Summary: What can I do to make a differnce in the world? Only what God wants us to do.

Introduction: The world is in a mess. One shutters to think what the future holds in store. I really believe that things will get worse before they begin to get better. There are going to have to be great sacrifice made and great battles fought politically, judicially and on the battlefields of the world.

Yet things are not hopeless – there is a solution. It is possible to have peace on earth and goodwill toward all men. However this will not come from any manmade institution or organization. Regardless of how worldwide or what personality is behind it.

Jesus has the answer to the problems and needs of this world. It is all wrapped up in His church. Apart from Jesus and His church – there is no answer.

I have come to one definite conclusion: My best chance of contributing to the solution of the world’’ problems is to do my best to make of Our church one in which Jesus would have it to be and one in which He could use to bring about the solution for the mess in which we are in. I may never get the chance to go to China or North Korea and talk about reduction of nuclear weapons, I may never be able to got to Iraq and help with the formation of a democratic government, I may never get to go to Afghanistan and help the people there rebuild their lives as a Christian soldier or missionary. But I am where I am and I shall do my best to make an impression on the world through Evergreen Baptist Church and her programs of redemption, release and relief.

Therefore, in the words of Jesus, “I will build my church…”

Jesus spoke these words on the mount near Caeserea of Phillipi as He assured the world and the forces of evil that nothing will prevail over His church. Not even death itself.

This building of His church was to be a continuous process beginning with the very origin until the end of time. Everything that He did and continuous to do contributes to this building of His church.

Likewise our building will be a process. Everything that I shall do will be for the building of Our church and making it one in which Jesus would have it to be and one in which He could use to bring about a solution of the world situation.

There are certain core convictions embedded in my soul that has produced such a resolution concerning our church. I would like to share these with you today:

1. Our church is not just another religious society or club. Religious clubs are O.K. and have a place in society but our church is not just another religious organization. It is so much more than that.

2. Our church is not a man made institution. Man had nothing to do with its beginning. Our church is a divine institution. Jesus said, “Upon this rock I will build my church.” Jesus, God incarnate, began it and is building it today. Yes He is using men and women but they are only building as God calls and uses them.

3. Our church has a history with God in it. Because God is in the history of our church it has withstood the ravage of time and will withstand the ravage of persecution. You can not destroy our church. It will stand until God is ready to hand it over to its bridegroom. I am not going to become discouraged if our church is not as it ought to be or if its members are not as spiritual or progressive, as they ought to be. Our church will never perish from the earth until, in God’s own time, He wills it.

4. Our church has something to offer this world. Something that will rescue it from the mess it is in, something that will make for the solution of all of the world’s problems. What our church offers is salvation and peace. What we are talking about is emancipation from the slavery of sin. 1st to the individual and then through him to the whole world.

When men become at peace with God through Christ atoning sacrifice, then and only then will men be able to live in peace with one another. This is the only means of peace on Earth and good will towards men.

With these convictions and other that I could mention, I have resolved to do my part to make our church a church that Christ can use to bring about a solution to the mess this world is in. In order for this church to become one that Jesus could use, it is going to have to be:

I. A Church Found Faithful in Attendance.

A. It was said of the early church, “They all continued with one accord” (Acts 2:1) and that “they continued daily” (Acts 2:46).

B. It breaks my heart to see empty pews in our church.

1. Therefore I have resolved to, as far as lies within my ability, to make our church one that is found faithful in attendance.

2. To reach out to those who are not coming and we don’t know why.

a. However there are some who say they feel that God wants them somewhere else.

b. There are some that are going to fuss about everything.

c. These two groups are not what I am talking about.

C. There are people who are not going to church.

1. They don’t go when it is raining.

2. They don’t go when the sun is shining.

3. They don’t go when it is cold.

4. They don’t go when it is hot.

5. People always have an excuse.

a. I have come to the conclusion that people are not going to church because they just don’t want too.

b. People do not feel a necessity to go to church.

6. I have seen churches full when people of the community felt the necessity of communion with God.

a. September 11, 2001 is a good example.

b. When Pearl Harbor was attacked.

c. Around Christmas and Easter of each year.

