Summary: Jesus suffered, died, and descended so that all may have the assurance of his saving grace even in the midst of our hells and hollow places. Based on Ron Lavin’s book “I Believe, Help My UnbeliefL Another Look at the Apostle’s Creed”

“Hells and Hollow Places: Salvation Through the Son – Part Two” - I Believe, Help My Unbelief Series ~ Isaiah 53:1-12, John 19:7-12 et al

March 30, 2003

Purpose: Jesus suffered, died, and descended so that all may have the assurance of his saving grace even in the midst of our hells and hollow places. Based on Ron Lavin’s book “I Believe, Help My UnbeliefL Another Look at the Apostle’s Creed”

I. Jesus suffered…

The story of the French Bishop (see Lavin’s book)- story of a child who once denied the suffering of Christ only to become a French Bishop.

other examples...

Isaiah 53:1-12 – “He was despised and rejected…a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering” (v.3) “He was oppressed and afflicted, like a lamb to the slaughter.” (v.7) “…he poured out his life unto death…he bore the sins of many” (v.12)

Creed – “he suffered under Pontious Pilate, was crucified died and buried, he descdended to

the dead (hell).”

- explain that the afterlife was vague to the Jews and the early church – “hell” or “to the dead” meant to those who had died.

- Peter’s recognition of this fact – I Peter 3:19 – “he went and preached to the spirits in prison.” and I Peter 4:6 – “for this reason (that judgment would come to the living and the dead) the gospel was preach even to those who are now dead.”

II. People are living in their own hells and hollow places today.

I think of the mothers, fathers, wives and husbands, who are compelled by 24/7 news coverage embedded journalists who show us their relatives engaging the enemy.

I think of the people in Iraq, whether for or against Hussein, who have dealt with the threat of war a nc violence longer than our country has even existed.

I think of many who are struggling with illnes and disease. Some who do so without any hope of getting any better.

I think of love ones left behind when loved ones die.

I think of single moms and single dads, trying to raise their children while working and providing in any way possible.

I think of workers being laid-off, being put on furlough, or being fired becaus eof our struggling economy.

I think of farmers who are trying to figure out whether they can afford to plant or not this year...or when the best time to sell the herd will come.

I think of parent’s who can’t afford medications.

I think of those forced to live in substandard housing

if even in a house at all.

I think of the eldery who have given up on the lives.

I think of those hungry overseas, who would be

thankful just to eat the crumbs that fall from

our tables.

And the list could go on...

Because we realize that hells and hollow moments will always be with us...that true peace will not come to this earth until Jesus Christ comes again.

III. We can help those suffering by reaching out today!

But we, as the children of God can offer a difference.

We can give people the option that Jesus had in the midst of his suffering when he told Pilate (John 19:7-12) – “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above…” (v.11)

Illustration - June Ailman-Yoder tells of a story where she began a sermon by saying, "This church needs to go to hell!" and then let it sit. She came back by explaining we need to go the hells that people find themselves in and bring them the hope of Jesus Christ.

As believers can follow Christ’s example and offer people hope in the midst of their darkness.

Wasn’t yhis was Jesus’ mission statement from the start…Luke 5:16-21…”preach good news to the

poor, proclaim freedom to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind, release the oppressed, and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor…today this Scripture is fulfilled.”

The mission has not changed…

John Wesley made the statement, "I am not afraid that the people called Methodists should ever cease to exist either in Europe or America. But I am afraid lest they should only exist as a dead sect, having the form of religions without the power." "Let us do all the good we can, in all the ways we can, to all teh people we can, as long as ever we can."

Conclusion - What hells and hollow moments are you going through? What hells and hollow moments have been treated by your faith in the suffering and death of Jesus Christ? What have we done to share this saving message to others in their hells and hollow moments?

Jesus Christ "suffered under Pontious Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead" so that all may have the assurance of his saving grace, even in the midst of our hells and hollow moments.

Praise be to God.

Will you join me in prayer?

Dear Jesus,

You are indeed a "man of sorrows, familiar with our sufferings." For this we give you thanks.

We give you thank for the suffering you endured. We give you thanks that even in the most terrible moments of our lives, we have a hope found in your everlasting promise of eternal life.

