Summary: Part one in a series examining the different OT names of God which reveals reasons to trust in Him. "I am that I am."

Who is God?

The God who is Constant.

(“I am who I am”)

Genesis 2:23- 3:14

“Trust in God because of His consistency toward us.”

I. He is the God who always is. (Ex. 3:14)

A. Why did God use this phrase?

1. “Yahweh” was His name and was well known.

a. It was His personal name for His people.

b. First used in Gen. 4:1 (Eve)

c. Why did He use, “I am”?

2. “I am” = Heb. “Hayah” = a verb of being.

a. “I am,” is a simple statement, yet very


- Illus.: Me at the gym. “Who is the

strongest?” There is a lot of comparing in a

weight room.

- Illus.: “Who is the best Christian in this


- Right now, everyone is looking at Gordie’s


b. “The God who is has sent me.”

c. Many gods in Egypt society. Ie. Pharaoh.

- The god of the sun, god of the Nile, god of

the fish, god of the rain, etc.

- "Yahweh" simply is, "The God who is."

B. What does “I am” indicate about God?

1. He is self-sufficient. Argument for God’s


a. The Unmoved Mover/ the First Cause.

b. It all begins with God.

2. He is eternal and unchangeable.

a. “At every point in time and space, I AM.”

b. There has never been a time when God “was,”

or “will be.” He always “is”.

3. He makes a difference.

a. "Hayah" (Hebrew word for "I am")is used to

emphasize the presence of a person and

that “presence is noticeable [and] makes a

real difference to not is happening.”

--Vines dictionary of Biblical words

b. This is key to this phrase about God.

- Deism: God is watching from a distance.

- God is right here, right now. How?

c. God presence is shown through Jesus Christ. (John. 8:58)

d. Jesus is God: Trinity/ Salvation. Jesus

bridges the gap.

e. “Looks good in black and white but, where is

God when I need Him?”

f. What is the most contributing factor to

atheism? = The problem of pain.

II. God is present in times of pain. (Ex. 2:23-25)

A. “What is the problem of pain?”

1. God is good and all-powerful, yet He allows

pain and death to exist.

2. This is an age-old problem. Everyone has

faced this question at one time or will face

it soon.

B. Israel’s condition. Why were they slaves in


1. Slavery in Babylon was a result of sin.

a. Was this the case here?

b. Trace back.

2. Joseph

a. Sold as a slave.

b. Thrown into prison.

c. Appointed second in command of all Egypt.

d. Family followed because of a famine.

3. Was it a result of the sins of the brothers?

a. “What you meant for evil, God meant for


b. It was good that they went to Egypt. God

wanted them there.

c. They would have starved had they not gone.

4. But why? We can speculate, but there is no

solid answer.

C. It is not ours to ask why, but to ask what and to


1. Ask: “What are you trying to show me through

this, Lord?”

2. Trust Him to see us through. (Ex. 3:7-8)

a. Illus.: My son and I wacthing the Russian

heavyweight olymipic wrestler.

-"Dad, you’re stronger than him, right?"

b. We are to have the same trust in God.

-“This pain is great, but God is greater and

He is going to see me through it.”

III. God is present in spite of our failures. In respect to Moses. (Ex. 3:9-11)

A. Why would Moses have such doubt in his ability?

1. He tried to lead once and failed (Ex. 2:11-14.)

2. He has run to the far side of Midian.

a. Not only a failure but a quitter, as well.

b. How can God use him?

B. How often do we ask ourselves that same question?

1. Many of us have a shady past. “Oh Tony, you

don’t know what I have done.”

2. Adrian Rodgers: Don’t let your past haunted you.

a. If you have placed your faith in Jesus Christ

and made Him your Savior and Lord, then you

need to leave your past in the past.

b. Why? II Cor. 5:17: Have everyone read.

c. “In Christ” = Apollo 13 Illus.

-"The climax of the movie, "Apollo 13" was the re-entry of the space ship into the earths atmosphere. It was a tense moment because so many things could have gone wrong. The large pararchutes could have been frozen blocks of ice, the angle of the ship could have been off, the weather was expected to be bad. But the most serious problem was the heat shields. Would they hold up? As I thought of the situation and the outcome, I realize a strong tie between the physical situation of those astronuts and our spiritual condition. We are all sinners and objects of the wrath of God. However, when we are in Christ, He absorbs that wrath for us. In the same way the heat shields protect those who are in the space ship, Christ protects those who are in Him."

C. What was the difference between chpt 2 and 3 for

Moses? (Ex. 3:12a)

1. “I will be with you.”

2. How often have we tried to do things in our

own strength?

3. Allow God to lead us and it will make all the

difference in the world.

IV. God is present unto the end. (Ex. 15:18-19)

A. Salvation presentation.

Some time ago, a few ladies met in a certain city to study the scriptures. While reading the third chapter of Malachi, they came upon a remarkable expression in the third verse:

"And He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver (Malachi 3:3)"

One lady proposed to visit a silversmith, and report to them on what he said about the subject. She went accordingly, and without telling the object of her errand, begged the silversmith to tell her about the process of refining silver. After he had fully described it to her, she asked,

"But Sir, do you sit while the work of refining is going on?"

"Oh, yes madam," replied the silversmith; "I must sit with my eyes steadily fixed on the furnace, for if the time necessary for refining be exceeded in the slightest degree, the silver will be injured."

The lady at once saw the beauty, and comfort too, of the expression,

"He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver."

God sees it needful to put His children into a furnace; His eye is steadily intent on the work of purifying, and His wisdom and love are both engaged in the best manner for us. Our trials do not come at random, and He will not let us be tested beyond what we can endure.

Before she left, the lady asked one final question,

"When do you know the process is complete?"

"Why, that is quite simple," replied the silversmith. "When I can see my own image in the silver, the refining process is finished."