter answers those questions: “for you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you by your forefathers, but with the blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.” Christians are strange because we don’t find our hope in money. We don’t place our security in the pleasures of this life. Christians are strange because they define their value and worth on Christ and his work of salvation. The blood of Christ is far more valuable than all the gold in the world. The blood of Christ ensures us that we have treasures in heaven. Christ’s sacrifice on the cross has atoned for our sins. Our sins are washed away. We have God’s Word which reveals this truth to us. Talk about a treasure! We are now at one, at peace, with our heavenly Father in Christ Jesus. There’s treasure! Why do I encourage personal and group Bible study? It’s because there is gold and shining sapphire there.

The wealth of God’s Word defines our own personal wealth or importance. Our lives –what we do, what we become, our successes and failures – do not belong to us. We belong to God. Our value in God’s eyes is not dependent on what we do for him; rather our value before God is based on what he has done for us. He puts the gold nuggets of the gospel in our pockets as the Holy Spirit leads us to dig out treasures from his Word.

We are valuable to God. That means we don’t have to pretend with God, or put a face on with him. In 1835, a man walked into a doctor’s office in Florence, Italy. He hadn’t had a good night’s sleep in weeks. He had no appetite. He was filled with anxiety for no apparent reason. The doctor examined him thoroughly had found no physical problems.

He concluded that the patient simply needed to be cheered up, and he told him he was in luck. The circus was in town, and its feature attraction was a clown named Grimaldi. “He’s fantastic”, the doctor said, “every night he has the audience in stitches. Go and see his act, you’re bound to feel better.” The patient didn’t think that would help. “You see, I’m Grimaldi,” he said.

Sometimes we’re tempted to be spiritual “Grimaldi’s.” We like to think that we have to keep up our appearances – to pretend that we feel we’re something we’re not. So we put on a mask – perhaps a silly one, a confident one, or an always cheerful – and – in – control one. We do this because we think we have to prove that we are valuable to ourselves, to others, and to God. After all God doesn’t want people who are prone to grumpiness. He doesn’t find value or worth in scared, confused people, right?

Our own fears and doubts get the best of us and lead us to feel that we are worthless in God’s eyes because we still struggle with sin. There are many “Christians” who will insist on the opposite. There are those who will demand that a real, genuine, valuable Christian will have the “Pepsident smile of the Spirit” pasted on his/her face 100% of the time. And there are those who will conclude that if you struggle with sin’s temptation; that if you weary because of you wrestle with fear or doubt; if you experience pain, discouragement, or loss in this life, then you not a “real, anointed, Spirit-filled” Christian. In other words, you’re not quite that valuable to God. So, we’re tempted to put on the mask, in order to prove to God and to others that we’re worth something. But behind the mask we’re ready to explode and we have no idea what to do next, yet, we put it on to prove that we are valuable.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a friend with whom no masks were necessary? A friend who accepts you as you are – and is not shocked by what you may be thinking or feeling? You have a friend like that. It’s Christ Jesus, your Savior. Now, don’t misunderstand. When what we’re thinking or feeling is sinful, we can’t expect the Lord to condone it. But he still wants to hear about it, all of it. And then, he wants you to hear that in spite of it, he still loves you. He accepts you. He has removed every one of your sins, every obstacle, by his innocent suffering and death on the cross.

2) We Have a Different Calling

Christians are strange. As sinful as we are God still loves us. We have a different value system. We believe we are forgiven sinners – God’s precious jewels. And we have a different calling. We find value in the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ because the Holy Spirit has called us to faith. That’s what makes us strange. We believe we are saved and we show it in our lives. That’s point Peter makes in this letter. He wrote this letter to Christians who were afraid they weren’t valuable, who thought they were worthless. He describes them as those “scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia.” These people were scattered because they were being persecuted for their faith in Jesus. The rest of the world thought they were strange, odd, because they didn’t value the fleeting pleasures of this world. Still those Christians were afraid; they needed encouragement. So do we. Peter’s words encourage us. We are valuable in Christ; God has called us to believe it as the Holy Spirit leads us to receive and accept this treasure. Our calling as Christians changes our whole lives: our attitudes, our motivation, our sense of accountability, and our values and goals.

Peter applies this to our lives: “Since you call on a Father who judges each mans’ work impartially, live your lives as strangers here in reverent fear.” Peter reminds us we can’t fool God. We can’t flatter him into ignoring the facts. You can’t follow a religion of lips but not of life. Our earthly status, our wealth, our reputations, our church attendance, our humanitarian deeds, none of these things can mask our hearts or lives from God. God has great experience judging shallow, superficial lives. He sees through the masks we throw up. So, we live in reverent fear. We know our sinful nature cannot be bought off, ignored, or underestimated. It can only be terrified through the harsh thunders of God’s law. God rips off those superficial masks and calls us to repent. Christians are strange because we repent. We admit our sins. We confess to God and to each other, “Have mercy on me, a poor, miserable sinner.” That is strange to a world, which would rather hide wrongs, cover up sins, and blame others for them. Christians are strange because God has called us to be different. He calls us to repent, to flee from ourselves, and cling solely to his arms of grace and forgiveness. We have ultimate respect and honor for God and his ways.

That makes you strange. Christians are strange because they live as strangers. We know that this life is only temporary. There is no permanent lodging on this side of heaven. Yet, it is a temptation, even for us, to set our hearts on only what we can see. Earthly values, material things, and the approval of others – those things seem so valuable and worthwhile. It is a lifelong struggle to learn what the apostle Peter teaches: Everything visible is perishable and only that which we cannot see has lasting value. We need to remember that we live in tents, not mansions. We are not home yet. Someday we will trade these bodily tents in for the eternal bliss of heaven. Someday. But until then, let us hold on to the only lasting, valuable treasure we have -- the Word of God. The Bible shows us that we have an “inheritance that can never, spoil, perish, or fade.” Gold cannot cancel guilt. Only the blood of Christ could set us free from sin and open heaven to us. God’s Word is our lasting heritage. Only God’s Word can call us to appreciate the freedom of forgiveness.

We Americans value our heritage and freedom. Our patriot fathers died for our freedom. People still hunger for freedom in this country, but it seems our freedom has become a caricature of itself. As Americans, we aren’t too concerned with tyrannical governments or oppression. We simply want to be free for the sake of freedom: “No one tells me what do to! I am my own boss! I’ll decide what’s right for me!” There are no absolutes, no values, or laws, only shifting opinions and the clamoring for personal rights. This lust for independence makes our nation no different than any other.

Peter urges us as Christians to remember the extravagant price, which our Savior paid to claim us as his own. We are different. We belong to him. And so, without apology God calls us to be different. So, if someone says, “You Christians are so strange”, just smile and say, “Thanks be to God!” Amen.