Summary: This is a practical sermon reminding us how we get the Holy Spirit, how we receive the Spirit’s power, how we can prove the Spirit’s power, and how we can live daily in the fullness of the Spirit’s power.

(Flashlight illustration inspired from

Preparation: Have a flashlight ready with parts separated, ie. lens, bulb, batteries, and

2 or 3 small pieces of red tissue paper stuffed down under the batteries


In Acts 8 we can read about some Samaritans who were baptized in Jesus’ name but had not received the Holy Spirit until Peter prayed over them. That sounds strange to us! How can someone be saved but not give evidence of the Holy Spirit’s power in them? I hope to answer these and other questions as we think about how we get the Spirit, how we receive the Spirit’s power, how we can prove the Spirit’s power, and how we can live daily in the fullness of the Spirit’s power.

I will refer to a number of scriptures, but for starters let’s read Acts 1:8 and Galatians 5:25. Please stand in reverence for God’s Word.

I’m using a flashlight as an object lesson. As I take this flashlight apart, you can see that it has a bulb, lens, batteries, and a case. Let the case represent our lives. This flashlight case was made for one ultimate purpose. What is that? To shine light in the darkness. Is that not God’s ideal for every person?

Remember that Acts 1:8 shows there is a difference between having the Spirit and experiencing the power of the Spirit. Jesus was speaking to his followers. On several occasions, he had already breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit." So, they had the Spirit; but they didn’t have his power. Likewise, Galatians 5:25 implies that if we claim to have the Spirit, let’s live in his power.

So, first, let’s talk about...


Remember who the Spirit is. He is the Spirit of Jesus. Second Corinthians 3:17 says, "The Lord is that Spirit." Therefore, when we get Jesus we also get his Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes in the moment we are saved. We don’t have to ask for him or pray for a second blessing. Paul wrote in Romans 8:9 that if we don’t have the Spirit, we do not belong to Christ. So, every truly saved person has the Spirit living within his or her body. First Corinthians 6:19 says our bodies are the temples of God’s Spirit. If you don’t know that he dwells within you and you don’t have the proofs of the Spirit I’ll mention later, you need to go back and check your conversion experience. You’re probably not saved!

So, let’s let the flashlight bulb represent Jesus. He is the Light of the World and his light should shine through our lives. Our purpose after we’re saved is to show forth his light. So, remember, if we have Jesus we also have his Spirit. But, the Spirit stays dormant until he is energized. How do we get his power?

Second, let’s think about...


In Acts 1:8 Jesus said his disciples would receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them. They were already saved, yet in Acts 1:8 they were still lacking the power of the Spirit.

The Bible uses several different terms to talk about the control of the Holy Spirit. It speaks of being baptized by the Spirit, being filled with the Spirit, being anointed by the Spirit, walking and living in the Spirit. All these refer to a victorious Christian life where we’re able to tap into the power of the Spirit.

Everyone is baptized by the Spirit when they are saved. It’s the natural work of the Spirit, positionally, to baptize or place every believer within the spiritual Body of Christ. We can’t see or feel when he does that. But, when we’re saved the Spirit immerses us in Jesus so that we’re hidden in Christ. We become his spiritual body! When God looks for our sinfulness; instead, he sees only the perfect Son of God in our place. That happens only once, and it happens automatically to everyone who’s saved. You don’t have to ask for it or pray for it to be repeated. The baptism of the Spirit is not an event that’s separate from your salvation.

Being filled with the Spirit is different. It may happen over and over. And, it should happen often. It happens when we yield to the Spirit and follow his leading. It means that we are led by God’s Spirit in what we do while he’s in control. Being filled with the Spirit is a conscious act that we decide we want and ask for. The way Ephesians 5:18 records it, it is a command and not an option. It says we should continually be filled and controlled by the Spirit. Now, this is a passive action. If someone tells you to "be loved," you can love, but you have no control over being loved. You just place yourself in position and do all you can so that you will be loved. But, the love comes from someone else. The same is true to be filled with the Spirit. You can’t do it, but you present yourself daily or many times during the day and ask to be filled by God’s Spirit. It’s like the cruise control in your car. You have to turn it on; but if you put your foot on the brake, it will cut off. So, you have to engage it again every time you put your foot on the brake. The Spirit will lead your life when you ask him to; but when you take over, he will back off until you turn yourself over to him again. Jesus said we must deny ourselves daily and take our cross and follow him.

A few scriptures such as, 1 John 2:27, speak of the anointing of the Spirit. That’s what he does when he equips and empowers us for a specific function. It’s a temporary function where he anoints a particular service or ministry with his power and gives us results that glorify God.

Walking in the Spirit or living in the Spirit is mentioned often in the New Testament. It’s the same thing as having a victorious Christian life. It means the habitual practice of following the Spirit in every decision you make. You live daily in his peace because you turn all your cares over to him.

We could say being filled with the Spirit is like putting the batteries into this flashlight. The power is now available to let the light of Jesus shine through us.

Now, in the third place we talk about...


Did you know that the Bible gives us certain tests to prove that the Spirit is in control? If this is the most important decision we will ever make, we will certainly know that we’ve made it and we can test it’s results.

