Summary: Abraham Lincoln wrote in his diary during the worst part of the civil war: "Without Christ I cannot succeed. With Christ I cannot fail." "For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith. Wh

Overcome the World (I John 5:4,5)

Abraham Lincoln wrote in his diary during the worst part of the civil war:

"Without Christ I cannot succeed. With Christ I cannot fail."

Quote: "The reason why many fail in battle is because they wait until the hour of battle. The reason why others succeed is because they have gained their victory on their knees long before the battle came…Anticipate your battles, fight them on your knees before temptation comes, and you will always have victory." (R.A. Torrey)

John, the one whom Jesus loved wrote:

"For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith. Who is the one who overcomes the world, but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. (I John 5:4,5) Increasing your faith allows you to be more of an overcomer so that you can be a part of helping to advance Christ’s kingdom and righteousness in greater qualitative and quantitative measures.

Illustration: Some events in human history impact us so greatly, that we will forever remember the circumstance surrounding where we were when we heard the news. I’ll never forget sitting in a classroom while in the 5th grade and hearing the reports of JFK’s assassination over the school PA system and watching my teacher Mrs. Evalyn Humke weep.

Or watching with a group of missionaries as Christa McAuliffe began her journey to be the first teacher in space, only to have it end so abruptly and tragically. Nor will I ever forget last year as we watched the TV in our dining hall to see smoke billowing up from the North Tower of the World Trade Center and moments later see the second plane crash into the South Tower. Those images are forever embedded in our memories. You probably remember exactly where you were and what you were doing when you first heard the news.

But today, I want to ask and attempt to answer the question that no doubt has puzzled so many since that horrific day. How can we become better rather than bitter as result of trials, troubles and tumults of the heart and mind?

Scripture commands us to not be overcome by evil, but to overcome evil with good. We know that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (Eph. 6:12) How do we do that?


Overcome: From the Greek word nikao meaning to mightily prevail over, to master, to be victorious. We have a choice in every situation to either be a victor or to be vanquished. Too many believers are failing to experience consistent victory over their anger, fear and self-centered responses to adversity.

Jesus wants us to experience His life in all of its abundance, but too many Christians today are allowing themselves to be defeated by the world, the flesh and the devil.

Quote: He, who overcomes with the good of patience, forbearance, kindness, and beneficence to those who have wronged you, is better than the mighty. Here are a few guidelines for overcoming evil with good instead of succumbing to power of evil that seeks to defeat us emotionally, mentally, physically, socially and spiritually. Instead of being overcomers, many Christians are merely succumbers. Do you want to be an overcomer or a succumber? The following are guidelines to help you progress in Christ and avoid regressing spiritually, emotionally and behaviorally into self-destructive life patterns:

1. OVERCOME WITH PRAISE TO GOD that you are already a conqueror through Christ who loves you. (Rom. 8:37) THANK God for making you a conqueror over sin, human desires and evil through the power of Christ who lives within each believer. As the famous old song reminds us, there is victory in Jesus. We just need to appropriate the victory we already enjoy in Christ by being steadfast, unmovable and always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing our labor is not in vain in the Lord. (I Cor. 15:57,58)

Praise God that He will fight the battles for you. Whatever stands in the way of the advance of Christ’s church will be overcome. Jesus said, "I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it." (Matt 16:18) All the force of the Almighty God will give you the victory over any oppositionary forces that seek to thwart the completion of God’s forward marching armies.

Illustration: Like David we need to say to whatever giants are standing in our way, "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will hand you over to me and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head... and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s and he will give all of you into our hands." (I Sam 17:45-47)

Application: Too many Christians fail to appropriate, recognize and utilize the power of Christ to help them do everything God asks them to do. We cannot experience what it is to be an overcomer unless we recognize and thank God for what we already have in our new identity in Christ and in the body of believers WE belong to. Paul wrote,

“He has put all things under His feet and appointed Him as head of the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all things in all ways and makes everything complete, and who fills everything everywhere with Himself. (Eph. 1:22,23) Praise God for giving you His overcoming power a member of His body.

