Summary: Disciples of Jesus can have a profound impact on the world.

March 18, 2001

Understanding the Kingdom – Part 4


What possible influence could the people described in the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12) expect to have on this hard, tough world?

Slowly but surely the world is rotting from within.

The erosion has plunged our world into a frighteningly deep darkness.

What can disciples do about it?

The answer is found in our identity as disciples. In Matthew 5:13-16, Jesus reveals our identity and asks us to own up to it.

You must be what you are.

TRANSITION: What is my identity?


There is the earth and then there is you – the salt.

Jesus isn’t asking for volunteers here. Anyone want to be the salt of the earth? Whether you want to be or not, you are salt.

You is emphatic – “You and only you” are the salt of the earth.

The question is not whether we are salt or not. The question is are we functioning.

Since this is my identity, what is my function as salt?

My function: I hinder the decay of the world and emphasize its best qualities.

Literal salt has a preserving effect and adds flavor to food.

Salt was absolutely essential to the ancient world.

Preserved meats and fish from rotting. Many of Jesus’ followers were fisherman. They packed fish in salt for long journeys, and to keep it fresh on its way to the market.

(Jesus’ use of the word salt: What is good in society his followers keep wholesome. What is corrupt they opppose.)

The world displays a constant tendency to deteriorate. It cannot stop itself from going bad.

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. (1 Corinthians 1:18)

When each community is true to itself, the world decays like rotten fish while the church can hinder its decay.

Salt is a very stable compound.

It cannot, strictly speaking, lose its saltiness. And that is the irony of Jesus’ point – an inconceivable situation. Salt cannot stop being salt. But it can become contaminated and useless.

Yet Jesus said it could become tasteless.

Salt in the ancient world was not very refined.

White powder contained some sodium chloride, but the rest was road dust. Good for nothing. Same with a disciple that that is diluted by the world. If the salt loses its saltiness, it cannot be made salty again.

In Mark 9:50 Jesus said – Have salt in yourselves…

I am salt. That is my identity. My function? I hinder the decay of the world and emphasize its best qualities. What about my influence?

My influence on the world: Depends on my being distinctive, not identical.

What does Jesus expect?

Quite simply that the salt retain its preserving and seasoning qualities. That it’s distinct:

1. Distinct answers (to today’s questions)

Our message is not a mirror-image of the message of the world. Our answers are different.

People wonder:

 How come they live in the same place I live, but they are able to live a different kind of life?

 How is it I can’t conquer this habit, but he has?

 Why is their love so deep and lasting and ours so shallow and fickle?

 How is it that she can forgive and not hold a grudge, but I can’t seem to get over a wrong done to me?

 These are the most compassionate, patient and kind people I have ever met! I wonder why.

 I’ve never seen such integrity. The guy wouldn’t even think of taking a dime that isn’t his.

When the church is different from the world, the world is attracted to Jesus. Indistinguishable from the world – useless.

What a height from which to fall – from saviors of society to the stuff of footpaths!

We are to confront people with the truth in contrast to the lies that are lulling them to sleep – with distinct answers.

2. Distinct attitudes (or beliefs)

 Don’t mingle so much that you become diluted.

We serve no one by attempting to obliterate or minimize the differences.

One of the great tragedies of the church – constant tendency to conform rather than develop a true counter-culture.

We think differently with the mind of Christ!

Jesus would ask us to…

Be more courageous and outspoken in condemning evil.

Take a stand for what is true, good and decent.

Illus – Chuck Colson is an example of this.

Through his Breakpoint commentaries he challenges me to be saltier than I am – to confront issues that really are causing further rottenness and to praise those things that enhance life as God intended.

You and only you are the salt of the earth. You must be what you are. You must not fail the world you are called to serve.

TRANSITION: A second part to this identity.

Read v. 14


Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.”

Here he says, “You are the light of the world.”

Again, Jesus didn’t say, “Who would like to be the light of the world.” Or, “You know, what the world really needs is lights.”

The question is not do you want to be, but since you are light…will you function as light?

There is the world, then there is you – the light.

It’s emphatic – “You and only you are the light of the world.”

My Function: I dispel darkness.

Light was absolutely essential to the ancient world.

It’s essential today.

Have you ever experienced complete and total darkness?

Children are often afraid of the dark because they don’t know where they are or what dangers are present.

ILLUS – Standing in Mark Twain cave in Hannibal, Missouri when they shut off the lights. Couldn’t see my hand at the end of my nose!

