Summary: Idols come in a variety of forms and will keep us from being delighted by God, delivered by God and being developed by God.


I want to conduct a little quiz this morning. I want you to raise your hand if you know the 4 following people:

Reuben Studdard (winner of American Idol contest)

Kenny Chesney (local boy, winner of his first Country Music award)

Annika Sorenstam (Best lady golfer, just competed with men in a tournament)

LaBron James (HS basketball player who just signed a $90 million contract with Nike, and will be taken first in the NBA draft)

(Comment on these three people as living a dream and being idolized by many this week.)

Today’s text speaks right to where we live today. Let’s read it. The Second Commandment says basically two things:

(1) Don’t idolize anything

(2) Worship only God


What is an idol? An idol is anything that takes the focus off God and puts it on something else.

What does your life center around? What is the primary focus? An idol doesn’t have to be a bad thing; it can be a good thing. Some people park their idols in their garage. Some people park their idol at the marina. Some people put their idols in their safe deposit box.

Archaeologists tell us that in every culture throughout history there have been idols: Statues little gods or goddesses. Man has a desire, for some reason, to turn objects or people or things into objects of worship. God does not like that. As a matter of fact He hates that! Idol worship is a serious thing. Look at verse 5, last phrase – “..of those who hate me.” God is a jealous God and desires our worship exclusively.

In Bible times there were three primary idols. There was Baal (female counter part, Ashtorah), who was the god of sex. There was Mammon who was the god of money. And, there was Molech who was the god of violence. Sex, Money, Violence – What does that sound like today? (Hollywood, movies, TV)

Our shrines are not the ones you find in the homes of those who live in the eastern part of the world made of wood, stone, clay or metal. Today we have mental images, not metal images. Our shrine in America is the little box you plug in called the TV. On it we watch and worship images of Sex, money and violence. Be careful that your children are learning to worship at these altars.

Duet. 4:15-16 (GN) says “For your own good don’t sin by making an idol in any form at all.” The emphasis is on “For your own good.” We wear our idols on our T-shirts or ball caps (eg. # 23, # 3). Or by the lack of clothes we wear – sex.

The outcome of idol worship:

A. Idols will Disappoint You

They always promise more than they can deliver. Jeremiah 10:14 says: “Those who make idols are disillusioned because the gods they made are false and lifeless.”

We think that if we wear this label we’ll be popular.

When you drink this beer it doesn’t get any better than this.

If you buy this toothpaste you’ll have sex appeal.

Anytime you put your expectation in something other than God you will be disappointed. Only God can fill the vacuum in your heart.

B. Idols will Dominate You

Paul said, “Before you knew Christ you were controlled by dead idols, who always led you astray.” (1 Cor.12:2 GN) Emphasis on the words “controlled” and “always led astray.”

The word we use today for idols is the word – “Addiction.” You can become addicted to work, sports, sex, drugs, etc. Do you have an addiction?

You will be led astray. Some men seek after a job promotion so much they neglect their families. Some people feed a habit so much that it destroys their health.

Some of you are so concerned for the approval of or disapproval of a person in your life that it dominates your life. You are not just co-dependent, you are involved in idolatry!

C. Idols will Deform You.

They will change you. They’ll warp you. We become like what we value most.

Ps. 115:8 (GN) says, Those who make idols become like them and so will those who trust in them.”

We shape an idol and then it shapes us.

Illus.- Rich young ruler (yuppie) came to Christ and said “What must I do to follow you and have eternal life?” Jesus gave an odd answer, “Sell everything, give it to the poor and come follow Me.” No other time did Jesus say that to anybody. Why did He say it to this man? Because Jesus knew this man had an idol in his life – money, his bank account. What are you holding on to today? A relationship, a lifestyle, a career, a habit? An idol!

Illus.- A $50 dollar bill doesn’t look so big when you go through the check out lane at the grocery store does it? Why does it look so big when the offering plate is passed around in church?

