Summary: How our influence reaches the lives of others

How mothers have influence

The 2nd Sunday of May is celebrated as mother’s day. Its founder was Anna Jarvis who was a teacher in the primary department of St. Andrew Methodist Church in Grafton, W. V. This was a class that her deceased mother had taught. On May 12, 1907 Miss Jarvis passed out carnations to this class in honor of her mother. This how Mother’s Day came into being. I want us to look at some mothers in the Bible that had influence and also reflect how we today have influence much they had.

1. A praying mother has influence like Hannah. This example comes to us in the book of I Samuel. The mother’s name was Hannah. She did not have a child although her husband loved her very much. Her husband had another wife who made fun of Hannah because she had no children. This seemed to be curse of God on women in the Old Testament. Every year they would make a trip to the tabernacle and Peninnah would make fun of her so that she did not even want to eat. The husband did not understand. One year Hannah decided to stay in the tabernacle to pray about this until God would come to her aid. The priest Eli was watching while she was praying. “And she made this vow: "O Lord Almighty, if you will look down upon my sorrow and answer my prayer and give me a son, then I will give him back to you. He will be yours for his entire lifetime, and as a sign that he has been dedicated to the Lord, his hair will never be cut." She was so earnest that her lips were moving but no sound was coming out. Eli accused her of being drunk. Have you ever prayed so much that people thought you were drunk? Eph 5:18 “Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, let the Holy Spirit fill and control you.” She was in great anguish and sorrow. Eli the man of God said that God had heard and would grant her request. She believed and went home happy. In the manner of time she had a boy named Samuel. He became one of the greatest men of God in the Bible. Do we influence others by our prayers?

2. A devoted mother has influence like Ruth. This example comes to us fro the book of Ruth. Ruth had married into the family. She was not even of the same race. When she married she changed her life to follow after the religion of her new family. When her mother in law left to go back to her home country Ruth followed leaving her past life and family. She wanted to provide for her mother in law and worked hard. Her devotion to Naomi and God was rewarded in that God brought into her life a man who married her and gave her a son who would give birth to a son who would give birth to a son named David. Her devotion leaves us to ask is my devotion that great to leave all and follow God. That through my life something great will happen to influence the whole world. Did she know because of her devotion she would become one that would bring Christ to others? Do you believe that your devotion is influencing others for Christ?

3. A mother who loves the Word brings influence on others like Mary. This story is found in the Gospels. The woman’s name is Mary. She influenced those around her because she took time to listen to Jesus. She knew He was the Word of God. She took time to sit at His feet and listen to what He said. Jesus even said she had chosen what was good. Because she heard the Word and believed she witnessed the Word in action when she saw Jesus raise her brother from the dead even though he had been dead four days. When we love His word it shows in our lives and we directly influence others as it affects us. Are you known as one who loves the Word? Does your love for the Word influence others?

4. A mother of faith is shown in the action of the Queen of Sheba. Through faith she heard of this great man. Her faith led her to go see him with questions. Her faith brought her to see what was true. 1 KG 10:7 “I didn’t believe it until I arrived here and saw it with my own eyes. Truly I had not heard the half of it! Your wisdom and prosperity are far greater than what I was told. How happy these people must be! What a privilege for your officials to stand here day after day, listening to your wisdom! The Lord your God is great indeed! He delights in you and has placed you on the throne of Israel. Because the Lord loves Israel with an eternal love, he has made you king so you can rule with justice and righteousness." Does your faith cause you to go in the name of Jesus to touch other lives? Faith has to be a verb not a noun if God is going to receive glory.

6. A mother who worships is like the woman of Canaan. MT 15:21 Jesus then left Galilee and went north to the region of Tyre and Sidon. A Gentile woman who lived there came to him, pleading, "Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David! For my daughter has a demon in her, and it is severely tormenting her." But Jesus gave her no reply—not even a word. Then his disciples urged him to send her away. "Tell her to leave," they said. "She is bothering us with all her begging." Then he said to the woman, "I was sent only to help the people of Israel—God’s lost sheep—not the Gentiles." But she came and worshiped him and pleaded again, "Lord, help me!" "It isn’t right to take food from the children and throw it to the dogs," he said. "Yes, Lord," she replied, "but even dogs are permitted to eat crumbs that fall beneath their master’s table." "Woman," Jesus said to her, "your faith is great. Your request is granted." And her daughter was instantly healed. This woman worshipped the right person. She worshipped in her time of need. She was rewarded for her worship. There is never a time that we do not need to worship. The temple of God used to be a place that people went to for the worship of God. The Bible now states that we are the temple of God if His spirit dwells within us. So we can worship any time and anywhere. Do others see by our lives that we worship Christ? Do they see us pray? Do they see us read His Word? Do they see us live a holy life? Would others give testimony if put on a witness stand that we are true followers of Jesus?

A mother of influence has these characteristics that will influence others: 1. Know how to pray. 2. Show devotion to God. 3. Loves the Word. 4. Displays faith. 5. Has an open heart 6. Worshiper