Summary: Temptations have a very positive side to them, that we often overlook.

Temptations and Growth

Purpose Driven Life #26


February 14, 2004

"My temptations have been my masters in divinity." So said one theologian, who recognized the important place of temptations in the process of Christian growth. Most of us are not too keen on being tempted and would rather we were never tempted to do something we should not do. However, as we consider the entire idea of growing up to become more like Christ, this is one subject we must consider. As we do, we need, as well, to think of the fact that temptations are not such a negative thing. For some reason, we tend to see them in that light, but here’s something to think about: every time you are tempted to do something you ought not, what is the other side of the equation? It is that every occasion to do the wrong thing is also, and equally, an opportunity to do the right thing. Do you see only the negative? Well, this may be the beginning of an entirely new relationship between you and temptations in your life. Every time you choose to do the good instead of the bad, or sin, you are growing in the character of Christ. That is what each of us here today wants to do.

The apostle Paul describes what the character of Jesus Christ is, at its best.

Ga.5.22-23- these nine qualities are the way Jesus is. To have this fruit in your life is to be like Christ. But if these are what you want, how does God put these into your life? Do you want the answer, even if I say that it isn’t all that easy of an answer? Well, God develops the fruit of the Holy Spirit in your life by allowing you to experience circumstances where you are tempted to express the exact opposite.

Say, you recognize a need to grow in love. What happens? God allows, or puts, people near you, around you, and in your path, who are hard to love. We all know people who are harder to love than others. They might be opinionated. They might be judgmental. They might be wishy-washy. There are as many ways for them to be unlovable as we are individuals wanting to be loving.

What if you want to grow in patience? What do you think happens, as you are working, with God, on the curriculum He has developed, personally, for you? You will be put into situations where your patience is tested to the greatest degree. Your children will be particularly difficult sometimes. Your spouse might be demanding. You might have a noisy neighbour. Whatever helps you to develop patience will happen.

God uses the opposite situation of each fruit to allow you, and me, choice. You can’t claim to be loving unless you have been tempted to be unloving. You can’t claim to be joyful unless you have been tempted to be joyless. You can’t claim to be faithful if you haven’t been tempted to be unfaithful. This is the way it goes, and each time you defeat a temptation, you become a little more like Jesus.

This matter of choice is important in our lives. I’m in the midst of reading Victor Frankl’s "Man’s Search for Meaning". He was a man who survived the concentration camps of the Second World War, and who is a noted psychotherapist. He wrote:

"…Does man have no choice of action in the face of such circumstances?

"We can answer these question from experience as well as on principle. The experiences of camp life show that man does have a choice of action. There were enough examples, often of heroic nature, which proved that apathy could be overcome, irritability suppressed. Man can preserve a vestige of spiritual freedom, of independence of mind, even in such terrible conditions of psychic and physical stress.

"We who live in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms- to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way."

We’re familiar with the expression, and excuse, oftentimes, that says, "The devil made me do it." Sometimes it sounds funny, but we have to realize that many temptations come from him. Who tempted Adam and Eve? Who tempted Jesus during his 40 days in the wilderness? It wasn’t you or me, but it was Satan. He still works, and as you seek to align your life with God, Satan goes to work in you because he hates you and he wants you back. Particularly, if you are a new Christian, or a newly recommitted Christian, he works, to try to get you back at your youngest and weakest. This is something to know. But Satan is not hard to figure out.

2 Cor.2.11- tells us that Satan is someone we can figure out. We know what he’s up to and we can see the pattern he uses when he works to stir temptation in each of us. Here are the steps he uses, almost without fail.

1. He identifies a desire inside you. It might be a sinful desire, or it might be a legitimate and normal desire. Temptation begins when he suggests, with a thought, that you give in to the evil desire or try to satisfy the normal and good desire in a wrong way. We have to be careful of shortcuts, and recognize that he is the author of shortcuts. He told Adam and Eve that they didn’t have to do it God’s way, but that there was an easier way. When he talked with Jesus, he offered him glory, without having to go to the cross; in other words, he offered Jesus a shortcut to a much lower form of glory.

Mark 7.21-23- tells us that temptation begins in our minds, not in circumstances. We have to take responsibility for that reality.

2. Satan tries to get you to doubt what God has said about the sin: Is it really wrong? Did God really say not to do it? Didn’t God mean this for someone else or some other times? This is what he did with Adam and Eve and what he did with Jesus. We’re told to be careful- Heb.3.12- we can be turned away from God if we’re not careful. We can doubt the only one who is absolutely dependable and true in all creation.

3. Satan is incapable of telling the truth. John 8.44- tells us the truth about him. Anything he tells you will be, at best, half true. Satan offers the lie to replace what God has said in His word. He tells you that you’ll be wiser than God, you’ll be able to get away with it, no one else will ever know, it will solve your problem, everyone else is doing it, it is only a little sin, or some such other lie. But a little sin is like being a little pregnant- it will eventually show itself. You cannot hide from the consequences.

