Summary: How To Use Music For Greater Advancement of Christ’s Kingdom and Righteousness (Matthew 6:24-33)

How To Use Music For Greater Advancement of Christ’s Kingdom and Righteousness (Matthew 6:24-33)

Andrew Fletcher in 1709 once said, “Give me the making of the songs of a nation and I care not who makes the laws.” Music has a powerful influence with every person on the planet.

Illustration: I remember when I was a freshmen in college, having just got my draft notice to go in to the Vietnam War I was greatly distressed. A James Taylor Song had a powerful influence on my decision making when I reflected on its meaning, “When you’re down and troubled and you need some love and care. And nothing, oh nothing is going right. Call my name and I’ll be there and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night. You just call out my name and you know wherever I am I’ll come running to see you again. Winter spring, summer or fall. All you’ve got to do is call and I’ll be there, yes I will. You got a friend.” When we find a friend in Jesus we know He will never leave us or forsake us so that we can confidently say, The Lord is my helper, from whom then shall I be afraid.”

Illustration: The sales of Christian music in the US is at all time high because Christians and non-Christians are finding great solace, comfort and answer to their problems in spiritual songs. I just read that the Christian Book sellers convention in Anaheim CA had a record attendance mainly because of the sharp increase in the sales of Christian music. People are looking for affection, compassion and consolation of love that is found in the music of godly Christian artists. Jesus said, Instead of worrying about what all the non-Christians worry, fret and stew about, seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you.” Seeking the reign of God involves allowing Christ’s mind to control our mind, will and emotions and music facilitates that process. Let us look at a few guidelines in using music to help advance the kingdom of God and His righteousness throughout our world, relationships and personal lives.

Illustration: In the history of the world’s religions, only two have developed the art of music to a great degree of proficiency: Judaism and Christianity. Only these two have developed music as an integral part of their worship. In many other religions we find the dirge (a lament and mourning for the dead) and the chant used. But nothing like the songs of praise, worship and joy found in the honor of Jehovah.

The nations, which have given the world its greatest music, are those that have embraced the teachings of Jesus Christ.

David wrote, “Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord all the earth. Sing to the Lord, praise His name, and proclaim his salvation day after day.” (Psa 96:1,2)

Illustration; It is important to see how Christian music has the power to bring down strongholds and to open the minds of the hard hearted. There was a time in the US when even Baptists did not sing in their services. Early in Baptist life, when hymn singing was considered imprudent in Colonial America, because of the strong influence of the Puritans, that only chants given in monotone were considered free from worldly influence. The First Great Awakening changed all that and we’ve been singing ever since. But do we realize the power that music can have in helping people coming closer to God. As James writes, “Come near to God and He will come near to you.” (James 4:8)

Illustration: When I attended Urbana in 1976 Margaret Clarkson wrote our theme song from this song, Where we sang with 18,000 in the Illinois University gym, Declare His glory, Among the nations, Throughout creation, His triumph sing. Till all earth’s people bow in adoration and Jesus Christ be everlasting king.” That spurred more than 5000 of us that week to pledge ourselves to a lifetime of commitment to missions. Spiritual music continues to have these powerful affects and effects in the lives of millions around the world who hear it. This is why Christian radio ministry is so vital now in a world that is more frightful and angry.

1. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, with all wisdom, teaching one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual song, singing with gratefulness in your hearts to the Lord. (Col. 3:16) Music has a way of penetrating through the complex defenses of peoples’ hearts and minds. Use all types of inspirational, instructive, persuasive, worshipful, and entertaining music to enhance your relationships with God first and then with people. In this way your music will be spiritual, emotionally appealing, intelligent, socially contemporary, culturally relevant, and Biblically based.

Illustration: Some of the most effective evangelism ministries we enjoyed at the Jos ECWA/SIM seminary in Nigeria during my nineteen years involved music teams. We would equip our students with guitars, tambourines, and loud speakers and send them out to praise God through the streets and lanes of Nigeria. Consistently, thousands of people would be attracted by the music of praise, joy and excitement. I praise God that these teams helped to lead more than 350,000 people to Christ with our film evangelism teams during those God blessed ministries. The Lord can do the same today with musical ministries in the US and abroad if we will only trust and obey Him.

2. Music is an important vehicle to enhance our personal, family, and congregational worship. David wrote in Psalm 89:1, "I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness know through all generations." David’s Psalms are often put to scripture for the facilitation they offer us in our worship, praise, and appreciation of the Lord and His attributes. David also writes in Psalm 92:1-3, "It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name, O Most High, to proclaim your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night to the music of the ten-stringed lyre and the melody of the harp." The Lord wants songs sung to Him using a symphony of instruments and people who display a variety of gifts and levels of skills. This is a representation of the choruses of praise that will be song to Him for eternity in heaven. Through this uplifting harmony of melodies our hearts are strengthened as we gain a greater insight into the glories of our Lord.

