Summary: We must prepare for new seasons in our life when God gives us ideas.

Iliff and Saltillo UM churches

September 8, 2002

Preparing for a New Season

Joshua 1:1-12

Introduction: Most of us rush through the seasons without giving much thought to where we’ve been or where we’re going. When we finally do look back, we wonder where the time went. It will soon be a year since 9/11 although we have been reminded of this constantly on the news all year. Other things are less obvious in our lives. We see another birthday or anniversary come and go. We see a few more gray hairs and a few more aches and pains develop. We see another Thanksgiving and Advent Season approaching.

The signs that fall is around the corner is evident by the leaves starting to turn colors and cooler weather approaching. The change of seasons is inevitable. Although the fall leaves are pretty, we know that winter ice and snow and cold weather is just around the corner. We may say, “I wish I had done this or that this summer, but I didn’t get it done.” We often miss out on the season.

There are also new seasons in our life, and God doesn’t shelter us from change. He uses it to prepare us for new seasons of opportunity and service. New seasons and experiences stretch us beyond our current comfort zones. Sometimes--maybe, far too often-- we rush right through the signs of the seasons and miss out on the things that God is trying to point out to us. This is sad because we have so much undeveloped potential in all of our lives. Productive seasons don’t just happen automatically. We must prepare for a new season.

Today’s scripture gives us some information about a man who experienced many productive seasons in his life when he was Moses’ aide; but after Moses died, he was placed in an entirely new season of productivity.

Let’s see how it applies to our individual lives and to our congregation today.

1. A New Vision for a New Season: Joshua already knew that he was to be Moses’ successor. He had been in training with Moses for forty years. He not only had EXPERIENCE as shown in Exodus 17:10-13 but he already had his COMMISSION for the future as seen in Deut. 31:1-5. This day had arrived in Chapter 1 of Joshua. God had given Joshua a new VISION of a preferred future for the Israelites. It was in the form of a general outline rather than a full-blown plan. He knew the first step he was to take, and he had certain signs of assurance that God would be with him just as He was with Moses.

Verse 2 says, “get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land that I am about to give them.” Joshua had earlier reports about this Promised Land.

Although God had given him somewhat of a general vision, it would not happen automatically. There were problems and barriers in the way of seeing this fulfilled even with Joshua’s previous training and experience. For one thing the Jordan River stood between them and the Promised Land and there was no easy way to cross over it. It was the flood season--probably the worst time to begin such a journey.

But the vision was still there. Do we give up on the vision that God gives us for a better job, or an improvement in our life or church because we see problems and barriers in the way? Maybe we say, “I can’t go to college. I couldn’t make it. I don’t have any money to get a better car. I can’t teach a Sunday school class. Can’t go to layspeaker school. Can’t change jobs. Can’t live in a better house.” We give up on any number of things.

Often as a result, the vision never gets out of the initial stage. Joshua didn’t let the vision die with Moses. He didn’t know HOW it would be fulfilled, but he was willing to give it a try.

When you have some sense of God’s leading, begin to GROW IN THAT DIRECTION. For example, if you would like to be a Sunday school teacher, what steps do you need to take to GROW IN that direction? If you want to have a college degree one of these days, how would you begin to prepare--to GROW IN THAT DIRECTION?

Many people say, “Oh, I would give anything if I could play the piano. I would give anything if I could understand the Bible.” How would you BEGIN to GROW IN THAT DIRECTION? That is PREPARING FOR A NEW SEASON.

You might first find a piano teacher if you want to play the piano and sign up for lessons.

You might start going to a Bible study.

Get additional training for a better job

Open a savings account

Fill out a job application.

Joshua was a person who was GROWING in the DIRECTION OF THE VISION God had given him over the long period of time that he was with Moses. He had developed certain disciplines.

In order to see God’s vision unfold in his life, scripture tells us that Joshua was a person who was very committed to do what God directed him to do during the time he spent with Moses. He had proven that he was:

1. A man in the Spirit Numbers 27:18

2. A man who followed God in Faith. Numbers 32:10-12

3. A man who was full of the Spirit of Wisdom Deuteronomy 34:9

4. Only Joshua and Caleb had followed the Lord WHOLEHEARTEDLY.

Deut. 32:12

To go “All Out” for God was already a habitual part of Joshua’s life. He was in touch with God on a daily basis not a “take it or leave it” Christians living an inconsistent life of faith, we will never see God’s vision unfold in our lives.

God knew he could count on Joshua.

STORY: The conductor of the community orchestra was almost out of his mind. At every single rehearsal, there had been at least one member who had been missing.

Planning for a well organized concert was almost impossible. At the last rehearsal, he called for attention and said, "I would like to thank the first violinist for being the only member of the orchestra to attend every rehearsal." The violinist smiled shyly and humbly said to the conductor,

"Well, it seemed the least I could do since I won’t be at the concert tonight."