4. After all this, then you act on the thought you’ve been toying with in your mind and you disobey. You step out and sin. What began as an idea gets birthed into behaviour and I’ve been talking about this the past few weeks? All feelings and actions begin in the mind. What is in our minds is important. It is important to not give in to Satan’s lies and fall into a trap.

James 1.14-16- we must not be deceived.

If this is the process, then how do we go about overcoming this process and overcoming temptation? Even as Satan follows a process time-after-time and we can know that, there is a process for us to follow to become more like Jesus by using temptations as times to choose the right over the wrong.

First of all, refuse to be intimidated. Too often, Christians are demoralized by tempting thoughts and feel upset that they are not beyond temptation. Of course, you and I are not beyond it. Let’s accept this reality. We will never outgrow temptation.

Now, it can be considered a compliment to be tempted. Satan doesn’t have to tempt those who are still serving him. Temptation is a sign that Satan hates you, not a sign of weakness or worldliness. It is also a normal part of being human and living in a fallen world. Don’t be surprised or shocked by your humanity or that of others around you. You will be tempted. I will be tempted. It’s part of life, and it’s not a sin to be tempted.

Heb.4.15- Jesus was tempted! Imagine that. Think of that. He never sinned, though. Temptation only becomes a sin when you give in to it. Martin Luther said, "You cannot keep birds from flying over your head but you can keep them from building a nest in your hair." You can’t keep the devil from suggesting thoughts, but you can choose not to dwell or act on them.

I have seen that the closer you are to God, the more Satan will try to tempt you. The moment you became God’s child, Satan, like a hit man, put out a ’contract’ on you. You are his enemy and he’s plotting your downfall. Sometimes even when you’re praying, you’ll have some bizarre or evil thoughts just to distract you from what you are doing. Don’t be alarmed and don’t be ashamed by this, but realize that Satan fears your prayers and will try anything to stop them. Instead of condemning yourself, treat it as a distraction from Satan and refocus on God.

Secondly, each of us needs to recognize our own pattern of temptation and be prepared for it. "Forewarned is forearmed" is an old saying with great value here. There are certain situations and certain times where you are more vulnerable to temptation than at other times. Some situations don’t bother you whereas other situations cause you to stumble almost immediately. These are unique to you, and Satan knows them and tries to use them. He knows what trips you up, and knowing that he knows can make you more vigilant, too.

1 Pet.5.8- Ask yourself about your vulnerabilities. Is there a day of the week when you’re most vulnerable? Is there a time of the day? Is there a place where you are more vulnerable? Are there people you are with that prompt you to be vulnerable? How do you feel when you are most tempted? Is it when you are tired, or lonely, or bored, or under stress? Is it when you have been hurt or are angry or worried, or after a big spiritual success?

Each of us needs to identify our typical patterns and prepare to avoid those situations as much as possible. We have to not give the devil a chance. Being wise and careful will lead to greater spiritual growth for us.

Prov.4.26-27- God’s people are watchful and careful.

Thirdly, you and I need to simply ask for God’s help.

Psa.50.15- God is always on call and waiting for your call and your prayers. Heaven is always open to your prayers, and to mine. When you need assistance, simply call. It is a sign of great strength to call on God- we do not have to live out there and go forward without God’s help. Sometimes, these prayers will be very short- popcorn prayers, essentially- but they can be very effective, because they are very fervent.

The Bible guarantees that God will hear- Heb.4.15- he understands what we’re feeling because Jesus went through it all! So, why don’t we turn to him more often? Why do we try to do it ourselves? I guess that’s the answer, isn’t it? We try to be self-sufficient, and this is not good for us. Are you embarrassed to ask God for help? Don’t be. He already knows and simply waits for you to recognize your need and to ask him for assistance.

v.16- tells us that when we approach the throne of God, there is grace, not judgment and rejection. God never tires of hearing from you. He wants to hear from you and me! It’s a wonderful benefit available to each of us. God is incredibly patient with us and will help us each time, even when we go back to him 20 times in the same day about the same matter. God doesn’t have a cut-off number of times we can ask him about anything! He is not like us!

Temptations keep us dependent on God. They help us to grow stronger. When they blow us around, we actually get stronger, when we make positive decisions for what God wants of us.


You know you are tempted, and I know that I am.

1. In what areas are you most often tempted? What are your areas of growth?

2. What will you do, today, and tomorrow, to implement a better plan for resisting temptation in your life?

3. We have communion available to us now- to all of us who have faith in Jesus. This is, also, a time for commitment and recommitment to Jesus. May I suggest that you use this communion as a time to apologize to God for trying to handle your temptations yourself and to humble yourself before his curriculum for you and to ask him to help you in your temptations?