Summary: The Post-Easter Appearances of Christ challenge us to take our faith-walk to a different level.

Perhaps, it is in between the Crowds, between Sunday and Sunday, that Quality and Quantity of our Faith and Walk with the Lord is most often Measured and Manifested for its Authenticity. Because some of us, who are serious about our growth in spiritual maturity, endeavor to put into practice those Kingdom Principles on Monday thru Saturday which we heard proclaimed from the pulpit on Sunday. And somewhere in between the Sunday of our hearing and the approaching Sunday of our time of refreshing, A Storm Arises in which we have to engage in “the good fight of faith”; the quality and quantity of our faithful walk with the Lord is manifested and measured.

And that is significant because Matthew-Levi calls our attention to that self-same fact by the way he arranges the sequential order of this episode. For Matthew places this entire scene between a Crowd and a Crowd. In the verses immediately preceding our text, verses 15-21, Jesus has just miraculously fed a Crowd of well over 5,000 folk, demonstrating to His disciples in their presence that He Cares and that He is able to Provide. And Immediately following our text beginning at verse 34 and ending at verse 36, Jesus heals all of the sick in that huge Crowd of folk on the other side of the Sea, demonstrating again that He Cares and gets involved in the hurts of humans. So this entire scene, set between a Crowd and a Crowd, involves only Jesus and His disciples.

And that is significant because ordinarily the miracles of Jesus are for others, for those who come in need seeking His help. The disciples are involved in such miracles usually as witnesses and sometimes as helpers as in the feeding. But in our text, these disciples are recipients, beneficiaries of a miracle, which is very unusual in the Gospels. Jesus and His disciples are alone, and in the context of this interim of aloneness, His Helpers are recipients of a miracle.

And that is important because as it relates to the Crowds on Sundays, a segment of the Church is always engaged in Ministry; helping seekers, healing hurts, offering assurance and encouragement, engaged in the ministry of prayer, serving at the tables of distribution, ministering thru songs of praise and ministering the Word. And so, they very rarely get ministered unto on Sundays because they are engaged in ministering to the Crowds. Very rarely on Sundays in the Crowds are they themselves recipients of a miracle; they are usually witnesses and instruments of miracles. And so, in between the Crowds and in between Sundays, they require the special attention of Jesus one-on-one; they require His personal care and provision.

And so in the interim, between the Crowds, the disciples were under orders to precede Jesus to the other side. So they get in a boat without Jesus; a storm arise overwhelming and threatening them; and then Jesus comes to them walking on the water.

Perhaps in our text, the disciples are reminded that they, too, have Needs; that they, too, still have Fears, Doubts and Inadequacies. Perhaps they are reminded that they are in reality Disciples on the way to Becoming Disciples; and as such, they too needed to experience the power of Christ’s presence.

And so, it becomes significant for those of us who are on the way to becoming disciples; those of us who, in between the Crowds on Sundays, recognize that we too have needs, even fears, doubts and inadequacies in that our faith is insufficient in the storms of life; because our Text reminds us that Jesus Does Come and Will Come To Us. In between the Crowds and in between Sundays, we need to hear that Jesus Still Shows Up; there are still Epiphanies, Appearances of Jesus in between the Crowds and Sundays; because thru the week the quality and quantity of our Faithful Walk with the Lord is most often Manifested and Measured!

And that is significant for us to remember because Matthew’s proposition seems to be that when the Church at large or Individual Saints are being Harassed to the point of being in Danger, Jesus Comes! Notice what Matthew writes in verses 24 and 25: “But the boat was now in the middle of the sea, tossed by the waves, for the wind was contrary. Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them, walking on the sea.” I am not suggesting that Jesus will leave the right hand of the Father and come in bodily form; but I am suggesting that He Will show Up in some providential manifestation.

When hostile elements, forces, powers or people oppose us in doing the will of God, Jesus Will Come: the gates of Hades shall not prevail against His church! In verse 24 Matthew chose to use the Greek participle which means “to Harass, Trouble, Agitate, Toss.” Being in the world but not of it, we can expect to be harassed, troubled, agitated and tossed about. The harassment can be Verbal, Sexual, Economic, Racial, Physical or Mental. But whatever form it may take and whenever our boat is being harassed, troubled, agitated or tossed, Jesus Comes! For Matthew says in verse 25 “Jesus went to them walking on the sea.”