1.5 OVERFLOW with Christ’s goodness, power and truth. Jesus said, "He who believes in Me as the scriptures have said, out of his belly will flow rivers of living water." Let your cup overflows with Christ’s love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. (Gal 5:22,23) These fruits of the Spirit will overcome all the forces of the world that seeks to work against you and the seeking first of His kingdom and righteousness. Do not think you have to overcome with your own strength, cunning or abilities. Let the rivers of Spirit’s enabling allow you to overcome all the adverse circumstances, people or predicaments you might face.

Solomon wrote, "A harsh word stirs up anger, but a soft answer turns away wrath." (Prov. 15:1) By overflowing with the peace of Christ we can show ourselves to be stronger, calmer and possessing greater equanimity than all those who panic around us and loose their composure.

Application: Let the Holy Spirit empower you to keep you steadfast, patient and full of joy at all times and in every situation. (Col. 1:10,11)

2. OVERSHADOW any opposition with His mighty power. To overshadow something is to let it appear much more prominent or important. Be like Mary who learned how to let the power of God overshadow any negative criticism, misunderstanding, or misconstruing of the facts when she was told, “Nothing is impossible with God.” (Luke 1:37) “Then the angel said to Mary, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you like a shining cloud and so the holy offspring will shall be born of you.” (Luke 1:35)

3. OVERLOOK another’s fault. To overlook is to fail to notice, to ignore, and to look beyond. Proverbs 19:11 says, “A man’s wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense.” Learn to be bigger than any problem through the power that Christ gives you. In a day when lawsuits and people are quick to demand their rights Paul tells us that we are not to take vengeance in to our hands, but leave room for God’s wrath. We are to overcome with forgiveness that will break the cycle of retaliation and lead to reconciliation. The alternative is terrible because returning evil for evil hurts us just as much as it hurts an opponent. Forgiving another person frees you of the heavy load of bitterness that defiles many. Choose to be better rather than bitter from every situation.

4. OVERFLOW with love, hope, joy and faith. Be so dependent on the Lord that it is evident to others that you are living an abundant life. Be enthusiastic about the Christian life and stop feeling sorry for yourself. Be confident in the strength of His love, joy, hope and faith that it is evident that it is the Lord who is working in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.

Illustration: The Greek word is hyperperisseuo, which means to abound more exceedingly. To overflow means to extend beyond the limits by going over the brim of vessel. David wrote, “My cup overflows.” (Psa. 23:5,6) People who allow the Spirit of God to empower them will have the spiritual resources that allow them to overflow with kindness, patience, and a harvest of righteousness. People who are overflowing of the fruits of the Spirit will be able to replace any negative tendency with righteousness, godliness, faith, love and peace.

A person who is in close communion with the Lord, His Spirit and His word will overflow with the fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control.

Quote: “He that cannot quietly bear an injury is perfectly conquered by it.” (Matthew Henry)

5. OVERPOWER with Christ’s mighty power working in and through you. Paul wrote, “I can do everything God asks me to do with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power.” (Phil. 4:13) Plug in to the power source of Christ’s word, His presence and His love so you will not give in to the temptation of responding out of your flesh instead of Christ’s power in you. He who began a good work in you is able to complete it. (Phil. 1:6)

Do not doubt, fret or get sidetracked by unimportant problems that are like insects that can be warded off with Christ’s powerful repellants. God told Zerubbabel, “Not by power or by might, but by my Spirit says the Lord. Mountains will be removed.”

Quote from a Famous Song:

Am I a soldier of the cross,

A follower of the Lamb,

And shall I fear to own His cause,

Or blush to speak His Name?

Must I be carried to the skies

On flowery beds of ease,

While others fought to win the prize,

And sailed through bloody seas?

Are there no foes for me to face?

Must I not stem the flood?

Is this vile world a friend to grace,

To help me on to God?

Sure I must fight if I would reign;

Increase my courage, Lord.

I’ll bear the toil, endure the pain,

Supported by Thy Word.

