Summary: In this message we will see that if we are ever going to live God’s way we must choose to be different, holy, separate from the world.(Living God’s Way Part 2)

Choosing To Be Different

Living God’s Way – part two

James 1:13-2:3

TODAY – is our second week in our new message series it is a study of 1 Peter that we are called, ‘Living God’s Way…”

FRIENDS - we are digging deeply into a words written nearly 2,000 years ago, by a guy who loved Jesus Christ, and who loved the church so much that it cost him his life… Words written by a man who knew both the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat… Words written by man who one when he was old was led out of a prison cell - hands bound, to a Roman cross… Nails were driven into his body that hung upside down on a cross… (because he did not feel worthy enough to die right side up like his Lord.

ONE DAY – 2,000 years ago Peter sat down with pen & paper – guided by the Holy Spirit to write a letter to a bunch of believers who were going through some extremely difficult times… AND AS – he wrote he thought about all that they were going through – he wanted his words to make a difference.

UNDERSTAND – 1 Peter, was written by a real man, to real people, who lived in the real world. AND – these ‘real’ people just like you and me had hopes, had dreams – BUT those hopes and dreams were being crushed under the weight of suffering and persecution. To such a degree - that it doesn’t really even seem real to us…

BUT – listen whether we understand it or not; the people; the sons, daughters, moms, dads, friends neighbors, young and old who first held this letter from Peter in their hands were suffering under Roman persecution… They were being fed to lions; burned at the stake; tortured, imprisoned. They were being thrown into the Coliseum and torn apart by wild animals.

AND – last week we saw that as Peter opened up this letter – that right out of the starting blocks, he reminds these discouraged believers of who they are… YOU SEE – Peter knew that they like us under the weight of severe hardship may have forgotten who they were…

SO – Peter reminds them (and he has reminded every discouraged believer throughout the last 2,000 years); AND – he reminds you today - that You are God’s people, You have been chosen by God (The all powerful, all knowing and all present God picked you); You are children of the heavenly Father, You are people in who God lives through his spirit…

QUESTION – did you hear what I just said; I am going to say again (just in case you missed it) - You are God’s people, You have been chosen by God (The all powerful, all knowing and all present God picked you); You are children of the heavenly Father, You are people in who God lives through his spirit…

AND UNDERSTAND – as we saw last week, when you are God’s people (are you one of God’s people?); WHEN – you are God’s people; IT MEANS….

You Are Not Home Yet… LISTEN – your citizenship, your home is in heaven… This world is NOT your home… Your home is NOT your home… THIS – is most definitely NOT as good as it gets… SAVE your forks baby, because the best is yet to come….

You are born again into a living hope… FRIENDS – your hope is alive because Jesus is alive! The tomb is empty…. And ”those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. “ – Is 40:31

You have an inheritance that cannot be destroyed – an inheritance that will never perish, never spoil and never fade… ONE DAY you will be in heaven… AND HEAVEN is going to blow you away every single day… The thrill will never wear off… Everyday when you wake up in heaven you jump out of bed and do the 1 & 5 with 7 zeros behind it dance…

God’s power is protecting you… AND – that power has no limit… AND through your faith that power is protecting you all the time… AND – remember like Elsiha’s servant in 2 Kings chapter 6 – God’s power is protecting you even though you cannot see it…FRIENDS – be encouraged because;

“Those who trust in the LORD are as secure as Mount Zion; they will not be defeated but will endure forever. Just as the mountains surround and protect Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds and protects his people, both now and forever.” - Psalm 125:1,2

Your troubles are designed to purify your faith… Are you going through a difficult time? LISTEN – whatever it is, IT CAN serve a purpose, IT doesn’t have to be a waste of time; IT CAN purify your faith… YOU – can come out the other side of your trial, mature, complete not lacking in anything…

AND – you are God’s people you are saved….

