Summary: How Christians can be more successful in overcoming the tactics of Satan in daily life.

August 1, 2004

Impact #5

Iliff and Saltillo UM

“Secrets of Being an Overcomer”

Joshua 8:1-8, 30-35 and 9:3-15

INTRODUCTION: The book of Joshua describes how God’s people possessed the land He had given them. It tells of victories as well as defeat. It is a book of history, and it is also a book of principles for spiritual victory. The children of Israel crossed the Jordan River into the land of Canaan. They experienced victory over Jericho. They experienced the power of conquering faith when they followed God’s leadership. They faced unexpected defeat at Ai because there was sin in the camp. The next chapters describe more conquest in possessing the land. Several principles of spiritual victory can be seen in these next chapters. These same principles apply to us today.

1. CLAIM VICTORY AND REFOCUS ON GOD: The Israelites confessed their sins and refocused on God. They did not allow the defeat at Ai to destroy them but to strengthen them. In spite of the humiliation, they did not continually beat themselves down with it. How many times do we replay our defeats over and over again in our minds, and we can’t seem to refocus and go on. WE ARE STUCK IN THE DEFEAT MODE. When this happens we have to take authority over the past failures and defeats and claim the victory over the sin which tripped us up. We must refocus on the Lord as these people did. They hadn’t forgotten the defeat overnight, but when they refocused on God, they could rise above it. The Lord was saying to them, "It’s time to go back to Ai and let’s try this again."

Are we willing to try again after we are defeated? People will say, "I’m not willing to trust anyone ever again. My friends betrayed me. I can’t risk it." But if we claim the victory and refocus on God, we can overcome any previous defeat. We can learn to be overcomers as we put these two spiritual principles into practice. How do we do this? You have to know how to take authority over the things that are trying to defeat you. When you pray, say, "I take authority over________ and I claim victory over it in the name of Jesus. Speak to your mountain. I expect to overcome this in the Name of Jesus. We’ve got to lay claim on things as if we are setting our feet down on the ground. That’s what Joshua did and at different times the Lord would say, "every place the sole of your feet steps is yours." This was their way of laying claim on the territory. This is how they possessed it. We’ve got to be bold in putting this spiritual principle into practice. "I claim the victory over this habit, over this depression, this problem in the name of Jesus."

The second principle is to REFOCUS ON GOD. Get your eyes off the defeat and the past situation. How do you want this situation to be?

ILLUSTRATION: Mary Ellen Withrow ,who became Treasurer of the US, said her family had a rough time when she was growing up. Her mother would always tell her to look at a bad situation and say, “How do you want this situation to be?” This was her way of getting past the bad situations.

It doesn’t always have to drag you down over and over again. When you look and focus on past defeat it drags you down all over again. You have laid claim on victory over it--now, Get your eyes off the problem and refocus on God who can bring it to pass. That’s what these people did.

Song: Turn your eyes upon Jesus.

2. LISTEN CAREFULLY: The next thing he told them in verse 4 was "Listen Carefully." (vs 8:4). A different strategy was to be used in taking Ai from what was used for Jericho. Sometimes God changes his methods for doing things. God is creative and He knew exactly what would work in this town. Today God is blessing so many varied ministries. There is a freshness today that we have needed for many years. Many people are finding the Lord through "side door" ministries of the church--not-traditional ministries. They might not come to the tradional Sunday morning worship service, but they are receptive to other ways we present the changeless good news. God gives strategies to those who seek Him and LISTEN to what He is trying to say to us. When we listen and then are willing to attempt them by faith, we will see results. Our goal should be to let the Holy Spirit lead us in the fulfillment of God’s purpose. Let us not be guilty of saying, "It’s always been done this way and we can’t change." This is the only RIGHT way. Let us be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s direction.

What were they to listen to in these verses?

1. The promises of God--What were they? Fear not. Don’t be discouraged. When we get into battle we need to know what the promises of God are for us personally and review them often.

STORY: A woman was very fearful. She would wake up in the night almost in a panic. She was so afraid. We found some verses that spoke to her need personally and wrote them down on a file card and put her name beside it. She could pick up the card and read it without worrying about trying to find it. Ready access to the promise.

Joshua’s people needed to know these promises--fear not, don’t be discouraged.

