Summary: Our heavenly Father has given us the ultimate present – The greatest gift of all.

Christmas is an exciting time and little Sammy was excited. He was 15 years old and Christmas was still to him a time of wonder. He was a happy child despite his handicap. You see Sammy was slightly mentally retarded. He still went to school, though he was 2 years behind. And he did the things that most boys do; he played ball, road his bike, fished, climbed trees and other fun stuff. For the most part the kids were not too mean; sometimes they laughed and called him "simple Sammy", but Sammy just didn’t seem to hear them. He just enjoyed life, every part of it; to him life was full of wonder and amazement. And Christmas was the most wonderful time of all.

It was Christmas Eve, and both the sky and the ground were white with snow. And it was 8 PM, time to go to church for the annual Christmas Eve Celebration. Sammy could hardly wait. He was so excited wondering what present would be under the tree for him this year. Last year he got a telescope.

Every year on Christmas Eve after the service all the children would gather around the huge Christmas tree and each one was handed a present, with their name on it. Even though Sammy was a little old for this, they still let him take part.

Sammy’s parents left early that night because his mother was singing a solo, "Silent Night", and she wanted to practice. They were the first to arrive at church. When his dad opened the door, well, you can guess where Sammy went; that’s right…at the speed of light he went right to the Christmas tree and started to look for the present with his name of it.

After a few minutes, he began to worry because he couldn’t find it. Then his eyes caught hold of a big box -- the biggest present that was there. He slowly walked over to it, lifted the card and there in great big letters was his name "S-a-m-m-y." He couldn’t believe it, the biggest present was his, and his mind began thinking at the speed of light of all the many possibilities of what was inside. Maybe it was a bike, a TV, a horse, a tent? What was in it? Sammy could barely stand it, but he knew he had to wait.

Sammy really did enjoy the service; really, but he kind of thought that 3 days was just a little too long. Well, at least that is how long it seemed to him. Finally, it was over and all the children rushed to the huge tree. Sammy’s pastor, Preacher Joe, started picking up presents and calling out names - Sarah, Bobby, Susan…Sammy was on the edge of his seat. He was about to burst with anticipation.

Then, Preacher Joe walked over to the big box and said, "Well, let’s see whose name is on this one." Before he could read the name, Sammy bolted beside him and said, "It’s mine Preacher Joe". "So it is," Joe replied. Sammy took the box and gently took off the bow. His heart was racing like a jackhammer. His mom and dad stood beside him smiling, enjoying their son’s excitement.

Sammy removed all the paper and laid it beside the box. Then he began to remove the lid. In his mind all of the things he hoped to see flashed before his eyes in a second. Finally, Sammy got the box open and he looked inside and saw...Nothing. He saw nothing. The box was empty. Someone had played a trick on simple Sammy. When Sammy lifted his head, huge tears were streaming down his face. Who would do something so cruel? Who would play such a mean trick on simple Sammy?

Everyday, all around the world, this same trick is being played. Though the names and situation are a little different the results are still the same. Our world promises people great gifts: happiness, wealth, pleasure, relationships, fame, success and power. And it wraps them up in a great big box, with pretty paper and a beautiful bow. And it hands us this box as a gift. We get excited and we take off the bow. We unwrap the box and open it with great expectations.... And when we look inside, just like Sammy all we find is an empty box. No hope, no life, no joy, no happiness; just huge tears of heartbreak streaming down our face. That is the kind of gift this world gives us. Have you ever opened one of her boxes? I think you have and it’s not fun is it?

Notice if you please, over 2,000 years ago in a Judean field an angel from God said to several terrified shepherds: ”Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people. Today in the town of David, a Saviour has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord.”

The news of his birth fulfilled the prophecy given by Jacob back in Genesis.

“The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh [the Messiah] come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be” (Genesis 49:10).

Note how the scepter of rule had departed from Judea. Judea was under the rule of Rome with Caesar Augustus reigning as emporer. Cyrenius was governor of Syria, and Judea was included in the province of Syria. Herod was now the King of Judea. A foreign, alien power, now ruled over Judea.

· Judea was no longer ruled by one of its own princes; it was ruled by an Idumean prince, a descendant of Esau, Herod the Great.

· The promised land was no longer in the hands of Israel; it was in the hands of a heathen power.

· The prince (ruler) was no longer appointed by God; he was empowered by Rome.

· The temple was no longer cared for by the prince of God; it was (misused) under the authority of a usurper.

· The priests of God were no longer the ministers of God; they were the servants of the secular world.

Note how clearly and how dramatically the prophecy was fulfilled: the scepter had most definitely departed from Judea, and now it was time for Shiloh to come. And He would come. God destined His coming in the counsel and foreknowledge of His will.

