Summary: How do we fire-proof our lives and our faith, and also protect ourselves against the constant faith-wearing coercive influence of our society.

Daniel: standing the fire. Daniel 3:1-30 WBC 25/4/04am


Starting series in the minor Prophets, looking at key verses in each, but in context of the whole book

- by way of introduction, before we properly get into series- look at Daniel which is often counted as the lesser of the 4 major prophets or the most major of the minor!

After Solomon’s time (about 1000BC) the nation of the Jews split into 2.

- N kingdom- called ‘Israel’, capital Samaria

o Fell to the Assyrians around 722 BC

- S Kingdom remained- called ‘Judah’.

o It’s capital, Jerusalem, fell to the Babylonians in 587 BC

o But that was all that was left to fall- as had destroyed most of the towns and carted people off prior to that

 Carted off to the area called the Chaldes (where Abram left –the area today mainly Iraq)

Daniel was one of the first carted off… along with most of the well educated, and the nobility (ie Ezekiel, taken slightly after him)

- in fact: Ezekiel is probably referring to this Daniel in:

EZE 28:3 Are you wiser than Daniel?

Is no secret hidden from you?

- Daniel was taken to Babylon in 605BC

- so, book covers 604-535 BC… which covers the rise of the Babylonian empire and it’s fall to the Persian one (Medes/Persia- the area now mainly Iran)

o Cyrus is a Persian, and the one prophesied in Isaiah

It’s a book with accurate history, some uncertain names, and interesting historical insights in it. For example:

- it’s the Babylonians (king Neb) who burn their political enemies, but the Medes/ Persians feed them to the lions (ie king darius)

o history supports this. Fire was sacred to the Medes/Persians as they were mainly Zoroastrians

- Also- you find King Neb (a Babylonian) able to change laws any old way he wants, but Darius ( the Mede) unable to rescue Daniel from the lions den. Because the Babylonians could change laws once instituted- but the Medes not

Anyway- Daniel and his 3 friends are taken to Babylon and re-named by the king.

- Daniel’s new name (Belteshazzar) probably meant “may the lady, wife of the god bel… baal… protect the king’

o Pretty offensive to a Jew… and pretty egotistical of the king!

o Can see why he just refers to himself as ‘Daniel’ in the book, whereas his 3 colleagues are referred to by their (innocuous) Babylonian names Shadrach, Meshach & Abednigo.

But the offence wasn’t only one way. I reckon the Babylonians are a bit heated at the favour these guys get when they are promoted over them

- and that’s what is partly behind our focal verses, today


Interestingly Daniel isn’t in our story, today. He merely reports it

- the focus is on the other 3

They were being coerced to capitulate and compromise to idolatry

- the Babylonians were astrologers (chaldeans/astrologers = synonymous) and polytheists who were into idols.

o Anything, really!

= Bad news for the monotheistic Jews whose first commandment was

- DT 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. 5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength

- something they would recite at the start of each day and prayer (called the ‘Shema’, “hear”)

This was a big problem… and a big threat. Worship our idol or die!

Now- we may think- this is no help to me! “we don’t face this!”

- true, we don’t

- although the UK church seems to have a fad every 15 years of saying ‘persecution’s coming’. We DON’T face this

- but I have a brother who does. And a sister. Nigeria. Indonesia

o millions DO, and many who read this have

But we face something equally as bad, and more damaging to spiritual health:

- indifference

- not facing the fire- but ‘the gentle cosy warmth to compromise’

- they say: throw a frog into the fire and it will jump out

o but you can turn the heat up slowly and BOIL it!

o That’s what we face: gentle coercion to compromise

 All the time!

 Work- in the way we work and mentioning we’re a Xian. On the PC- where one click can take us to a site we shouldn’t. With the friends. Family

The truth is: trouble, ‘fire’, persecution… real attack… harsh awful events – seldom (eventually) have a damaging affect on faith

- but lukewarm cool coercion does

- and giving in to the coercion certainly does

o miss out on the blessing that results here

This is not a story about pain and persecution- but blessing and boldness

- “why am I not blessed by God?”

- are you- taking it too easy? Giving in too easily? TOO moderate, compromising?

- Not giving God a chance to prove you… Himself?


For Shadrach, M & A it would have been so easy to compromise

- “I’ll bow to the idol…. But not in my heart. God won’t mind”

o so easy to justify it

- Or ‘I’ll pray to Yahweh in my room, but when in public I’ll have to bow to the idol”. No one will know.

But they know: God will know. Being prepared to ‘name Him’ is important to Him

- they choose to be consistent

- they are in public what they are in private- and in private they are fully devoted

Us: are we consistent?

- our culture is such that it’s easy for the inconsistency to be the other way around. We ‘bow’ to God, publicly, in church- but at home He barely gets a look in (and the Bible gathers dust)

"You take care of those little things when nobody’s watching but me, and I’ll take care of those big things when everybody’s looking but you."

