Summary: We study what is the hardest words to say in the English language.

The Hardest word to say in the English Language?

By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr.


Matthew 5: 37 But let you communication be,

Yea, yea; Nay, nay ---

Matthew 14:8 And she said, being instructed of her

Mother, say, Give me here John the Baptist’s

head in a charger.

9 And the King was sorry, nevertheless for the

oaths’s sake, and them that sat around with him...

Matthew 13:6 And when the sun was come up,

they were scorched; and because they had no root,

they withered away.

I am pondering, ... what is the hardest to say word in the English language?

Once, when I was in the seventh grade, my dad, my brother, and I were traveling from Oak Ridge, TN to Jellico, TN.

My dad was going to preach, and I was going to play

the guitar and my older brother the saxophone.

We got into a discussion, I will never forget.

Dad is a student of the English language and his

vocabulary far exceeds any one I know.

Dad ask us, ...

"What is the hardest to say word in our language?"

I knew the answer right away?

It has to be.....

Supercalafragalisticexpealadoist, 33 letters,

I felt so smart, I solved the problem before my

older, who’s who brother!

Dad said, "No, that is not the hardest to say

English word. Besides that is not a real word."

Well, I was not as smart as I thought?

Charles Edward, my older brother,

pondered a while, and he came up with the answer,

praise God for smart people!

Eddie said the largest real word in English was:


26 letters.

He is so smart, he even knew it’s meaning.

The largest real word means people that are

against establishing churches.

Well, dad did not agree with us.

Dad said big words could be easy to say if you

broke them down in syllables.

We rode on down the road, pondered,

what could the world’s hardest word to say be?

Finally, dad ask us did we give up?

We had no choice, then wisdom flowed like a river.

Dad said, "Sin is the next to hardest word to


He went on to explain, when we break the heart of

God, we made a choice, and that selfishness and a

lack of fear and respect of God and His Word caused


He said the older we became, the easier it would be

to excuse our actions, and compromise the values

that we now accepted.

He said, "Flee from sin and the very appearance

of wrong doing.

We discussed:

Sin will cost you ...

more than you had planned on paying!

Sin will take you ...

further than you planned on going!

Sin will keep you ......

longer than you planned on staying!



Matthew 13:6 And when the sun was come up,

they were scorched; and because they had no root,

they withered away.

We talked about poor, old blind Samson,

and the trail of tears Samson caused his momma and

daddy, and a whole nation.

In tears of failure, Samson cries and prays a dumb

prayer, Samson prayed ...

"God just one more time, touch me?"

What if Samson had prayed,

"Father, I know I let you down,

touch me every day of my life,

and bring glory to Your Name?

See, sin left a good man feeling like a failure,

his faith would forever be dwarfed.

You can fail and not be a failure?

I agree with my dad, sin is harder to say than


God give me eyes that will see the pitfalls of sin

before us.

Well, what is the hardest word to say: ... ???



No, no way?

No is only two letters, it is easy to say.

Well, I carry a head of gray hair,

and I know NO is a hard word to say!

How many times have I bought something,

not that I needed it, I couldn’t say ... NO.

Matthew 14:8 And she said, being instructed of her

Mother, say, Give me here John the Baptist’s

head in a charger.

9 And the King was sorry, nevertheless for the

oaths’s sake, and them that sat around with him...

John the Baptist told the King and his girlfriend,

no --- adultery is wrong.

John said NO to some poerful people.

This NO would make a certain woman MAD.

She did not care, she was going to get even.

This led to a bitter woman giving poor advice

and asking for the preacher’s head on a silver tray.

The girl couldn’t say no, the girl could have had


The king wouldn’t say no. There was a lot of people

watching? How sad when leaders can not say -- NO!

My guess is this young girl could never forget the

nightmare of seeing the Preachers head before her.

A ministry was ended,

a weak knee king could not say NO.

Many today are served Preacher’s heads?

My two year and my five year old grandsons hate that word, NO.

If you say it, and stick to NO,

they might cry, or stick out their lip

and run to mommy.

We have baby, immature Christians that demand of God

their way?

Pastors, tell someone at church...

NO and see them go ballistic.

They will quit and go to another church?

Tell the Pastor ... NO ... and see a grown man cry?

We live in a day that society wants to be so accepted, we fear to say NO.

Spoiled brats come from a YES SOCIETY.

I will go to my bedroom and pout.

We need some men of God to stand

against the tide, and say "NO!"

In 1970, I was in a college dorm room and they were passing out golden sunshine, a type of LSD.

I was offered some.

I said, "NO."

They called me a sissy, I refused and left


I was no sissy.

It takes a man to say, "NO," and walk away.

It takes a man to walk away from a stupid argument or fight.

Even dead fish can swim down stream,

have a holy back bone and learn to say NO.

We do not need jellyfish Christians.

Stand up and say NO!

That beautiful young man that will die in a few months,

he has heard of STD’s (Sexually transmitted diseases)

but that can’t have to him? Everybody else is doing it?

He should have said, NO!

That smart, beautiful young girl, had big plans for her life? Her boyfriend pressed her, "we are in love?"

She wakes up sick to her stomach, and realizes she is pregnant? She will have to drop out of school and raise a baby? How sad? If only she would have said --

NO! I am better than that!

Her boyfriend presses for an abortion, it is the easiest way? No, the easiest way would have been to stay pure before GOD!

You ever heard the words: My unhappiness was the unhappiness of a person who could not say, "NO!"

Now, The Dare Program says ... "Just say NO!"

I am told pornography is in 55% of Christian homes?

It starts with a magazine, a video, a peep show,

a fall?

You ever stood and watch someone fight for their breath, they turn blue, the gab oxygin tank, they can enjoy nothing, they can’t get their breath? Someone will die from smoking?

Say --- "NO."

Are you searching for applause, trophies, feelings or to please God? Does popularity rule your actions?

If you can’t say NO, then don’t complain, you must bear the consequences.

I will close with this, keep saying Yes, and they will still get mad at you, the more you give, the more that is expected.

Tolerance builds the dose to achieve greater and


I helped a man with his rent 3 months,he got where

he came and demanded money?

Finally, I couldn’t do it anymore,

he turned and cursed me, and broke my heart.

You can not please everyone.

Say, YES to God and NO to the weights and sin.

Lay aside every weight and sin which doth so easily

beset us, and run this race with patience?


May you have wisdom, and know how to say --- "NO!"

His servant,

Wade Martin Hughes, Sr.

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