RIGHT NOW; today, July 20, 2003

q All of your sins are forgiven

q There is no condemnation for you because you are in Christ

q You have access to throne room of God (the holy of holies)

q You are a child of God

q You are the son or the daughter of the KING of kings and LORD of lords

q The Holy Spirit lives inside of you as a deposit guaranteeing what will come

q God won’t let you be tempted beyond what you can handle

q Greater is the one who IS in you then is in the world

q Jesus is preparing a home for you

q You are a new creation

q For you to live is Christ and to die is gain

q You have a living hope

q God’s power is protecting you

q You are God’s workmanship/His masterpiece – created in Christ Jesus to do good works

q You can have the peace of God the surpasses all understanding

q God is working in your life to make to more like Jesus

q You can stand before God as someone who is – holy, faultless and innocent

q You’re past is forgiven and your future secure…

FRIENDS – this message series is called, “Living God’s Way…” AND LISTEN – if we are ever going to be able to live God’s way (who here wants to live God’s way?) we must remember who we are… I pray that you take this awesome truths from last week home and immerse yourselves in them…

NOW TODAY – as we continue in our journey in 1 Peter we will see that in order to live God’s way we must choose to different…

THAT’S the very next thing that Peter penned in his letter… LISTEN – as God’s people we must choose to be different…

AND LISTEN – anyone who has spends even a little time in the Scripture, will clearly see that God for has always called His people to be different…

In Genesis 6-9; God calls a man named Noah to build an ark to save his family from a world-wide flood – WHY? Because Noah was different than the evil world he lived in…

In about 2000 BC – God called Abraham to leave; his homeland and his gods and become a separate people – a people belonging to God. Everything about this new nation was to be different then the world…(diet, dress, worship, lifestyle..)

AND CHECKOUT – what Moses said to the people shortly before entering the promise land.

“When you enter the land that GOD, your God, is giving you, don’t take on the abominable ways of life of the nations there. Don’t you dare sacrifice your son or daughter in the fire. Don’t practice divination, sorcery, fortune telling, witchery, casting spells, holding séances, or channeling with the dead. People who do these things are an abomination to GOD. It’s because of just such abominable practices that GOD, your God, is driving these nations out before you. Be completely loyal to GOD, your God.” Dt 18:9-13 (Msg)

Solomon – in his prayer of dedication for the Temple prayed;

For when you brought our ancestors out of Egypt, O Sovereign LORD, you told your servant Moses that you had separated Israel from among all the nations of the earth to be your own special possession." 1 Kings 8:53 (NLT)

Ezra – said the following to God’s people 300 years later when they came back to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple…

“Now make confession to the LORD , the God of your fathers, and do his will. Separate yourselves from the peoples around you…” Ezra 10:11

Jesus said in John 15;

“If you belonged to the world, it would love you as it loves its own. But I have chosen you out of the world, so you don’t belong to it…” (NCV)

Paul in Romans 12:2 challenges God’s people to be different then the world…

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person..” Rm 12:2 (NLT)

AND – Peter in our text says;

“…do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy." - 1 Peter 1:14-16

LISTEN – as God’s people we are called to be different; to be a new creation, to be salt, to be light… to not be like the world but to be like God…. we are called to be holy (the word ‘holy’ is used 500 times in the bible) – and the root idea of the word holy is that of separation…

UNDERSTAND – the call to be holy IS A CALL to be different, to separate from the world.

In talking about our call to be holy, Peter Oberst writes; ‘…we, as His children, are to be dedicated to Him, reserved for Him and His service, and separated from the world for a holy purpose – set aside exclusively for God’s use…’

YES - that is God’s desire for His people… AND – when we set ourselves exclusively aside for God’s use WE WILL be different then the world.. QUESTION - how have His people done at being different? HOW – did the nation of Israel do? Not so good? HOW - is the church doing today? Not so good.. (lie, cheat, drink, do drugs, be sexually immoral, cuss, fly off the handle in anger, divorce, slander, be lazy at work… just like the rest of the world..)