Scripture says “But if you seek the Lord your God, you will find him IF YOU LOOK FOR HIM WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND ALL YOUR SOUL.” Deut 4:29

We need to ask ourselves, “Am I at this place in my Christian experience? Is to “go all out” for God ALREADY a part of my life today or am I sitting on the edge or the fringe of Christianity?

Joshua could have stayed right at the EDGE of the Promised Land. The Israelites’ history showed that they had for 39 years had the opportunity to enter the Promised Land, but they failed to trust God to give them the victory. As a result God did not allow them to enter but rather they wandered around until the disobedient generation had died off. Joshua and Caleb were the only ones from this older generation who went into the Promised Land.

Today ask yourself, “Am I right at the edge of a new season?” It is time to move beyond the edge. Today make an “all out” commitment to the Lord and the vision He wants to place in your heart. Be willing to pay the price whatever it is. Joshua did.

2. What Is Involved in Preparing for a New Season?:

A. Promises:

1. Give you every place where you set your foot.

2. Territory will extend from the desert in the south to Lebanon in the north and from the great river Euphrates to the Mediterranean sea on the west. And the land of the Hittites.

3. no one will be able to stand up against you.

4. as I was with Moses I will be with you.

5. Never leave you or forsake you.

B. The Commands:

1. Be strong (confident) and courageous (brave). This one was repeated three times.

2. Obey the law of Moses

3. Do not turn from it to the left or the right (Don’t get sidetracked by people or things).

4. Do not let the book of the law depart from your mouth--meditate (think about it)

5. Observe to DO IT

6. Do not be terrified. Do not be discouraged.

Most of us want the blessings and the promises of God, but we don’t want the requirements that go with it. Joshua was willing to pay the price of commitment to God. He had a firm adherence to the law of God.

Joshua conformed himself to the law of God and made it his every day rule. He meditated on it so he would UNDERSTAND it and then put it into practice.

ILLUSTRATION: What instruction did your parents give you that they usually repeated three times as you went off on your own?

I remember my Mother always said, “Keep your standards high.”

My Dad always said, “Keep your speed down so you don’t get caught.”

What is necessary to success and prosperity? Probably more than anything else our willingness to stay within the boundaries of God’s commands rather than tearing off in all directions doing exactly what we please and making up our own rules.

Many people wonder why they are not receiving the blessings of God upon their life? They refuse to give God the time of day. They stay away from church, don’t read or study the Bible to even know what is in it, and make excuses for why they can’t live wholeheartedly for God. They yawn in God’s face.


A woman was talking to her neighbor over the fence. "I really don’t know what you see in the church," she said.

"Oh, you really don’t know what you are missing!" said her friend. "It’s such a wonderful rest after a hard week’s work, to sit in the pews and think about nothing!"

Although Joshua probably needed the promises and the encouragement because he was stepping into the role of a great leader, he knew that if God were to help him to carry out the vision, he needed to be operating within the commands of God as well. Otherwise he would get sidetracked by all kinds of things.

STORY: ... On the way to class there was a young man with a smile on his face. Two flights of steps lower outside the library was a dog barking. "Come on, Come on," the young man coaxed. He was trying to get the dog to come up the walk way in front of the library.

"Is he afraid to come up the steps?" I asked.

"No," he replied, "he’s barking at a bird in that tree." I commented that sometimes it is difficult to tear ourselves apart from the IMPORTANT things in life. As I left, the young man continued to coax the dog to leave the bird and follow him. Later as I thought about this incident, I was brought to the realization that possibly God has to pause and coax to leave behind some of the things that we think are so IMPORTANT in order to continue following him.

3. What Are Indications of a New Season in Your Life?:

There are lots of ways to begin to see that a new season is opening up to you.

If a position that used to fit begins to feel uncomfortable, then God is doing something. He works by a

1. shift of interest in one thing to an interest in something else.

2. a sense of restlessness, searching, dissatisfaction, etc.

3. through creative ideas that come to you

4. through small glimpses of a vision

ILLUSTRATION: “I’d like to have a church like this...I’d like to work at...I’d like to be...

5. through doors opening and closing

6. “chance” meetings with people--just out of the blue

7. nest gets stirred up--things once secure fall apart--unpleasant circumstances, lose friends, relationships turn sour

8. job losses

9. taking a class in something

ILLUSTRATION: “The Armor of God” class --write a paper for college credit.

10. Dream a little, Rest awhile, Pull aside.

God speaks as we take some time apart. A vacation, a different route to work. He is present with us at the beginning of a project as well as throughout the project.

In what ways is God beginning to show you that there is a New Season beginning in your life?? Think about that this week. Is there a new season of ministry for you? Is there a new season in your family? Is there a new season for you educationally or vocationally?

CONCLUSION: In Conclusion, today, begin to

1. allow the Lord to give you a Vision for a New Season in your life

2. Be aware of what is involved in preparing for a new season

Commands as well as Promises

3. Ask yourself, “What Are the Indications of a New Season in my life?”

Shall we pray: