Summary: Our spiritual walk is defined by: bearing fruit, growing as we walk, empowered with each step, and giving thanks throughout the walk.


Scripture: COLOSSIANS 1:9-14

Dr. Thomas J. Doubt, Senior Pastor

Four Mile Creek Baptist Church

June 1, 2001


A. Walking has become big business, big news.

1. Supreme Court got involved in whether you walk or ride in PGA. Casey Martin has severe disorder in right leg. The Supreme Court said he did not have to walk the golf course. Opinions are divided on whether golf cart riding is part of the game of golf.

2. In our spiritual life we need constant assistance with our walk. We begin by admitting we are weak. Our plea to Jesus: Just A Closer Walk With Thee

B. Paul’s prayer to the Colossians asks for strength in their walk.


A. Paul’s prayer is intercession on behalf of Christians in Colossae. He had heard a good report from Epaphras. Paul’s joy not merely that they received Gospel. Rather, that they were bearing fruit (v 6).

1. It is a joy for us to see a believer taking their 1st steps, much like the joy when see toddler take 1st step.

2. Full joy comes in watching growth; seeing them walking stronger.

B. Our spiritual walk begins with decision where to walk. Paul defines wholly walking holy by 4 participle clauses:

Our walk defined by bearing fruit (v 10)

As we walk, we are growing into full knowledge of God (v 10)

At each step, we are being empowered by the Lord (v 11)

Throughout walk, we giving thanks to Father for inheritance (v 12)



1. If we to please God, we must be fruitful in good works (v 10)

2. Jesus said a good tree will bear good fruit (Matt 7:17)

3. Illustration: Reading a book on growing grapes [P.M. Wagner, A Wine Growers Guide, 1996] gave me insight into Jesus’ words. Wild female vines cannot bear fruit unaided; they have a defective stamen. Living outside God’s will does not produce good work or fruit. Cross-pollination does not change the character of fruit. Planting a good vine in bad ground will not produce good fruit, nor will planting a bad vine in good soil yield a harvest of good grapes; it depends on the character of the vine and the foundation in which it is planted.

4. Apply: bearing fruit in every good work requires the right combination. God the Father provides the fertile ground. His Son is the vine on which we grow. The Holy Spirit creates conditions optimal for bearing fruit.


1. Growing into the full knowledge of God (v 10). We begin our 1st steps not knowing very much. Each step results in greater knowledge of the truth of Jesus Christ.

2. Illustrate: tourists going through a town saw an old man on a park bench. They asked “were any great men born in this town?” His reply: “No, only babies.” [source unknown] Great men & women develop step-by-step in their walk with Lord.

3. We are not to be carried away by error, but to grow in grace & knowledge (2 Pet 3:17). Many types of fish in an aquarium are limited by the size of the tank. Put in a larger tank, they will grow further. Too many Christians never get into a larger tank to grow. So, today, you will find some of the cutest 6 inch believers you’ll ever see; they never grow to a foot-long servant of the Lord.

4. Apply: Born-again Christian rules for growth:

a. Daily food: drink milk of God’s Word (Heb 5:12)

b.Fresh air: prayer is oxygen for soul; God not turn away prayer (Ps 66:20)

c.Regular exercise: pick up our cross & follow Jesus (Matt 16:24)

d.Adequate rest: come who weary, heavy laden, rest (Matt 11:28)

e. Clean surroundings: avoid men who work iniquity (Ps 141:4)

f. Loving care: have same love, fellowship as Christ (Phil 2:1-2)

g. Periodic check-up: search & examine way, return Lord (Lam 3:40)

5. As grow in knowledge Lord, we find we have more power to do things


1. Empowered with all power according to might God’s glory (v 11).

a. All power belongs to God (Ps 62:11).

b. Receive a portion of that power when the Spirit comes into us (Acts 1:8).

c. Power to be witnesses in all manner of ways for Lord.

d. One cannot buy this power like Simon sorcerer in Samaria (Acts 8:19).

e. Only comes when completely walking in holiness of God.

2. Illustration: as kid in Johnstown, PA watched trolley cars. Trolley weighed several tons, could move fairly fast. Able to carry weight of many people & cargo. Yet could do nothing unless 1st connected to power cable. Further, could only run along route determined by trolley tracks. Moreover, needed conductor to hook up, start & stop. God is like the power cable, tracks & conductor.

3. Apply: often get confused about who has power & how to use. Mistake to think God gives us power to use as see fit. Wrong-headed thinking that power will glorify us. Applied in this way: doomed to failure. Take hint from v 11: power used for God’s glory. If it is not to glorify God, do not expect it to work

4. But when experience being empowered, then joyful


1. Giving thanks to Father who made us fit for share inheritance (v 12)

a. Thanksgiving for being delivered out of darkness.

b. Thanksgiving for being brought in Kingdom thru Jesus Christ.

2. Ever notice different levels of enthusiasm associated with giving thanks.

a. Polite “thank you” in everyday life as when a clerk gives you change.

b. Genuine “thank you” received when cut your neighbor’s grass.

c. Excited “thank you” when you win the VA lottery.

3. Danger for mature Christians: they get accustomed to blessings God gives them.

a. Being accustomed often leads to no excitement.

b. Like the unenthusiastic reaction to having your 12th child: “Yep. An even dozen.”

c. Worse still, we become so accustomed to expect blessing that we criticize & complain if it is not given according to our expectations.

4. Illustration: 20th day, 2nd month, 2nd year of exodus (Num. 10). Israelites packed up the tabernacle God had given them, left Mt. Sinai for the Promised Land. Three days later the Israelites put whine with their manna (Num 11:5-7). Whining that they did not have meat to go with manna. “There is nothing at all except this manna” Nothing except the blessing that Lord provided so they could be nourished.

5. Apply: how often do we take repeated blessings lightly? “If stars came out only once a year; I’d stay up all night to see them” [Ralph W. Emerson}. Each month we observe the Lord’s Supper. So accustomed that we act like: ‘ho-hum thanks for the bread which we know symbolizes the body of Jesus.’ Casually drink from the cup as: ‘ah yes, the cup which represents the blood of Christ.’ Sometimes we even complain about the way it’s served. Helpful to remember what the blessing truly is: God not have to send His Son. Jesus did not have to die for us. We could have rotted in hell on our own. Instead, God gave us a great big blessing wrapped in love. Blessed us with the chance to be His child. We are blessed that we can remember this each month.

6. Anything unfashionable, not cool about excitement over table fellowship? I don’t think so.

7. Giving thanks ought to be with genuine commitment & excitement.


A. Come to the table prepared by the Almighty thru sacrifice Jesus Christ.

B. By faith through grace, we walk towards table.

1. Bearing fruits of faith & baptism through Christ.

2. Aware of growing into a greater knowledge of our Savior.

3. Being empowered by HS to share in glory of God at His table.

4. Giving thanks that we have been invited & can participate.

C. If you are not able to get excited about that, get on your knees. Ask the Lord to reenergize your spirit. Awaken you to the live God wants you to have. Stimulate your mind to come alive in His Kingdom. Amen and amen.