BUT LISTEN – Peter’s message to us today is that if we are ever going to be able to live God’s way - we must choose to be different…Which is what it means to be holy… FROM – now on when you here the term holy and your call to be holy, I want you to think about being different then the world… YOU SEE – being holy is NOT some ‘super’ religious term about going to church, dressing nice on Sundays and saying nice spiritual things once a week… It about being different then the world…

QUESTION – are you holy, are you different then the world? (or have the lines between you and the world been blurred?) here’s another question… DO – you want to be holy, different, separate from the world.. (IF SO – once again you are at the right spot at the right time…

NOW the way I want to approach our study together this morning is to answer 2 very simple questions…

q Why Should we choose to be different, and

q How can we be different…


OKAY – question #1;

Why Should We Be Different?

HEY – have you ever noticed – how with little children a lot of times when you tell them to do or not do something they ask why?

Don’t stick your fork in the light socket – why?

Don’t ride your bike in the street – why?

Wash your hands before you eat – why?

Don’t throw your little brother down the stairs – why?

You need to go to bed – why?

You can’t date until your 16 – why?

AND – do you know what I’m not sure we ever grow out of that (I MEAN – we all like to know the way behind the things we are asked to do).. SO - in keeping with this innate desire to know why - let me give you some reasons from 1 Peter, why YOU should choose to be different… he gives us at least 8.


Of verses 3-12…

Peter starts of verse 13 with the word ‘therefore.’ SO – what Peter is saying is, because of what I just said – you should choose to be different. BECAUSE (as we saw last week) – because – you are not home yet, because you are born again into a living, because you have an inheritance that can not be destroyed, because God’s power is protecting you, because troubles purify your faith – and because you are saved you should choose to be different…

NEXT – Peter says YOU should choose to be different BECAUSE;

You are to be obedient children…

Look at verse 14; ”As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance.” CIRCLE - obedient children..

LISTEN – God is our Father and we are His children. AND – though it may sound strange to some people; children & obedience ARE SUPPOSED to go together.

In our home Laurie and I as parents are in charge. AND – there is no debate, no discussion, no question about this irrefutable law at 2310 Compton place. YOU SEE – I just have this crazy idea that when I (as a parent) say something that my kids will obey (I don’t know call me silly)… AND – if they ever forget for a moment – I am quick to remind them…

UNDERSTAND – we are God’s children; AND – please make no mistake about it in God’s family - being His children & being obedient go hand and hand… AND – there is no debate or discussion about it… God is in charge (we are not) – He is the head of this family… He speaks we obey… AND – since God has spoken – SINCE He has told us to be different; to be holy, to be separate from this world…that’s what we are to do… AND – if we don’t we are rebellious and disobedient children…

We should choose to be different because;

Of the good stuff in verse 3-12…

You are to be obedient children…

3rd we are to choose to be different BECAUSE;

We are no longer living in ignorance…

“…do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance.

CIRCLE – …you lived in ignorance

LISTEN – there was a time when you didn’t really know any better. A time when you didn’t really understand what God’s way was. A time what you did, was controlled by our own evil desires… that time is past, you LIVED in ignorance you are not living in ignorance……

Paul in Ephesians chapter 2;talks about this time of ignorance…

“It wasn’t so long ago that you were mired in that old stagnant life of sin. You let the world, which doesn’t know the first thing about living, tell you how to live. You filled your lungs with polluted unbelief, and then exhaled disobedience. We all did it, all of us doing what we felt like doing, when we felt like doing it, all of us in the same boat. It’s a wonder God didn’t lose his temper and do away with the whole lot of us. Instead, immense in mercy and with an incredible love, he embraced us. He took our sin-dead lives and made us alive in Christ.”

