Summary: We are a nation "Under God". Always have been. Always will be.

Declaration of Dependence

In what could be considered, at best, extremely poor timing (8 days before our nation celebrated it’s 226th birthday) the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of appeals ruled saying the Pledge of Allegiance in public school is unconstitutional because the phrase “one nation under God” is an “endorsement of religion.” If this ruling stands then it will be unconstitutional for children in nine states to pledge their allegiance to the flag of the United States.

In Canada, where President Bush was taking part in an economic summit, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said: "The president’s reaction was that this ruling is ridiculous. The Supreme Court itself begins each of its sessions with the phrase `God save the United States and this honorable court,’" Fleischer said. "The Declaration of Independence refers to God or to the Creator four different times. Congress begins each session of the Congress each day with a prayer, and of course our currency says, `In God We Trust. The ruling was also attacked on Capitol Hill, with Senate Majority Leader Thomas Daschle, D-S.D., calling it "just nuts."

I have never seen this America so united against a judicial ruling as this one. Whenever the Senate and the House vote UNANIMOUSLY on ANYTHING it’s time to sit up and take notice. And when have you ever heard of Jerry Falwell, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson all being united on any issue?

The case was brought by Michael A. Newdow, a Sacramento atheist who objected because his second-grade daughter was required to recite the pledge at the Elk Grove school district. A federal judge had dismissed his lawsuit.

Newdow, a doctor who holds a law degree and represented himself, called the pledge a "religious idea that certain people don’t agree with."

Sen. Kit Bond, R-Mo., was one of many lawmakers who immediately reacted in anger and shock to the ruling. "Our Founding Fathers must be spinning in their graves. This is the worst kind of political correctness run amok," Bond said. "What’s next? Will the courts now strip ’so help me God’ from the pledge taken from new presidents?"

We are losing more and more freedoms because of “political correctness” and people who are “offended” by one of the foundations of this country. July 4th is when we celebrate America’s freedom from England. But we need to remember that this holiday is about so much more than cookouts, parades, and fireworks.

The 4th of July is about a nation founded, rooted and established on Christian principles. On this I’d like to remind us of some of the words our founding fathers said to this matter.

"Do not let anyone claim tribute of American patriotism if they even attempt to remove religion from politics."

-- George Washington’s Farewell Address to Nation

"The 1st amendment has created a wall of separation between church and state, but that wall is a one directional wall, it keeps the government from running the church, but it makes sure that Christian principles will always stay in government."

-- President Thomas Jefferson in an address to Danbury Baptists.

There are so many things that we no longer hear today. For example, we

are now told that our Founding Fathers were atheists, agnostics, and deists; but consider this statement by Patrick Henry:

“It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ!” Note: 52 of the 55 Founding Fathers who worked on the constitution were members of orthodox churches.

At the first Constitutional Convention, the delegates were frustrated due to the burdens of the hour. They were so fragmented that they were just about to throw out the whole concept of a constitution completely. Just then an old white-haired man by the name of Benjamin Franklin rose to his feet and said:

“Gentlemen, if it is true that not one single petal from any flower falls to the ground without escaping God’s attention, will the distress of this nation go unheeded? Let us therefore determine to seek His face.”

They promptly got down on their knees and when they arose from prayer, the slogan, epluribus unum was born: ONE OUT OF MANY.


“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”

The Declaration of Independence was signed in Congress on July 4th 1776. That is the day we declared America’s freedom and independence from the oppressive rule of England by declaring our dependence on God. And "Freedom" has been the battle cry of this country for over 200 years.

Sometimes we hear patriotic speeches or we see bumper stickers, shirts, etc. proclaiming, "Proud to be an American!" But think about it for a moment. Maybe what we ought to be saying is, "Grateful to be an American!"

You see, we could have been born in Bosnia or China or Pakistan. We could be wandering the streets of India, wondering where our next meal is coming from.

But here we are, in a beautiful church, surrounded by wonderful people, free to worship as we choose. I am grateful to be a citizen of the United States. And I hope that you are grateful, too.

A father was talking with his rather rebellious son one day & said, "Every person who lives in the United States is a privileged person." The boy answered, "I disagree." And the father replied, "That’s the privilege."

We have the privilege to disagree. We have the privilege to speak our mind. We have freedom of religion, of speech, of the press. We have the freedom to hope & dream & pursue our dreams. We are free in so many ways!

We have these rights because of what our forefathers have done. You & I didn’t earn the privileges that we enjoy as citizens of this land. The poet expressed it well. "We eat from orchards we did not plant. We drink from wells we did not dig. We reap from fields we did not sow. We are warmed by fires we did not kindle. We are sheltered by roofs we did not build. We are blessed by moneys we did not give."

But things that have been happening, such as prayer being taken out of the schools, the Klan being allowed to spread their hatred in towns that don’t want to hear it, and now the issue of the phrase “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance. So we stand back & look at this “land of the free” and we begin to wonder, "Is there any real freedom anywhere?"

But because of God’s grace, we have a greater freedom than any constitution can grant us. We have the freedom that is offered in Jesus.

There is a word for freedom in the N.T. It is the word, "redemption." "Redemption" means "to be set free." It means that we have been bought with a price, that we have been freed of our bondage, & now we are really free.

The Gospel is a message of freedom... It is a message of good news for the poor; freedom for the prisoners; sight for the blind and of release for the oppressed. And it is a message that is still needed today...because far too many are still not free.

I love the words of Jesus recorded in the 8th chapter of John’s gospel. “So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.” Are you free? You can be; because if the son makes you free, you will be free indeed!!!

But how do you recognize freedom? What symbolizes freedom to you? For people in Berlin, the wall not being there is a symbol of freedom. The Alamo has stood as a symbol of freedom for Texans for years.

Some people think of freedom when they hear the Star Spangled Banner, Ray Charles sing America the Beautiful, or Lee Greenwood’s God Bless the U.S.A. To millions of immigrants over the years, the Statue of Liberty has symbolized freedom. Or how about our National Symbol, the Bald Eagle? Still others think of the battles that led to our freedom when they see Old Glory flying.

With all the symbols for freedom there are in the world one stands far above all the rest. Where all the other symbols for freedom are connected to a country or a group of people, there is one that is a symbol of freedom for all who live, and that is the Cross.

We have been given freedom by God. Jesus died on the cross to take away our sins and give us freedom. The Cross is the symbol of life-changing, everlasting freedom. More than the Bald Eagle, more than Old Glory, more than the Statue of Liberty, the Cross is the symbol of freedom!

To borrow a phrase from Lee Greenwood’s song, with slightly different words: “I’m proud to be a Christian, because I know I’m free. And I won’t forget the MAN who died, who gave that life to me.” “If the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.”

And, no matter what those judges in California, or anyone else says, this nation is “Under God”. Always has been. Always will be.

Let us Pray……………