Summary: This message brings us to Revelation chapters 8 through 11. These scriptures deal with the trumpet judgments. With the blowing of the seven trumpets a new dimension of horror is introduced into human affairs.

James O. Davis is the founder and president of Second Billion (TM). You are invited to learn more about Second Billion by visiting


The following is an overall outline of the Book of Revelation. We pick up with part 2 of this message, “The Tribulation and the Second Coming.”

Part I

I. The Introduction the Book (Rev. 1:1-3)

II. The Visions of God (Rev. 1:4-20)

III. The Visions of Grace (Rev. 2:1 -- 3:22)

IV. The Visions of Government (Rev. 4:1 -- 20:15)

A) The Hallelujahs in Heaven (Rev. 4:1 -- 5:14)

B) The Horrors on Earth (Rev. 6:1 -- 20:15)

1) The seals—a world ruined by men

Part II

2) The trumpets—a world ruled by Satan

The Three Capital Cities

The Two Witnesses

The Believing Jewish Remnant

The Two Beasts

The Scene Back in Heaven

Part III

3) The vials—a World Rescued by God.

The Two Babylons

The Scarlet Woman

The Antichrist

The Fallen Babylon

Events in Heaven

V. The Visions of Glory (Rev. 21:1 -- 22:7)

VI. The Conclusion of the Book (Rev. 22:8-21)

This message brings us to Revelation chapters 8 through 11. These scriptures deal with the trumpet judgments. With the blowing of the seven trumpets a new dimension of horror is introduced into human affairs. Under the seals the world became a world ruined by man. Now under the trumpets it becomes a world ruled by Satan.

The symbolism under the trumpets is much more complex than under the seals because it deals with the world of the weird, the occult, the Satanic. Under the trumpets, Satan’s man takes over the world. He has been waiting while the sealed judgments were tearing the world apart and reducing human affairs to chaos. Now men will be ready for anyone just so long as he is clever and strong enough to bring peace and sanity back to the world. Satan’s man will be ready, but first whatever is left of the establishment must be overthrown.


We can summarize the trumpet judgments as follows; they can be broken down basically into two categories. First, you have the war trumpets, found in Revelation 8:1-13. Next, you have the woe trumpets, which are found in Revelation 9:1-21, 10:7, 11:15-19. Under the war trumpets you have the brewing storm, the boiling sun, the banished star, and the blackened sky. Under the woe trumpets you have misery endured, mastery ensured, and mystery ended. The first four trumpets are war trumpets, the last three are woe trumpets, because an additional woe is sounded along with them.


The first trumpet brings a storm of fire, hail and blood upon the earth which causes the third part of the trees and all green grass to be burned. This could, of course, depict a literal disaster, an ecological disaster of terrible proportions. The old establishment must be overthrown to make way for a new world order ruled by the beast, as the antichrist is called in Revelation.

The expression “the third part” occurs frequently in connection with the trumpets. A clue to its significance is found in a reference to Satan’s original fall and the downfall of the third part of the stars of heaven (Revelation 12:4). The expression, “stars of heaven,” refers to the angels who join Satan’s affair in connection with this world. Satan has a second fall in this same chapter for he is now cast out of heaven and confined to the earth. Consequently, a woe is pronounced against the earth’s inhabitants (Revelation 12:12). This is what makes the last three trumpets woe trumpets. The expression, “the third part,” seems to be a reference to the sphere of the Satanic influence which, under the trumpets, is to be confined to this world.

The second trumpet affects the sea. A great mountain burning with fire is cast into the sea so that the third part of the sea becomes blood. The third part of the creatures in the sea die and a third part of all shipping is destroyed. This of course could be a literal disaster. There is no reason why an omnipotent God could not uproot an erupting volcano and cast it into the sea. Or this trumpet could be describing a future ecological disaster affecting marine life and commerce.

Probably we should interpret these things symbolically. The sea is well known in the Bible. For the Gentile nations, the mountains sometimes stand for a great world power. If we interpret this judgment symbolically we have described a further upheaval among the nations and one which enables the beast to emerge and begin his remarkable career. He is described later in the Book as a beast out of the sea (Revelation 13:1). He will become prominent on earth, it seems, during a time of unrest in Europe. He will swiftly bring that continent to heel and will eventually spread his influence throughout the rest of the Western world. From the standpoint of Biblical prophecy, the future lies with Europe, not with the United States of America. Revelation 17 puts the focus on Italy, and particularly on Rome, as the chief scene of the antichrist’s early activities.

According to the Book of Daniel, he will first come to power in a small insignificant European nation for he is described as a little horn. He will emerge at a time when a ten nation European federation is forming. He will seize the initiative and overthrow three members of the federation and install himself in absolute power over all ten.