And yet I would have you know, it is this Coming of Christ that seems to Present the Greatest Challenge to Our Faith! Not the Storm of Harassment; not the Trouble which we Perceive; not the Agitation of our Circumstances; not the Tossing of our Doubts and Fears; not even the Long Night of Jesus’ Absence. It is the Coming of Christ that Presents the Greatest Challenge to Our Faith!

Now, Why is that so? Let me suggest THREE REASONS which I have gathered from our Target Text. I submit that Coming of Christ Presents the Greatest Challenge to our Faith:

I. First of all, because It Is The Approach Of Jesus That Provokes Fear.

The night has been long, and as dawn approaches they are near despair. Across the water not subject to laws of time and place, the Lord Jesus Comes. Matthew says in v. 26 that when the disciples saw with their eyes a Form approaching them walking on the water, the Perception was that it was not human, and therefore it had to be satanic, the result of Magic or a Charm; and so it had to be a Phantom, an apparition, A Satanic Charm. And if a Phantom, then it was approaching to destroy them. And so what they thought they saw caused inward commotion, took away their calmness of mind, disturbed their balance; it disquieted their thoughts, stirred up their emotions, and so they screamed on account of Fear.

Now I submit their Fear was a result of Two Causes. The First Cause is Perceptual Error. Our perceptions are, in some degree, dependent on external conditions such as light, distance, background and the state of our nervous system and eyes. For example: suppose we see a silo from about half a mile away. From this distance the silo appears round. As we get closer, however, we realize the silo has eight sides. It only appeared round from our original distance. There was no change in any condition except that of distance. Or consider this example of how we perceive a page or book. Many factors enter into our perception of the page, such as the amount of light, the distance at which we view the page, the background or surface against which the book is placed, and the state of our nervous system and eyes. If we vary these conditions, we will find that our perception varies also. Although our perceptions are not totally dependent on external conditions, these conditions do affect our perception.

Thus the amount of light on that dark night, the distance at which they viewed Jesus, the dark background of the storm, and the state of their nervous system and eyes resulted in a Perceptual error. They thought it to be a Phantom. They were fearful because of Perceptual Error.

Let’s not judge spiritual phenomena in the Dark! Wait for the light of enlightenment and understanding; suspend judgment until the distance is closed; consider the context within which the experience occurs; and consider your physiological and psychological state. And that is significant because oftentimes from our physical observation of physical phenomenon, we determine that the object which is approaching us cannot be Jesus because, from a distance, the Form He Assumes and the Manner He Approaches is not the Usual Way or the Familiar Form we are accustomed to. And if He doesn’t approach us thru people we know and trust and thru Avenues we have tried and proven, then we feel justified in perceiving it not to be Jesus; and thus, we conclude it to be magic rather than a miracle, a Phantom rather than the Prince of Peace.

Therefore, His Approach Provokes Fear simply because we are relying on Preconceived Misconceptions rather than on His Precious Promises. Did not Jesus Promise “he who loves Me will be loved by My Father,

and I will love him and manifest Myself to him”? Did not He Promise “I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you”? His Promises are true. Start relying on His Precious Promises rather than leaning on your own understanding; and you won’t be Afraid when He Shows Up!

A Second Cause of fear is the Unexpected. Generally fear is the reaction to the Unexpected, the Unusual or Miraculous. The disciples were not expecting Jesus to show up. It was almost dawn and He hadn’t come; and besides He told them He would meet them on the other side of the sea. Furthermore, they had taken the only boat on shore, so they must have thought Jesus would walk around to the other side. They were not expecting Him to show up, much less to show up walking on the sea; therefore, they were terrified!

And that is significant for us, because we really don’t Expect Post-Easter Appearances of Christ. We do believe in the Post-Easter Appearances of Jesus to Peter, the 12; that He was seen by over 500 brethren at one time; and was seen by the apostle Paul. Yes, we even believe in the Second Coming of Christ. For we have embraced the hope that “the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.” Eschatologically or futuristically, we do believe in the Coming of Christ; but we do not expect Christ to show up now in contemporary living. Yes, I’m aware that we rear back and rock as we sing ‘Jesus will show up in me, He’ll show up in me’; and yet, We don’t expect the Post-Easter Christ to show up in our Post-Easter Experiences!

