Summary: The Bible provides nourishment for our spirit, much like food and water provide physical nourishment. We need to accept the authority of God’s Word; Incorporate the truth of the Bible into our thinking; and Apply it to our lives.

(I borrowed from William Richard Ezell’s sermon published in The Preacher’s Magazine—using his outline and some of his ideas. But I also included enough new material that I thought it worthwhile to post. I don’t have footnote material on the magazine. If anyone has it, please email it to me, and I will footnote this sermon properly).

May 26, 2004

Title: Nourishment for the Spirit

Text: 2 Timothy 3:16-17


1. Sir Walter Scott lay dying.

• He asked that he might be wheeled into his library…

• And placed before his window where he could see the river outside.

• He asked his attendant to read to him.

• The attendant looked around, seeing thousands of books…

• He asked, “which one”?

• Sir Walter Scott, that great author of books such as “Ivanhoe” and “Rob Roy” replied:

• “need you ask? There is but one Book”

• The attendant then took down the Bible and began to read.

2. The Bible is a Book in a class by itself…

• It remains the best selling book year after year…

• It is the most often quoted book…

• And perhaps, also the most MISquoted book.

• The Bible is not only a great book…

• But it is the foundation upon which our faith rests…

• We cannot become the Christians that God desires of us…

• Unless we are students of God’s Word.

• Our physical growth depends on the proper nourishment provided by food and water.

• In the same way, our SPIRITUAL growth depends on the proper nourishment of our spirit.

• The Bible is spiritual food for the Christian.

• With that in mind, I would like for us to begin a new Bible study on Wednesday nights on the book of 1 John.

• (handout & review overview)

• In order for us to receive the full value of the nourishment that the Bible provides…

• We need to do 3 things…

1. We need to accept the authority of God’s Word…

2. we need to incorporate the truth of God’s Word into our thinking…

3. We need to put the truth of God’s Word into practice.

Read Text: 2 Timothy 3:16-17

1. First of all, we need to accept the authority of God’s Word…

A. Our text says that “All Scripture is God-breathed” 2 Tim 3:16

• God didn’t actually take a pen or quill and write the words of our Bible…

• He inspired people to write the words that we find in our Bible…

• Thus we find that the Bible contains the mind and will of God…

• And yet, we also find the different languages…

• And different writing styles that come from different writers.

B. If all we think the Bible is; is a good book…

• Then it does not provide the foundation upon which we can base our lives…

• But if we believe that it contains the mind and will of God…

• Then we CAN and should base our lives upon it…

• We can use it for guidance and direction…

• We can use it for wisdom and knowledge …

• We can use it for knowing what God would want for us to do in different situations…

C. Today, we don’t have Jesus walking around and verbally speaking to us…

• But we have the next best thing…

• God’s Words to us, as recorded in Scripture…

• In order to get the most out of our study of God’s Word (and 1 John) we much acknowledge and accept the authority of the Bible as God’s Word.

2. Secondly, in order to receive the full nourishment from God’s Word, we need to incorporate the truth of God’s Word into our thinking.

A. A circuit riding preacher entered one church building with his young son, and dropped a coin into the offering box in the back. Not many came that Sunday, and those who did didn’t seem too excited about what was said. After the service, the preacher and son walked to the back, and he emptied the box. Out fell one coin. The young boy said, "Dad, if you’d have put more in, you’d have gotten more out!"

• That’s a somewhat humorous illustration of the importance of incorporating the truth of God’s Word into our thinking…

• The more that we put into our study of the Bible…

• The more time that we put into it…

• The more effort that we put into it…

• The more that we allow it to shape our minds…

• And our thinking…

• The more benefit we will receive.

B. If we go into this Bible study with the idea that we will only apply the parts that we like…

• And we will discard the parts that we don’t like…

• Then we do ourselves and God a disservice.

• If we believe in the authority that the Bible is God’s Word…

• But then we don’t let in infiltrate our minds and hearts…

• It accomplishes nothing.

• In order to be the Christian that God desires us to be…

• We must allow the Word of God to be the major influence on our thinking

3. And finally, We need to put the truth of God’s Word into practice…

A. We must apply it to our lives….

When the preacher’s car broke down on a country road, he walked to a nearby roadhouse to use the phone. After calling for a tow truck, he spotted his old friend, Frank, drunk and shabbily dressed at the bar. "What happened to you, Frank?" asked the Pastor. "You used to be rich." Frank told a sad tale of bad investments that had led to his downfall. The preacher told him, "Go home, Open your Bible at random, stick your finger on the page and there will be God’s answer." Some time later, the preacher bumped into Frank, who was wearing a fancy suit, sporting a Rolex watch and had just stepped out of a Mercedes. "Frank." said the preacher, "I am glad to see things really turned around for you." "Yes, preacher, and I owe it all to you," said Frank. "I opened my Bible, put my finger down on the page and there was the answer -- Chapter 11."

B. Where some people get into trouble is when they take a verse here or a verse there…and apply it…

• Without taking into account the WHOLE Bible…

• Where some cults and other crazy doctrines spring up is when they apply Scripture in a disproportionate manner…

• We must study the entire Bible…

• And seek to understand the will of God…

• And allow God to speak to us through His Word…

• Not, by arbitrarily picking up 1 or 2 verses and developing a complete theology based on that.


1. It is said that when the famous missionary,

• Dr. David Livingstone, started his trek across Africa

• he had 73 books in 3 packs, weighing 180 pounds.

• After the party had gone 300 miles, Livingstone was obliged to throw away some of the books because of the fatigue of those carrying his baggage.

• As he continued on his journey his library grew less and less,

• until he had but one book left--his Bible.

2. On these Wednesday Evenings, I would like us to study 1 main book…the Bible…specifically, 1 John…

• we may refer to commentaries or Bible Dictionaries…

• but our main “text” is the Bible…

• and we will allow God to speak to us through His Word…

• we will allow God to speak to us personally…

• and as a group.

3. The Bible provides spiritual sustenance…

• much like food and water provide physical sustenance…

• If we desire to receive the best nourishment from our study…

• We will:

• Accept the authority of God’s Word…

• We will incorporate the truth of God’s Word into our thinking…

• And we will apply the truth of God’s Word to our lives…we will put it into practice.

4. An unknown writer said,

• "This Book is the mind of God,

• the state of man,

• the way of salvation,

• the doom of sinners,

• and the happiness of believers.

• Its doctrines are holy,

• its precepts are binding;

• its histories are true,

• and its decisions are immutable.

• Read it to be wise,

• believe it to be safe,

• practice it to be holy.

• It contains light to direct you,

• food to support you,

• and comfort to cheer you.

• It is the traveler’s map,

• the pilgrim’s staff,

• the pilot’s compass,

• the soldier’s sword,

• and the Christian’s character.

• Here paradise is restored,

• heaven opened,

• and the gates of hell disclosed.

• Christ is its grand subject,

• our good its design,

• and the glory of God its end.

• It should fill the memory,

• rule the heart,

• and guide the feet.

• Read it slowly,

• frequently,

• prayerfully.

• It is a mine of wealth,

• a paradise of glory,

• and a river of pleasure.

• Follow its precepts and it will lead you to Calvary,

• to the empty tomb,

• to a resurrected life in Christ;

• yes, to glory itself, for eternity.

Outline Idea from William Richard Ezell (preacher’s magazine).