Summary: What Christ Means To The Christian

To know Christ was Paul’s detemined purpose, not only for his own edification, but that he might edify others as well as make the realness of Christ known.(Acts 16:10). It COULD NOT BE OTHERWISE, for to truly know the Lord in the intimate way expressed in these verses must inevitably lead to a deep seated purpose to make Him known to a needy world.

1. Christ is our Confidence

Phil. 3:1-6

a. Paul repudiates sacramental efficacy.

b. Paul repudiates the religious import of an honored parentage.

c. Paul repudiates religious authority.

d. Paul repudiates intense earnestness.

e. Paul repudiates the worth of the ceremonial blamelessness

2. Christ is our hope.

Phil. 3: 7-8

a. The paradox of losing in order to gain.

b. Hope is not in things but in Christ.

3. Christ is our Righteousness

Phil. 3:9

a. Righteousnes through Christ

b. Righteousness by faith

c. Righteousness of God.

4. Christ is our Insparation.

a. Inspiration of knowledge

b. Inspiration of attainment

1. There is oblivion of the past. "...Forgetting..."

2. There is concentration of all energies."... This one thing I do..."

3. There is untiring activity. "...I press toward the mark..."

5. Christ is our salvation.

Phil. 3:15-20

a. Salvation changes our companions

b. Salvation changes our conversation

c. Salvation changes our bodies

6. Christ is our Trust

Phil. 3:21b

a. He is our trust for salvation

b. He is our trust for service

c. He is our trust for the second coming