The third trumpet adds a new and ominous dimension to world affairs. A great star burning like a lamp falls from heaven on the third part of the rivers and upon the fountains of the waters (Revelation 8:9). The star is given a symbolic name of “wormwood”. Its fall makes the waters bitter (Revelation 8:11). Angels are symbolized as stars in the Bible. You find this in Job 38:7. This fallen star is Satan himself who is now cast down from heaven (Revelation 12:7-9). He is infuriated because he is no longer the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2), only the prince of the world (John 16:11). He vents his rage against the human race with the result the waters become wormwood. Waters stand for peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues (Revelation 17:15). So, the peoples of the world now take their character from Satan himself. He is called “wormwood” and they become wormwood. As a result life becomes bitter and many people die.

The fourth trumpet affects the sun, moon and stars so that a third part of them are darkened. An angel now proclaims a three-fold woe upon mankind because the remaining three trumpets are to be far worse than the previous four. The world has now become the sphere of Satanic activity (Revelation 12:12). The sun, moon and stars, of course, are literal realities so this trumpet could be describing some upheaval in the solar system.

The fifth trumpet heralds a truly fearful coming event. The falling star in verse ten is now given permission to open the abyss and let loose upon the world a host of dreadful evil spirits. They are described as locusts, but no such locusts have ever ravaged this world. These demons have the general appearance of locusts, but they are likened to horses, lions, men and scorpions. They remind us of the cherubim whose faces resemble those of a lion, a calf, a man and an eagle (Revelation 4:7). These demons from the abyss seem to be some form of satanic cherubim. Also, they are supernatural, incapable of death, and are led by the angel of the bottomless pit (Revelation 9:11).

The form of these demons probably indicates the kind of torment they inflict upon mankind. They are called locusts, but they are obviously not literal locusts. Their hunger is not for vegetation but for men. They have faces like men, which suggest a special appeal to the intellect. They have hair like women to portray the attractiveness of their appeal. They have teeth like lions to denote their fierceness and the tenacity with which they fasten upon their victims. They have breastplates of iron to emphasize how completely impervacious they are to human suffering.

Their wings sound like horses and chariots rushing to battle to depict the terror they cause. Their tails sting like scorpions to symbolize the excruciating torment they inflict on people’s souls. They are crowned because they will be given complete ascendancy over the human race. Finally, in the mercy of God, their reign of terror is limited to five months, the normal length of time when natural locusts flourish from May to September.

It should be noted here that the bottomless pit, the abyss, is one of God’s prison houses. Twice the beast is described as coming from this place (Revelation 11:7, Revelation 17:8). It is in this same prison that Satan will be incarcerated for the thousand years of the Millennial Reign of Christ (Revelation 20:1-3).

The sounding of the sixth trumpet moves Satan’s plans forward toward completion. This time four angels are released from the Euphrates. The Euphrates was the ancient dividing line between east and west. It is connected in the Scripture with Babylon and the four world empires of prophecy. These four angels are called “the four,” so it is likely they are the angelic beings who rule the empires of Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome. As Satan’s vice regions in the spirit world, they are released to bring about a last empire which will eventually embrace the whole world. These evil spirits goad men into battle, one which involves some 200 million warriors. A tremendous war is now fought which changes the world completely, making possible the global dominion of the beast.

Only one war in Scripture fits this description. It is the war described in Ezekiel 38 and 39, where Russia attacks Israel to its own undoing. As I see it, the Russian invasion of Israel has no connection with Armageddon. The beast will have signed a pact with Israel that unconditionally guarantees Israel’s frontiers and acknowledges Israel’s right to rebuild its temple. The fury of the Muslim world can well be imagined. Russia will see an open door to new and decisive influence in the Middle East and will mobilize its entire resources in an all-out attack upon Israel. This seems to be the war that is brought about by these four angelic powers released from the Euphrates. Russia will be overthrown and the path to world dominion will be clear for the beast.

In times likes these, with the turmoil in the Middle East, and the hatred of the various factions,

I cannot help but feel we are on the brink of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

At this point, the Holy Spirit draws attention to the fact that none of these terrible happenings bring men to their knees in repentance before God. To the contrary, they are simply hardened in their unbelief. The collapse of Russia will bring a wave of wonder over the world and people will be forced to acknowledge that God is still Sovereign. But that impression will soon fade. People once again will give themselves over to idolatry, crime, immorality and pleasure. In John’s mention of sorceries (Revelation 9:21), as being part of the world picture which now emerges, he uses a word which points to a demon drug culture. The foreshadowing of such a culture is in the world today.

