Summary: The affect that evolution has had on America is hair raising! Virtually every area of thinking has been negatively affected by it’s lies and deception!

Evolution’s Deception: Making a Monkey of Man, Pt. 3

“Evolution’s Affect On Our Society”

1 Timothy 4:1,2 & 2 Timothy 3:1-5

Evolution is a fulfillment of these verses!

1. It Dictates Our System of Education.

According to one court case “McLean vs. Arkansas Board of Education”, coverage of evolution in Secondary School Biology Textbooks from 1900 to 1980 showed evolution receives an average of 14,o55 words in each of eight major biology textbooks published between 1980 and 1982, and seven devoted at least 11,000 words to evolution. By contrast …the theory of creation receives no more than a paragraph in one of roughly 30 textbooks for public school biology…”

It was voted by the Associated Press to be the top story of 1999: the Kansas Board of Education’s decision to de-emphasize some aspects of the teaching of evolution in Kansas’ schools set off a firestorm of controversy.

Here is their demand in writing, which they sent to every school authority in the land:

"A sponsoring committee headed by Bette Chambers has secured the signatures of 179 scientists, educators, and religious figures to a statement which they say is being sent to all major school districts in the United States. The statement, along with several articles attacking the concept of creation, was published in the January / February 1999 issue of The Humanist, published for the American Humanist Association and the American Ethical Union.

The statement reads:

We, the undersigned, call upon all local school boards, manufacturers of textbooks and teaching materials, elementary and secondary teachers of biological science, concerned citizens, and educational agencies to do the following:

—Resist and oppose measures currently before several state legislatures that would require creationist views of origins be given equal treatment and emphasis in public-school biology classes and test materials.

—Reject the concept, currently being put forth by certain religious and creationist pressure groups, that alleges that evolution is itself a tenet of a religion of `secular humanism,’ and as such is unsuitable for inclusion in the public-school science curriculum.

—Give vigorous support and aid to those classroom teachers who present the subject matter of evolution fairly and who often encounter community opposition."— Humanist statement, The Humanist, January-February, 1977.

Here’s news for every science teacher in America, It’s legal for you to teach creation as an alternative to evolution! The 1st Amendment allows it! But creation science teachers have pretty much given up on public school because of the intimidation and ridicule received on campus around the country!

This problem extends beyond the schools to the place of employment:

Colin Patterson in "An Engineer Looks at the Creationist Movement, "Were biologists, geologists, or paleontologists to endorse publicly a pseudoscience such as creationism, their chances of achieving or retaining prestigious academic positions would be greatly undermined, as would their chances for high office in professional societies. Only in Bible colleges, seminaries, and creationist ministries can the latter succeed.”

2. It Dominates Our Scientific Thinking.

Sir Julian Huxley became the first director of the U.N.’s UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and cultural Organization) said in a the Humanist Magazine in 1979 “The general philosophy of UNESCO should be a scientific world humanism, global in extend and evolutionary in background.”

A resent survey published in a leading science journal “Nature” showed that the National Academy of Science, are very much against God. It showed that of its 517 members that responded: 72.2% were overly atheists, 20.8% were agnostic, and 7% believed in a personal God.

In his book Reason in the Balance, Phillip Johnson says, “This "scientific elite" are our modern priests and evolution our "creation myth."

3. It Destroys Our Spiritual Teaching.

Evolution has taken over most areas of thinking, as we know it today! It is easy to think of evolution as a world religion beginning in the 20th Century. It’s a concept of faith practiced by millions today every day in our classrooms of every grade!

In his book “The Decent of Darwin: A Handbook of Doubts About Darwinism” B. Leith says, “The theory of life that undermines 19th century religion has virtually become a religion itself and in turn is being threatened by fresh ideas (creation).”

I am convinced that the real agenda of evolutionist is to use it to destroy man’s faith in God, divine creation and particularly Christianity!