Yet we fail to recognize the fact that in the current events of world history, in every spiritual revival and the saving of sinners, in our own personal histories of our sickness, dilemmas and in every deliverance of every kind, even in our assembling together in Jesus’ Name and in the preaching and teaching of the Word, JESUS COMES! Our problem is that, we don’t expect Him to Come. And when He comes in a form unfamiliar or unknown to us, then we become Afraid of the Divine! But in the fourth watch of our night of despair, being tossed by the waves of opposition because the wind is contrary, Jesus comes to us walking on the water of our dilemmas!

The Coming of Christ Provokes Our Fear. But then again the Coming of Christ presents the greatest challenge to our faith because:

II. Second, It Is The Voice Of Jesus That Provokes Assurance; for in response to their Fear, Jesus says “I am He.”

I find it interesting that in verse 27 Matthew uses two Greek verbs which describe How Jesus said What He said. The two Greek verbs are translated in verse 27 as “spoke” and “saying.” The first deals with His Tone of Voice, the Sound of What He Said, His Pronunciation of His Words, His perfect diction and articulation; in a word, His Phonics. The other deals with the Content of His Conversation, What He Said, the meat of His message, the Substance of His Saying, the Intent of His Words; in a word, what I call the Ebonics of Jesus.

The idea of the statement “But immediately Jesus spoke to them, is: immediately when the disciples were screaming out in terror at the top of their lungs, Jesus spoke to them in a -Voice- Barely- Above -A-Whisper; in a Calm, Soft, Soothing, Reassuring Tone of Voice.

Above the noise of the howling wind, the loud splashing of the waves, the noisy violent shaking of the boat and their own deafening screams of terror, they distinctly heard the-Barely-Above-A-Whisper-Voice-of-Jesus who was still quite a distance from them.

In spite of the distance separating them, above the noise of the storm and their own screams of terror, THEY HEARD HIS VOICE!

Oh, what a Mighty God and Masterful Communicator! Jesus knows how to get thru to us even in our panic and delirium. For while-

We Shout Out Interjectional Tones of Terror, Jesus responds in a Conversational Voice;

We Scream and He Speaks;

We Holler and He Hushes;

We Shriek and He Shushs! His Phonics!!!

Notice also the Ebonics of Jesus, What He said, the Substance of His Saying, the Meat and Meaning of His Message. In verse 27 He said to them : “be of good cheer”; translated ‘Cheer Up, be Courageous, Dare to be Brave’. He said “Do not be afraid”: translated ‘You do not have My permission to keep on being afraid; I forbid it; Stop being afraid right now!’

Now that is significant because the storm had drained their physical energy in rowing, their minds were weakened thru the troubling image of what they thought was magic; they had lost all confidence of being rescued; therefore their courage had been taken away from them, for now they are screaming out for fear. They sure were not making ‘a joyful noise unto the Lord,’ but noises of hopelessness, helplessness, despair and fear. So, in a Conversational Tone of Voice, just-barely-above-a-whisper, says Jesus ‘Dare to be brave and stop being afraid right now’; for “It is I, I Am He, I Am Here!” Why be fearful when I Am Here, says Jesus. The Ebonics of Jesus !

This “I” of Jesus emphasizes the fact that ‘It is I and nobody else. It is not a phantom or an apparition or a ghost or magic; it is I and nobody else!’ This “I” of Jesus emphasizes the fact that He is YEHOVAH, the LORD.

In this “I AM” of Jesus we have the announcement of the Lord’s Declaration of His Will in the form of a Promise; for the phrase translated “It is I” could be translated I Will be There, Being Present, Being Effective. So by saying “It is I,” Jesus was saying “I Will Be There, Present, Leading the Way, Helping, Strengthening, Liberating.”

This “It is I” of Jesus speaks to us as being the God of Liberation and Redemption, and our real Savior and Protector. He says to us, ‘Stop writing periods, for there is always something else after.

Stop writing periods in your hopelessness and helplessness, for I will be there to deliver you-I Am Yehovah Shammah.

Never say ‘This is it for me; for I will be there to lead the way-I Am Yehovah Raah.

Stop writing periods in your sickness, for I will be there: for Healing is what I am; I am Yehovah Rapha.

I will be there providing what you need, for I Am Yehovah Jireh.

When you need peace, I will be there, for I Am Yehovah Sha


When you are wrong, I will be there to straighten you out, for I Am Yehovah Tsidkenu. Says Jesus “It Is I; I am He; I am here!”