ILLUS - July 13, 1977 Blackout in NYC – lightning knocked out power in much of the city – Time magazine called it “A night of terror.” Mobs smashed windows, hauled away merchandise. Some 4500 people were arrested after doing some $61 million worth of damage. A real picture of life in the dark. It’s crazy.

The world is shrouded in thick darkness.

When you live in darkness, you have no ray of light – you can’t even find your way home. Many are lost and don’t know the way home.

We’re here to point the way. The way back to God.

By being light, people look at you and say to themselves…

“Twinkle, twinkle little star.

How I wonder what you are.”

You are light. You are a follower of Jesus.

He said it…

A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. (v. 15)

Implication – I cannot conceal the truth I know or the truth of who I am when I am light. I dispel darkness. That is my function. My influence?

My influence on the word: Depends on being visible, not concealed.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer said – “A community of Jesus which seeks to hide itself has ceased to follow him.” (From Cost of Discipleship, p. 118)

What does Jesus expect?

Quite simply that bowls be removed and lamp stands discovered.

Jesus says, “I’m going to produce in you such a distinct behavior that you’ll be as noticeable as light shining in a dark place.

If salt can lose its saltiness, then light can become darkness. (i.e. Matthew 6:23…how great!!)

Remove the bowls that cover our lights:

 Remove the bowl of Indifference

There should be no such thing as an indifferent or uncaring disciple. People are lost in darkness. How can we not shine?

 Remove the bowl of Fear

I wonder what would happen if we did shine. Matthew 5:10-12 says one outcome is persecution.

Illus – Steven Curtis Chapman was at the Grammies and a microphone stuck in his face. “Hey Steven, got anything you want to say to Howard Stern?” He turned and noticed he was already being filmed with a video camera. So he said, “Yes, Howard Stern I want to tell you that Jesus Christ loves you and died on the cross to forgive you of your sins. And if you ever want to talk about how He can come into your life as your Lord and Savior, you can give me a call anytime.”

In the coming weeks they played that tape again and again, making fun of Chapman. But he knew he was light, and when the given the opportunity to put on a lampstand, it was time to shine, and not hide under the bowl of fear.

 Remove the bowl of Insulation

Do lights shine to illumine other lights? No. Lights shine to dispel darkness. That’s their function.

Less than 100 miles to the south of where Jesus was teaching was the Salt Sea – so salty that it is dead. On the western shores of that Dead Sea there lived a community of people who had withdrawn from the wicked world. They were the Essenes – their library was discovered many years ago – the Dead Sea Scrolls. These Essenes called themselves “sons of light,” but they took no steps in their culture to let their light shine. They were surrounded by salt, but their own salt was as tasteless as the dusty deposits on the shore. In order to be truly holy, so they thought – they isolated themselves from the world.

We may think:

I want to move – there aren’t any Christians in my neighborhood

I wish I could go to a different school – I’m the only Christian here

The people at work sure are crude sometimes – maybe I should look for a more Christian environment in which to work

Here’s what I’m guessing Jesus would say to that:

“No, no, no, no, no no, NO! You’re not owning up to your identity. You are light! The light of the world – not the light of the Christian community.”

Don’t misunderstand, Christian fellowship is essential for growth and commanded by God. But it prepares us for being light in the world.

C.T. Studd wrote these words, “Some wish to live within the sound of Church or Chapel bell. I want to run a rescue shop within a yard from hell.” (In Simple Faith by Chuck Swindoll, p. 53)

Here’s what Jesus says…

In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. (v. 16)

I am light. I dispel darkness. That depends on being visible, not concealed.

My method of shining…GOOD DEEDS

The light is “good deeds” pointing to Jesus

(Anything a Christian says and does b/c he or she is a Christian – every outward and visible manifestation of Christian faith.)

John the Baptist – John 5:35 – John was a lamp that burned and gave light…

Light up the world with Jesus’ love

Spoken testimony




Teaching Truth



Loyalty to God

Care of others

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light.

Get out from under that bowl and shine!

TRANSITION: You are salt! You are light!


Here is what Jesus would like you to say:

The world is bad and needs salt.

The world is dark and needs light.

The world needs me!

You must be what you are. Any other life is a sham.

If you ever doubted your self-worth, or considered ending it all, think about this first. The world needs you. If you’re not here, how will decay be hindered in your piece of the earth? If you’re not here, who will shine the light on your block, in your building, in your housing complex?

Be who you are!