Summary: The value of mothers in the spiritual life of family.

May 11, 2003


Proverbs 31: 10-31

The Power of a Woman’s Womb

It is my great joy and privilege to greet all the mothers this afternoon- HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! For me it’s something that I couldn’t afford to miss because indeed our mothers are precious gift from the Lord.

God’s manifested His brilliance when He used the womb of a woman named Mary to give birth to the Savior of humanity – our Lord Jesus Christ.

A woman and a mother played a very vital role in our deliverance from the bondage of sin and guilt. Because of what Christ had done, we can now come freely to the presence of God and be reconciled with Him.

The womb of a woman is powerful enough to carry a living soul inside. It’s not one week or one month but 9 months more or less that mothers endure the pain and suffering of conception for the sake of her baby or babies inside her until the final moment of delivery wherein the mother’s life is still 50/50.

That is the mystery of mans birth that only God knew why He made it that way.

In the Bible we found the following stories about mothers:

Matthew 20:20 “Then the mother of Zebedee’s sons came to Jesus with her sons and, kneeling down, and asked a favor of him.”

This mother came to Jesus and ask him a favor. She said; “Grant that one of these two sons of mine may sit at your right and the other at your left in your kingdom.” V. 21b

This sweet mother was so concerned about her sons future. She wanted to make sure that they will be in the best position in another kingdom.

I do believe our mothers value so much the future of their family especially the children.

They are willing to sacrifice and do the best they can which most of the times would mean denying themselves for the sake of their children’s welfare.

I remember when we were small children, our mother used to feed us first before she will eat. Most of the times because we are big family, what she had for her meal was our left over and we never heard her complain.

Zebedee’s sons mother was particular about her sons future just like our mothers today.

2 Timothy 1:5 talks about another characteristics of a mother which states, “I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.”

Apostle Paul was writing a letter to Timothy ( one of his spiritual son.)

There are significant characters behind Timothy’s life- his grandmother and mother who were both women of God.

This verse tells us that Timothy’s faith emanated from the faith of these two women of God. They have left the best legacy to Timothy which was very visible to people he dealt with.

Lois and Eunice were good examples to Timothy that helped him shaped his Christian character.

I personally believed that faith must be learned first in the four corners of our homes.

Just like what I always say during house blessings, “the home is the best Theological Seminary .”

Timothy acquired his faith because of these women of God. I am also very grateful to say that I first learned how to trust, believe, and accepted Jesus Christ in my life because of my grandmother- Apo Maria.

My grandmother was the one who prayed for me to become a pastor or a worker in the Lord’s vineyard. She always reminded me that my life is gift from God because my mother was continuously bleeding for several months while I was developing and growing in her womb.

Because of my mother’s situation the doctor decided to do a DNC (“raspa”) to my mother.

But because they cannot do it without my father’s approval, they have to wait for him and it was a blessing because he was late and the procedure was never done.

God did not allow it to happen.

He has a wonderful plan for that baby that was nearly and unawarely aborted.

The reason is… God has a plan for that baby to become the Pastor of the Filipino Mission Fellowship in Melbourne, Florida.

My grandmother brought us tirelessly to the Church every Sunday and she always find time to teach us and guide us in our faith journey.

I might not be in the ministry if not for my grandmother and my mother who supported me. Thank You Ima and to my Apo Maria. Praise the Lord!

It’s really important and a basic thing that our mothers MUST devote time talking, leading and teaching the children about faith in Jesus Christ.

King Solomon was right when he said, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Prov 22: 6

This verse is true to me and so with your children. By God’s grace you can do it.

But you have to START NOW!

Homer Philips said, “The time to start correcting the children is before they start correcting you.”

While the best preacher in his time Charles Spurgeon once said, “A child of five, if properly instructed, can as truly believe and be regenerated as an adult.”

We have to start now because we don’t want to hear again the statement from the Duke of Wellington when he commented, “The thing that impresses me most about America is the way parents obey their children.”

Let’s think about it for a moment. That might be true and very saddening. But let us not allow it to happen to our homes.

The Duke’s comment is an awakening call that there is really a need to change in the way we live and in the way we raise our children.

If only there are modern grandmothers like Lois and a willing mother like Eunice today who will make themselves available and commit their time to teaching and leading their children to Christ, we will make a big difference in the society of the 21’st century.

I would also like to share with you my reading about “Susannah Wesley’s Rules For Raising Children:

1. Subdue self-will in a child and thus work together with God to save his soul.

2. Teach him/her to pray as soon as he can speak.

3. Give him nothing he cries for and only what is good for him if he asks for it politely.

4. To prevent lying, punish no fault which is freely confessed, but never allow a rebellious, sinful act to go unnoticed.

5. Commend and reward good behavior.

6. Strictly observe all promises you have make to your child.

Try to apply the following for the betterment of our children.

In Isaiah 66: 13a “As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you;” and in Proverbs 31: 15 “She rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household and tasks for her maiden.”

This mother provides comfort and care. I know you will agree with me that our mothers are our eyes, hands, feet and ears while we are still babies.

Our mothers are our comforts. They were a ready help in every need.

They have done the things we were not able to do that help us grow and become the person that we are now. Try to remember the days when they spent sleepless nights just to make sure we are fed right.

They see to it that we are not wet and cold in the middle of the night.

They are always focused and watchful of us especially those times that we were crawling and when we were still learning our first steps.

Words are not enough to describe what mothers have done for us from conception to birth until now that we are grown up. Our mother’s love help us realize the worth of our existence, what we become and the potential that is in us and a lot more.

We are just so blessed that God made mothers to be part of our life. We owe them so much. They deserve our praise and thanksgiving. So we dedicate this special day for all of you our beloved mothers. (Read Proverbs 31: 10- 31)

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! God bless you all.