Summary: ¡§The key to an honest and accurate self image is knowing the basis of our self worth ¡V our identity in Christ.¡¨

A college student who had always lived in the city was visiting a ranch in Arkansas. He was fascinated by all the animals. He had never seen so many before so it wasn¡¦t unusual when He blurted out, ¡§What an unusual looking cow. Why doesn¡¦t she have any horns?¡¨

The rancher explained, ¡§Well, some cows are born without horns and never have any. Others shed theirs, and some we dehorn. And some breeds aren¡¦t supposed to have any horns at all. But the reason this cow hasn¡¦t got any horns is because she ain¡¦t no cow--she¡¦s a horse.¡¨

I remember being a young boy, sitting around the dinner table. We were having a family talk about what we wanted to do when we grew up. We had just gotten back from Wal-mart, and I was so amazed at all the money in the cash register. When this topic of careers came up, I made it very clear that I wanted to work at Wal-Mart and be a cashier. My sister wanted to be a doctor or a pilot. While she had dreams of researching cancer drugs, helping those who medically couldn¡¦t help themselves, or flying the friendly skies ¡V I had the dream of saying, ¡§That¡¦s $10.98, thank you for shopping at Wal-Mart.¡¨ I am standing here this morning knowing that God is faithful ¡V (advance)

Psalm 37:4 ¡V Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. He changed my desires to the point that I see myself and my talents as unlimited not because I am wonderful ¡V believe me, I know I am not. My abilities are unlimited because of God working in my life, and my willingness to give those desires over to him.


If you could put yourself on a measuring scale ¡V how would you measure up? How would your talents measure up? How about your spiritual gifts? The correct view of self matters. The way we look at God, the way we see God has a lot to do with how we see ourselves. The Bible often calls Christians to have the correct view of other people. We see that in the life of Jesus ¡V he had the correct view of others. He didn¡¦t see people based on their sin, he saw people who were hurting because of their sin. This morning if we could look inward and see ourselves as God sees us, I believe we would grow. I believe God is calling us to look inward this morning. If you already have the correct view of yourself ¡V let this be an encouragement. If at the end of this you realize you don¡¦t ¡V change. Allow God to make you into what he desires.

Turn with me, if you have your bibles to (advance) Romans 12:3-8 (read)

Our text is calling us this morning to do two things. The first ¡V (advance)

I. Look At Yourself (3-5)

Paul says that he¡¦s the messenger ¡V God¡¦s grace is the authority. It is by God¡¦s grace that he speaks about this as he does. He says: CHURCH!

a. Correctly view yourself

i. Don¡¦t think too highly of yourself

1. Wrong High image of self

a. Leads to pride

b. Leads to a large ego

You might begin to look around at all you have, and all you have accomplished and feel proud. Because somehow you did this by yourself. (advance)

Proverbs 16:18 (MSG) ¡V First pride, then the crash--the bigger the ego, the harder the fall.

c. Leads to the idea that you don¡¦t need God¡¦s grace

That perhaps you are above the need for God¡¦s grace. Grace is for the bad people, the prodigals, and the lost. ¡V Grace is for all of us, regardless the length of time you have been a Christian. Regardless of who you were, or how you acted before you gave your life to Christ. The wrong high image of self:

d. Leads to self-righteousness

e. Leads to Conceit (advance)

Galatians 6:3 ¡V If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself.

It¡¦s important for us to understand the attitude of Jesus ¡V (advance)

John 5:19 ¡V Jesus gave them this answer: "I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.

Jesus says in John Chapter 8 that he only speaks what the father tells him to. If Jesus Christ came and showed a humble example of life ¡V and face it ¡V he could walk on water it would have been understandable if he was just a little prideful. He came to show us a perfect example ¡V shouldn¡¦t we follow that example of humility? There is caution in this as well.

ii. Don¡¦t think too low of yourself

Not long after we got married, I worked for a company that sold car batteries. It was hard work and I worked hard. I got things done on time, I got the trucks loaded and batteries sold. I did have a problem. The owner of the company would come to the warehouse about twice a month. He would talk to me often about work and how everything was going. One question I remember answering wrong ¡V ¡§What are you doing?¡¨ In the mind of a 21 year old kid the answer ¡V ¡§Nothing much¡¨ is good. And it would have been an excellent answer if my job was being a life guard. In his mind ¡V I was literally doing nothing. He was paying me ¡V but what for ¡V every time he questioned me, it was the same answer ¡V ¡§Nothing much¡¨. It¡¦s funny now ¡V but it wasn¡¦t so funny when I looked at the want ads one Sunday and saw the ad for my job. Paul instructs the church ¡V You ¡V not to have a view that¡¦s too low.

1. ¡§With Sober Judgment¡¨

This does speak of being free from alcohol, but it¡¦s deeper. This is you looking in that spiritual mirror ¡V and telling yourself that you are special, you are worthy of God¡¦s love. You are worth something in this life, regardless if your name is ever etched in a plaque or written in lights. (advance) You are valuable to God. People might forget about you, put you on the back burner, ignore your requests for love ¡V Church ¡V God loves you.

2. According to the ¡§Measure¡¨ of faith

What is the measure of faith God has given you? Does he give some more faith than others? Is God measuring faith in our lives like you would water for Macaroni & Cheese?

a. Measure of faith

i. Means gifts that you have ¡V Paul will talk about them again in a few verses.

1. Natural or Grown

a. Maybe it¡¦s singing

b. Maybe it¡¦s leadership

c. Maybe it¡¦s preaching

d. Maybe it¡¦s leading youth

e. Taking care of the money

f. Maybe it¡¦s encouragement

ii. Means your abilities to use those gifts to uplift the body of Christ.