At this point in the apocalypse a lengthy parenthesis is inserted—the blowing of the last trumpet is mentioned in passing in Revelation 10:7, but is not described until Revelation 11:15-19. The sounding of this last trumpet will bring about an end to the mystery phase of God’s dealings with men. It will usher in His direct and wrathful intervention into human affairs. In the apocalypse, God’s wrath is connected with the vial judgments. All the rest is preparatory. Understand this. We now leave the trumpets with the world firmly in Satan’s grasp, and his man securely enthroned, and turn our attention to the parenthesis. Please do not forget that at this time in the Book of Revelation, Satan now controls this planet. Most of this long section is parenthetical commentary showing how God brings His purposes to fruition even though Satan seems to be having his own way on earth.


At this time we’re going to concentrate on several key features. First, the beast will have three capital cities. Rome will be the political capital. When he first comes to power, everything will be centered in Rome. (See Revelation 17.) This is his political capital, the center from which he will unite and rule the West. Jerusalem will be his religious capital. His pact with the Jews will be a means to an end. He will want their temple rebuilt so he can seize it and defile it in contempt before the Living God. Finally, Babylon will be rebuilt and become his economic capitol. You find this in Revelation 18.


In Revelation 11, two great witnesses appear sovereignly raised up by God to bear witness to Him. In the last days, when the beast is in control, the center of activity for these two witnesses will be Jerusalem. So, God will have two men down here. Satan will also have two men (Revelation 13). Both will be in power to perform miracles (Revelation 11:6, 13:14-15). There will be a veritable battle of miracles as God’s witnesses call down fire, plagues and judgments as the beast and false prophet deceive men with signs and lying wonders (2 Thessalonians 2:10).

In the end, the beast will slay the two witnesses to the joy and delight of the whole earth and will leave their bodies to rot in the streets of Jerusalem. His triumph will be televised to the whole world and universal celebrations will result. However, these festivities will be short-lived because of the sudden resurrection of the two witnesses. Their ascension into heaven will be accompanied by a devastating earthquake that will wipe out a tenth part of Jerusalem.

The two witnesses will leave behind one hundred and forty-four thousand witnesses so, instead of just two witnesses, the beast now has thousands with whom to contend. They in turn will win multitudes of Gentiles to Christ. Many of these will doubtless be people who have been awakened by God’s judgment upon Russia. Read Ezekiel 39:21-22, and verses 27-29. We do not know how long this worldwide revival will last, but probably not very long.


Things now begin to move at a very rapid pace in the apocalypse (Revelation 12:12). Chapter 12 shows the place the believing Jewish Remnant will have during the beast’s rule. One of the things Satan will do after his dethronement from heaven will be to stir up persecution against the Jewish people. Here we have a parenthetical description of the coming Great Tribulation period. It is to last three and one-half years (Revelation 12:14). During this time the Jews will be the special targets of Satan’s wrath.

The beast, having used the Jews to provoke Russia into her fatal attack upon Israel, will have no more use for them. He will throw off his mask, reveal himself for what he is--their most vicious enemy--and launch a global campaign to exterminate them. The fleeing Jews will not be without friends, however. When the serpent casts out of his mouth water as a flood, to destroy the Hebrew people, the earth helped the woman (Revelation 12:15, 16). Many Jews will find refuge at Petra and other desolate mountains and wilderness places. Here and there, God-fearing Gentiles will hide the persecuted Jews at great personal risks.


Revelation 13 describes the coming of the two beasts to power in the earth. The political beast is described first as Satan’s heir, who has Satan’s full family likeness. The description of the beast in Revelation 13 shows him as combining the characteristics of the leopard, the bear, the lion and the dragon. This symbolism shows that he is the heir to the empire of the world. He is described more than once as the beast whose deadly wound was healed (Revelation 13:3). Some think this is the revival of the Roman Empire, and that view partially explains the symbolism.

The second beast, however, is clearly a person so the first beast must be a person too. He will be what all modern dictators have been--the embodiment of the state. He will be an absolute dictator with all the powers of the state concentrated in him. This, however, only partially explains the symbolism.

It is clear from Revelation chapter 17 that the beast, the antichrist, is to be killed and brought back to life by the power of Satan. He, too, has two comings in the apocalypse. In his human form he is the beast out of the sea--a brilliant and dynamic world leader with charisma, vision, and demon-possessed as was Hitler. He will be killed and have a second coming, the word here is “perusia”. From then on, he will be the beast out of the bottomless pit. As such, he will be superhuman, awesome, and in position to both command and receive the worship of mankind (Revelation 13:4). All Satan’s efforts in the world are directed to this end.

The world will be awed by the beast. The fall of Russia will have made him heir to all the vast domains formerly ruled by this power. His vast authority, now coupled with his supernatural character, will convince the rest of the world that they must accept his rule lest he make war with them (Revelation 13:4). This will be the universal attitude of the nations, particularly those of the Far East, who will make their peace with him on his terms. For a brief while his rule will be universal (Revelation 13:7).