Joke – A family was going home from church and the father was complaining: “The sermon was too long, the music was too loud, the room was too hot.” His little boy in the back seat said, “Dad, I didn’t think it was such a bad show for a buck.”

Idols will distract you, dominate you, disappoint you and they will eventually destroy you. God says in this second Commandment “Don’t Idolize Anything!” He also says:


What is worship? It means to give our highest love and devotion. Have you ever heard someone say, “I worship the ground she walks on.” God says, “Worship only me.”

Romans 1:25 – Many exchange the truth about God for a lie; they worship and serve what God has created instead of the Creator Himself.”

Do you know anybody that does this? They may be on the lake right now or at the beach. Recreation – “wrecking creation” (play on words). They are worshipping creation rather than the creator.

It’s amazing what people will worship today. Some worship nature – radical environmentalists. They worship trees and forests. Some worship astrology, crystals, good luck charms, animals (PETA with chicken protest this week) etc.- Intelligent people.

Why would people want to make God into a statue or a form that they can bow down to?

A. It is an Attempt to Corner God (limit His location)

If I can put him in a statue or in a crystal, then I can know exactly where he is. If I don’t want him to be around I can put him in a drawer, or leave him at home. That way I can feel a lot better when I do something wrong. If I can keep God on a shelf or at church, then I’ve got him under control – cornered.

B. It is an Attempt to Constrain God (reduce his power and size)

I’m going to whittle Him down to size. If I have God in a statue or box or in an idea (God’s only in the Bible), then God is less imposing, less threatening.

We have reversed what the Bible says in Genesis, chapter one, “Let us make man in our image.” We are saying instead, “Let us make God in man’s image.”

Everybody has an idea of God. They may say, “My idea of God is that He is universal force.” Or, “God is Santa Claus.”

It is a lot easier to change my image of God than it is for me to change. If God says, “Don’t commit adultery” I can just change my image of God to justify my sin. That is idolatry.

Joke – A little girl was drawing a picture at school and she told her teacher, “I’m drawing a picture of God.” The teacher said, “But nobody knows what God looks like.” The little girl said, “They will when I get done.”

Isn’t that what we do, draw our own picture of God with how we live?

C. It is an Attempt to Control God

When you have an idol, the worshipper has more control. Lots of people want a god that they can manipulate.

Joke – A little boy wanted a new bicycle and told his mom. She said, “Why don’t you pray about it?” He decided to write a letter to Jesus. “Dear Jesus, I want a new bicycle and I’ve been perfect for the last year.” He knew that wasn’t right so he threw that piece of paper away. He wrote, “Dear Jesus, I’ve been a good boy most of the time.” He knew that was wrong so he started again, “Dear Jesus, I want to be a good boy.” He knew that wasn’t right either, so he threw that away too. He goes into the living room, grabs the statue of Mary, wraps it in a towel and throws it under the bed. Then he writes, “If you ever want to see your mother again…”

We reason to God, “You owe me this.” “I deserve this.” But, we can’t manipulate God. He manipulates us.

There are three benefits of worshipping God only:

1. It will Delight Me (fulfillment)

Ps. 37:4 “Seek your happiness in the Lord and He will give you your heart’s desire.”

Many people who come to Christ late in life will say, “My only regret is that I didn’t come to Christ sooner.” They are enjoying life so much more now.

Rom. 10:11 “Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed.” Don’t settle for an image of God; receive the real thing.

2. It will Deliver Me (freedom)

Jesus said, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”

The Bible says, “If the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed!”

(1) Set free from the approval of others. You don’t have to please 30 people- you can’t. Live for an audience of One – God.

(2) You are set free from your past – forgiven. Your present- empowered to break habits. Your future – not afraid of dying.

3. It will Develop Me

2 Corinthians 3:18

“We are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.”

We are being changed into His image.


What do you idolize? What or whom do you worship? God wants you to worship Him and Him only. Will you commit your life to Him today? For you and your family you can pray a simple prayer, “Jesus, I want to know you, worship you, follow you.”