Summary: Part 1 of a 2 part sermon on some of the beautiful lessons we can learn from the events surrounding the resurrection of Lazurus.


Jn. 11:25-26

INTRO. As a preacher of the truth of Jesus Christ, it is a disgusting thing, to me, to hear someone ascribe the holy power of God to the depraved weakness of man. That is to say, many in their spiritual ignorance and heretical teachings, attempt to attribute the glory of infinite God to puny insignificant finite man. There are some things that only God can do.

Some religions demand regular public confessions of sin to a priest, as if that priest had the power of God to forgive sin.

Some teach that one can not be truly saved unless he has submitted to their baptism in their church, as if they had the power of God to grant eternal life.

Some claim to grant miracles to some while denying miracles to others, as if they alone were the determining factor of who can partake of God’s boundless grace.

Some propagate the heresy that some can be saved while others can not, no matter how much they desire eternal life. This is in spite of the fact that the Son of God Himself said, "he that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out."

So the point remains, there are some things that only God can do. I believe that this is the whole point behind this marvelous miracle. Some make the grave mistake of putting faith in men to do what only God can do...and...some make the grave mistake of limiting God to the standards and abilities of men.


A. By the time Jesus got to Bethany Lazarus had been dead for 4 days.

1. Martha said, "by this time he stinketh;"

2. Corruption had set in.

a. Possibly the sisters had noticed the traces of decay upon the body before they even buried him.

b. In that warm climate the body would have begun to decay very quickly. This is why there would have been a need for a quick burial. The idea is that by now the dead man was beyond help.

c. If Lazarus was newly dead perhaps something might be done for him but after 4 days there is surely nothing that can be done for him.

d. Like an engine that seizes up. If work is done on it in short order, it can be saved. But if it is left to itself corruption sets in and after a while the valve get displaced, the wheels get broken, the belts become severed and then the very metal itself is eaten away by rust.

e. It seems that it would have been easier to make a new man than to resurrect this one.

3. We can see the lost man symbolized by this picture.

a. They are void of any spiritual life and corruption has set in.

b. Their character is insufferable. Their language is despicable. Their spirit is loathsome.

c. They have been separated from the idea of righteousness for so long that it seems impossible for them to ever be made pure and holy.

d. But there are some things that only God can do. "Believest thou this?"

1. He can turn a blasphemer into a man of prayer. He makes sinners into saints. He can transform the proud and arrogant into a humble little child of the Kingdom of God.

2. Ezekiel could not make dry bones live but the breath of God brought them together, wrapped meat around them, breathed life into them and transformed them into a mighty army.

3. No matter how far gone a man may be, he is not beyond the boundaries of the mercy of God. Jesus can change the most vile into the most holy.


A. There are those who deny the deity of Jesus. Then there are those who will deny the humanity of Jesus. Both concepts are infinitely wrong. Jesus Christ was both all man and all God. Obviously, as we said, only God can raise the dead. But I do not know of any passage of Scripture where the manhood of Christ is more frequently manifested than in this one. Mary and Martha noticed it. That may be why they doubted.

1. When the Lord saw Mary’s tears, we read (vs. 33) that He groaned in spirit and was troubled. In this He shows the sorrows and sympathies of a man.

2. And what of vs.35? We may disagree over the reason but what matters is that weeping is a human characteristic. Who can not relate to a Saviour who weeps?

3. vs. 34. Here He seems to depart from His omniscience as, in His humanity, He seeks information.

4. In vs. 38 we see Him as He goes to the grave. He certainly did not need to go: He might have spoken a word where He was, and the dead would have risen.

5. When He has reached the spot He sees a cave whose mouth is covered by a huge stone, so He asks for human assistance. vs 39a. Surely He who could raise the dead could have rolled away the stone with a word.

B. The point that I am trying to make with this is that sometimes we see the human side of the Gospel, and wonder whether it can actually do the mighty works it claims.

1. We see a poor unlearned preacher feebly trying to please God and we wonder what good it does.

a. We are afraid that most people are too hardened to the Gospel for it to be effective so we seek better more modern methods of saving souls. We throw parties, strike up bands, dress up like clowns all because we only see the humanity of the Gospel.

b. (I Cor. 1:21) -- "It pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe."

2. We doubt the power of prayer.

a. We realize that Elijah prayed and it rained...but Elijah was a prophet.

b. We deny that Jesus actually meant what He said in (Lk. 11:9) -- "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."

3. We silently scoff at the idea of mountain moving faith.

C. It is little wonder that we don’t experience more of the power of God in our life.


A. Nothing was used by the Lord but His own word of power.

1. Jesus cried with a loud voice, "Lazarus, come forth!"

2. Such a great miracle, such a simple means.

B. So it is with salvation.

1. God does not demand that you be a college educated professor in order to lead a lost soul to Christ.

2. All the power you need is to be found in the Word of God not in yourself. Stop using your weaknesses as an excuse not to talk to someone about their soul.


A. Lazarus came forth. Our God is as good as His word.

B. Lazarus came forth immediately.

1. C.H. Spurgeon put it this way, "The thunder of Christ’s voice was attended by the lightning of His divine power, and forthwith life flashed into Lazarus and he came forth."

2. How wonderful that this was not a process that took weeks or months or years. The Son of God spoke and the thing was done.

C. It is one of the great glories of the Gospel that it does not require some extended length of time to transform men into new creatures.

1. If we were to feed 5,000 people it would take a long time, but Jesus simply breaks and blesses and multitudes are filled with plenty left over.

2. Like the publican in the synagogue that left justified.


A. Many believed (vs. 45)

1. Many believed because of what they saw. A noticeably changed life is a powerful testimony.

2. But how many more were led to Christ later because of the witness of Lazarus himself?

B. Some told others (vs. 46)

C. The rage of the enemy increased(vs. 47-48)

1. Satan will not sit still long for the wonder working power of Christ in the life of a believer.

2. This miracle had it’s cost. Vs. 53 tells us that because of this great miracle, the efforts were stepped up to put Christ to death.

CONCLU. There are some things that only God can do. "Believest thou this?"

Nothing else can save your soul. There is no other source of complete fulfillment. There is no other means of righteousness. You must believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.