Summary: How can a God of Love allow so much suffering?

Why Does God allow Suffering?


Randy Croft

We’re in a sermon series now on "Questions We’d Like to Ask God." I don’t think that God is afraid of our tough questions. Isaiah 1 "Come and reason together."

One of the top questions asked by Christians and non-Christians alike deals with suffering. Why do we have it? Is God responsible? Why suffering? Earthquakes. Famine. Floods. Death. Most asked question on university and college campuses. Most of us here today have wondered why the world is the way it is. You have asked. I have asked.

I’ve lost both of my parents to cancer...I’ve dealt with this tough question for many many years.

Not only do people ask why God allows suffering, but some say that God causes needless suffering. Ex...newspaper story, LakeWorth, Florida. Man hit by high-power electrical line which had been struck by lightning. Severly injured. Hospital. Sent bills to insurance. Refused. The Insurance company called it an "An act of God." Court agreed and held up the Insurance claim. So the man decided to sue God and Company. He took 55 local Christian churches to court. A frivolous lawsuit...As the churches could point out-- it was an "Act of Satan." Correct.

The destroyer of life and enemy of all that is good is not God, regardless of what you have experienced or have been taught. We often grow up with prejudices or beliefs that need to be tested, and today we want to test this one.

First, we can’t overlook the biblical worldview, and one which many major religions subscribe to...that there are two opposing forces in the universe. Not fair that God gets credit for all the suffering. Bible says that when God created the world it was perfect...good. No flaws. So then where did this suffering stuff come from. Where did it start? We’ll look briefly at where this suffering stuff started, and then we’ll try something. We’ll try to put ourselves in God’s position and see if and what we’d do differently. Fun.

This world is part of a sin experiment between God and Lucifer--Satan.

Let’s put ourselves in God’s shoes. What would we do differently to guarantee that suffering, sin, and hurt would never enter a world.

(1) Nip it in the bud. The moment pride, envy, hateful thoughts come into one of your creatures minds, you wipe them away. That would solve it for good. Sound good? Why don’t we try it at home. Imagine that one of your children, parents, ends up getting in trouble with the law--prison 20 years. Neighbor comes up to you and asks, "When did your child begin to get in trouble and do wrong stuff?" You think "Probably around 13 years old. She began to smoke pot, take drugs, run around with the wrong crowd. Steal a little here and there." Neighbor says, "Well why didn’t you kill her when you saw her taking that course?" You’d think your neighbor was crazy. You’d move to another neighborhood. Why wouldn’t you kill your kid when they start doing wrong? Because you love them. Why do we assume that God did not love Lucifer when he began to get a big head? Not only that, imagine what kind of world God would have created if he operated on this premise...

"Imagine one day your in heaven, you overhear a conversation between two angels. One says "Say where’s Lucifer? I haven’t seen Him for a while." "Oh, haven’t you heard?" "No, what?" "Well Lucifer got into a little difficulty with God and God cut him out of the picture." Immediately fear fills their hearts. "Why did God do that to Lucifer?" "Well, because he sinned." "What’s sin?" "I don’t know, but you better not do it, or you and I are next."

If God decided to wipe off from this planet every person who has ever caused harm, by word, action, or intent--which one of us would be alive in the morning? Bible says God is "patient with you, not wanting any to perish, but wanting everyone to change their mind about him." 2 Peter 3:9

(2) Without ability to choose wrong. What kind of world would that be? Robots. Push button on back of your family and friends and they’d say "I love you." Wouldn’t that feel great. Sure...But is it true? That wouldn’t be love or a relationship. A relationshiop demands a love based on choice. It can’t be forced. God decided to take the huge risk and create a world with people who could choose to love and hate, instead of human looking automatons.

(3) Freedom to choose. If God created a world where people truly had a choice--He has to allow for the possibility that people would misuse that freedom, even if it means hurting others. What is the freedom to love or not love unless it is freedom to enrich or harm another? That is where most of our suffering today comes from. It’s not so much--Why does God allow it, but why do we allow it?

Some people scream "Where is God in Ethiopia? Doesn’t he hear the screams of babies as they starve to death?"

How can we blame God for starving babies when the best selling books in America are on dieting and taking the pounds off. The earth produces enough food right now for every person to eat 3,000 calories a day (more than enough). There is enough energy, food, clothes, and world resources. But America with 8% of population, consumes over 40% of the worlds goods. It’s a cop-out to blame God for human irresponsibility. If a person gets drunk, drives his car over the median, and sends your friend to an early grave, will you blame God? God has given us all the ingredients to live peacefully and well supplied, but he will not force us to bake the right cake. He gave us hands to shoot a gun or feed the hungry. Minds to build a bomb or find a cure for cancer. Hearts to love people, or hate.

3 things keep in mind about suffering.

(1) Even if we don’t have all the answers we can do something about the problem. on fire--ask where start, how, why--first get out and save your family? If a person comes to your door with a huge gash wound--bleeding on the leg...would you sit them in corner ask questions: How happen? When? Where? Or do something to stop the bleeding.

Even if we don’t understand all the reasons or have all the answers for suffering (but I don’t know how we would do it differently) we can provide some of the solutions to suffering.

I’ve dialogued with athiest through e-mail several times....It goes back and forth until I raise the question...what is the atheist community doing about the problems of society? Have they established a chain of hospitals, social service agencies, relief agencies, refugee camps, orphanages, food banks, graduate schools.. Now mind you there are thos who disbelieve in God’s existence who help make a difference in many of these avenues, but a disbelief in God does not give one intrinsic motivation to help one another...It must be survival of the fittest, to each their own...

A deep rooted faith in God realizes that all of life can help extend love and healing to improve people’s lives...people who have been part of God’s creative plan, but who have faced hardship. We can use science, medicine, law, business, and education to alleviate suffering, prolong life, promote justice, and enhance the quality of life.

Won’t Last Forever

(2)Bible says this suffering will not last forever. It will come to an end.

"It is mine to avenge; I will repay." Hebrews 10:30

"In a little while, the wicked will be no more; though you look for them, they will not be found...the Lord’s enemies will be like the beauty of the fields, they will vanish like smoke...all sinners will be destroyed; the future of the wicked will be cut off." Ps 37.

Romans 16:20 "The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet."

(3) No matter what your present suffering is, Bible says that God can give you hope, and strength to endure it. Why? Because He endured it.

"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus who, for the joy set before him, endured the cross, scorning it’s shame. Consider Him who endured such opposition from evil men so that you will not grow weary and lost heart." Hebrews 12:2-3

"Don’t be afraid, for I am with you; don’t be downhearted, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isa 41:10.

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not fear, for you are with me." Psalms 23:4

We can take our questions to God about suffering? We can deal with the solutions. But God does not want us to give up because He has said that the...

"Sufferings of this present world, not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed in us." Romans 8:18.

"Rv:21:4: And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."