The birth of Jesus is good news. It is the good news that there is a much greater gift giver than anyone in this world. Our heavenly Father has given us the ultimate present – The greatest gift of all. This gift is precious and because “he lives” we don’t have to be afraid. The message the angels brought to the shepherds was not just for them, but it was for all of us; for you and for me.

Like a diamond, this gift has multiple facets. You see, there is much more to our gift than what happened that glorious night, 2,000 years ago. Tonight, let’s discuss three sparkling facets of “God’s gift”.

First, there are his clothes. The “swaddling” clothes to be exact. This swaddle was a collection of tattered rags Mary and Joseph were able to secure from their immediate surroundings. They wrapped the infant Lord to protect him from the elements within his manger or feeding trough. The common perception of a good-looking linen blanket wrapped around baby Jesus is a fallacy. His parents unwittingly foreshadowed his death by using strips of cloth commonly used to wrap the bodies of the dead.

Isn’t it interesting that Jesus was enveloped with all types of wrappings during his life? He was wrapped at birth w/ swaddling clothes. He was wrapped w/ thorns in Pilate’s judgment hall, the Praetorium. He was wrapped with a linen shroud in a borrowed tomb and wrapped by a rock before it was rolled away on resurrection Sunday.

These “rags of love”, represent the protection Jesus provides all of us. The Lord Jesus Christ is a cover for the soul, every man’s nakedness and deformity appears that does not wear this spiritual garment. However, before a man can put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and be clothed with the Garment of holiness, he must take off the filthy cloaks and covers of wickedness; he must be stripped of his filthy rags, that he may be clothed with the Spirit and graces of Christ. Eph 2:22, col 3:8

While clothing or garments protect us from the pricks and scratches of bushes, the grace of our Lord protects from the pricks of our conscience. By putting him on and leading a holy life, we abide in health and those who refuse to put on these clothes are exposed to all manner of soul-diseases that end in eternal death.

Additionally, other garments may be purchased w/ money; this garment may be had w/o money or price. Other garments decay by repeated usage, however, the more and longer the garment of Christ is used, the better and more excellent it becomes. The gift of god can’t be purchased w/ money; the poor in spirit are better clothed than the rich. Clothes render a man or woman attractive only in the sight of man; Christ renders a man or woman lovely in the sight of God. A man may dispose of other garments at his pleasure to others, but this garment of Christ can’t be given to others. What thou has already hold fast till I come – Rev 2:25

Another facet of his gift is the manger. In the manger we receive the gift of life. While the manger held food to nourish animals, the glorious words of Christ sustain our soul. For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world.

In the manger, we encounter the presence of God’s love and we are given the gift of the life of Jesus, and what a precious gift His life is. Know one ever spoke with such words - the beautiful, wonderful words of life. Know one had ever performed such miracles. Know one had ever forgiven prisoners of sin.

Jesus’ life is an example to each of us. He shows us how to: live – how to have real joy, to worship, to be obedient to God, to love the unlovely, to have compassion for the helpless, to give joy to the hopeless, to stand up to God’s enemies, to love those who persecute us, to stand up against sin and win.

His words encourage us, “whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”

His words convict us to mimic the actions of the screaming harlot: if you’re tired of the way you’re living, “come see The Man”. If folks won’t forgive you of the things you’ve done, “come see The Man”. If you feel like you don’t have a friend in the world to turn to or that no one cares, “come see The Man”. If you’ve fallen and can’t seem to “get back up again”, why don’t you Incline your ear, and come unto Him: hear, and your soul shall live.

His words challenge us, “Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it”. His words comfort us; Jesus said unto them, “I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst”. His words get right to the heart. They touch us where we live. They give us peace. Our lives have been immeasurably blessed by the life Jesus lived when He walked this earth. In the manger, we are given the gift of life.

Finally, there is the Savior himself. The idea is that of deliverance, of being saved from some terrible disaster that leads to death. While history records the actions of men whose exploits were liberating in their time, none of them can compare to Jesus.

Noah built an ark that saved his family and the animal kingdom from the Flood, but he can’t compare to Jesus. Joseph brought Israel to Egypt, saving them from famine and starvation, but he can’t compare to Jesus. Moses helped deliver Israel from Egypt’s whip, but he can’t compare to Jesus. David quelled Goliath’s boast, but he was only a mere man after God’s own heart.

The founding fathers of our great country, inspired an American Revolution from Britain’s King George w/ the mantra “no taxation w/o representation”, but they can’t compare to Jesus. During WW2, The Big 3 (UK, USA, USSR) stalled the global march of the Axis Triumvirate, but they cant compare to Jesus. Our black Moses, the good Rev Dr. MLK marched from the worship halls of Birmingham to the National Mall in Washington D.C. to help break the economic and political bands of Jim Crow, but he can’t compare to Jesus.

