Summary: The sermon is designed to get persons to move beyond an actual observance to actively participate in carrying out the meaning behind the observance.

Beyond Celebration to Actualization (1 Peter 1:18-21).

Holidays are extremely important in our lives. During holidays we eagerly look forward to spending time with loved ones and friends.

Today, we celebrate one of the more significant days in the life of the Christian faith. Yes, it’s on the calendar. One could say that it is nationally known even if it is not observed nationally.

On this day, churches throughout the land have some of the highest attendance of the year. On this

day, individuals usually look like new money. On this day, you have to get to church early to get a seat. Why, because it is one of the key events in the year for individuals to observe in a celebratory manner?

It’s good to celebrate significant events in our lives like birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, weddings, and even funerals when one knows that the departed brother or sister has died in the Lord.

Today Christians throughout the world are celebrating one individual’s birthday, graduation, death and resurrection. Yes, for the Christian, we remember that a baby was born in this life only to die for all of our sins. We also remember that the same individuals matriculated through this life and later graduated with the highest honors of anyone. He

received the highest marks for morality, character, sensitivity, love, peace, forgiveness, etc.

I’m talking about Jesus Christ now. So, it is good to celebrate today. But, as we celebrate, let us not miss out on what is essential. That is, there is definitely something to consider beyond this celebration.

Why is it that we almost get exhausted at times preparing for certain meaningful and key events in our lives? What is it that causes some of us to stay up into the early hours of the next day making sure that things are in place for a celebration? What makes us want to go home and be with loved ones during certain holidays? We all have different responses to the previously posed rhetorical questions.

Each of us in here today would approach those questions differently, but the bottom line is, we have our reasons to celebrate meaningful occasions.

What’s so good about meaningful and celebratory events is that you usually find people upbeat. Persons who you would normally not see, you see. Individuals who would otherwise not bother to be a part of something, make that extra effort to show up because it is a holiday or time for celebration.

The reason why I am taking time to look into this idea of lifting up or celebrating is because it is something that we all do and is a part of our every day lives. There is no getting around it. Birthdays will come and go! Anniversaries will come and go! Weddings will take place! Even death will make its presence known to us at some point in our lives, so funerals will be attended. These things are

inevitable. There’s no getting around them. But, is there more to this than just celebrating?

Could there be something deeper or greater for us to see beyond where we are today? I think there is. I believe if we examine our scriptural passage clearly we will see something deeper and far greater than just celebrating. Again, its good to celebrate. But,

what’s beyond celebration? Let’s look at the life, death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and you will see what I am talking about.

Here the writer is reminding the people to whom he was addressing this book. He starts out by emphasizing to them that they are not where they are in life simply because of material gain. Their redemption was not based on anything that one has the ability to purchase. No, it’s something that the human mind still has not fully comprehended and never will.

This writer wants them to go back and remember from whence they came and also recall how their

ancestors had to live. He further places clear cut emphasis on the fact that nothing anyone has done in their lives at that time or even before or after them

could do what Jesus did for them.

He alludes to the fact that there was one who walked in this life as a perfect being. One like no other, untarnished, unblemished, and undefiled. Perfect in all aspects. I’m still talking about Jesus!

So that’s why we are celebrating this day. We are here not to show off new clothing, although they look good. We are not here to show off our new hats, although they look good. We are not here to say, “See, I went to church on the day the church universal acknowledges that Christ was resurrected even though it is truly something to celebrate and be happy about.”

No, we are here to not only celebrate the life, death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but also to try and discover ways in which we might be able to actualize or carry out what those things mean to us.

As we all know, celebrations come and go, but God remains the same. And, if God is the same always regardless of what event we are lifting up, then we should try to do more than just celebrate. Let’s move beyond celebration to actualization.

To actualize means to carry out by means of activity. It could mean to put into practice what you believe. It is faith in action. How do we do that with this event one might ask?

Well, I did show up, doesn’t that signify action. Yes, it does, but that’s not all. I acted by purchasing a new outfit for this day, doesn’t that count for something, yes it does, but that’s not all. I attend attended Sunrise service plus this one, doesn’t that show my attempt to actualize, yes, but that’s not all. I learned my speech or part in a

presentation, I know I am actualizing with that. Yes, but that still may not be all.

Follow me now? Yes, this is the day we celebrate the greatest birth, life, death and

resurrection this world has ever known. Yet for some, that’s all it is. It’s one day to show up. One day to dress up. One day to learn a speech or participate in a presentation. One day to come home, enjoy family and friends and then leave.

All of those things are fine. Still they are limited if His work (Jesus) in this life has not influenced your life. Are you with me? I can read a how-to-manual and say man, “This is definitely a good book.” But, if I do not put into practice what the manual says to me, it just like I never read or saw the book.

Just as the writer was attempting to remind the individuals of whom he was writing this book to, I am also trying to remind you of some things. None of us have seen God or Jesus in person, but we have heard of all of the wonderful things that God incarnate has

done for our sake.

We’ve heard and read in scripture of how this world had gotten out of hand because of the enemy’s influence on humanity and how God thought of destroying God’s creation in disgust. We’ve heard and read in scripture that nothing anyone attempted in this life after the creation to rectify the situation worked. Then we’ve heard and read in scripture that God because of God’s tender mercy sacrificed God’s own to come into this life in the form of humanity through a virgin mother named Mary.

Yes, we’ve heard and read in scripture how God incarnate lived in this life to prove that the enemy can be defeated with the right attitude. We’ve even heard and read in scripture of the amazing feats accomplished as Jesus or God incarnate lived among

humanity. For all of those things we celebrate.

Yes, we’ve heard and read in scripture of

how at the conclusion of His earthly ministry, He chose to die for our sins, we can’t help but celebrate. Thank God that He did not resist giving His life for ours. It’s appropriate to celebrate. And, then, after dying, He got up from the grave, it’s time to celebrate.

Oh yes, let’s celebrate. But before you get too caught up, remember we’re moving beyond celebration to actualization. What does His coming into this world because of this world’s condition mean to you this day? How has His earthly ministry influenced your life?

It’s time to stop celebrating and actualize. You see, if it means anything to us that He came into this life to save a dying world, it has to affect us. Are we acting any different than the individuals did who caused God to respond in disgust because of their behavior?

Are were different now because of our knowledge that someone came into this world who was God in the flesh and triumphed over all evil? I tell you celebrate, but also actualize or enact what that means to you personally.

It’s time to show God some gratitude for what God has done for us. We can do it with church attendance, but always have the church in you. We can do it with the clothes we wear, but always be dressed from head to toe with the whole armor of God. We can do it in our conversations, but make sure our conversations are not just words with no sincere meaning.

As we celebrate, let’s also move to actualize what this day means to us as individuals and to the world collectively. Continue to celebrate, but also actualize. Let the world know that Jesus lives today through us. Let the world know that you acknowledge Him for having paid a significant price for your sins and do not take it lightly.