Summary: In an age where entertainment, encouragement and enthusiasm are most popular approaches to preaching, let us remember our scriptural obligation to teach the word. Good teachers need to adhere to certain guidelines that should characterize their teaching o

Rightly Handle and Teach the Word of Truth - 2 Tim. 2:15

In an age where entertainment, encouragement and enthusiasm are most popular approaches to preaching, let us remember our scriptural obligation to teach the word. Good teachers need to adhere to certain guidelines that should characterize their teaching of the truth. To fail to do might inhibit our ability to fully trust and obey the Lord with all our heart, soul, strength and mind.

Paul wrote, “Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial) a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing (rightly handling and skillfully teaching) the Word of Truth.” (2 Tim. 2:15)

Jesus said, "You will know (ginosko - experientially know and obey it)the truth and the truth with make you free." (John 8:31,32) Too many teachers think they should teach for oida (pure knowledge or acquisition of facts). Allow the Lord to help you to teach with a breadth, length, height and depth of experiencing the Lord and His wonderful truths and attributes.

Jeremiah said, "Let not a wise man boast in His wisdom, let not a mighty man boast in His might. But let him who boast, boast of this that he understands and knows me." (Jer 9:23,24)

The following are several guidelines we need to remember enabling us to be an effective teacher of God’s word of truth:

1. INVESTIGATION – Good students of the word of God learn to make thorough examinations of the truth. People who do their research learn how to conduct systematic inquiries of the meaning of the context of each passage so as to bring out the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Teacher who fail to do proper study fall short in their understanding of the full interpretation of the ideas of scripture. To overlook key aspects of the Bible’s message often results in superficial observations that can lead to faulty assumptions about the essential teachings of the passage.

Application: Learn to spend time asking the Holy Spirit to guide you in to ALL truth so you can discern the full meaning of each verse.

2. EXPLANATION - Good teachers have the ability to fully make clear and intelligible the meaning of scripture. Paul warned Timothy not to argue over the miniscule words, but to focus on staying faithful to explain, remind and amplify what are the priority principles of scripture. Teachers who are good at giving explanations have the ability to make the complex seem simple to understand.

Application: Ask the Spirit of God to help you teach in a way that is clear, concise and complete.

3. CONTEXTUALIZATION – Good teachers of the word have the ability to show how the context of scripture relates to the context of their students. Contextualization is done best when the teaching is given in a way that is relevant, appropriate and suitable to the learning styles of the listeners. People who fail to do good contextualization are often seen as irrelevant and lacking the ability to make the message of scripture seem applicable to their audience.

Application: Ask the Lord to give you the ability to relate the key facts of scripture to your hearers in a way that they can become better workmen who handle accurately the word of truth.

4. CLARIFICATION – Good teachers learn how to present the truths of the scripture using understandable language, illustrations and presentations. If the teacher is unclear about the meaning of verse they will most likely present the truth in a foggy fashion that leaves the students puzzled about the true sense of scripture. Teachers who seek to bring clarity to a passage make the verse easier to understand.

Application: Ask the Holy Spirit to help you teach in a way that does not leave any equivocations in the minds of your students.

5. INTERPRETATION – Good teachers present scripture with a good explanation of the meanings of its context, its words and its major themes. There is one correct interpretation to every verse of scripture but many applications. Teachers help their students see how applications grow out of correct interpretations and not visa versa.

Application: Ask the Holy Spirit of God to help you interpret correctly the meaning of each passage as we are reliant on Him for revelation, inspiration and illumination of supernatural truth.

6. ADAPTATION – Good teachers consistently learn how to more fully adapt their mind, emotions and will to be in greater obedience to God. Teachers realize that pupils will learn more by their example then simply from the words that come out of their mouths. Jesus said it best, “Every pupil when he is fully trained will be like his teacher.” (Luke 6:40) Be an example to the believers in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity. (I Tim 4:12) Remember, our communication is compromised of 7% of the words we say but 35% with the tone of our voice and 58% with our lifestyle, character and non-verbal cues.

Application: Ask the Lord to help you trust and obey the word in all aspects of your life so that your teaching takes on greater credibility, authenticity and actuality.