James Ryle at New Wine 97

Now note: these guys weren’t obnoxious. Didn’t deserve the roasting that came their way. Were good businessmen… minding own business… but consistent with God

- worshipping quietly in private first. Weren’t like ‘the hypocrites’

o says something to us- and example to follow

o says something about trouble/fire

 they didn’t warrant it, look for it, deserve it.

• ‘stuff just happens’

• = one of those things


The incredible thing for these guys… and US is- start making a stand for God & a holy boldness comes on you

- I have seen it a good number of times. Think- “this isn’t just this person”

- Reiterate: it isn’t the fire that will kill you. It’s yielding to the comfy warmth

o Fire and challenge bring boldness & blessing

It’s a God-given thing, this boldness

- if you were in danger of being thrown in the fire- you might be amazed at how you’d stand

Note: they are not stupid! Don’t say “God IS going to deliver us, & kick your head in!”

- very mature: “God IS able… but even if He DOESN’T!..”

- have to be sensible. Illustr: me praying for Mr C this week. Felt I had a breakthrough answer- but wouldn’t dare say ‘he’s going to be healed’ to them (as I do get things wrong). But we’ll see

We’re aware that not everyone gets delivered. Missionaries and Christians die at the hands of others, and thrown in prison. Millions have died in this way (half this last century)

- lots in Daniel looks forward with help to a time about 170BC when a series of 13 Greek rulers from the Seleucid dynasty ruled that part of the world.

- Centre was Antioch, so were all called “Antiochus” 1-13

- and one of them called (#4) himself Antiochus Epiphanes (god-manifest) and abolished sacrifice in the temple and set up a greek altar in its place and even an idol of Zeus

o (= the original ‘abomination that causes desolation)

o hundreds of Jews who kept the Sabbath were slaughtered. Even in the temple

o (Maccbean revolt re-established the sacrifice and a new Hasmonean dynasty)

The ‘even if He doesn’t’ is a necessary qualifier. A wise one

- and we too must make this choice/decision- at key times in life

o regularly!

- “This IS a bad situation… tyesting… things are goiung wrong” BUT I’m NOT

o serving any other God

o going anywhere. “

- …. Even if He doesn’t help/deliver me

- (besides- there really is nowhere else to go, anyway. What are the alternatives?! You can go round in circles thinking about them for ages- but if you conclude Jesus is Lord- you have to get on with trusting him and following him

o then God’s Spirit comes to aid you)

In fact- need to make this decision in advance

- all kind of things WILL come our way, that we don’t expect

- Illustr: “The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook.” Ie How to fend off a shark, how to take a punch, how to deliver a baby in a taxicab, how to survive a poisonous snake attack, how to jump from a moving car, how to identify a bomb, how to escape from Killer Bees. Eg: What should you do if confronted by an angry mountain lion?

1, run; 2, play dead; 3, hold your coat open like a cape; 4, sing a gentle, happy song.

o Answ= 3 as makes you look larger, more aggressive, less bite-sized

- Faith & discipleship is a decision made in advance to follow even in the worst case scenario of ‘even if He DOESN’T”

o While praying ‘do Not let me be tested beyond…”

Apply: are you making bold choices to believe God… stand for him? Choices that bring His blessing


There are 2 things that result from holy, humble, boldness:

1. Irritation!

This really irritated king Neb. He heated the fire hotter!

(Illustr: me beaten up outside Bushey. At Leicester square)

- but this irritation, strangely, is blessing in itself “blessed ARE you when people persecute you…”

o in fact: we need to change to see it as such

o (Illustr: Graham Cook & Satanist)

2. big blessing

Look at the result, here!

1: Gods’ presence! Who’s in the fire with them? God/Jesus

2: deliverance/vindication

- WILL happen. Either here or in heaven

3. Glory to God

- look at what happens as a result of this standing… not compromising

o the result is what you and I hunger for:

o King Neb gives glory to the one true God… gets a new perspective on God

o still sees Him as one among many… & wants to kill anyone who gainsays Him- so he’s got a long way to go

 but sees Him as top of the list: “no other god can save in this way”

Maybe the biggest block to evangelism, today… and the ‘people’ glorifying God is not the ‘inevitable decline’

- it’s OUR capitulating to it… accepting it & failing to stand up for Him… out for the gospel… and believe with holy boldness

- “oh… we’d better shut up shop. Last one out turn the lights out”

o WELL: my God is ABLE. I am not ashamed of being a Christian, nor of the gospel

 Because when you believe it, are bold for it and stand for it- you see it changes lives. STILL. Always.

I am not ashamed of the gospel- for it IS the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes

- and EVERYONE needs it


Read V 17, then pray