- Eph 2:1-5 (Msg)

YES – there was a time when we lived in ignorance… A time when we didn’t even realize that we had to be different… BUT FRIENDS - the time ignorance is over… CHECKOUT – what Paul said to a bunch of people in Athens who were NOT living God’s way…

"God overlooks it as long as you don’t know any better--but that time is past. The unknown is now known, and he’s calling for a radical life-change.”

- Acts 17:30 (Msg)

A 4th reason that Peter gives as to why YOU should choose to be different is BECAUSE;

Of who God is…

In verse 15 & 16, Peter says that God is Holy… God is perfect and pure, separate from and above all else. That’s why in Ex 3:5 God said to Moses as he walked towards a burning bush…; "Do not come any closer," God said. "Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground."

UNDERSTAND – God’s holiness is serious business… That is why when God gave the law to Moses; he said - that if the priests didn’t wash their hands and feet before they came into his presence they would die; if they didn’t were their priestly garments and came in the Lord’s presence they would die; That’s why God said in Lev 16:2;

"Tell your brother Aaron not to come whenever he chooses into the Most Holy Place behind the curtain in front of the atonement cover on the ark, or else he will die…” Lev 16:2

YOU KNOW – sometimes I think that we forget who our God is… AND - we make him into this nice, old gray man sitting on the front porch sipping a glass of sweet tea… Just winking at our wrong actions and attitudes – saying; “Oh, it’s alright boys will be boys…”

UNDERSTAND – our God is not a passive gray hair man, sitting in a rocking chair; NO – our God is an all powerful, dangerous, not-safe, uncontrollable consuming fire.

EVERY NOW & THEN - I’ll read a powerful account of this (all powerful, dangerous, not safe, consuming God) in the bible and in the margins I will put the initials – D.M.W.G. QUESTION – do you know what that stands for; “Don’t Mess With God…” LISTEN – it’s not smart idea to mess with God.

AND – you don’t have to take my word for it, YOU can check it out in this book… AND – when you do, do you know what you will find? You’ll find that people in the bible who tried to messed with God didn’t do so well…

Pharaoh, Goliath, Ahab, Jezebel, the 850 false prophets on Mt Carmel, the powerful nations of Assyria & Babylon…ALL tried to mess with God – and it did not work out so good for them… I MEAN – when Babylon’s king (Nebuchadnezzar) tired to mess with God… Do you know what happened to him? God made him live with wild animals, crawl on all 4’s, eat grass like a cow, until his hair grew as long as eagles feathers, and his nails were like birds claws…)

AND UNDERSTAND – even God’s people didn’t too so well when they tried to mess with Him… That is why the nation was destroyed by the Assyrians and Babylonians… YOU SEE – God’s people thought they could mess with him… Live anyway they wanted to live and the old, gray haired man on the porch would just have to deal with it…. NOT SMART… Read the first 8 chapter of Jeremiah this week…and see what happens when God’s people try to mess with him.

FRIENDS – God is not someone to mess with… He is holy, dangerous , not safe, consuming & uncontrollable) I MEAN - He takes out entire nations with just a breathe from his mouth… Just one more passage I want to read here before I move on, BUT LISTEN – I really want us to get this…

John in his revelation talks about the future of people who ignore God – who lived against him, - who think it is no big deal to live their own way… AND – in Revelation 6:12-17 God pulls back the curtain and shows us what it coming…

Revelation 6:12-17…

LISTEN – BECAUSE of who God is YOU need to choose to be different.