7. ILLUSTRATION – Good teachers research carefully to find the best illustrations that will bring clear examples for their teaching. We all need pictures to help provide windows of light to help us more fully understand the whole truth of scripture. Just like the Ethiopian Eunuch could not know what he was reading in Isaiah until Phillip explained the scripture through real life illustrations, so our students hunger for real life examples that make scripture appear more down to earth.

Application: Ask the Lord to help you find better sources of illustrations to give your students ways of understanding, remembering and relating the truth of the Bible to their lives.

8. REALIZATION – Good teachers do not simply teach ideas but help people realize how their lives are not measuring up to the ideals of the Bible. Until individuals realize that they have fallen short of the truth of the scripture they will not sense conviction. Teachers help point out to their students the gap that often exists between the ideals of scripture and realities of their audiences lives.

Application: Ask the Lord to help you teach so as to help people realize where they have fallen short of the glory of God in scripture. Only then are people willing to make the necessary changes in their lives to wholeheartedly obey the scripture.

9. CORRELATION – Good teachers know how to compare and contrast each verse with other passages of scripture. Cross-references are often helpful in shedding greater light to the scripture. Scripture is its best own interpreter. Correlations show the mutual relation that all sixty-six books of the Bible have with one another. The supernatural unity of scripture gives greater insight to the student of the word as they see the many facets of the diamond of God’s holy book.

Application: Ask the Lord to help you provide corresponding vantage points from other passages in the scripture to enhance your teaching effectiveness.

10. APPLICATION – Good teachers learn how to make meaningful applications to the scripture so that they are truly workmen who do not need to be ashamed. Howard Hendricks once said, “Interpretation of the Bible without application is an equivalent to spiritual abortion.” James wrote, “Be doers of the word and not merely hearers who deceive yourselves.” (James 1:22) By putting the Bible into use you can gain greater clarity about the full meaning of scripture. The more we obey the more God reveals about His truth.

Application: Ask the Lord to lead you in ways that your applications of scripture will bring greater incentive to your students to apply the scripture to their lives as well. Give people invitation to apply the teaching to their lives on a regular basis to enhance your students’ motivations to apply the truth to all parts of their personal lives, relationships and activities.

11. COMMUNICATION – Good teachers learn how to become excellent communicators. You can tell if someone is communicating if they are successfully imparting information in a way that connects with their audience. Good communicators learn to convey messages in ways that are most appealing, relevant and interesting to their listeners. It is not enough to merely put out information if one really wants to communicate truth. You cannot communicate what you do not possess.

Allow the Spirit of God to help you overflow with the fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. There is no law against these fruits of the Spirit. These fruits communicate a Christlikeness in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. (Col. 2:3)

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly with all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melodly in your hearts to the Lord and whatever you do in word or deed do all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God and the Father by Him. (Col. 3:16,17)

Application: Ask the Lord to help you discover the key felt needs, perceived needs, cultural needs and spiritual needs of your listeners so you can open the door of their mind, will and emotions to the whole counsel of God. The Holy Spirit promises to help us in our communication by convicting the word of sin, righteousness and judgment, if we will pray and ask Him to work on each occasion.

Illustration: Give Your Delimma To The Lord

Dr. Charles Stanley, a prominent minister of a large church in Atlanta, tells the story of a time when their church needed two million dollars to relocate to a larger facility. The only problem was they didn’t have the money. One day, the board members told Dr. Stanley to get a loan from the bank because the deal sounded good. However, Dr. Stanley told the group that

they needed divine direction, so they all packed their gear and took off for a state park for the weekend for a time of prayer. All weekend they prayed earnestly that God would give them direction and help them resolve the problem that they were facing.

When they finally left the park, they still didn’t have any clear direction about how to purchase the building. But they were committed to waiting on

God. A few days later, Dr. Stanley had a message to call a man He had never met. He lived in another state. The man said that he wanted to help Dr.

Stanley’s ministry.

Immediately, Dr. Stanley called him back, and the stranger said, “I have had you and your ministry on my mind the past several days. I notice that you

never ask for money on the broadcast, and I was wondering if you have any needs.”