5.5 OVERLAY with the Lord Jesus Christ. To overlay something is to completely cover it over so that the old is no longer recognizable because only the new cover is showing. Paul wrote, "Put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh." When we put on the Lord Jesus we cover ourselves completely with His love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. (Gal. 5:22,23) We shroud ourselves with His full armor of God that includes: His belt of truth, His breastplate of righteousness, His shield of faith, His helmet of salvation, His sword of the Spirit, His shield of faith, His gospel of peace, and His intercessory praying ministry. (Eph. 6:10-18)

Application: Ask the Lord to help you cover yourself with the Lord Jesus Christ every morning in your personal devotions so that your mind, emotions, will and behavior are completely occupied by His characteristics. Then people will be able to recognize it is no longer you who live but Christ who lives within you and manifests Himself in everything you do and say.

Song: "May the Mind of Christ my Savior live in me from day to day. By His love and power controlling all I do and say."

6. OVERRULE with the power of the Holy Spirit’s presence, power and perspective. Allow the sovereign God to over-rule any decision, problem or adversity as He has the right to do whatever He pleases. Job learned this by saying at the end of His trials,

"Lord, now I know you can do all things and no purpose of yours can be thwarted." (Job. 42:1,2)

Some of the biggest problems in overcoming evil with good is relinquishing our rights to God as the ultimate overcomer. He has the right to do whatever He wants with anyone, at anytime and in any situation. God told Jeremiah, "Behold I am the Lord, the God of all flesh, is anything to difficult for me? (Jer 32:17)

The Spirit of God and the word of God have enough power to help you overrule any opposition force to God’s Kingdom. Cast all of your cares upon on the Lord and He will sustain you. He will never allow the righteous to be defeated. Jesus said, “In the world, you will have tribulation but be of good cheer as I have overcome the world. I will send to you another comforter who will be with you.” (John 16:33) He will guide you into all truth. For it is God who is at work in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure. (Phil. 2:13,14) Right actions often lead to good feelings. Do not wait until you feel like being an overcomer.

Illustration: When the judge, by his superior authority, sets aside a decision, that is said to be an over-ruling. When a judge, refuses to sustain an objection, he says, "Over-ruled." Let the Lord of the universe over-rule wrong decisions, objections and oppositionary forces to what is true, noble and right.

6.5. OVERTHROW - Jesus has given the authority over demons who seek to work against the King and His kingdom. Jesus said, "I have given you authority over demons and evil forces in the spiritual places. Behold, I have given you power over the power of the enemy..." (Luke 10:19) We need to renounce all the powers of the evil one and command that they depart in the all-powerful name of the Lord Jesus Christ! We can command the enemy to depart so that Christ, His light, His love, His law, His liberty and His loving Holy Spirit can take control of every situation. The devil fears the Christian who goes forward in the name and in the authority of Christ and the word of God.

"Submit yourself to God. Renounce, reject and resist the devil and He will flee from you." (James 4:7)

6.7 OVERVIEW THE SITUATION - Gaining a greater perspective of what you might need to overcome the enemy, the opposition of the circumstance you are up against. Recently, I ran into a situation that was really above my head to resolve. Thankfully, I was able to call upon reinforcements in order to prevail. Paul wrote, "The foot should not say to the hand. I have no need of you. On the contrary, the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor.. God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that is parts should have equal concern for each other. (I Cor. 12:21-16)

Illustation: When General Eisenhower ran up against the German Tiger Tank with its big 88 mm gun, he called upon 60,000 of his smaller sherman tanks to outflank the enemy. Because of the superiority of numbers and personnel, the allies were able to conquer the awesome Nazi pantzers at the battle of the bulge. The quantity of reinforcements eventually found the achilles heel of the pantzers, their supply and fuel trucks could be hit, which put the big diesel sucking tiger 88’s out of commission. The tiger tank could only get 2 miles/gallon and needed lots of fuel to keep moving forward. Eventually, most of the tiger tanks were abandoned because they ran out of fuel.

Application: Do not hesitate to call upon reinforcements from other Christians who may have complimentary strengths, gifts and abilities that you lack.