Thus it becomes significant for us to note His Approach in How He says What He says; because He Challenges us in our despair and fear to Behave in a manner that is Beyond the Ordinary Course of What is Expected! For Despair is the normal response to helplessness; fear is the normal response to hopelessness. But Jesus says, ‘in your despair- dare to be brave; and in your fear, start believing!’ He challenges us, my friends, to act in a manner that is above the ordinary course of what is expected. For after all, that is the intent of regeneration, salvation or the new birth—to change our attitudes and actions; for while the youth are fainting and getting weary and the young men are utterly falling, we are mounting up with wings as eagles; we run and do not get weary; we walk and do no faint - that’s Going Beyond the Ordinary Course of What’s Expected! That’s why the apostle Paul wrote, “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old tings are passed away and all things are become new.”

Following Jesus in a life of discipleship means going beyond the ordinary course of what is expected. It means being cheerful in storms and believing in the face of fear. Why is that, Jesus? Says Jesus, “For I Will Be There!” In every human situation, Jesus challenges us to Act in a manner which is above the ordinary course of what is expected; for HIS VOICE PROVOKES ASSURANCE!

The Coming of Christ presents the Greatest Challenge to our Faith because:

III. Third, His Authoritative Command Provokes Us To Take Our Faith To A Different Level.

For in response to Peter’s “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water” in v. 28, Jesus said “Come” in verse 29. Jesus comes to us, my friends, to take us to a Different Level of Living; He Comes to Challenge Us to Live Above the Natural and the Normal!

I find it interesting to have a whole side of us that is not tapped: that’s our spiritual side. And we’ve lived so long simply dealing with the intellect and the flesh, the sensual and intellectual side, that a whole side of us goes untapped; and that’s our Spiritual Side.

And Its significant to be Spiritual, if you’re going to survive; because somehow when you’re spiritual your strength is not tied into your circumstances or situations or controlling people, because something moves within you that is not measured to you by others; but it is measured to you by God.

If you’re going to survive, you’ve got to take it to a Different Level; you cannot live like others on their level. Anytime I step outside of what is decided by you as normal for me, and I decide to go down a path into understanding who I am separate from you, all of a sudden I become irrational simply because I want for me what you haven’t decided is important to you and your group. But I’m not satisfied remaining in the boat of sameness and normality: I want to Walk on Water With Jesus!

And Jesus has a way of challenging us more than anything that we have anything to do with. He brings us in face with us, and forces us to ask ourselves, “Why am I here? What am I doing sitting in this boat of the Normal when my destiny is to be with Jesus. Now what’s wrong with this picture? I’m sitting here in the boat, and Jesus is there walking on the water. Lord, if it is You (and I believe it is), command me to come to You on the water!”

You see, it’s the spiritual person who decides where he/she is going in his/her life. The sensual man is already tied into the impulses that flow from his circumstances. And so, now he then lives with the vicissitudes and fluxions of his circumstances. As they move up and down, he moves up and down. He has to go with the flow of his environment, because he’s not spiritual enough to say “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.”

Water Walkers are not people who flow with you when you flow; they flow, it seems, on an independent cycle, running on a different wave; because Water Walkers have to be connected to the power of the universe and disconnected from other people’s concepts and ideas! If I want to live life on a different level, then I can, because you don’t decide forme how much faith I ought to exhibit; you don’t decide for me how much power I ought to have in my mind, or how much love I want to have for whoever I want to have it for; because Water Walkers are not controlled by intellect, by emotion, by attitudes or by anything that is around them. The only controlling factor is this: “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.”

Now, walking on water is taking Faith to a Different Level. But my argument is: Walking on Water is Not Extremely Unusual when you truly have fellowship with Jesus; it becomes the Norm, the Expected when you’re spiritual. Its because we live in a world where to stand on your own and to be your own person is Extremely unusual. You know, the world says:

You’re just a part of the pack; we determine your parameters; we tell you how to live, how to look, how to think; and if you don’t think like they think, you’re ostracized as being Extremely Unusual.

But to be spiritual is not a religious phenomenon; I am as human as you are. But the difference is, I have tapped into another side, my spiritual side. Now, if you want to stop where you are and stay in the boat, that’s fine with me. But don’t try to put your limits on me and my life, because I can be whatever God has planned for me to be, and its more than I am right now! I’ve got to be what I’ve got to be. So, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water!”

