Summary: The way that God has created everything we see and touch is a wonder. Let’s look at just a few areas of creation that ought to totally amaze us about God!

Evolution’s Deception: Making a Monkey of Man, Pt. 4

“Creation’s Revelation of Intelligence”

Job 12:7-10

Charles Darwin wrote in “Origin of Species”… “Both butterflies and humans have descended from a remote common ancestor, most likely a small wormlike marine animal resembling a flat worm.”

J.W. Burrow was the man who wrote the introduction Charles Darwin’s “Origin of Species”. With regards to evolution he said that man was apart of, “…a cold passionless universe…”

How does that make you feel? Those statements are false when compared to God’s revelation of creation!

1. The Human Body.

Of all the many wonders in the universe that screams divine design it’s the human body and the ability to function so precisely. And the complexity of the human body that continues to baffle science in so many ways, we are to exercise faith to the degree that by chance and time all this complexity came about, is more faith than I have!

Just take the 5 senses that we operate very minute of the day! Just how powerful they are. They’re apart of a structural masterpiece that we have been given as a gift by God. The temple of the Holy Spirit is blessed by creation, not by chance!

Palm 139:13,14 “You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex…”NLT

a. The Brain.

The brain is the most complex structure that is known to man!

A 3-pound miracle!

Dr. Isaac Asimov, a biochemist and atheist, said in the science journal Smithsonian; “In man is a three pound brain which, as far as we know, is the most complex and orderly arrangement of matter in the universe.”

Think for a moment:

· The human brain consists of about 10,000 million nerve cells.

· Each nerve puts out between 10,000 and 100,000 connecting fibers by which makes contact with other nerve cells.

· The number of connections altogether in the brain approaches 10 to the 15th power or a 1,000 million million every single day.

· A normal functioning human brain has 100 billion neurons linked to a complex network that is hundreds time more powerful than a home computer!

· There are more than 100 quadrillion intricate electrical connections within the human brain that sends millions of bits of information throughout the body!

· In less than 1 second, our brain can calculate the trajectory of a football thrown at 30 miles an hour towards us.

b. The Eye.

Consider this:

· When a baby is conceived in the womb, the genetic DNA governs the eye’s growth and it begins to grow optic nerves at the exact time as the optic center of the brain. If they don’t start growing at the same time there will be permanent blindness.

· 1 million microscopic optic nerves begin growing from the eye through the flesh towards the optical section of the brain.

· Our retina which lines the back of our eye, that receives the actual images, is thinner than paper; yet its tiny surface contains 137 million light sensitive cells.

. 95% of these cells are rods that can analyze black and white images, while 7 million cone cells analyze color images.

· If Silicon Valley could build an extremely advanced computer to mimic the human eye, the chip alone would weigh at least 100 pounds.

Dr. John Stevens made the following comparison in “Byte” computer magazine in 1995; “To simulate 10 milliseconds of the complete processing of even a single nerve cell from the retina, would require the solution of about 500 billion simultaneous non-linear differential equations 100 times and would take at least several minutes of processing on a super computer. Keeping in mind that there are 10 million or more such cells interacting with each other in complex ways, it would take a minimum of one hundred years to simulate what takes place in your eye many times every second.”

Charles Darwin confessed after writing “Origin of Species”, “The eye to this day, gives me cold shudder, because it is an organ of extreme perfection.”

Proverb 20:12 “The hearing ear and the seeing eye, the Lord has made both of them.”

c. The Liver.

This organ is the essential organ that purifies the bloodstream.

Leviticus 17:11 “For the life of the flesh is in the blood.”

How could Moses of known this without a creator communicating this complex information only known to man since the year 1616? Dr. William Harvey an English doctor unlocked the wonders of the blood purification process of the liver.

Did you know?

· That virtually every thing we consume in our bodies is poison to some part of us?

· In the liver the blood is warmed up to maintain a perfect temperature required throughout the body?

· The liver can identify the exact chemical composition of ever enzyme in our bloodstream in less than 5 seconds, the time it takes the blood to flow through the liver?

· That a healthy liver can store up to 1 liter of our blood supply in reserve, in case of sudden blood loss?

· Our liver purified blood; delivers purified vitamins, minerals and new red blood cells through 75 thousand miles of veins, arteries and capillaries?

Charles Darwin knew that his theory carried a heavy burden. As he said in his book, ’The Origin of Species: "If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down."

d. The single cell.

