Summary: The Bible has a different version of Shock and Awe, it came on the Cross. This sermon looks at the passage in Mathew concerning Christ Death

Focusing on Jesus Dieing on the Cross

Mathew 27:45-54


A. For the last couple of weeks we have been hearing about this Shock and Awe strategy.

B. The Idea is simple. You hit the enemy with your best shot

C. You let him have everything

D. By doing this you make him afraid, and hope for a quick surrender or at least a serve reduction of their force and moral

E. The Bible had its own version of shock and Awe

F. It is recorded in Mathew 27:45-54.

G. Read Mathew 27:45-54

H. Here we see both shock and awe

I. Specifically

a. Shock

i. The Shock of God not Helping Him

ii. The Shock of Jesus’ Words

iii. The Shock of the rejection by the people

b. Awe

i. The Awe of the Curtain being Torn

ii. The Awe of the Tombs opening

iii. The Awe of the Roman Soldiers

I. Shock

A. The Shock of God Not Helping Him (Vs. 46)

1. Explanation

a) We have probably read this verse many times

b) But let us stop and think about it like it was the first time we read it

c) First of all what I find so peculiar is that every version mentions the Aramaic words that Christ spoke

d) Now this particular words are interesting

e) Many of your Bibles will probably tell you that this is a direct reference to Psalm 22:1. It is!

f) But why would Christ speak those Words?

g) I do not think that is the right question, why wouldn’t He speak those

h) Folks he is on the Cross suffering, think about it, I would feel like God has left me

2. Application

a) What can we learn from this verse and apply it to our lives?

b) Christ never sinned, we know that, He was the only sinless person to live

c) Notice He cried out to God and was feeling abandon

d) That is shocking, but notice something here

e) Crying out to God is not sin

f) Asking God “Where did you go” is not sin

g) God is big enough to be able to handle those pleas

h) It may not always seem like it, but God has promised

(1) And He never has broken any promise

i) God Promised that “He will never leave us, or Forsake us”

3. Illustration

a) I used to struggle with this concept a lot. I would go away to different retreats and camp and “Feel God’s Presence” come home and it would seem that it was gone. I felt like there was something wrong with me. You know what?

b) Here is where we go wrong, we like to feel God when we are worshiping Him, if we don’t we get discouraged. But we should not be worshiping God to feel something, the purpose is to worship God

c) Yeah there will be times you “Feel” God more then others

d) But He has never left you, and never will leave you

B. The Shock of Jesus Words

1. Explanation

a) The people around totally did not understand what Jesus was talking about, what else is new huh?

b) Verse 47 tells us they were confused and did not understand

c) There are two different ways to interpret this

d) One you could say that they willing misinterpret Jesus statement just to make fun of him a little more

(1) This however is probably not the case, due to the fact of the darkness that was occurring, that probably would have ended the mocking of Jesus somewhat at least

e) The other way it to understand that the Jews were expecting Elijah all along as the Messiah

(1) The thought that this was the last mind game Jesus was going to play on them.

(2) They figured that He was just trying to call Elijah to make Himself seem special, but had nothing to back it up with

2. Application

a) Here is the lesson

b) The Savior was right there in front of their Eyes and they missed it.

c) They totally blew it.

d) They were not willing to change their ideas and accept Christ

e) We do the same thing today

f) We like to try and make God fit into our Theology

g) We will design God around our Theology instead of our Theology around God

3. Illustration

a) When designers design a car, they start off with who is the car for? What is the purpose the car? They do not design a car a say well it looks like a convertible lets market it towards young families. Now they design the car with the needs of the potential buyer in mind

b) It is ridiculous to do it the other way

c) That is what happens when try to make God fit our Theology

d) WE need to make our Theology fit God

C. The Shock of The Reaction of the People

1. Explanation

a) Vs. 48 and 49.

b) These verse makes me disgusted

c) Here is a Guy hanging on the Cross, bloody beaten, and is going to die

d) And some one is nice enough to offer Him a drink

e) This is the disgusting part

f) The other people in the area tell him to stop

g) Tell him not to give him anything

2. Application

a) Very important lesson here

b) When someone is in need help him!