Make no mistake about it; the greatest savior this world has ever known was born over 2000 years ago in Bethlehem of Judea. Micah prophesied in 5:2, “Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel.” This savior fought for a prize more precious than diamonds, silver or gold; your soul. For what can you give in exchange for your soul?

On a hill outside the city gates of Jerusalem, called Calvary, he waged war against the greatest foe known to man. They call him Accuser, Beelzebub, the Evil one, the Father of sin, power of darkness, the prince of this world, a roaring lion, Satan, the tempter or just the big ole bad Devil. But with 3 rough nails and an “old rugged cross”, he defeated Satan, death and the grave. He now resides in heaven, sitting at the right arm of the father; his ears ever open to the cry of the righteous.

In victory, God has exalted Him with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. He has power to seek and save the lost. As the first born from the dead, He saves us to live with God eternally. He saves us to be the citizens of the new heaven and earth. For those in filled w/ his grace, he saves us to rule and reign over the universe with Him throughout all of eternity.

Therefore, we acknowledge that the world hands us a lot of boxes. They look nice, all wrapped up with pretty bows and paper. They promise us a lot and we take them, many times with great excitement and anticipation, hoping that we have finally found what we were looking for. But when we open them, they are empty, worthless, useless and hopeless.

God has given us a gift, the greatest gift of all, Jesus his only and begotten Son. When we peer into the stall on the day of his birth, we see the gifts of God wrapped around him. We see the clothes of love, the manger of life and the savior resting within.

As a parent, you find it exciting to give presents to your kids. It is so much fun to give them something that you know, they will love and enjoy. It is hard at times, for you to wait to give them their presents.

How would you feel, if on Christmas Day you woke up your kids and they didn’t want their presents; I mean they won’t even open them. “No mom or dad I don’t feel like getting any presents today”. You know they will love them and enjoy what you have for them, but they refuse to even open the box. How would you feel? How would feel if they opened it up, said “Thanks”, but immediately put your gift to them in the back of their closet…and there it stayed, collecting dust never to be seen again?

Maybe you are here today, and you are a Christian who has put the gift of God’s son, in the closet. You opened the box many years ago, but really haven’t had much to do with it since. Don’t forget about the gift God has given you; don’t take it for granted, don’t push this gift aside just to scramble around to open up other boxes, boxes from the world that have no real answers (recall football game as a kid).

If you have pushed god’s gift aside, chances are your life is not going too well. Why don’t you on this day (Christmas celebration) before you open any other gift, go to your spiritual closet, find the box God has given you and renew your relationship with him. It is a gift God knows you need and will enjoy. He has been waiting for quite a while for you to really use it.

Maybe you are here and you have never even opened the gift God has given you. (You’re too busy, opening the empty boxes the world is handing you. God has given you his son (the Greatest gift of all). For many years he has waited for you to open your box and petition him to become your Lord and Savior. God, your father knows that that this gift, is just what you need. He knows that you will love and enjoy this gift for years to come; that it will give you life that is truly life (I come that you may have life and it more abundantly)

When Sammy opened up the empty box he was handicapped, he didn’t know any better, someone played a trick on him. We know our world does play tricks on people, but if you are here today, you know better. Which box will you open this Christmas? An empty box that the world hands you or will you open God’s gift through faith, repentance, baptism and receive the greatest gift of all…JESUS!!!

Remember, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son…"

Because God loves us so much...

Because God loves me so much...

Because God loves you so much...

He gave us the greatest gift of all...

He gave himself...

He gave JESUS!!!

He is the one who brings the forgiveness we thought was not possible,

He is the one who gives the hope you thought didn’t exist,

He is the one, who fills the empty and lonely heart,

He is the one, who affirms the value of those who think they are worthless,

He is the one who brings life beyond the grave!!!

When little Johnny was about 4 years old, he got a piece of candy stuck in his throat at school, he began to choke and struggle for breath, and his teacher popped it out, warning him about being careful with candy because you could die if it got caught. And John said to her, "BUT IF I DIED I WOULDN’T STAY DEAD -- DOGS AND CATS STAY DEAD, BUT I WOULDN’T, BECAUSE JESUS WOULD MAKE ME ALIVE AGAIN..." YES, JESUS WILL MAKE HIS PEOPLE ALIVE GAIN.

Because he lives I too can live again.

Because he lives, I can face tomorrow…

Because he lives, we can sing “Joy to the world! The Lord has come let Earth receive her King! Let every heart prepare him room, Let heaven and nature sing, let heaven and nature sing, and heaven and nature sing..