7. DO NOT OVERINFLATE negative pressures. Too many problems get overblown because individuals inflate the importance of a difficulty beyond their power to cope. People who allow a minor offense to be blow out of proportion are succumbing to their emotions instead of thinking objectively about their Christian responsibilities.

8. DO NOT OVER-REACT to problems. People who occasionally respond more strongly than is justified when they are irritated. Do not over-expect that all things are going to be ideal for you at all times.

Illustration: If any of you watch Seinfeld, you know the quintessential overeactor is Kramer. At the slightest disturbance, Kramer freaks out. It is humorous but in real life that kind of a person tends to be described as bi-polar or manic-depressive. Obsessive-compulsive people are injurious to themselves and others. Many cases of road rage today are examples of people who have over-reacted when they needed to allow the Spirit help them practice self-control behind the wheel. Parents who over-react to their children’s idiosyncrasies often need to show love, concern and a calm manner to those who are still in the process of maturing into an adult.

9. DO NOT OVERSTATE your difficulties. Some people have a tendency to state too strongly or exaggerate their hardships. Realize that “No temptation that has taken you but such as is common to man. But God will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able. With each temptation He will provide a way of escape so you can be able to bear it.” (I Cor. 10:13)

10. DO NOT GO OVERBOARD by showing extreme fear, intimidation or anger at the enemy. Know that He is a defeated foe because of the great work that Christ has performed on our behalf. The forces of evil have to flee when we breathe that holy name of Jesus in prayer. We exercise the authority of the believer by commanding the forces of darkness to be bound by the power of the name of resurrected Lord Jesus. We declare that God’s power is greater than any problem we will face as we recall, Greater is He who is in us than He who is in the world. (I John 4:4)

11. DO NOT BE OVERWHELMED by what you are up against. To be overwhelmed is to allow oneself to be over powered with emotion, burdens or excessive negative thinking. Remember that the power of Christ is far greater than any opposition force. Joseph wrote, “You meant it for evil, but God used it for good for the saving of many lives. (Gen. 50:20)

We all need to utilize 50:20 vision. Let us praise God for the fact that He does work all things together for good as long as we loving Him and fitting in to His plans. (Rom. 8:28) Just when you think the problems, predicament and opponents are too great for you thank God that faith is the victory that overcomes the world. (I John 5:4,5) John wrote,

“Whatever is born of God is victorious over the world; and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith. Who is it that is victorious over the world and who conquers the world, but he who BELIEVES that Jesus is the Son of God, who trusts, adheres and relies on that fact.” (I John 5:4,5 – Amplified Bible)

12. DO NOT BE OVERLY CRITICAL OF EVIL PEOPLE. Jesus said, “Before you try to take the speck out of your brothers eye, first remove the log from your own eye.” James wrote,

“What is the source of conflict and quarrels among you, is it not your own desires, you want something but don’t get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have, because you do not ask God. When you ask you do not receive because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures… God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you.” (James 4:2-4; 6,7)

Allow the Lord to determine what is best for you instead of insisting on getting what you think you deserve or want or need. Let the Lord judge people in His own way.

13. DO NOT OVERDO anything. Obsessive-compulsive people tend to overdo good things like cleaning. There are people who are obsessive clean freaks. They are unable to function unless everything is perfectly set in order to their satisfaction. Happiness only comes as a fruit of the Spirit’s control not our own. (Gal. 5:22,23)

A few individuals need to overturn bad memories by replacing them with what is good, pure and noble. The Holy Spirit helps us overcome bad memories of hurt, neglect, shame, and humiliation through His conqueoring love. Soem of us share memories of painful mental, emotional or physical abuse, but the Holy Spirit heals the broken-hearted and sets the captives free. Allow the God of all comfort to sooth your broken heart and restore you to complete wholeness.

Application: The Spirit of God and the word of God replaces the spirit of fear with power, love and self-control (2 Tim. 1:7) Ask the Lord to help you really experience the fullness of His love for you knowing its breadth, length, height, length and depth. (Eph. 3:14-20)His overcoming Spirit, love and word are greater than any past problem, hurt or pain. It may take time, but He will make you perfectly whole, if you let Him comletely heal and control.

