Summary: Trust God for everything

Believing God for the Impossible

Hebrews 11: 29

Some of the most popular shows on TV are what we call ‘reality based’ programs including a series called World’s Most Amazing Videos. We like those shows because we are able to see people do things and survive incidents that look impossible. For some us being told that something is impossible is simply a challenge! For others hearing, ‘that’s impossible’ is a reason to stop trying, to quit.

Years ago when electric light bulbs were a relatively new invention the glass bulb was clear and the light they produced was glaring and direct. The desirability of frosting the bulbs was recognized by GE’s engineers, but nobody thought it was possible. In fact, as a joke young engineers were assigned the task of creating a process to frost the bulbs to reduce the glare. But one young engineer didn’t get the joke. Marvin Pipkin thought of a way to use an etching acid on the inside of the glass and did the impossible... he created the frosted light bulbs we use in our homes today. – Bits and Pieces, 12./89, pg. 20

Henry Ford was an automotive genius. He came up with great ideas and handed them to researchers for development. One of his ideas was the concept of an engine in which the pistons were set at an angle to each other rather than in a straight line. He sketched out his idea for the V-8 motor and took it to his engineers. After he left they looked it over and shook their heads for the boss’ ignorance of basic engineering. Somebody volunteered to tell that his idea was impossible. Ford said, “Do it anyway and stay at it until you succeed.” It took over one year and many designs but eventually Ford’s researchers came up with the design of the most powerful automobile engine known to us today. His refusal to acknowledge the impossible laid the foundation for turning an idea into a working design. – Think and Grow Rich, 1960

In this series of messages from Hebrews 11, we have met great people of faith who overcame impossibility. Their stories are captured for us, not on the World’s Most Amazing Videos, but in the Bible’s Most Amazing Stories. As you read them and hear sermons preached about this great exploits... one response may be indifference; “so what?”

Or you might say, “ Wouldn’t it be cool if those kind of things happened today?”

Or you could BELIEVE that these stories have something to say to YOU — For they do.

The Bible is God’s way of saying to you and me.... “This is Who I AM and What I Do.”

1 Corinthians 10:11 tells us: “These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the fulfillment of the ages has come.” John 20:31 tells us the same truth: “These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.”

We go once again to Hebrews 11 for the text today. Hebrews 11: 29

We are referenced to a fantastically amazing account of the power of God in the O.T. history of the people of God. Listen ...

As we talk about this story this morning, the questions I want you to keep asking yourself are:

∙ Are there ‘impossible’ circumstances in my life God is allowing for His own purposes?

∙ Will I trust Him with my fate, my destiny?

The whole story of the crossing of the Red Sea is told in Exodus 14. Let’s take a look. In your Pew Bible, you find the story on page 51. A little background to set the scene....

Because of a famine in Canaan, now the country of Israel, Jacob’s small clan moved to Egypt, settling there under the protection of their son and brother Joseph whom God had raised to the position of Prime Minister. In the course of 400 years, that small clan of less than 100 had become about a million souls, give or take a few! The Egyptians, fearing this growing nation inside their borders, had reduced them to slavery by preventing them access to power and prosperity. The Jews prayed for deliverance and God sent them Moses. After some extensive training in faith, Moses confronted the Pharaoh, the supreme ruler of Egypt, and with God’s backing, won the freedom of this nation of slaves.

Let’s pick up the story in Exodus. (Read 13: 17-18, 14:1-3)

The first fact to note in this account is this:

God set up His people in an impossible situation so all the world could see and know His Power.

Given our high opinion of ourselves, our first response is probably something like...

How unfair of Him? Who does He think He is, God? Yes, my friend, He does! As shocking as it to us, He reserves the right as God to use us for His own purposes and to the extent that we learn to cooperate with Him, He is honored and we can be blessed EVEN in times of great trouble.

See God knew exactly what He was doing. Not even Moses was clued in. God just said, “Trust me.” Don’t you love that phrase? I hate it. I don’t like trusting anybody, especially when their actions and plans seem stupid. And it certainly looked like God was confused as He led a million people in a big circle and then had them set up their camp right next to the Red Sea. What would they do if Pharaoh changed his mind and came after them? He was famous for changing his mind! He had let them go and the decided to keep them in slavery several times over the past year. Wouldn’t it make more sense to put them in a place where they could form a defensive perimeter to fight off the army of Egypt? Sure it would, but God had a different plan that would let the Jews and the Egyptians see again His power.

About 1500 years later in Jewish history there was a less momentous occasion in the ministry of Jesus that teaches us this same principle. Jesus and some of his friends came upon a blind man sitting along the road. Those walking with Jesus formed a judgement immediately.... Their thinking is revealed in the question they asked -- John 9:2 “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answer is astonishing. John 9:3 “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.” Then Jesus went to the blind man and healed him in a most unconventional way. He spit on the ground, make a little mud and smeared it on the man’s eyes. Then he told the blind man to take a step of faith.... John 9:7 “Go wash in the Pool of Siloam” (this word means Sent). So the man went and washed, and came home seeing.

This happened so that work of God might be displayed!

That impossibility in your life happened with the full knowledge of God. Nothing surprises Him.

Might it also have happened with the cooperation of God so that you and your circle of influence might see His power revealed? Could be!

Ask yourself that question:

Are there ‘impossible’ circumstances in my life that God wants to use to bring Himself honor?