Anytime you decide to get closer to the Lord, you break out of the mold. When you walk by faith, you break out of the mold. And it takes faith to break out of the mold. Hebrews says “Without faith it is impossible to please God.” It is faith, even if its only Little Faith, that pleases God. Little Faith is better than No Faith.

And I’m convinced that Jesus wants some folk who can walk by faith. Some folk who leave the Boat of the Intellectual and Sensual to come to Him by faith Walking on the Water of the Natural. And the last time I checked Water was still a Natural Element composed of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen; the Wind is a Natural Element; Storms are Natural Occurrences; Fear and Doubt are Natural States on Mind. And so, the “Come” of Jesus becomes A Challenge to Overcome the Natural and Normal. Jesus wants some folk who want to learn How to Live Above the Natural; who yearn to Conquer and Overcome. And in order to do that, YOU’RE GOT TO GET OUT OF THE BOAT!

You need to understand that Peter is responding to the Word of Jesus. Contrary to popular belief, Peter does not see Jesus because Jesus is still some distance from him. And in between Jesus and Peter is a raging storm, plus the fact that its still dark. So, Peter is responding to the Word, moving in the direction of the sound of Jesus’ voice. And the Present Imperative Verb of Durative Action “Come” in the Greek signifies that Jesus said to Peter from time to time “Continue coming’; in other words, Jesus Kept Directing Peter’s movement by the Sound of His Voice.

And that’s where we’ve got to get. We’ve got to get to the place where we respond to the Voice and Word of Jesus. We’ve got to Get to a point where we move on just the command of Jesus following in the direction of His voice. Get to the place where we can say ’Just say the Word, Lord; command me and I’ll come!’ Too many of us need to see where we are going before we decide to act. But faith says ‘I don’t need to see; I’m persuaded its You, Lord, by the sound of your Voice. Just say the Word and I’ll follow Your Word which will bring me to You.’ We need to get to the place where just God’s Word causes us to act!

Now some of us are where Peter is now in verses 29 & 30. Peter was between Fear and Faith. He is acting on Jesus’ Word going to Him on the water, so that’s Faith. But in verse 30, he sees or perceives in his mind the wind is very violent, and so he became Afraid. So there he is, Between Fear and Faith. And that’s where so many of us are now; somewhere between Fear and Faith. We have obeyed His command ‘come’ and have begun to walk by faith listening for His voice to give us direction in life. But while walking by faith relying only on His Word, suddenly we become conscious of what we are doing which is not natural and we consider the factors in our environment and measure their force, and suddenly the forces around seem more real than the Voice ahead of us and the reality of what we are doing, walking by faith; and so we become afraid. So now we are caught between fear and faith.

And to be caught between Fear and Faith means that Our Movement Toward Christ Has Ceased. For a moment we are hesitating, vacillating between Fear and Faith. And between Fear and Faith is Doubt. Uncertain as to what I should do. Should I keep moving forward in faith toward Jesus whom I do not see; or do I turn back to the boat because the wind is too strong and I might be blown back?

That’s where many of us are now. We know we are doing God’s will and we know there’s some opposition trying to push us back. Thus the belief that we heard the voice and word of Jesus begins to totter. We then question our mind’s account about the reality of what we heard and we begin to examine the Word which was deposited in our spirits. We do not doubt the fact that we are doing the Unusual-walking on water– we merely question whether what we’re doing is a true reflection of what exists in reality. In other words, is walking on water consistent with reality?

Therefore, in asking Peter “Why did he doubt?” Jesus was asking Peter, what possible reason did he have to question what he had accepted as true a moment ago. In other words, Peter was assured it was Jesus, for he was walking on water to go to Jesus. But now he questions whether walking on water was consistent with what normally occurs in reality.

That’s where many of us are now. Between Fear and Faith; between Walking and Sinking; between Perceptual Error and Reality; between the Obvious and the Actual; between the Wind and the Word; between the boat and Jesus: and you are hesitating, not knowing what to do.

But I need to tell you that Between Fear and Faith Is Failure, for Peter began to Sink. Hesitating between what he Saw and what he Sensed, so he sinks. Dangling between the Wind and the Word, so he sinks. Halting between the Obvious and the Actual, so he sinks. Lingering between his Fear of the Wind and his faith in the Word, so he sinks. Between Fear and Faith Is Failure! Doubt will cause you to Sink!

