Summary: A Narrative sermon around the Daniel 5 story.

I. Here we are in the year 538 B.C

A. The Babylonian Kingdom

1. Currently at war with the Medo-Persian Empire

2. It seems as though the kingdom is on a spiral downwards

3. It is almost as if we have found ourselves in a great whirlpool of which there is no return

B. A lot has changed since the glory days of Nebuchadnezzar

1. I know there are some questionable times of his reign, but you have got to say. It was our best times

a. Remember the great things he accomplished

1) He took capture those Jews we see everyday

2) They have been here since and have created no problems for us

3) Neb. even took out other great civilizations like Egypt

4) Those were the days

b. Remember those days

1) How about the time when he had the great dream of the statue

i. The four great kingdoms

ii. Babylon be the greatest of them all

2) How about that great statue made in his image

i. That statue was enormous

ii. It was 90 feet wide

iii. It must have been worth a fortune

2. But Nebuchadnezzar has long since died and gone on to be with the gods

1) He died in the year of 562

2) After a reign of over 40 years

C. We have been through a number of kings

1. First we had Amel-Marduk

a. A man of evil – of great evil

b. Lucky for us he only reigned a couple of years

c. His reign abruptly came to an end that fateful night that he was assassinated by his son-in-law Neriglissar

d. Nerigissar died four years after succeeding to the throne

2. Then we have the short lived Labashi-Marduk (9 Mos)

3. Nabodinus at that time became king

a. He has not been to the capital in years

1) For some reason or another he is always away

2) Rumors are that the political leaders are infuriated with him

3) So he spends most of his time in the Arabian desert

b. With Nabodinus gone someone has to take care of the affairs of the state.

1) Well that would Belshazzar

2) He is Nabodinus’ son

3) He is young and really only knows a few things of running a kingdom

D. Well, that brings you up to date

1. Our great kingdom is in the hands of a young pup and a king who is nowhere to be found

2. We sure are in a great whirlpool seeking the depths of destruction

II. Belshazzar feast for the idols

A. Well, the young king is known for his great escapades

1. Today seems to be of no difference, the party is roaring in the banquet hall

2. If you don’t already know. We, Babylonians, are multi-god believing society.

a. We have heard stories of one almighty powerful God

b. It is just so hard to put all of your eggs in one basket

c. Why be stupid and mess up, when you can cover all your bases by worshipping all of the gods

3. This king, though, seems to have no respect for this Jewish God at all

a. Daniel 5:2

b. Boy, did Belshazzar ask for trouble

1) He just can not be very smart

2) Here he is drunken and orders the servants to bring in the Jewish God’s goblets

3) Doesn’t he remember what happened to Nebuchadnezzar

c. He must not remember anything at all. He sure has had one to many tonight.

d. There is just sitting on the throne so high and mighty, while his father is away

1) Why not go out in style? Must be the motto of Belshazzar

2) Here he is, while we are spinning downward through a raging torrent. Having a party with over a thousand noblemen in attendance

i. Sure this isn’t some of the largest

ii. This man needs to be thinking of his kingdom

4. (5:3-4) The party has escalated

a. Belshazzar stands from his elevated table and calls for everyone to worship the idols of Babylon

b. Worship our images of gold, bronze, iron, wood and stone

c. But don’t forget to use the goblets from the temple of Jerusalem

III. The party escalates in a miraculous fashion

A. This is going down in the history scrolls

1. I swear I saw this hand just appear

a. Yes I said a hand. It did not have a body.

b. It just appeared and started writing on the wall, in something I could not read

c. It must have written in some ancient language I have never read

2. Belshazzar turned two shades of white while watching this occur

a. The room was so silent, you could here the scratches on the wall as they were made

b. Each scratch seemed liked hours of time

3. When it was over and the hand was gone

a. The young king went hay wire

b. He had no idea of what was going on, but neither did I.

c. All I could see from the wall was something that looked like chicken scratches

B. Of course, like any good king would do the wise men were called in

1. I don’t know what it was with these wise men, but they had no answer

2. Maybe it was because the king was so frantic

3. Maybe they needed more time

4. Boy are we in trouble if these guys are the brightest people we have in the kingdom

5. His nobles were baffled

C. At this point the king was exasperated

1. At first he just sat there.

a. His eyes were filled with fear

b. His pupils almost all of the way dilated

2. Then realizing he could do nothing sitting there he got up and started pacing the great hall

a. Maybe he thought he could come up with the answer

b. That writing on the wall just seemed to blind your eyes as you tried to decipher what it was saying

IV. The queen suggests a Jewish remnant

A. As I was standing there in the banquet hall, worried about my king the queen entered the hall

1. The queen was Nebuchadnezzar’s wife and had a great deal of respect from Belshazzar

2. I guess word had gotten around to her about the events

3. She didn’t even look at the writing on the wall, how weird.

B. This is what occurred

1. Daniel 5:10-12

2. Oh yeah! I had totally forgotten about Daniel, the Jewish captive

3. Boy had this guy been through a lot

4. If there is anyone that can take care of this matter it is going to be this guy Daniel

a. I remember when he gave the interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream

1) Neb did not even have to tell him his dream

b. Then the other dream he interpreted before Neb became insane

5. Daniel is the man that can answer this dilemma

6. Those letter so contrasted the white walls of the banquet hall. The writings seem to be written so neatly, but I just have no idea what they mean or even say

C. The king sends for Daniel

1. Belshazzar must not remember of Daniel, but I do.

2. 5:13-16

3. I couldn’t hardly believe when I heard it the king offered Daniel a seat of kingmenship only one down from himself. Third in command

4. On top of that, Daniel so humbly told him I do not wish any of the things Belshazzar had offered

D. Daniel does agree to interpret the writing on the wall

V. Admonition from Daniel

A. Boy did Daniel ever get on to Belshazzar

1. v. 18-24

2. Daniel sure was hard on him

3. I wonder why he did not say anything to defend himself

4. Daniel must be right

B. Daniel retelling those events of Nebuchadnezzar was so interesting

1. He said that his God was the only God

2. That’s right I remember the letter from Nebuchadnezzar written to everyone.

3. Neb. said that this God was the most high God the most sovereign God of the world

4. Neb even said that He was subject to this God and everything ever given to Neb came from this God

VI. Daniel Interprets

A. The room seemed to only get even more tense as Daniel led up to the interpretation

B. When Daniel said what the words had said, It was shocking. I think every chin was on the floor

C. V.25-28

1. Maybe these words would better be explained to you if they were mentioned as these written on the wall

2. Numbered, counted and smashed

3. Daniel said the kings days were numbered

VII. The Babylonian’s are destroyed

A. That night Belshazzar was killed

B. The God of Israel had vindicated the wrongs Belshazzar had made against Him

C. Just remember this as you go home today. This God of Israel, the one true God, is just and righteous.

1. He will not forget about your sins.

2. Let alone forgive your sins, unless you obey his commands he has set before you

D. Once you do become a man of God, he will protect you just as he has protected Daniel