Summary: When Jesus preached about hell, he did not preach it with a smile on his face but tears in his eyes, because he came to seek and to save the lost.

Eight people who will not go to heaven.

Revelation 21:8. 07/11/04

I want you to turn to the book of Revelation 21:8, and I want to preach a message about eight people in Sandy Ridge who will not go to heaven. Let’s read the verse.

There are some who believe the modern-day preacher should not preach on hell. But I want you to know as long as it is in the Bible it needs to be preached. As a matter of fact, Jesus preached more about hell than any preacher I know. When Jesus preached about hell, he did not preach it with a smile on his face but tears in his eyes, because he came to seek and to save the lost. He gave his life that no one would have to go to hell if they would accept him.

The reason people don’t want the preacher to preach about hell is because it makes them think of death. We don’t like to think about cancer, but it is real. We don’t like to think about heart disease, but it is a reality. We don’t like to think of death but it happens. So Jesus has provided a way that we can live an eternity in heaven after this life. But unfortunately, there are eight people in Sandy Ridge who ignore and reject the way Jesus has provided. Let’s take a look at those eight people.

No. 1 THE FEARFUL. The fearful head the list of the eight. Now who are the fearful? The fearful are those who care more about what man thinks of them than what God knows about them. They don’t have the courage to stand for Jesus in their workplace. They don’t have the courage to stand for Jesus in their schools and colleges. They are fearful that man may call them a fanatic, a Bible thumper and a Christian. But you listen; Jesus suffered the name calling for you and me and never had a second thought.

No. 2 THE UNBELIEVING. I am talking about those who laugh at the things of God. Those who do not read their Bible and listen to the preacher. Those who trample the blood of Jesus and mock the cross. The Bible says the unbeliever will be in hell.

Now I am not only talking about those who do not believe the Bible but also those who have never committed their life to Jesus. They can believe the Bible with their head and die and go to hell because they don’t embrace Jesus in the heart. They don’t know what it is to be born-again. And the Bible says except a man be born-again, he will not see heaven. If that is you, then you are classified in the unbelieving group.

No. 3 THE ABOMINABLE. Now what does that word mean? This is the word that refers to sexual perversion. Those who live only for the lust of the flesh and their own selfish desires. Those who misuse God’s gift of sex into something that is perverted. The homosexual, the adulterer, the child molester and the pornographer. That doesn’t mean these people cannot be saved, because they can if they repent and trust Jesus. If they do not, then the only thing that keeps them from hell is time.

No. 4 THE MURDERERS. You say that leaves me out because I have never killed anyone. But you know Jesus says something about murder that puts a different light on the subject. He said if you hate a man in your heart, then you have committed murder in your heart. Jesus was talking about inward murder, that you hate someone enough that you would like to see them dead. Jesus will give you victory over that if you receive him in your heart. He takes a way hate and replaces it with a spirit of love.

No. 5 THE WHOREMONGERS. Who is his fifth group? This refers to those who are unfaithful to their marriage vows. The Bible speaks of them as adulterers and adulteresses. But the word of God even takes is a step further. The Bible says if a person looks upon another with lust in their heart, then inwardly he or she has already committed adultery in their heart. You see the word of God places emphasis on the inward man. You say, will preacher none of us have a chance. That is the reason we need Jesus because Jesus forgives all these sins when we ask him to be our savior.

No. 6 THE SORCERERS. The word of God says all sorcerers have their part in the Lake of fire. The sorcerers are those who deal in demon worship. They deal in spiritism and involved in occult, and involved in the new age movement. They are a follower of the devil. The devil’s place is in the Lake of fire and they will follow the devil in the very same Lake where there will be always dying but never dead.

No. 7 THE IDOLATERS. Now and idolater bows down to the things of the world. The greatest idol is themselves. They want to do their own thing. They love the things of the world. They are earth dwellers. They have planted their feet here on the Earth and they will go down with it. You can make an idol out of anything. An idol is anything that keeps you from Jesus and what he wants you to do.

No. 8 THE LIARS. They are the people who where the church clothes in their churches. They say the church things and know a lot about the church but truth is many have never been born-again. They went out from us because they were not of us for if they had been of us they would have no doubt continued with us.

None of us would like to be a neighbor to the people I have named but if we do not know Jesus as our savior these will be our neighbors in hell.