But there is one good thing about Failure or Sinking and it is this: Sinking or Failure will Quickly remove All Your Doubt. Peter no longer doubts whether it is the Lord. He does not say now that he’s sinking, ‘Lord, if it is You.’ No! He says without any condition, vacillation, hesitation or doubt, “Lord, save me!” Sinking or Failure Will Quickly Remove all Your Doubt!

If you aren’t sure about Jesus’ ability to save you, sinking will quickly remove it! If you aren’t sure about Jesus’ ability to heal all manner of sickness and disease, then sinking when medical science has no cure will quickly remove your doubt! If you aren’t certain about His Lordship, I tell you Sinking or Failure will remove your doubt. He is able to save to the uttermost. His power is limitless, His resources are unmeasured. His arm is not shortened that He cannot save; for just as He stretched out His hand and caught Peter, His Hand is still Outstretched To Save!

But Jesus’ question to Peter sums up my argument. In verse 31, Jesus asks Peter, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” As I’m on my way to my seat, I go reminding you that THE REMARKABLE FACT WAS NOT THAT PETER WALKED ON THE WATER! NO, THE REMARKABLE FACT WAS THAT HE SANK; THE REMARKABLE FACT WAS THAT HE FAILED TO COMPLETE HIS WALK! THE UNUSUAL THING WAS THAT HE FAILED TO MAKE IT TO JESUS!

With Jesus, Failure Is Not the Norm; it’s the Exception. Failure Is Unusual! For the final implication of our Text is that if Peter would have completed his walk to Jesus, The Storm Would Have Ceased! For after Jesus rescued Peter and they both got into the boat, Matthew says in verse 32 that “the wind ceased.”

Therefore, we lift up our hearts today, we lift up our hands today, we turn our heads clean around so we can see where we are and remember how we got here, and survey all the long way over which our God has brought us. We ought to think about all the bad things that could have and possibly should have happened to us:

the cars we were in that spun out of control, the ships we were on that ran into rough weather, the planes we flew in that battled the tempestuous winds;

The bad decisions we made that nearly wrecked our lives, the foolish choices that nearly did us in, the tragedies that could have struck us, the diseases that tried to knock us down;

The treacheries that would have destroyed us, the sicknesses that tried to kill us, the meanness that could have discouraged us, the calamities that could have wiped us out, the confusion that could have pulled our world apart;

You’ve had some mean opposition on the highway of upward mobility, yet “the wind ceased!”

Oh my friends, if we keep walking by faith, the wind will cease. Storms cannot out last Faith. The Wind of Fear will Blow Itself Out. You Can Out-Walk Your Fear.

You Can Wear Your Fear Out!

You can Out-Walk Your Frustration.

You can Out-Walk Your Storm

You can Walk Your Troubles Away

You can Walk Your Failures Away

You can Walk Upon Your Fears

Keep Walking till the Wind Cease

Keep Walking till the Waves Rest

Keep Walking By Faith To Jesus

For Jesus Comes To Challenge Us To Take Our Faith To A Higher Level - TO LIVE ABOVE THE NATURAL!!!

So, in Green Pastures and in Barren Fields, I’ll Walk.

Thru Shadowy Valleys of Death and on Mountain Peaks of Life, I’ll Walk.

Thru the storm and thru the night, I’ll Walk.

Thru pain and sickness, heartache and sorrow, I’ll Walk.

Thru the rain and the pain, I’ll Walk; for I’ll never walk alone.

Some One is there walking with me.

Who is this Some One?

The Same One who walked in the cool of evening to fellowship with Adam and Eve.

The Same One who tempered His holy feet to walk on the desert sand to commune with Abraham.

The Same One who skipped like a ram on the mountain tops to talk to Moses.

The Same One who walked in a fiery furnace to be with the three Hebrew boys.

The Same One who walked on miry clay to lift David from a horrible pit.

The Same One who walked on the wings of the wind to see about Israel.

The Same One who walked on a storm-tossed sea to see about Peter, James and John.

The Same One who trampled on the serpent’s head; who walked on the sting of death on a Hill called Calvary; who walked into hell’s darkness, walked out of the grave a Victor; walked into a cloud ascending, and who walked over the sea of glass and sat down, IS HE!

His Name is Jesus, the Worthy Walker.

Jesus, the Heavy Walker.

Jesus, the Weighty Walker.