Summary: This sermon is a broad look at the purpose of are lives. It starts with the most basic butmany times most over looked fact, that we do have a purpose.

This morning we will be talking about the purpose of are lives, if you have your bible turn to Psalms 138:8. What is purpose? Purpose is the very thing that drives us to do the things that we do in this world. For some it may be money, others the need for approval by others, for some family, and others it may be something as simple as getting up in the morning and making it through another day. All of these are man made purposes and in the end don’t amount to much of anything. The purpose that we want to fulfill as Christians is Gods purpose. The first thing we need to realize is.


No one here today is an accident. Each and every one of you here has a purpose that you and only you can go about doing. If you where not here to fulfill it, it would never get done. We live in a world today that tells us that everything that happens to us happens because of fate or Chance. Ephesians 4:1 say “He chose us in him before the creation of the world.” Everything thin that has happened to you weather it be bad, good, fun, or boring is because of Gods purpose for you. Turn to John 9:1-12 Here we have a man born blind some say he was born this way because of sins that his parents had committed or sins that he had committed in his past life (Yes the Jews believed in reincarnation), but Jesus makes it very clear that the man was born this way to serve a purpose a purpose that no one else could serve so that the glory of God could be fulfilled (verse 3). This is just like many of us today. Bad things happen to good people all the time but may just maybe these things happen so God may be reveled through them. The healed blind man proclaimed the glory of God to everyone he met (including the Pharisees) God does have a purpose for you. Now you may ask.


We never know what God has in mind for us or how he will go about getting it done, but we do know that we as Christians have certain general purposes to fulfill in this world. The First Purpose is.


The Church today has lost sight of are most basic of purposes set before us by God. I think we hear Matt 28:19 so many times we have become numb to it. Mark 2:17 says “It is not the healthy that need a doctor but the sick I did not come to call the righteous but the sinner” This purpose was so important that God sent his one and only son down to die on a cross for it. Because if this very fact I think we should center everything we do in are lives on this very important purpose. And the thing we need to realize is that God is not going to set other purposes in front of us until we start to fulfill the one that he has already given us. (You can’t have dessert until you finish the main course). What I mean is what ever you do, do it to the glory of God (Matt 5:14-16) Moms if you’re at home show your kids Jesus by doing everything that you do there to the Glory of God. If you are at work do everything that you do there to the glory of God so that Coworkers will Jesus (which I know is very hard to do a lot of the time) “Preach the gospel at all times if necessary use words” Your example speaks louder then words.

B) SHOW THE LOVE OF CHRIST- Romans 12: 9-18

I have found in my life and I’m sure many of you here this morning have found this too. What I have found is you can’t teach someone until you have shown him or her love. What I have come to realize is that people in this world are just looking for someone to love them. Proverbs 19:22 says “What a man desires in unfailing love” I’m talking about the pure, strong, compassionate love that Jesus showed to everyone he came in contact with. The kind of love that made people follow him where ever he went. The kind of love that brings people into church and shows them that there is another way to live your life and there is someone that cares so much for them that he died for them. That’s the kid of love that we need to show the dyeing world. Jesus always met the physical need before the spiritual need why haven’t we picked up on that yet?


This morning I hope you have begun to realize that you have a purpose in this world. That you’re not some random act of fate or chance or cosmic fate. Maybe you’re a Christian today and your wondering how do I fulfill my purpose? Well I would say follow Jesus’ example.

1) Pray about it- 1 Thess 5:17 pray with you ceasing

2) Study- Study his word, everything that you need to know for your life every answer that you need is in his word you just have to look for it. Psalms 119 105 wont you let it be your light?

3) Don’t worry about it- Isaiah 46: 3-4

Don’t worry about it God has your life under control and he will carry you through all you have to do is let him.

Maybe you’re here this morning and you haven’t accepted Jesus maybe you have been going through life wondering what its all about “what’s the point of all of this” Well this morning the point could be very clear. God has a wonderful purpose set out for you but he cant start it unless you let him. And the way that you do that is by obeying Acts 2:38 “Repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit” Why don’t you make that choice today?