NEXT – YOU should choose to be different BECAUSE…

The old way of life was a dead end…

In verse 18 as Peter describes the old way of life – he uses the word, ‘empty…’

LISTEN – the old way of life, living for yourself, living to fulfill your own desire - really isn’t such a good road to be on…

QUESTION – do you remember what it was like living that way? Do you remember the difficulties, pain, heartache and consequences that living the old way brought you…? Do you remember where that road led? Do you remember the places it took you that you did not want to go… Do you remember? AND UNDERSTAND - the evil one wants you to forget…

YOU KNOW – there was a guy in the OT, he wrote 3 books in the bible. He was a great and powerful king… BUT – one day Solomon left God’s way and walked his own… AND - I think he would tell us that it was a road to an empty life… IN FACT – he did tell us;

“Anything I wanted, I took. I did not restrain myself from any joy. I even found great pleasure in hard work, an additional reward for all my labors. 11But as I looked at everything I had worked so hard to accomplish, it was all so meaningless. It was like chasing the wind. There was nothing really worthwhile anywhere.” – Eccl 2:10,11

AND – he also wrote;

“You’re addicted to thrills? What an empty life! The pursuit of pleasure is never satisfied.” - Pr 21:17 (Msg)

A 6th reason you should choose to be different is BECAUSE;

Jesus gave His life for you to be different…

“For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake. Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God.”

- 1 Peter 1:18-21

FRIENDS – Christ redeemed you from the empty way of life you were living; Jesus the perfect one, the sinless one – shed His blood on that cross 2,000 years ago so you would be different… So – that you would be holy… separate – different from the world.

UNDERSTAND – Christ did not die on a cross for YOU to stay the same… PICTURE – the incredible price that was paid, PICTURE the unbelievable sacrifice that was made SO THAT you could be given the choose to be different…

REMEMBER – God loves you just the way you are… BUT – he loves you far too much to let you stay that way… HE – wants you to be just like Jesus…

NEXT – YOU – should choose to be different – BECAUSE…

YOU need to grow up…

“Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation..” (2:2)

UNDERSTAND – growing up is all about becoming different… NOW – we can easily see this with physical growth… AS – people grow they are different… AND – that’s a good thing… I MEAN – how would you like to go to your senior prom weighing 8 pounds 6 ounces and being 21 inches tall? (hard to find a tux or prom dress in that size… may get lost in Limo)

AND – have you noticed that kids can’t wait to grow up… ASK – a young child how old they are and they will not say I’m 7 years old… NO – they will say, “I’m almost 8, OR I’m 7 11/15…” NO – kids are in a hurry to grow up… That is why they can’t wait to;

q To crawl, to walk, to run…

q Ride that bike

q Stay up late

q Spend the night over a friends house

q Wear make up

q Get a girl friend or boy friend

q Get a license

q Get a job

q Have a cell phone

q Buy a car

LISTEN – kids can’t wait to do (the things and activities) that show them and that show the world that they are growing up… AND – as they grow they are different… They are no longer that 8 pound, 6 ounce little guy or girl that we had to carry around…

HEY – wouldn’t it be AWESOME; (wouldn’t it be awesome) if we all desired to grow up spiritually as much we desire to grow up physically?

OKAY – here is the last reason I want to give you as to why YOU should choose to be different… YOU – should choose to be different; BECAUSE…

YOU have tasted the better way…

NOW – I want you to hold to this reason for being different, we are going to talk about it a little later on…

OKAY – for those who like and need reasons for doing something… Peter gives you 8 reasons for choosing to be different…

· Of verses 3:12 (‘therefore’)

· We are to be obedient children

· We are no longer living in ignorance

· Of who God is (Holy, Judge – who do we think we are messing with…

· The old way of life was a dead end

· Jesus gave His life for us to be different

· We need to grow up

· We have tasted the better way

NOW – it is time for the HOW… YOU KNOW – I think it is pretty awesome that Peter in these verses gives us both the why and the how in choosing to be different…

LISTEN – we need to use the ‘why’ part to motivate us… AND we need to use the HOW part as a check list of what to do in order to actually be different..

How Can We Be Different; By…


Preparing your minds…

LISTEN – you mind is very critical in you becoming different… Let me try explain…

Imagine getting the greatest performance car in the world and deciding that you are going to take a serious run at the Indy 500 and dedicate yourself to winning it. What are the odds you will fill the tank with unleaded, low-octane gasoline from a run down thrifty discount service station?

