Summary: A sermon on the Apostle Andrew!

Operation Andrew

The Story of the Apostle Andrew

John 1, 6, 12- Selected passages

Sermon for 3/5/2000


A. The story of Edward Kimball. Many of us have never heard of Edward Kimball, a Sunday school teacher.

B. He won a young fellow to the Lord, he was a Boston shoe salesman, and got that shoe salesman so on fire that he became the well-known evangelist Dwight L. Moody.

C. After evangelizing America, D. L. Moody started on England. There in England Frederick B. Meyer heard his message. One of the sermons that Moody used did not at first stir Brother Meyer. Then one of his Sunday school teachers came to him and said, “Brother Meyer, the sermon that preacher gave in our church the other day stirred my girls so much that there has been a lot of weeping, confession and testimony among us. It has helped out my teaching so much and the effect on the class has been wonderful.”

D. F. B. Meyer was so affected by the testimony of that teacher and those girls that he got off by himself, and soon it began to grip him in the same manner. His ministry began to open up and spread, and as it did, he was invited to come to America.

E. F. B. Meyer was invited to Furman University to preach. One young fellow in the student body had decided to quit the ministry and go back to a secular job. But the message by Mr. Meyer was given with such fervor and flame that the young fellow stepped out, came forward and renewed his vow to preach the gospel. He became the evangelist R. G. Lee.

F. F. B. Meyer went on to preach at another location. In this service a young fellow caught fire and began to evangelize. His meetings spread out all over areas of New England and the mid-Atlantic coast, until they were bulging at the seams. J. Wilbur Chapman, inspired by the preaching of F. B. Meyer, began to stir up the whole northeastern coast.

G. Then, because of Chapman’s preaching, he was invited to speak at a certain place. His ministry was changing and he needed someone to come and help him in his ministry. Mr. Chapman found Billy Sunday a recent convert and mentored him.

H. Billy Sunday, influenced by J. Wilbur Chapman, got into the ministry and went to Charlotte, North Carolina. There a group of business men got so inspired and so stirred up that they organized a committee to invite other evangelists back. One invited was Mordecai Ham from Louisville, Kentucky. He preached in a meeting, and Billy Graham came to salvation.

I. Billy Graham’s ministry is known throughout the world. May not agree with everything Billy Graham does but we must acknowledge that Mr. Graham’s preaching and crusades have influenced hundreds of thousands if not millions.

J. All this happened because of one Edward Kimball. One nobody. Won one other nobody and started a series of dominoes falling that ended up with millions acknowledging Jesus as Savior in Moody’s ministry, hundreds of thousands in Meyer’s ministry, hundreds of thousands more in Chapman’s ministry, hundred of thousands more in Lee’s ministry, and hundred of thousands more in Graham’s ministry. All because one fellow won one soul to Christ!


A. I know that all of us have some of Edward Kimball in us. We may not be the greatest this or that, but all of us can influence someone else to come to Christ. It is a ministry of the whole church.

B. Edward Kimball is a modern day example of the Apostle Andrew.

C. Without Andrew there may have never been a great Simon Peter, who preached the first Christian sermon at Pentecost which influenced thousands and then in turn these thousands influenced hundreds of thousands and eventually millions and the whole world.

D. Andrew is a good role model and example for all believers.

E. Let’s turn to John 1. Summary of John 1:19-28- Questions of who John the Baptist was.

F. Summary of John 1:29-34- Jesus’ baptism and what John told the people about Christ.

G. In John 1:35-42 we are first introduced to Andrew.

H. Andrew was not scared to have second place. As a matter of fact, he was comfortable with second place.

I. Might oaks from little acorns grow. Peter was the mighty oak but Andrew was the little acorn.

Thesis: would you be an Andrew for Jesus?

For instances:

J. John 1:35-42.

A. Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist.

B. Andrew was one of these two.

C. Andrew was baptized of John.

D. Andrew was a seeker after the truth. He found the truth in John the Baptist and followed him. John would always mention that he was not the Messiah but someone else. When John the Baptist pointed out Jesus as the Lamb of God who would take away the sins of the world, Andrew knew that this man was the Messiah prophesied of Old.

E. Andrew, unlike a number of the disciples of John the Baptist, followed Christ and forsook John. If the truth be known this is what John the Baptist wanted. Men to follow Christ.

F. Jesus accepted these two and let them dwell with him for a time. They saw him and talked with him and noticed what he did.

G. Being the tenth hour, they probably spent the night with Jesus.

H. After this, Andrew was convinced that Jesus was the Lamb of God. Andrew found joy and peace. Andrew immediately began to tell others.

I. Andrew was one of the first to recognize Jesus as the Promised One, and this will never be taken from him.

J. Andrew had found a great treasure and he wanted to share it with others.

K. Andrew did not sit around after this and ask, “What am I to do?” He knew what he was to do, and that was to tell others and lead others to Jesus Christ.