Some people become so extreme in certain practices that they lose the balance of a Christ centered perspective.

Illustration: One well-meaning man became so wrapped up in evangelism that he felt he needed to go to all the capital cities of the world and preach the gospel. So he bought a plane ticket to 100 cities and preached the gospel in the city square for one day and came home thinking he had completed Christ’s great commission.

Application: We must always be careful that we do not become so legalistic, traditionalistic, spiritistic or humanistic that we fail to find our balanced perspective in Christ. Luke wrote, “Jesus continued to grow in wisdom, stature and in favor with God and men. (Luke 2:52)

14. DO NOT OVEREMPHASIZE hardships. People who talk or think too much about the negatives aspects of life are apt to forget about the part of their glass that is full of positives. Some people have a tendency to overemphasize problems because they live more by fear than by faith. Remember how Moses refused to allow the people of Israel overemphasize their difficulties when he led them to the Promised Land and through the Red Sea experience.

Illustration and application: Some people over-focus on tragedies. It was common for some people to watch too much TV during the 911 crisis. These people fell in to depression, discouraging moods and feelings of despondency and fear. Learn to not watch too much secular TV as it tends to over-emphasize the hardships and negatives of life and the world and scary circumstances like the outbreak of the flu epidemic in the USA with the possible shortage of flu vaccine.

15. DO NOT OVER-REQUIRE - Do not demand to understand why bad things happen or troubles occur or difficulties befall us.

Deut 29:29 says, “The secret things belong to the Lord our god, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.”

We may not understand why certain adversity, opposition or hardships come in to our life but all we really need to know is enough information to obey God’s will for our life. With all the rest, we trust in the Lord with all our heart and not rely on our own insight, but in all our ways acknowledge Him and He will direct our paths. (Prov. 3:5,6)

Application: God will find a way when there seems to be no way. He works in ways we cannot see. He will make our way for Thee. He will be your guide. Walking close beside your side. With love and strength for each new day. He will make a way for Thee.”

16. DO NOT OVER EMPHASISZE THE NEGATIVE. Resist the temptation to watch all of the TV programs that speak of the awful tragedies and the suffering and hardships of people as it tends to take our eyes off of what is (T O N O R) True, Noble, Right, (Plead) Pure, lovely, excellent, admirable, praise-worthy) We are to be rejoicing in the Lord and delighting ourselves in Him and trusting and committing our way to Him and then He will bring things to pass.

Think about all the good things you have in Christ instead of dwelling on the part of the glass that is empty and negative. We are to rejoice always, pray without ceasing and in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. (I Thes. 5:16-18)

17. DO NOT HESITATE TO TAKE THE OFFENSIVE. Remember what David said to the enemy Goliath in I Sam 17:45-47, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you defied. This day the Lord will hand you over to me and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. All those gathered here will know that it is not by the sword or spear that the Lord saves, for the battles is the Lord’s and He will give all of you in our hands.”

Illustration: The greatest growth of missionary activity in the US came right after the worst war of the past century, WW2. People were suddenly made aware of the fields that were ripe for the harvest. Let us pray that there will be a similar catalyzing of new sending, giving and involving in world missions as a result of this tragedy of 911. Let us remember to be more offensive in our orientation than defensive. The full armor of God is all on the soldier’s frontal parts, nothing is provided for his backside in the event he wants to turn and run away from the battle. We are to be moving forward for Jesus Christ and the advancement of His kingdom in both qualitative and quantitative measures. (Matt 6:33)

Prov. 21:31 – Says, the horse is prepared for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord. Be assured that you need to do adequate preparation for the ministry but God is the one who gives victory, success and the wherewithal to ultimately overcome.

18. DO NOT ALLOW OTHERS TO OVER-DIRECT YOUR ACTIVITIES - Some people love to control, intimidate and manipulate others - do not let them. You can do all things that God asks you to do with the help of Christ who gives you the strength and power. (Phil. 4:13) You are ulitmately only responsible to the Lord and not to men. Paul writes,

"Do you work wholeheartedly as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that it is from the Lord you will receive the reward of your inheritance. It is the Lord Jesus Christ whom you serve and not men. When you are feeling that certain people are trying to use Pharisaical tactics to over-direct and over use their authority, it may be time to move on - have nothing to do with these people as Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 3:1-15.