OR - imagine that you were serious about competing in the marathon in the next Olympics. I mean this goal becomes an all consuming passion in your life. How likely would it be, that you would go on an all fast food diet, between now and the games?

OR – imagine that you are a brand new parent. You’ve just brought you new born son or daughter home from the hospital. What are the chances that you would just grab anything from the frig or pantry to feed them?

OKAY – I think you get the idea, we all tend to be very serious about what we put into the things that matter to us. People are very careful about what they fed their cars, their kids, their bodies, even their pets…

AND – business’ understanding this have turned what we put into our bodies into a multibillion dollar industry. AND they pay advertisers millions trying to convince us of what we need.

They tell us, that the secret to health; is a high carbs low fat diet; or high protein, fat is okay, with no carbs at all; or a 30-30-40 percentage split; or they tell us to avoid sugar at all costs. Others tell us that the secret to great health; is Atkins bars, Met-Rex bars, Power Bars, Slim Fast Shakes, Nutri- fast shakes, wheat germ shakes or a ½ gallon of Edys Double Fudge Brownie Ice Cream – (Actually, no one has come out with that diet yet, but when they do – I’m going to be their first customer).

LISTEN – we are all very aware of the fact that the fuel that goes into things ultimately determines it’s performance and well-being. NOW – you may be thinking to yourself, ‘duh…you had to go to college to figure that one our Steve.’ HEY - I know that this truth does not surprise anyone here, right? Of course not we are all intelligent people.

AND THAT - is why it so amazing, so insane, that in the most important area of our lives – (our minds) - we pay no attention whatsoever, to what we put in to it.

LET ME – give you 3 reasons why preparing your mind is important, #1 – BECAUSE…

You Are What You Think

Psychologist Archibald Hart writes, “Research has shown that one’s thought life influences every aspect of one’s being.” [repeat] he’s right…. LISTEN - whether you are filled with confidence or fear, depends on the kind of thoughts that occupy your mind on a regular basis.

The way you think creates attitudes; the way you think, shapes emotions; the way you think, governs your behavior; the way you think, even effects your immune system and your vulnerability to illness. LISTEN - everything about you flows out of the way you think… The way we like to summarize that truth here at Central is; that they way you think, determines how you feel, and the way you feel, determines how you act…

2nd preparing your mind is important because;

You Think About What You Are Most Exposed To

“your life is shaped by your thoughts,” Pr 4:23 (GN)

You could call this the law of exposure… UNDERSTAND - what repeatedly enters your mind – will occupy your mind – and what occupies your mind will eventually shape your mind – and what shapes your mind will ultimately express itself in what you do and who you become.

LISTEN – the material you read, the music you hear, the images you watch, the sites you click on, the conversations you hold, the day dreams you entertain – are all shaping your mind and they will ultimately determine both your character and destiny… “your life is shaped by your thoughts…”

A 3rd reason why your preparing your mind is important is because…

You Thoughts Can Defile You…

QUESTION – do your thoughts really matter? Is it really that big of a deal? Or is Steve just making much a do about nothing…

LISTEN – your mind, your thoughts are powerful… AND BECAUSE – you are what you think – because what ever you are exposed to is what you think – satan wants to take over your thoughts. Why? because he knows that if he does your thoughts will defile you…

CHECKOUT – what Jesus said on the sermon on the Mt.

“It is the thought-life that defiles you. For from within, out of a person’s heart, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, deceit, eagerness for lustful pleasure, envy, slander, pride and foolishness. ALL these vile things come from within; they are what defile you and make you unacceptable to God…” Mk 7:18-23 (NLT)

AND – you prepare your minds by changing your exposure… by putting in good stuff… by watching what you mind eats…

NEXT – YOU can be different by;

Developing self control…

Peter writes in verse 13; “…be self-controlled”

AND – let me tell you being self controlled would really make you different than this world. I MEAN – the philosophy, of this world… is;

If it feels good – DO it…

If it tastes good – EAT it…

If it looks good – BUT it…

If it requires too much effort – STAY in bed…

CHECKOUT – what the Word says about the person who lacks of self-control…

“Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control.”