For example, Professor J. Dunphy wrote and article entitled, “A Religion For The New Age” in Humanist Magazine, he said … “I am convinced that the battle for mankind’s future must be waged in the classroom by teachers who correctly perceive their role as proselytizers of a new faith: a religion of humanity that recognizes and respects the spark of what theologians call divinity in every human being. These teachers must embody the same selfless dedication as the most rabid fundamentalist preacher, for they will be ministers of another sort, utilizing a classroom instead of a pulpit to convey humanist values in whatever subject they teach, regardless of educational level…the classroom must and will become an arena of conflict between the old and the new, the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with all its adjacent evils and misery, and the new faith of humanism…it will undoubtedly be long, arduous and a painful struggle, replete with much sorrow and many tears. It must if the family of humankind is to survive.”

Sir Arthur Keith, an anthropologist and one of the greatest spokes man for evolution of recent times said in World Magazine in 1997… “Christ’s teaching is… in direct opposition to the laws of evolution and ethics…the conclusion I have come to is that the law of Christ is incompatible with the law of evolution…nay the two laws are at war with each other…”

Pope John Paul II on evolution - "It is an established fact." "Evolution is Compatible with Christian faith.”

Pope John Paul II declared that "fresh knowledge leads to recognition of the theory of evolution as more than just a hypothesis" in a formal statement sent to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

The Catholic Church at large accepts evolution as fact!

William F. Buckley Jr. (a Roman Catholic) argues against evolution, "A lot of monkeys turned loose over an infinite number of times could not, would not, reproduce Shakespeare."

Barna Research in 1999 tells us that, “52 % of Evangelical Christians in the U.S. believe in evolution as a fact and see it as no problem with their faith.”

But on the flip side of that…Only 34% of Americans consider themselves to be "very informed" about the theory of evolution, while a slightly greater percentage -- 40% --consider themselves to be "very informed" about the theory of creation.

There is a dangerous double-mindedness in America today! The majority of Americans believe in evolution for life’s beginning and a majority of Americans also believe in God for spiritual life! Wow! Folks, we can’t have it both ways! There’s no middle ground on this one!

I ask myself this past week, why is Christianity in America like the Mississippi River – a mile wide and an inch deep? Because devolution – the doctrine of demons have crept into our spiritual thinking!

This is now the first generation (about 70 years) in the history of Christianity whose basic beliefs are not must different then non-Christians.

Psalm 145:4 “One generation shall praise thy works to another and shall declare thy mighty acts.” Is this the last generation to praise the Lord?

Throughout the last 1900 years man has had a rock solid grip on Biblical creation. Where did they get this firm grip - from the Bible!

4. It Determines Our Social Trends.

There’s no doubt in my mind, if people are convinced that evolution is true then there is no Jesus Christ, no death and burial and certainly no resurrection! If the theory of evolution is true than the Bible fundamentally wrong! You wonder why Christianity is scoffed at by so many and why the church is no longer the source for fulfilled life! There’s a lot at stake!

It is the key to the take over by atheists and agnostic! Phillip Johnson states in his book “Reason In The Balance”… “Evolution is the philosophical key that has allowed atheists and agnostics to dominate the whole intellectual world and government world…”

Robert Muller Assistant Secretary General of the U.N. said…“I believe the most fundamental thing we can do is to believe in evolution.”

One of the most powerful men who have helped establish evolution on the campus around the western world is Aldous Huxley. In an article entitled “Confession of a Professed Atheist”, he wrote … “I had my motives for not wanting the world to have meaning; consequently assumed that it had none; and was able without any difficulty to find satisfying reasons for this assumption…we object to morality because it interfered with our sexual freedom.”

Anton LayVey’s Satanism is a practical application of evolution in our society. Listen carefully what LaVey says in his Satanic Bible and think about all the young people today who are devouring this material:

"Is not ’lust and carnal desire’ a more truthful term to describe ’love’ when applied to the continuance of the race?”

"Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all fours, who, because of his ’divine spiritual and intellectual development,’ has become the most vicious animal of all!"

"Are we not all predatory animals by instinct? If humans ceased wholly from preying upon each other, could they continue to exist?”

"Satanism is a blatantly selfish, brutal philosophy. It is based on the belief that human beings are inherently selfish, violent creatures, that life is a Darwinian struggle for survival of the fittest...” …Burton H. Wolfe, Author and priest in the Church of Satan. Introduction of "The Satanic Bible", San Francisco, December 25, 1976

9 satanic statements from the Satanic Bible…

#7 says, “Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all fours, who, because of his “divine spiritual and intellectual development,” has become the most vicious animal of all!”