First, the Bible teaches that when we’re saved, the Spirit regenerates us and makes us new creatures. "Behold all things become new." Let me ask you, "Are all things new for you now? Are you any different than you were before you were saved?"

Then, the Spirit gives us the gifts of the Spirit. These are different from natural talents that you have from birth and learn to sharpen. Some of your gifts may have started out as talents, but when you give them to God, his Spirit sanctifies them and dedicates them to God. Others may be completely new abilities that the Spirit gives you for particular service. No matter when you received them, your spiritual gifts are abilities that the Spirit energizes to equip you for service.

You see, every Christian is assigned a job that Heaven wants to accomplish through us. So, the Spirit gives us all we need to do what he wants us to do. Do you know what your job is? Learn what your spiritual gifts are and that will tell you what God expects you to do for him before you leave planet Earth. How will you recognize your spiritual gifts? Your gifts will not be burdensome or a chore, they will give you great fulfillment when you use them as the Spirit directs. They will be the way you bless others and extend God’s Kingdom. They are his way of letting you partner with God in his holy work, and you’ll feel the Spirit using you in those capacities.

Then, to help you be comfortable in serving God, the Spirit gives you his fruit. Galatians 6:22 tells us the fruit of the Spirit is "love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance." Notice that fruit is singular. It’s not the "fruits of the Spirit;" it’s the "fruit of the Spirit." That means that all the fruit comes at one time. It’s all in you the moment you’re saved. The Spirit brings them all when he comes in. Every Christian has all these wonderful qualities; you just need to discover them, claim them, and let them show. When the Spirit is in control, they will characterize your life. When you do that, you’ll be able to live a victorious Christian life, conquering your sins, getting your prayers answered, staying on top of your problems, feeling a boldness in your ministry, seeing results to your witness, and enjoying your fellowship with Christ. You’ll be happy in the Lord!

These qualities - everything becoming new, realizing your spiritual gifts, claiming the Spirit’s fruit, and enjoying a victorious life - these are proofs that you are saved. If you don’t have them, you are not living in spiritual power. And, that’s why we aren’t witnessing and our churches aren’t growing; we’re not living daily in the Spirit’s power. We’re trying to do the best we can without being energized and directed by God’s Spirit.

So, we could let the flashlight lens symbolize being able to see your spiritual heritage. You need to keep the lens clean to know the Spirit’s power for yourself and to let the light of Jesus shine bright. How do you do that?

In the fourth place, we all should be...


We may have all these things, but still not have the power of the Spirit. There are two things that yet must be done. Do you know what they are?

Let’s try it with the flashlight. We have the bulb in and the lens clean. And, we have the batteries in properly. Everything seems to be ready for the power to come on and let the light of Jesus shine out. What’s the matter? Why isn’t it shinning?

Let’s check everything again. We’ll do some soul-searching, some praying, and some hunting to learn what the problem is. The bulb is OK and ready to shine, the lens is clean, and the batteries are fresh. "Lord, why aren’t you shining through in my life?" Hey, wait; what’s this? There’s something down in the case keeping the batteries from making contact. Let’s pull this out. Why, it’s some unconfessed sins that need repenting. The batteries can’t work because the power can’t flow to the light. The Spirit is not in control when there’s unconfessed sin in our lives. We have to cast them out and repent of them, planning never to let them back into our lives again.

Now, everything seems to be in order. But, the light still isn’t shining. What’s wrong? Oh, yes, we have to turn on the switch. You see, the power isn’t automatic. The Spirit doesn’t turn us on. You and I have to turn him on. Galatians 5:25 urges us to do that. Well, how do we turn the power on?

Do you remember what happened in the Bible each time the Spirit came upon people? What did they do before Pentecost? They prayed for 10 days. What did Peter and Paul do when they met believers who didn’t have the Spirit? They laid hands on them and prayed for the Spirit to come. It wasn’t the laying on of hands; it was the prayer that brought the Spirit. The way you live in the Spirit’s power is to invite him to take over your life each day. Maybe all during the day. Repent of your self-control and tell him you are expecting the Spirit to lead you. Then, believe he will do that and live expecting him to take over. Keep reminding yourself, until it becomes second nature, that the events of your day belong to God. Let him keep the remote control. Then, when problems arise and you’re tempted to answer them in your strength, just back off, give them to God again, and then do what you feel is best. What you do will be what God wants you to do.


You see, if you try to solve your problems, you’ll bear the consequences. But, if you give each day to God, he will bear the responsibility. And, he’ll always do it the best way for you in the end. Don’t we have those promises: "I have all authority...I am with you always...Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you....In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your path." Then believe them, claim them, don’t fret over your problems, and be happy. That’s the secret to living in the power of the Spirit. Remember: It’s not how much of the Spirit you have, but how much of you the Spirit has!

How do I turn the flashlight on? I make the conscious decision to do so; then I just do it! Push the button: Turn on the power! The Spirit fills you, but only you can ask him to do so.

What will happen? Your life will be purer, your witness will be bolder, your prayers will be answered, your joy will be contagious, and your family and church will be the richer because you are walking daily in the power of the Spirit.