L. Andrew was totally convinced that Jesus was the Messiah. Are we totally convinced?

M. Andrew goes and the first one he tells is the one who he is closest to, his brother Simon.

N. Andrew worked with Simon as a fisherman. Andrew probably was the younger of the two.

O. Family is the most difficult place to witness, but the first place that Andrew went.

P. Andrew used his influence on his family.

Q. Simon makes a decision based on Andrew. Simon must have had a lot of respect for Andrew. Simon probably was not as religious or such a zealous follower of the truth as his brother, and so Simon trusted his brother’s judgement.

R. Do our families know about Jesus. Are we afraid to go to them? Andrew wasn’t. We must never become so consumed by the salvation of others that we neglect to aid our families find their salvation.

S. Some preachers neglect their families and don’t tell them, don’t spend time with them, not Andrew.

II. John 6:5-13.

A. The disciples were filled with despair. Andrew looked beyond this and saw the possibilities.

B. Andrew spoke with this little boy. Spent time with him. Andrew was concerned about the little people.

C. He brings the boy with the gifts to Christ and Christ does the rest. He used himself, his personality, his background and instincts to help this boy and the crowd.

D. Andrew was the best person to bring this boy. Andrew was humble. Different from many of the disciples.

E. Andrew did not have outstanding gifts, like Peter or Judas or John and James. Many times Andrew was left behind.

F. Andrew used what he had, not much, but he used what he had. I can’t do anything. A lie. Use what you have.

G. Andrew knew in his own life that little is much when God is in it. Little is much when God is in it, labor not for wealth or gain, there’s a crown and you will win it, if you go in Jesus’ name.

H. We should be thankful for those who told us about Jesus! They may not have had great gifts, but the brought us to the cross.

I. Those who use the talents that they have will be given more, those who don’t use the talents they have even these will be taken from them.

III. John 12:20-23

A. Andrew was approachable, kind, thoughtful, sincere, bent on bringing others to Christ. Andrew distinguished himself among the disciples for these things and so Philip trusted his judgement. The disciples came to him for help.

A. Andrew may have been the counselor, or the listener of the group.

B. Because of this Philip brought the Greeks to him and both Philip and Andrew went to Jesus.

C. Jesus was so inspired by this that even the Gentiles were coming to him that He says, the hour has come.

II. Brief summary of Andrew.

A. Andrew did not do anything that outstanding or glorious.

B. I am sure that Andrew became frustrated with his brother and the others when they argued about who was the greatest. Andrew really didn’t care about such things.

C. The Bible tells us that love does not envy, and this is definitely what Andrew did. He did not envy even his own brother.

D. Andrew was at all of the gatherings of the 12. He was at the Mount of Olives, He was in the Upper Room, He was there for the events of His resurrection, He was there when the disciples meet together waiting for the Promise of the Holy Spirit.

E. Andrew never wrote a book, he never spoke up or out of turn, as a matter of fact, he is mentioned very little. After Acts 1, he is never mentioned again.

F. However, we know that he was at the day of Pentecost with the other apostles. On that day he did not look upon Peter with envy, oh, no, he looked upon his brother with pride, knowing that he had a part in the whole thing. That’s all Andrew wanted was just a little part. God would do the rest, and what a great job He did.

G. Tradition says that Andrew went into Asia Minor, or Turkey and ministered there in remote areas, until he died on a cross. He hung on that cross for two days, and all the while he was preaching, trying to bring more people to Jesus.

H. In art Andrew is depicted with a fishing net, it is very fitting. This is what made Andrew unique.

I. We see what a simple, honest follower of Christ can do. Perhaps his one talent is the one we need to follow most. It was a simple thing to use what he had to bring people to Christ.


A. In the late 1800’s and early 1900s, Alexander Whyte preached at a large church in Edinburgh. During that time, a salesman by the name of Rigby would travel to Edinburgh regularly just to hear him preach. He would often invite other businessmen to accompany him to the services. One Sunday morning, he asked a fellow traveler to go to church with him. Reluctantly, the man said yes. When he heard Whyte’s message, he was so impressed that he returned with Rigby to the evening message. The man came forward at the end of the service. The next morning, as Rigby walked by the home of Mr. Whythe, he felt impressed to stop and tell him how his message had affected the other man’s life. When Whyte learned that his caller’s name was Rigby, he exclaimed, “You’re the man I’ve wanted to see for years!” He went to his study and returned with a bundle of letters. Alexander Whyte read Rigby some excerpts- all telling of changed lives. They were men Rigby had brought to hear the gospel. These men believed in Christ because of the word and invitation of Rigby.

B. Brief description of Operation Andrew and our Friend Day.

B. Come just as you are; Hear the Spirit call. Come just as you are; come and see, come, receive; Come and live forever. Life everlasting, and strength for today; Taste the Living Water, and never thirst again.

C. Revelation 22:17.