Let go on in the story.... So God led these people to the edge of the Red Sea and they camped there. The Bible says that when its sunk into the minds of the Egyptian leaders that their labor force was gone, they went berserk and sent the army after their former slaves. Pharaoh’s army was one of the best in that time. When the Israelites saw the dust that the chariots were raising in the distance, I’d like to tell you that after all the miracles they had seen over the previous year, they stayed calm in the hope that God would once again come to their rescue. Sorry... think again.

Here’s what the Bible says... Exodus 14: 10-12 (READ)

There is just one word.... TERROR! These people who had been through so much for more than a year, now feared for their lives and for what the future held for them back in Egypt. Compared to the tomorrow’s that filled their imagination, yesterday’s difficulties seemed desirable. In fact, they attacked Moses for leading them out of slavery. Their sarcasm must have cut his heart to ribbons... “were there no graves in Egypt that you had to drag us out here to die?”

And please note this, their fear erased any sense of God’s presence with them despite the visible reminders... During the day, God led them by a ‘pillar of cloud’ and at night, He led them by a ‘pillar of fire.’

Is it any wonder that when God shows up in people’s lives one of the first things He often says is “fear not?” While we are in the grip of our fearful imaginations, faith is gone. Good judgement flies away. Relationships get wrecked. Awful words are yelled. Curses are hurled at heaven. You know what I’m talking about. I’m sure that you, like me, have felt the choking grip of fear.

Ill.- A couple of years on Thursday before Easter, I was working in my office preparing the Easter sermon when

suddenly I thought someone clubbed me on the side of my head. The sensation was literally that... that a heavy stick had slammed me above my right ear. I found myself slumped to one side of my chair, dazed and somewhat disoriented. Jay happened to be home and when I called him, he came and I ended up in emergency room. Laying there, my doctor came in and after hearing the description and checking me over, looked at me gravely and told me honestly that I had all the signs of a major stroke in progress. I’d love to tell you that a sweet peace came over me and that my heart was assured by the knowledge of God’s wonderful love. But I’d be lying! I felt TERROR and much like the Israelites in our story, I fell into the grip of my fearful imagination. It wasn’t until a couple of Believers came and took my hands in prayer that I felt peaceful again. Incidentally, we never did find out exactly what happened, but I’m here today as normal and healthy as I’ve ever been. To God be the honor and praise!

What’s shaking you, friend?

Does the future of your family bring you fear? Afraid you’re going broke in your business?

Does some sin threaten to bring you spiritual ruin causing you terror?

This ancient story of God’s intervention is instructive for us. Let’s go on....

Exodus 14: 13-14 (READ)

Moses didn’t attempt to defend himself. He didn’t argue for better strategies. He pointed the fearful people to the One who could and would save them. He gave them four important words:

1. Don’t be afraid! 2. Stand firm!

3. See God’s deliverance as He fights for you! 4. Be still!

We could summarize that all with a modern phrase: Get a grip! The Chicken Little response to life’s crises is all too common, all too natural – you remember the story, don’t you? The stupid chicken saw something fall and provoked a barnyard panic by running around yelling, “The sky is falling.”

Nothing comes of panic. In every pressure situation the wisest choice is to take emotions under control, assess the difficulties and resources, and develop a plan. For Believers, there greatest resource is knowing that God is fighting for us. Before we rush out to do whatever we think needs to be done in the moment, BE STILL.

The Psalmist tells us .... (Read Psalm 46: 7-11) “God is with YOU. BE STILL.”

That’s an interesting Hebrew word. raphah { raw-faw’}

It is translated in a variety of ways..... feeble 6, fail 4, weaken 4, idle 3, stay 3, slack 3, faint 2

What does it mean? 1d1) to let drop, abandon, relax, refrain, forsake

“CHILL... and Know that I am God.”

Back to our key questions....

∙ Are there ‘impossible’ circumstances in my life God is allowing for His own purposes?

∙ Will I trust Him with my fate, my destiny?

Let’s finish up the narrative... Exodus 14: 19-31

How did this miracle occur? Our text sets the base line...

Hebrews 11:29 By faith the people passed through the Red Sea as on dry land; but when the Egyptians

tried to do so, they were drowned.

Faith had to be operational. Sure God had a plan and a man who urged the people to trust Him, but ultimately the choice belonged to the people who had to exercise their faith. They had to choose and they chose to see the Lord’s plan unfold. Would you please note the final outcome? (Re-read v. 31)

One more time I pose those key questions to you —

∙ Are there ‘impossible’ circumstances in my life God is allowing for His own purposes?

∙ Will I trust Him with my fate, my destiny?


Predicaments. We all face them. ... they are uncomfortable, nerve-wracking, and often threaten to drive us into despair. Predicaments range from personal to global. Remember the Cuban Missile crisis in the early 60’s when the world teetered on the edge of nuclear war? These tight places abound in history.

The Bible record is brimming with stories of people in crisis. Eve’s moment was one of decision there in the Garden of Eden as she was tempted by the serpent. She failed, choosing to ignore God’s deliverance.

Jesus’ moment of choice was in Gethsamane when he was faced with death on the Cross to bear the sins of the world. He took the faith road and brought us salvation.

Peter stood in a courtyard full of terror as his friend and Lord stood trial. He was pressed by several people about his relationship with Jesus. He failed to act in faith and disgraced himself in the night. But God loved him and eventually restored him, but what pain his faithlessness caused.

What about YOU?

What’s squeezing you today? What moment of decision do you face?

Is your back against the wall with no apparent way out?

Choose faith!

Moses’ words to a terrorized people are a true word for you today.....

1. Don’t be afraid!

2. Stand firm!

3. See God’s deliverance as He fights for you!

4. Be still and know He is God!