Help us in our suffering. Help us to recognzie and offer hope to others that may be suffering as well. Help us to stay focused on fulfilling your willin our lives and nothings less.

Lord, we realize that much was given during your last days here on heart. We realize the pain, the hurt, and the shame you must have been put through.

For all the times we have not loved you with our whole heart,

For all the times we have failed to be obedient,

For all the times we have not heard the cry of those in need,

Forgive us. For it was our sin - past, present, future, that you bored on that cross of each and every one, so that we muight have an opportunity to be in relationship with you.

And Lord, if there be anyone here, anyone within the sound of my voice, anyone withinout families, anyone within our community, anyone to the farthest reaches of the earth, who does not know you as their personal Lord and Savior, we especially pray for them this day.

We pray that they may find the hope of your everlasting promise, that they may find the peace that passes all human understanding, and that their joy, even in the midst of hells and hollow moments may be full.

We pray this in your name, as you intercede upon our behalf. Amen.

#359 -Alas & Did My Savior Bleed.

In the name of Christ we pray…Amen.

Closing Blessing –

As we leave this place,

May we go with the hope and strength of our Creator.

May the one who suffered for our sake, continue to Redeem.

And may the one who both sustains and convicts, be our Guide.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we pray. Amen.

Children’s Time

Greg starts children sermon…wait until he says “but there’s something even better” then read.

God: “I” interrupt this service for a special announcement….

Greg: And just who do you think you are breaking in on my children’s sermon…

God: I am the “Great I AM”

Greg: Oh…ya’ know I just preached on your son’s use of that phrase throughout the

Gospels and how he irritated the Pharisees and….

God: Greg, be still! I’m the one that interrupted remember!

Greg: Well, yes, but I’ve got a good thing going here. I’m telling the kids that unlike credit cards which you eventually have to pay back your love and grace is never-ending and even when we get in the darkest of times, you’re always there. I thought it was a great way to explain the complexities of your holiness in these…

God: Greg…BE STILL!

Greg: Ya’ know God, I appreciate you talking and all that, but to be honest, I have a lot of interruptions this week. Every time I turn on the TV there’s another “UREGENT NEWS FLASH” and “THIS JUST IN” – You want me to be still, but you’re really not providing the opportunity!

God: Do you doubt my abilities?

Greg: Well, of course not, I mean…you are soveriegn, majestic, righteous, loving, awesome, mysterious, faithful, powerful, gracious…

God: All right Greg…I think they get the message. You made your point. I am all those things and more. But let me interrupt to tell you and those listening one more thing…

Greg: What’s that, Lord…

God: My Son, the One you call Jesus the Christ, was despised and rejected, he was not esteemed by the people of his day, he was oppressed, he suffered and eventually died…you know all of this don’t you?

Greg: Well…yes, that’s what we teach here at Wakelee.

God: Good, but let me tell you something else, he did it all for a purpose.

Greg: A purpose?

God: Yes, it was my will so that all might be saved. That’s why I interrupted your children’s sermon, Greg. Children need to hear that I will be with them always, even when things seem at their worst. Parents need to hear that even in their darkest situations I am still there.

Greg: But what happens when we mess up…when we fall…what happens them.

God: Greg you know that I am a God of Justice. You should get what you deserve. But I’m also a God of grace and mercy which means if “my people, who are called by name, will humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways,” they won’t get what they deserve. In fact, they will get even more than what they deserve, “for I will heal their land.”

Greg: So it’s not a matter of achieving, it’s a matter of receiving?

God: Exactly! I didn’t send my Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it.

Greg: God…

God: Yes…

Greg: Thank you for your interruptions…

God: Anytime Greg…anytime.

Can we talk to God together…

Gracious God, there is so much going on in the world right now. And to be honest, we don’t have many answers. At times we’re afraid, at times we worry, at times we confused by all the interruptions in our lives. Help us to be still. Help us to hear your still, small voice which continues to say, “Come to me all who are heavy laden, and I will give thee rest.” Thanks for keeping the communication lines open and for being with us every step of the way.

In Jesus’ name…Amen.

NOTE: If you did not find this sermon helpful, please contact me ( and tell me why. I appreciate everyone’s advice. Thanks.