– Pr 25:28

AND UNDERSTAND – that Paul was so serious about developing self control in his life that he adopted the following philosophy…

“Like an athlete I punish my body, treating it roughly, training it do what it should, not what it wants to do…” 1 Cor 9:27 (LB)

A great way to develop self control is to practice the spiritual discipline of fasting…

The 3rd thing on your how to be different check list is;

Obeying our Father…

“As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance..” (1:14)

PARENTS – if you gave your kids a list of 10 things to do and they only did 4 of them,,,(now I know this never happens in your home) would you say that they obeyed you? LISTEN – we all know that partial obedience is not obedience…

LISTEN – if you want to be (different, holy) – you need to start obeying your Father…

UNDERSTAND – YOUR father in heaven is serious about obedience,… JUST – 2 passages..

The first one is 1 Samuel 15:22 (King Saul had partially obeyed God – went through some outward rituals, and God said through Samuel);

“But Samuel replied, "What is more pleasing to the LORD: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Obedience is far better than sacrifice. Listening to him is much better than offering the fat of rams.” 1 Sam 15:22

AND – Jesus said;

“Jesus came and told his disciples, "I have been given complete authority in heaven and on earth. 19Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.”

- Matthew 28:18-20 (NLT)

NEXT – you can be different – BY;

Setting your hope on your future…

Peter writes in verse 13;

“…set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed”

QUESTION – why does an Olympic athlete train hours every day for years?

Why does a lady – go through 9 months of discomfort and hours of labor pains?

LISTEN - most, if not all, do not do it. for the sheer pleasure of training 8 hours a day for 4 years or for the sheer enjoyment of being pregnant… NO – they do it for what’s going to be on the other side…

AND – I would imagine that every now and then it was hopes of a medal OR the hopes of holding their child in their arms that keep them going…

QUESTION – HOW did Jesus endure the cross?

Hebrews 12

”he never lost sight of where he was headed--that exhilarating finish in and with God--he could put up with anything along the way: cross, shame, whatever. And now he’s there, in the place of honor, right alongside God. 3When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility he plowed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your souls!”

LISTEN – if want to be different… IF you really want to live God’s way you are going to have to set your hopes on the future… BECAUSE – being different is not easy… It is hard at times to swim upstream and go against the flow… That’s why like Jesus you must never loose sight of where you are headed…

OKAY – you want to be different, separate from the world, holy…

BUT you are not sure what to do…

WELL – God through Peter says here’s how;

· Prepare your mind

· Develop self control

· Obey your Father

· Set your hope on our future

AND – 5th BY;

Loving sincerely

“Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart..”

We must to love each other deeply, sincerely… We must love each other with God’s kind of love…

q A love that seeks to give not get

q A love that desires to serve not be served

q A love that really cares and wants the best for people and is willing to sacrifice themselves in order to see it happen….

“have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart..”

LET ME TELL YOU – loving sincerely will really make you different, holy, separate from the world….

NEXT you can be different – BY:

Craving the Word…

Beginning in verse 23 Peter says;

“For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. For, "All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever." And this is the word that was preached to you…Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation…”

DO YOU – want to be different? THEN - develop a hunger for this book…

Eat it as often as you can…. (QT’s)

Attend as many meals as possible… (bible study)

AND LAST – though certainly not least… IF YOU – are serious about being different –

YOU WILL go a long way, in making that desire reality - BY;

Getting Rid of the junk…

LISTEN – if you want to be different there is some junk in your life that you need to get rid of… TELL – the person next to you; ‘get rid of your junk’ Peter says;

“…rid yourselves of all malice (wanting bad stuff to happen to people you don’t like) and all deceit (lying), hypocrisy (pretending), envy, and slander of every kind”

Paul gives us another list of the junk we need to get rid of In Colossians 3;

“…put these things out of your life: sexual sinning, doing evil. Letting evil thoughts control, wanting things that are evil, greed…anger, bad temper, doing or saying things to hurt others, using evil words when you talk, do not lie to each other..”