It was in 1963 when scientists finally penetrated the mystery of wall of a living cell. Just this portion of the wall was thought to be a very simple structure, a jelly-like substance that scientists call “protoplasm”.

George Palade made the amazing initial discovery and made him vary famous to this day. He himself was amazed at the complexity of not just the wall of the cell but also the inner workings of this “simple cell”.

In 1970 he said to The New York Times… “Many scientists have now acknowledged that the simple cell actually contains the most complex and beautiful system ever found in the whole universe.”


· Just one human cell acts as a city functioning in very complex ways that no scientist can calculate.

· A single cell is made up of thousands of intricate proteins that can detect virus 10 times smaller than it.

· Get this: If a needed nutritional or defensive molecule is available in the passing bloodstream within the thousands of miles of microscopic capillary vessels, one single cell can literally reach out to engulf it by means of extending a membrane that forms an extending hand that touches and surrounds the needed material and brings it into the cell.

Let’s read that quote from George Palade together…

Unless a creator communicated this complexity into creation how can it function so perfectly? By chance?

2. The Busy Bee.

These tiny creatures are a wonder of God’s creation!

Bees construct their hives into complex honeycomb structures using beeswax from their own body! In just one hive can live over 75,000 bees.

The precise engineering that goes into these hives has scientists baffled. The hexagonal structure has intrigues mathematicians for centuries because they have calculated that it is the best possible geometric structure for maximizing the best storage.

One of the most amazing aspects of a hive is that thousands of worker bees will build this hive from 3 different starting points and directions. The hive has 100’s of individual cells that are perfectly joined together that rivals anything produced by computers and human engineering!

Amazing facts:

· One group of workers will stay at the front of the hive and fan their tiny wings to keep the temperature at 95 degrees and humidity at 95 percent! Anything less and the honey spoils.

·Bees locate pollen from flowers in an area about a ½ mile away from the hive. Instead of leading the other bees back to the flowers, the worker bees show the location by an amazing dance. Biologists have learned that the direction, distance and amount of pollen is communicated through a repeated zigzag dance followed by a figure 8 pattern.

·The precise line of the sun’s position and the hive and the angle between the zigzags in the dance, gives the exact location of the pollen!

· Now, the problem is that the sun’s position moves 1 degree of longitude ever 4 minutes. However the bee has remarkable eyes made up of 100’s of microscopic hexagonal lenses that focus on a narrow beam enabling the bee to identify the sun’s position bases on the time of day. As the minutes pass, the bees alter its dance to adjust for the suns movements.

·How about the honey itself! It’s the most pure form of food available. It contains vitamins B1,2,3,5 and

6. Then the royal jelly that help with our immune system.

How could a tiny insect do all that unless their creator was communicating this information to them!

3. A Bat’s Radar System.

As you know bats live in very dark places. They fly at night to make a living.

Did you know that a bat’s eyesight is weaker than ours, but God has given it an amazing radar system that more complex than what is on the Stealth Bomber?

The bat is releasing a ultra-high-frequency sound wave called ultrasound. Releasing it at more than 20,000 cycles per second. And then the bat’s brain interprets what is in front of it and there’s dinner!

National Geographic’s scientist’s tells us that, “A bat’s brain is able to form a 3-dimentional matrix’s of its environment bases on the reflected sound waves to precisely determine the distance and direction of the object.”

Evolutionist cannot adequately explain the tremendously sophisticated radar tracking system. Their problem of explaining sonar as the result of accidental mutation becomes even more impossible to the scientist!

Take the dolphin; it uses a specialized organ in the front of its skull that produces ultrasonic underwater high frequency sound waves that creates 200,000 vibrations per second – 10 times the frequency of the bat! The brain then calculates the information in milliseconds. Can we rationally conclude that these complex systems of radar and sonar came to be by chance in totally different species such as bats, dolphins and whale?

4. The Marvel of The Hummingbird.

The smallest bird in the world!

A marvel of aerodynamic engineering:

· It’s tiny wings beat 80 strokes per second.

· On average it only weights one tenth of an ounce.

· It’s heart beats over a 1000 times a minute.

· On its migration from Alaska to Hawaii, it flies 50 miles a day and this cause the internal temperature to reach 143 degrees Fahrenheit.

Nehemiah 9:6 “You alone are the Lord. You made the skies and the heavens and all the stars. You made the earth and the seas and everything in them. You preserve and give life to everything…” NLT