Illustration: Consider singing these hymns when you rise up and retire from your bed every day:

1). Praise the name of Jesus. He’s my Rock. He’s my Fortress. He’s my Deliverer in Him will I trust. Praise the name of Jesus.

2). You are my strength when I am weak; you are treasure that I seek. You are my all and all. When I fall down you pick me up. When I am dry you fill my cup you are my all and all. Jesus, Lamb of God, worthy is your name. Jesus Lamb of God worthy is your name.

Sing to him in private and in public, praise him through song when you are up and when you are feeling down. Honor the Lord with your songs of praise and you will find other people drawn to you and your Lord.

Consider Jer 30:19 “From them will come songs of thanksgiving and the sound of rejoicing. I will add to their numbers and they will not be decreased. I will bring honor and they will not be disdained.” God multiplied grateful, singing and joyful people. If God has a choice between multiplying a grump or a joyful person whom do you think he will choose? God wants multitudes of joyful worshipful people so he will do everything to see that they are increased in quantity and qualities of the fruits of the Spirit, which are love and joy. It is for the honor of the Christ’s church to have many added to them and many find salvation through music ministries. There shall be a constant succession of millions of worshipers flowing into the kingdom of God when they witness the joyful songs of those who come rejoicing bringing in the sheaves. (Psa 126:5,6)

4. The Holy Spirit has a way of guiding, enabling, inspiring, instructing, correcting, healing, persuading, convicting, and illuminating truth to us in a deeper way through music. (John 16:13) The Spirit gives us deep assurances through spiritual music about our eternal securities and restores a Christ like perspective to our thoughts. This is part of the reason why music can be used so effectively in teaching, admonishing, and bringing conviction to those around us in confidential ways that are far more effective than human efforts.

Illustration: I will never forget how Fanny Crosby’s hymn Praise Him, Praise Him Jesus our Blessed Redeemer inspired me to teach in a theological seminary for nineteen years in Nigeria. While attending a graduation of Kagoro Bible College in June of 1981 I marveled at Grace Archibald, a elderly single missionary from Scotland playing the hymn with great gusto on her accordion as the graduates marched up to the platform. Then I witnessed hundreds crane their necks to get a glimpse of Joshua make his way to the front of the auditorium. Joshua had no legs; he followed his classmates to the front in rhythm with the music as he propelled himself with the power of his arms. It brought tears to my eyes thinking of how everyone of us can praise Him with whatever He gives us. The Spirit of God spoke to me that day compelling me to be involved with the discipling, sending and teaching of such godly men and women for the rest of my days. I could not think of a better way to praise Him and give Him greater glory by helping to expand His kingdom through a multiplying ministry of Godly leaders.

5. Spiritual music is trans-cultural in the way it transcends human prejudices. By using a relevant mode of melody and rhythm music has a way of bridging barriers to human understanding. Through the penetrating power of Spirit directed music people of all ages, cultures, and classes are able to find a frequency of acceptability with some aspect that resonates with the emotional, social, and spiritual truths that are hidden in each person’s heart.

Illustration: In Nigeria there are 426 different languages spoken in the country of about 140 million people. The best way to cross over the barriers of culture, language and tribal differences is through music and film evangelism. We are continuing to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send forth more music workers into the harvest fields of the world where the good news of Christ is told in a musical form that transcends human prejudices, religious differences and social barriers.

6. Music gives Christians a greater sense of empowering to serve the Lord with gladness, purpose, and confidence. When Jehosaphat led the armies of Israel into battle he went forth singing praise to God! There is great joy in serving Jesus as we come into His presence with praise and enter His ministry with singing. This reassures of God’s abiding promises, power, and guiding purposes.

Illustration: I just received an email yesterday telling about how Rev. Prabash in India continues to serve the Lord with gladness as takes the gospel to remote villages in his country through music, film and preaching. In June of 2002, a venomous snake bit Rev. Prabash, and everybody expected that he would quickly die. But just like Paul in Acts 28 when the Lord healed him and spared his life the entire village sought to know the God who performed such a powerful miracle on behalf of one of his singing servants.

7. Spiritual music has a way of redirecting our motivations, methods, and ministries. When we have a song in our heart the world around us looks less daunting and we can approach our tasks with courage. Our human tendency is to look at our circumstances with fear, doubt, and skepticism, but music focuses our thoughts on things above rather than on all of the disparities of the world, our flesh, and the devil.

Illustration: Consider how God used Paul and Silas as they sang hymns of praise to the Lord in their jail cell. In Acts 16:25,26 we read, “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open and everybody’s chains came loose.” There is great power in music to loosen the chains that bind people spiritually, emotionally and in their physical limitations. We need to appropriate this truth in our personal lives, relationships and ministries.