- Col 3:5,8,9

LISTEN – if we want to live God’s way we have choose to be different… AND – Peter in the verses we have looked at today has told us how to be different… QUESTION – do you want to be different? Do you want to live God’s way?

WELL – you do that; BY…

· Preparing your mind

· Developing self control

· Obeying your Father

· Setting your hope on our future

· Craving the Word

· Getting Rid of the junk

AND – not only does Peter tell us HOW – but he tells you – WHY YOU should choose to be different…BECAUSE;

· We are to be obedient children

· We are no longer living in ignorance

· Of who God is

· The old way of life was a dead end

· Jesus gave His life for us to be different

· We need to grow up

AND – friends it is only when we are different then the world that we will really be the salt and the light – that can change this world…

YOU SEE – lukewarm, shallow water, fence riding, gray believers have little impact on the world BUT – holy, separate and different people can turn this upside down world right side up…

You are to live clean, innocent lives as children of God in a dark world full of crooked and perverse people. Let your lives shine brightly before them.

The more you and are different the brighter our light shines – which means more people find Jesus…


OKAY – REMEMBER that one reason for choosing to be different, I told you to hold to… WELL – I need you to pull it…as we close

LISTEN – YOU should choice to be different… BECAUSE…

YOU have tasted the better way…

IN – verse 3 Peter writes; “now that you have tasted that the Lord is good…”

LISTEN ALL OF US – who are believers, have done that. EVEN IF – we have fallen backwards a little… EVEN IF – we really have never really grown up all that much… There still have been a few times (hopefully more, but still there have at least been a few times…)

q WHEN – we tasted what it was like to be different…

q WHEN – we tasted what it was like to live God’s way…

AND – do you know what? It tasted good, didn’t it…? I MEAN – it was some spiritual ‘Ben & Jerry’s, baby.’ – YOU – know exactly what I’m saying… You’ve tasted it…

YOU KNOW – I remember the first time that I gave Chelsea a piece of pizza… [PUT picture on the screen]

We were in base housing at the Yorktown Naval Weapons Station – Chelsea was in her highchair. AND – after what to her was a lifetime of eating…stuff like this;

[baby food jars READ off labels…]

THEN at the ripe old age of one… My little girl took a bite of pizza… her eyes light up.. She didn’t know that anything that tasted that good, even existed…

YES - Chelsea tasted the better way and it was good… AND – if my memory serves me right… The next time I tried to give her something out of the jar she said, “don’t think so dad..” Why????? BECAUSE – she had tasted something better…

AND FRIENDS – I have seen some of you after a lifetime of eating this world’s idea of life; after eating the world’s version of strained… {read baby food labels again]

Take a taste of the Lord…

Take a taste of what it is like to live God’s way

Take a taste of what it’s like to be different then the world

Take a taste of what it’s like – to know you love and accepted by GOD!!!

Take a taste of what it’s like to see the purpose and plan for your life that is found in Him…

Take a taste of what it is like to feel the joy of the Lord…

I’ve seen you eyes light up… Your pulse quicken… BECAUSE – you never knew life could taste so good…

I’ve seen some of you guys at the Christ In Youth Conference… spend a entire week with God… tasting how good it is to live God’s way… I saw real joy…

I’ve seen some of you taste God right in this room…

BUT – do you know what some of you are not as smart as Chelsea at 1 year of age, you’ve gone back to strained meat…tender sweet peas….vegetable beef pot roast..

TODAY – I ask you to throw that stuff away and go back to the Lord

[as I said this I throw some jars into a trash can with bricks and they smashed…]

Non – believers life in Christ taste better than you can imagine…