D. We need to convey to the people that church is necessary for their daily growth as Christians.

E. But not only does our church need to be faithful in attendance. It also needs to be…

II. A Church with A Complete and Determined Program.

A. Again it was said of the early church “they continued steadfastly in prayer, in the Apostles’ teaching and fellowship and in the breaking of bread”(Acts 2:42).

1. The early church had a full program.

2. They also had a definite program.

B. Our Church must have certain things to be effective.

1. A program of teaching

2. A program of training.

3. A program of missions.

4. A program of evangelism

5. A program of visitation.

6. A sound financial program which makes all this other possible.

C. We must fortify this full program:

1. With our support

2. With our presence.

3. With out participation.

D. There is no such thing as a church being organized to death.

1. I have seen many dead churches.

2. The main reason the churches were dead was because they were unorganized.

E. But not only does our church need to have a complete and determined program. It also needs to be…

III. A church that is popular with God and Man.

A. Again – it was aid of the early church; “It grew in favor with God and man.” ( )

B. Popular with Man:

1. Communist Russia was an atheistic country and was guilty of persecuting the church and God’s people their.

a. The main reason for this was the fact that the Catholic Church of Russia became so corrupt and it’s leaders so depraved.

b. The people of Russia lost all confidence and faith in the church

c. Finally the church was ostracized.

2. I do not want this church to become unpopular with the people of this community.

a. Therefore I will not do anything to bring reproach upon this church.

b. I can not afford to, because of the position I hold.

i. Anyone with a position in church should be aware that they are living in a fish bowl for the whole world to watch them.

ii. In simple language – People are watching the people of this church to see if what you and I preach and teach is what we are living.

C. Popular with God.

1. I do not want God to say of this church what He said of the Laodician Church,

a. “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”

2. I want Him to say about our church what He said to Peter.

a. “Upon this rock (Peter’s Faith in Him) I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”

D. But not only does our church need to be popular with God and man. It also needs to be…

IV. A Church That is a Praying Church.

A. Again it was said of the early church, “They continued steadfastly in prayer and were filled with the Holy Spirit”. ( )

B. If our church is to be a praying church:

1. I must be a praying member.

a. I can not expect certain people to be the only ones praying for my church.

b. I should pray for its leadership.

c. I should pray for its organizations.

d. I should pray for its programs.

e. I can not expect to get anything out of my church without putting prayer into it.

2. No church is more spiritual than its members are.

a. For our church to grow in wisdom and spirit as well as number we all should be praying people.

b. Included in our prayers should be:

i. Prayers for lost people.

ii. Prayers for missions.

iii. Prayers for our church leaders.

iv. Prayers for one another.

C. God can use our church if we are a praying church.

D. But not only does our church need to be a praying church. It also needs to be…

V. A Giving Church.

A. The early church, “brought everything they had and laid it at the feet of the apostles”(Acts 4:34-35).

B. If our church is to be used by God:

1. It must follow the example of the early church.

2. It must become a giving church.

a. Giving even to the point of sacrifice.

b. Sacrificial giving is giving until it hurts.

C. I am convinced that our church has a plan to bring peace on earth and goodwill to all men.

1. This plan is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

2. Therefore I am going to be a good steward of my possessions.

a. This will enable my church to become a good steward of the Gospel that has been entrusted to it.

b. This will enable my church to become debt free so resources can be allocated to more important ministries.

c. This will enable my church to fulfill its purpose in this community more effectively.

3. How will I become a better steward?

a. I will give at least 1/10th to the cause of Christ.

b. I will bring this “tithe” into the “store house” (the local church) before I give an offering to any other ministry.

c. I will support the Cooperative Program 100%.

i. Because through this I will support many different causes that will spread the cause of Christ and the gospel of peace throughout the world.

ii. Through this I will help train other preachers and missionaries to go to places where I will never be able to go.

iii. Through this I will help my local and state organizations as they give back to my local church.


Will you resolve to do these things in your church during 2004? Will you be faithful in attendance? Will you help this church be a church with a complete and determined program? Will you make Evergreen Baptist Church a church that is popular with God but also one in which it is popular with man? Will you covet today to make this a praying church? Will you become a leader in making this a giving church?

2004 begins this week. Let’s not look back at what use to be but look forward to what He would have us to be. What is your resolution for the New Year?