c) I do not care what the person has done, what the person is like, if people need help we are commanded, not suggested, by scripture to help those in need

d) This is not something that is secondary

e) This is not the Social Gospel

f) This is what we are commanded to do

3. Illustration

a) Working at the Lighthouse, I was able to help a lot of people, for that was my job. However, I constantly had to put up with people telling me how “Those people” don’t deserve help

b) NO NO NO! That is not scriptural. Go find me the verse that says God helps them who helps their selves, IT IS NOT THERE! It does not exist

c) God calls us to help the in need. End of story.

d) Do not violate scripture

II. Awe

A. The Awe of the Temple Curtain

1. Explanation

a) So not we move into the awe

b) Vs. 50-51

c) Notice the Curtain was torn from top to bottom

d) I read that for a long tome and did not catch the significance

e) First of all to tare a curtain that large to a considerable amount of force

f) We are not talking about a thin T-shirt we are talking a think theater type curtain

g) This would have been an amazing sight to see.

2. Application

a) Ok but what does a big curtain being ripped have to do with me?

b) This should be something that should make you happy

c) This is one of the greatest things that could happen to us

d) How? This gives us access to God, This gives us direct communication with God

e) Before this took place there was a separation, there was no direct communication with God

f) But now we have that. Now we have that instant access!

3. Illustration

a) When heather was in college, I did not get to see here everyday obviously. When we started dating (who knows when that was) we relied on the primitive method call Mail. Then we upgraded to EMAIL. Then we upgraded to Instant Messenger. I did call her on the phone on occasion, but could not call her that much cause I could not afford it. Heather’s Jr. Year something wonderful happened. I got a cell phone. I don’t want to bore you with the details but this plan let me talk to Heather every night for as long as I wanted for only $25.00 a month (the same price as I was paying for the calling on occasion)

b) This direct access was wonderful. WE both enjoyed so much

c) See that is the same direct access we have with God now.

d) Take advantage of it, use it. It is a privilege

B. The Awe of the Tombs Opening

1. Explanation

a) VS. 52

b) This is a verse that we as western thinkers do not really like

c) We don’t like to think about bodies rising up from the dead

d) But here we find out that the rocks that held the tombs shut,

(1) Understand that they used tombs rather then graves

e) Had been broken to pieces

f) And the bodies were raised form the dead

2. Application

a) Ok that is a pretty weird story but what does that have to do with me?

b) Christ death is better then we think

c) We think of death as a sad occasion

d) I time when we miss our friends or family

e) But Christ death means so much more

f) It means we have the possibility of eternal life with God

g) Before this, eternal life with Christ was not possible

h) That is why we sing I stand in awe of you

i) This is the greatest thing that could happen to us

3. Illustration

C. The Awe of the Roman Soldiers

1. Explanation

a) Read 54

b) It was customary to keep Soldiers at the crucifixion to make sure that the job was done right

c) They did not wasn’t someone coming in and steeling the body

d) Or someone coming before the person died and taking him off the cross you can understand why that might be a problem

e) So they left soldiers there just to make sure everything went according to plan

f) This soldiers had noticed the sky turning black, and the earth quakes

g) The realized something amazing was happening

h) Then the soldiers made an intelligent conclusion

i) Truly, this was the Son of God

2. Application

a) What does this mean for us?

b) It means that the person we have been talking about for the last several weeks

c) The person who has been totally mistreated

d) The person who was hanging on that cross

e) The person who had just died

f) Was far more then a person

g) He was the Son of God

h) He was the Savoir of the World

i) He made salvation possible!

j) Hallelujah

3. Illustration


A. Wow

B. What an amazing event

C. What an awesome gift

D. We forget about the power and force behind the cross

E. Folks, it is powerful and mighty

F. Look what we have because of the cross

G. We have the possibility of the Eternal Life with God

H. If you are not sure where you will be spending Eternity, come see and I will talk to you and explain the options

I. It amazes me, God sending His Son, to allow me to spend eternity with Him.

J. WOW, amazing, I am in Awe of the gift of the Cross

K. Lets pray

L. I stand in Awe