Get around other overcomers

Paul wrote, "Flee from youthful lusts and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love and peace with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart." (2 Tim. 2:22)

Many people are not overcoming because they spend most of their times with cynical, negative and defeat oriented people who wallow in self-pity. Ask God to help you get in fellowship with overcomers rather than succumbers.

19. OVERCOME AS JESUS DID - Jesus said, "In the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Fix your eyes on Jesus as the author and perfecter of your faith who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame and is now set down at the right hand of God the Father. For consider Him lest you be wearied and faint in your minds. For you have not resisted to the point of shedding of blood in your striving against sin." (Heb. 12:2-4)

Application: Be assured that 100% of the will of God can be carried out by following Jesus Christ in your thoughts, attitudes and actions. Overcome by seeing over your circumstances in the same way that Jesus did through the empowering of the Holy Spirit. If God is for you who can be against you? (Rom. 8:31)

20. BE OVERJOYED IN THE LORD. Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice, Paul wrote in Phil. 4:4. “ Trust in the Lord and do good. Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Trust also in Him and He will bring things to pass. Commit your way to the Lord and He will do it.” (Psa 37:3-5)

Illustration: Be thankful for the good things you have. The good things you have are for many just a dream so be thankful for the good things you have. More than 2 billion people will live on less than a dollar today. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing and in everything give thanks for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (I Thes. 5:16-18).

Remember. It is not by power or by might but by My Spirit says the Lord of Hosts. (Zech. 4:6,7)

Let the Lord fight the battles for you and be assured by the scriptural promise:

Then we can truly rejoice in the fact that we have not been overcome by evil, but have overcome evil with good. (Rom. 12:21)

"You can do everything He asks you to do with the help of Christ who gives you the strength and power." (Phil. 4:13)


I refuse to be defeated

My eyes are on my God;

He has promised to be with me

As through this life I trod.

I’m looking past all my circumstances

To Heaven’s throne above;

My prayers have reached the heart of God,

I’m resting in His love.

I give God thanks in everything

My eyes are on His face;

The battle’s His, the victory is mine;

He’ll help me win the race.

Quick Guideline Reminders:

Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good

(Rom. 12:21)

1. Overcome with Praise

2. Overcome by affirming your status as more than a conqueror

3. Overlook faults

4. Overflow with Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfulness and Self-Control

5. Be Overjoyed in the Lord

6. Overflow with power, goodness and gracious truth speaking

7. Overshadow with His Power, Presence, and Perspective

8. Overpower with the Spirit’s Enabling

9. Overrule with the Word of God and the Spirit’s Presence

10. Overturn with the promises of God

11. Overthrow the powers of evil in the name of Jesus

12. Overview the situation so you can call in reinforcements

13. Do not Over-inflate negatives

14. Do not Over-estimate your own abilities

15. Do not Over-run God’s leading and time-table

16. Do not be Overcome by Evil by putting off evil and putting on what is good

17. Do not Over-look God’s sovereign plan and power

18. Do not Over-react to irritations, problems or people

19. Do not Over-state your difficulties or distress

20. Do not go Over-board by showing fear, anger or insecurity or frustration or disappointment

21. Do not be Over-whelmed by the opposition or adversities

22. Do not be Overly Critical of people, problems or yourself

23. Do not Over-Do What God’s wants you to do

24. Do not Over-Emphasize Hardships

25. Do not Over-Require understanding or demands or others or your situation

26. Do not Over- Expose yourself to stress or temptations

27. Do not Over- Emphasize Defense and hesitate to take the offensive

28. Do not allow others to Over-Direct you with their control, bureaucracy or influence

29. Do not Over-Intellectualize or over spiritualize things

30. Do not get Over-stretched

31. Do not get Over-stressed

32. Do not Over-rate success of failures or mistakes

33. Do not Over-Extend Your Supply Lines

34. Overcome as Jesus Overcame the World by following His example