8. Spiritual music allows us to forgive, over look faults and love the way Jesus did. When Jesus was reviled He often took time out to be alone with God and lift up His voice in praise for His greater purposes in the midst of hardships. This enabled our Lord to say with full submission to the heavenly Father, "Nevertheless, not my will but your will be done. For yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory forever. (Matt. 6:10)

Illustration; when we are praising God together in song it is hard to hate other worshipers. Except for one student who stood up class and confessed, as he was singing Holy, Holy Holy, he would occasionally look around and think, “There sits that man who cheated me this week out of a bowl of maize. Or there sits that woman who has is a mistress of a big man in the government. He said, “I learn that as I absorbed myself in worship and praise of God together that my feelings of resentment melted away.

9. Do not judge others for their musical tastes. To one, gospel rock may be offensive, but to others it may help them relate to God and others in a way that bridges many barriers. Romans 14:4,5 says, "Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? … One man considers one day (By implication - each type of music) more sacred than another… Each one should be fully convinced in own mind. This puts most of the emphasis on the motives and interpretations we bring to the music. We should learn to appreciate different people’s levels of interests or maturity regarding musical types. Because as Paul says, "The kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink (Or by implication - what type of music we employ) but our concentration should be on developing righteousness, joy and peace in greater quantitative and qualitative measure in ministering in our spheres of influence. Just remember that the cardinal rule is - Whatever is not done by faith is sin. (Rom. 14:23)

There are a variety of styles of music that we enjoy today, each according to the taste of the listener.

9. Spiritual music gives us greater emotional and spiritual maturity. When faced with adversity, spiritual music acts as a buffer to the pain, pressure, and temptation. Remember when David played his harp to King Saul that relief would flood his soul. "Whenever the spirit from God came upon Saul (One of conviction for his sins), David would take his harp and play. Then relief would come to Saul; he would feel better and the evil spirit would leave him. (I Sam. 16:23) Without music to restore us to a higher level of Spiritual maturity many remain vulnerable to depression, sin, and the consequences of yielding to temptations.

10. Spiritual music provides a place where we can enhance our unity with people of like spiritual mind. Paul said, "Make my joy complete by being of the same mind, united in spirit, intent on one purpose." (Phil. 2:2) Corporate singing gives us a sense of bonding together with one voice in our praise and affirmation of our allegiance to the Lord and His greater purposes than our individual agendas. Corporate worship helps us remember we are all sinners saved by grace who need the Lord’s grace, forgiveness, and continual empowerment to achieve His will.

Illustration: Louis Palau started his message at Urbana in 1976 by saying these words, “Missionaries are like manure, pile them up and then tend to make a big stink, but spread them around and they do a lot of good. Missionaries tend to be independent thinkers and they can also be very critical of one another. Music has a way of unifying them and helping them overlook one another’s faults.

Illustration: There are two ways of being united -- one is by being frozen together, and the other is by being melted together. What Christians need is to be united in brotherly love, and then they may expect to have power. Moody’s anecdotes.

11. Spiritual music gives us hope with a glimpse of what is to be given to us in heaven. Revelation 19:1 says, "After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting: ’Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God, for true and just are His judgments.’ Rev. 7:9-11, ’After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no-one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb… They fell down on their faces before the throne and worshipped God, saying: "Amen! Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God for ever."

Illustration: I remember listening to a sermon from David Ring, a preacher from Jerry Falwell’s Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, VA. At the end of his message he sang, I heard about his healing. Of cleansing power revealing. How He made the lame to walk again and caused the blind to see. And Then I cried dear Jesus. Come and heal my wounded spirit and somehow Jesus came to me and gave the victory. There’s Victory in Jesus My Savior forever. He sought me and bought me with His redeeming blood. I loved Him ere I knew Him and all my love is due Him. He plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing flood.” It filed me up with a great hope that God can use anyone, no matter their handicap as they are given the victory in Jesus over doubt, fear and an inadequacy. God has used David Ring for nearly twenty years to preach to millions through personal appearances, TV and videotape ministries. The power of God came through His singing even he is totally tone deaf.

12. Spiritual music helps us praise God for His attributes. Consider how the following hymns lift our hearts toward praise God’s glorious characteristics:

A. I Will Glorify the Lord of Hosts. I will glorify the Lamb. I will glorify the King of Kings who is the great I am

B. Praise the Savior Ye Who know Him who can tell how much we owe Him. Gladly let us render to Him. All we are and have. Jesus is the name that charms us He for conflict fits and arms us. Nothing moves or nothing harms us while we trust in Him. Trust in Him ye saints forever, He is faithful changing never. Neither force nor power can sever those He loves from Him. Keep us then Oh keep us cleaving. To thyself and still believing till the power of our receiving promised joys will bring. Then we shall be what we should be . Then we shall be would be. Things that are not , nor could be, soon shall be our own.

Praising God through music is effective for the personal, corporate and ministry of seeking first the King and His kingdom and righteousness. Let us trust God to help us rise to a higher level of spiritual maturity and effectiveness through the ministry of music.

Conclusion: Martin Luther said, "The devil takes flight at the sound of music, just as he does at the words of theology, and for this reason the prophets always combined theology and music, the teaching of truth and the chanting of Psalms and hymns."

"After theology, I give the highest place and greatest honor to music." Martin Luther