#9 says, “Satan represents indulgence, instead of abstinence!”

But wait, now I know why we are so confused, a 2002 poll by Barna Research showed that:

· 59% American adults consider that Satan is simply a symbol or concept or principle of evil, not an actual personality.

· Three in four Roman Catholics believe this;

· 55% of Protestants agree.

· 34% of adults believe Satan to be a living being.

In the last 100 years we have witnessed some of the greatest horrors of all human history. The results have left us with…

· Over 6 million Jews slaughtered by Hitler.

· From 1917 to 1959 110 million lives in the Soviet Union killed by socialism and it’s leader’s Stalin and Lenin.

· Over 30 million lives killed in Communist China so far.

· Karl Marx the father of communism, after reading Darwin’s “Origin of Species” wrote in 1861… “Darwin’s book is very important and serves me as a basis in natural section (evolution) for class struggle in history.”

Here’s a frightening fact…Karl Marx and his philosophy was going nowhere in Europe until after his death in 1883, at the same time that Darwin’s book “Origin of Species” was starting to be excepted as fact in the world!

Let’s think about the atrocities in East Timor, Kosovo, Bosnia, Iraq, Rwanda and Somalia, many have wondered if the murderers could be brought to justice. But then, whose justice? This question was faced half a century ago when Nazi leaders were tried at Nuremberg after WWII. As Hitler was dead, Hermann Göring was the top surviving Nazi on trial. He claimed…“That the Nazis were on trial only because they lost the war, not because they were guilty of any crime — a trial of the victors over the vanquished.”

In his stunning opening address in the Nuremberg Trials, the Chief U.S. Prosecutor, Justice Robert Jackson, appealed to “moral as well as legal wrong” and “the moral sense of mankind.” Jackson clearly recognized that the Nazis had violated a higher, universal moral law (God) against mass murder, no matter what their own laws said.

Justice Jackson noted that… “The Nazi Party always was predominantly anti-Christian in its ideology’, and ‘carried out a systematic and relentless repression of all Christian sects and churches.”

He cited a decree of leading Nazi, Martin Bormann: “More and more the people must be separated from the churches, their organs and their pastors.” Jackson cited another defendant, the viciously anti-Jewish propagandist and pornographer Julius Streicher, who “complained that Christian teachings have stood in the way of “racial solution of the Jewish question in Europe.”

Nazis eagerly made use of the evolutionary concepts already entrenched in German academics. Note that the subtitle of Darwin’s The Origin of Species by means of natural selection… "The preservation of favored races in the struggle for life.” Evolutionary teachings were simply carried to their logical conclusion by the Nazis who tried to exterminate the “inferior” races like the Jews, Gypsies and Slavs, as well as the “unfit” (the handicapped).

The evolutionist Sir Arthur Keith confirms this: “The German Fuehrer, as I have consistently maintained, is an evolutionist; he has consciously sought to make the practice of Germany conform to the theory of evolution.”

Hitler said in his own writings of Mein Kampf… “I regard Christianity as the most fatal, seductive lie that ever existed…He who would live must fight; he who does not wish to fight in this world where permanent struggle is the law of life (evolution), has not the right to exist…I do not see why man should not be just as cruel as nature…all that is not of pure race in this world is trash.”

This is a fact: Hitler and Stalin between them murdered more innocent victims than all the religious wars previous! Why? Because the two of them decided that some in society didn’t fit into their evolutionary process!

If you think this was just one event in history think again! We are now in America making life and death decision with babies who should be aborted for convenience sake!

Now we are playing with euthanasia that is determining who of our older population is worth keeping around or ending their life because they are of little value anymore to society! It’s a slippery slope! Convalescent hospitals are full of moms and dads that a child thinks very little of any more!

Jeffery Daumer was on NBC’s Dateline with Stone Phillips on November 1994. When asked why he killed so many people, he said… “If a person doesn’t think there is a God to be accountable to, then what’s the point of trying to modify your behavior to keep it within acceptable ranges? That’s how I thought anyway. I always believed the theory of evolution as truth that we all just came from slime. When we die you know, that is it, there is nothing.”

God will not be able to help us if something drastically doesn’t happen in America!