Dr. Stanley explained the situation about the building and how they needed two million dollars to purchase it. The stranger said, “I think I can handle

that.” And he gave that church two million dollars. That church had a problem; they gave their problem to Jesus; and their problem was solved.

Keith Smith, “Anything Is Possible With Jesus”

Here are some of the attributes and/or descriptions of God that begin with P:

Pain Reliever

Pain Allower


Parable Teacher & Explainer


Parent to the fatherless

Pass Through Enabler

Passage Giver


Passover Lamb



Pastor to the Shepherds

Pasture Giver

Pasture Provider

Pathway Unveiler

Pathway Giver

Patience Giver


Pattern Giver

Paul the apostle callers

Paul the apostle creator, maker and shaper

Paul’s Inspirer & Enabler

Paul’s Intelligence Giver

Paul’s Initiator & Invigorator

Pays Attention

Pays Great Dividends


Peace that overcomes the world

Peace that blesses his people Peacemaker

Pedal Pusher


Pentecostal Power Giver

People Conscious One

People Giver

People Enabler

People Connector

People Group Targeter


Perception Giver


Perfect Gift Giver

Perfecter or our faith

Performer of great wonders

Permanent One and Enlightener

Permission Giver

Persecution allower


Perseverance Example

Person Director

Personal Care Giver

Personal Companion


Personality Giver



Pestilence Allower

Peter Challenger

Pharisee Rebuker

Philosophy Master





Pity for the Weak


Place Determiner

Placer of Authorities

Placer in heaven giver

Plain Truth

Plank Observer

Planner With Hope

Planner for future and a hope

Planner Almighty


Planter oaks of righteousness

Plea Hearer


Pleased One

Pleasure Giver

Pleasure Eternally

Pleasure Source


Plenteous in Mercy


Plus Maker

Pointer of pathways

Pointer to Jesus author & perfecter



Poor Maker


Position Giver

Positive Answer

Positive Answer for Negative Problems

Program Setter


Possessor of the Yielded

Possession Owner

Possibility Maker

Potent One




Pours Out the Holy Spirit

Poverty Giver


Powerful Deliverer

Power of Your Resurrection

Power Purveyor

Power Strategist

Power Giver

Power Gospel Giver


Power line


Practicer of What is Best

Practitioner of Good, Justice,Truth




Prayer Advocate

Prayer Director

Prayer Intercessor


Precept Giver



Precludes Disobedience with Worship







Preparer a feast for all peoples

Preparer For Battle




Prescription Giver



Presents us faultless

Presenter reproving, rebuking, exhorting with great patience and instruction

Present Help and Stay




Prestige Determiner

Prevailer of Eternal Purpose

Prevailer bears all things, believes all things, hope all things, and endures all things

Preventer of Mistakes


Picker of the Battles to Fight

Pride Hater



Primary above all others

Prime One

Prince of Peace


Principle Setter

Printer of the Lamb Book of Life



Prison Releaser

Prison Epistle Orchestrater

Privilege Giver

Privilege Giver Eternally

Prize Giver Pro-Active



Procedure Giver

Proceeder amidst all opposition

Processor all things together for good


Proceeder in to the battle





Producer and Grower

Produces Endurance

Produces Fruit


Proficiency Giver

Profit Giver



Profuse in mercy, love and truth


Program Giver



Projector truth, love and hope

Prolific who produces many offspring and mighty works

Prolonger of our days



Promotes Good

Promotes our Needs



Proof of Love


Propeller forward and upward


Proper Timer

Property Owner

Proper Timer

Property Owner

Prophecy Giver





Proportion Determiner

Prospect Giver future and a hope




Prosperity Giver

Prosperity Rewarder



Protects on our journeys


Proverb Giver of wisdom


Provident One



Provision Giver

Proving Your Faith

Proving Your Point

Provoker to love and good deeds

Prowess Giver



Psalms Giver

Publicly Displays


Pulls out of the pit and destruction



Punisher of All that is wrong and evil



Purification from sin

Purifier With Fire

Purifier With Your Word


Purifier and Sets Apart

Purpose Giver

Purposed One




Put Down the Proud

Put Off What is Evil

Put Thoughts of Goodness in Our Minds