His true character as a blasphemer and persecutor is now revealed in Revelation 13:6-7. With the exception of the Redeemed, all men will worship him. Those who refused to do so will be subject to the most horrifying persecutions. This beast is the celebrated antichrist of scripture. He will be the world’s last Caesar, ruling empires far beyond those ever ruled from Rome. He is the man of sin (2 Thessalonians 2:3). The beast is the one in whom Satan will invest his own awesome power and through whom he will rule the world and be worshipped. The Jews will be among the first to acknowledge him and will hail him as Messiah. Just as many unbelieving Jews were willing to accept Antichus and his blasphemous claims, so unbelieving Jews of the future will give this satanic being the place they have refused to Christ. The Lord Himself has foretold this in John 5:43.

John sees the second beast coming up out of the earth which suggests that he will be a Jew. For as the sea symbolizes the Gentile nations in the scriptures, so the earth symbolizes Israel. Three times he is called “the false prophet” in Revelation 16:13, 19:20, and 20:10. To distinguish him from the antichrist, the false prophet looks like a lamb, but speaks like a dragon. That is, he seems harmless enough, but when he speaks it is with the voice and authority of Satan. It seems we have here a Satanic trinity. Satan is the anti-God, the beast is the anti-Christ, and the false prophet is the anti-Spirit.

The task of the false prophet will be to deceive the whole world by directing world attention and admiration to the beast so men will believe in him and give credence to his blasphemous claim to be God. One of the chief methods of the false prophet will be signs and lying wonders (2 Thessalonians 2:9).

The false prophet will make an image of the first beast, set it in the holy place of the temple (Matthew 24:15), and command the world the worship him. He will give the image life and breath, and endow the image with power to kill those who refuse to fall down and worship him. Some idea of the importance attached to this image can be seen in the fact that it is mentioned seven times (Revelation 13:15; 14:9, 11; 15:2; 16:2; 19:20; 20:4). Worshipping the beast’s image will be the final form of idolatry toward which all other forms of idolatry in the world today simply point. The setting up of this image will be the sign that the Great Tribulation is about to begin (Matthew 24:15-21).

To enforce universal compliance, the false prophet will institute worldwide economic controls which will reach all strata of society. Everybody will have to receive the beast’s mark either on their right hand or on their forehead. Without this mark all commercial transactions will be forbidden. The word for mark here is “caragma,” often connect with the Roman emperor in John’s day and found on all sorts of documents. It denotes an official seal. The future slogan of this world will simply be “no seal, no sale”. Trends in computerized marketing today foreshadow the time when all the people of the earth will be obliged to receive an identifying brand in their flesh in order to transact business. It will be natural for this world to receive it.

Finally, the mysterious number 666 is given in Revelation 13:18, whereby the people of that day will be able to identify the name of the beast. Astonishing guesses have been made by many to identify the beast by means of this number. It is generally taken that the beast’s name will be known by gamatria. In the Greek and Hebrew languages, letters of the alphabet do double duty as figures in their numerical systems. It is evident, therefore, that any word written in Greek or Hebrew can be regarded either as a collection of letters or figures. When the name of the beast is revealed it will be recognized in this way because the letters of his name, when viewed as Greek or Hebrew numbers, will yield the number 666. Just as the name of Jesus in Greek yields the number 888.


The next two chapters in Revelation 14 and 15 are set back in heaven. The first scene is that of the 144,000 standing before God on Mount Zion. Their work on earth is finished. They have been preserved by God from all the hatred and fury of the beast. They have been raptured to heaven as a separate and distinct body of believers.

Next, we see three angels are sent to earth. One is commissioned to preach the everlasting Gospel. He reproduces the Gospel message to its simplest terms for the benefit of people living in such a fearful hour. A second angel is sent to announce the fall of Babylon. The third angel is sent to warn mankind that God’s abiding wrath will rest upon any who succumb to the beast, receive his mark, and worship his image.


These visions are followed by two more visions. One portrays the Lord as the reaper of the harvest, and the other shows Him as trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored. The way is now clear for the vials of wrath themselves to be poured out. Our minds are unable to comprehend the dreadful nature of this coming time of wrath when God will deal with the godlessness of the world in accordance with His holiness.

The way into the Holy of Holies is now closed. No more intercession can be made. The time for praying is over. But notice that the preaching of the Gospel and the warnings of receiving the mark happen before judgment comes. God always sends warning before He sends wrath. Let him that hath ears, hear what the Lord is saying to the church. Be ready for the rapture which takes place before these terrifying events upon the earth!