The wrong high self image will lead a person to accept praise and honor and glory for the gifts that God has given. The wrong low self image will lead a person to not share their talent at all, and therefore rob the body of Christ of a blessing. It doesn¡¦t mean that because I am a preacher and you teach Sunday school, I have more faith than you. To the contrary ¡V as long as we are doing the work God has given us we are using the faith we have to bless God¡¦s family. Your ¡§Measure¡¨ of faith has more to do with being in tune and walking with Christ than anything.

b. We who are many

i. We are called to be united

1. Purpose ¡V

We didn¡¦t have a band when I was in high school. I¡¦ve been blessed to hear the Piggott band several times. What would happen if the different instruments were playing something other than what they were being directed to play? It would sound horrible. The instruments weren¡¦t made to do that. Although the flutes and the saxophones are two very different instruments ¡V they are needed for a complete band. They don¡¦t have the same function, but with proper tuning they bless the music.

ii. We belong to one another

1. We need each other to be encouraged

2. To spur one another on in love and good deeds

3. To grow ¡V not just in numbers but spiritually as well

God didn¡¦t send his one and only son to earth to die so that you could just be a pew warmer. He didn¡¦t offer you his grace so that you could accept it and then be done. If he truly gave you something through his son ¡V your objective in life is to accept that gift and bless the church family, bless those who aren¡¦t apart of this fellowship by bringing them in. Bless each other with encouragement and love. You must do something with the faith God has given. (advance)

James 2:17 (MSG) ¡V Isn’t it obvious that God-talk without God-acts is outrageous nonsense?

Paul is calling us to look at ourselves ¡V that much is clear. Paul is also calling us to: (advance)

II. Look At Our Gifts (6-8) (advance)

a. We have different Gifts

i. We don¡¦t all, and can¡¦t all do the same things

ii. The Body of Christ is not called to repeat itself over and over.

iii. As we all move forward, our different abilities will compliment each other. Instead of sounding like an choir that needs a tune up, we¡¦ll sound like one that is ready for the concert.

b. Paul names the gifts (advance)

i. Prophesying ¡V

Often we think of a prophet as being able to tell the future ¡V and many times in the OT and NT that is the meaning of the word. Prophesying in this case is speaking, or preaching, literally means ¡V ¡§One speaking under divine inspiration¡¨. (advance)

ii. Serving ¡V Let him serve

This has the idea of a waitress or waiter ¡V one who serves only they do it in the church for the people. We have several people in this church who serve. Often this is a very thankless job, long hours, lots of energy (advance)

iii. Teaching ¡V Let him teach

We need people who are willing to teach. I have discovered that if you are willing ¡V God will make up for your lack of abilities, God will make up for your lack of knowledge, God will make up for your complete understanding ¡V He will make up everything you lack, all he needs is your desire. The Bible is full of examples of people God shouldn¡¦t have used. But he did use them ¡V He used the lowly little boy David, when he shouldn¡¦t have. He used a few fishermen, when he shouldn¡¦t have ¡V they weren¡¦t qualified ¡V but they were willing.

This church is on the edge of exploding in growth ¡V all we need is people willing to stand up and say ¡V I am willing to help. I am willing to do whatever it takes to see this church be everything it can be. I was extremely encouraged by the response last Sunday Night. We came up with many good ideas, and had excellent discussion. As areas of teaching are opened ¡V I encourage you ¡V if you are called to teach, to fill those areas. The Bible says that you shouldn¡¦t test God ¡V I am not recommending that we test God. I am recommending that we allow God to keep the promises ¡V to be with us always. There is nothing we can do without him, but with him our future is unlimited.

Paul mentions a few more gifts --

iv. Encouraging ¡V Paul says ¡V Let him show mercy

v. Contributing to the needs of others ¡V Paul says, Let him Give

vi. Leadership ¡V Paul says, If this is you ¡V Govern diligently

vii. Showing Mercy ¡V Paul says, Do it cheerfully.

Conclusion: (advance) „³ blank

There is a story of two paddle boats. They left Memphis about the same time, traveling down the Mississippi River to New Orleans. As they traveled side by side, sailors from one vessel made a few remarks about the snail¡¦s pace of the other.

Words were exchanged. Challenges were made. And the race began. Competition became vicious as the two boats roared through the deep south.

One boat began falling behind. Not enough fuel. There had been plenty of coal for the trip, but not enough for a race. As the boat dropped back, an enterprising young sailor took some of ship¡¦s cargo and tossed it into the ovens. When the sailors saw that supplies burned as well as the coal, they fueled their boat with material they had assigned to transport. They ended up winning the race, but burned their cargo.

God has entrusted cargo for us, too: children, spouses, friends and this church. Our job is to do our part in seeing that this cargo reaches its destination. We must see ourselves correctly, as God allows us, and see our gifts for what they are. We need each other, we need those who currently aren¡¦t apart of our fellowship to join and offer their gifts. Every Christian has something to offer ¡V regardless of age, income, social status.

This morning if you have a decision to make ¡V Maybe God is telling you that you need to get serious about him and his calling for your life. Maybe God is calling to get more real in your walk ¡V He¡¦s telling you to follow where he leads. There is something powerful about a Christian willing to lay themselves on the altar ¡V offering themselves.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Lord ¡V this is the time, this is the place in fellowship with other Christians, who will encourage you and spur you on.

If you have a decision to make come this morning as we stand and sing.