2. Take Resources--They were to listen to what to do with their resources as they prepared for battle. All of you have resources--talents and abilities. Sometimes you say, "I don’t know what to do or how to do it." Sometimes we don’t know how to best channel the resources we have. But as we listen to God, He gives us direction and ideas. How many have had ideas pop into your head? "I would like to do this--I could do...." The Lord gives us ideas that we can put into practices.

In these opening verses of chapter 8, Joshua told them some things to keep in mind as they prepared for bttle. He told them once again, "fear not, don’t be discouraged. He told them that God would go with them. Once again these people had the assurance of God’s presence. But God was not going to do it all for them. They were to take these resources--their army--and rise up and go--take action.

When we begin to put our resources into action it doesn’t mean that we are waiting on the Lord to do it all. God was ready to give them Ai but they had to "arise" and take the action they needed to take and use the resources they had. Many people are so worried about getting out of God’s will that they never "arise" and start to do anything. Joshua told them to get ready to move.

In what way has God been trying to speak to you about what He wants you to do? Will you listen to him carefully? Will you take your resources and begin to take action?

3. TIME APART--After the conquest of Ai, it is important what they did.

Joshua gathered the people around and they built an altar to God. When God helps us through difficulties do we just go right on without thanking Him? Sometimes we do. We forget so easy.

ILLUSTRATION: Van broke down. We were sitting along a road up in the mountains. Wouldn’t start. We prayed and waited and kept trying to start it. Wouldn’t start. Finally it started.

Walter said, "Did you thank the Lord?"

I didn’t answer--I hadn’t--so I hurried up and did." Then I could say, "Yes, I did."

Joshua and his people made time to thank the Lord for the victory at Ai.

1. Built an altar/offered burnt offerings

2. copied the law on stones--as a reminder

3. Joshua read the law--the scripture.

They were reminded once again of the Word of the Lord for them. Let us never forget to MAKE time for the spiritual part of our lives.

ILLUSTRATION: I saw a woman the other day who had been very faithful to come to church for years. I said, "Are you still going to the same church?"

She said, "Oh, I’ve been working 7 days a week. I hardly ever get to church."

Is God pleased when we rush through one week after another without MAKING time to come apart and worship Him?

I don’t think so.

4. WATCHFUL--After they made time to build an altar and read the scripture, thanking the Lord for the victory at Ai, they were still not home free. Chapter 9 describes the deception used by the Gibeonites. The Gibeonites worked like Satan continually does to bring about our defeat. Even after we hear the reminder of the scripture in a church service, we are tempted to go out in our own wisdom on Monday morning. The Israelites in vs. 14 says, "did not seek the counsel of the Lord." The Gibeonites deceived them and once the Israelites made a treaty with them they couldn’t break it. They had to live with it. Ephesians 6:11 speaks of the wiles of the devil. II Cor. 2:11 describes how Satan disguises himself as an angel of light--looking good.

Story: One day while walking down the street a highly successful business woman was tragically hit by a bus. She died and her soul arrived up in heaven where she was met at the Pearly Gates by St. Peter himself.

“Welcome to Heaven,” said St. Peter. “Before you get settled in though, it seems we have a problem. We’ve never once had an executive make it this far and we’re not really sure what to do with you.

“No problem, just let me in,” said the woman.

“Well, I’d like to, but I have higher orders. What we’re going to do is let you have a day in Hell and a day in Heaven and then you can choose whicever one you want to spend an eternity in.”

“Actually, I think I’ve made up my mind...I prefer to stay in heaven,” she said.

“Sorry, we have rules...” and with that St. Peter put her in an elevator and it went down to hell. The doors opened and she found herself stepping out onto the putting green of a beautiful golf course. In the distance was a country club and standing in front of her were all her friends--fellow executives that she had worked with and they were all dressed in evening gowns and cheering for her. They ran up to her and greeted her and talked about old times. They had a wonderful day, a great meal, and she met the devil who was actually a really nice guy and kinda cute. She had a great time telling jokes and dancing. Before she knew it was time for her 24 hours to be up and the elevator came to pick her up.

She was then told that it was time to spend a day in heaven. So she spent the next 24 hours lounging around on the clouds and playing the harp and singing. She had a great time there too.

St. Peter said, now you must choose your eternity. Which will it be?

The woman paused for a second and said, “Well, I never thought I’d say this, I mean, heaven has been really great and all, but I think I had a better time in hell.

So St. Peter put her on the elevator and she went back down to hell. When the doors of the elevator opened she found herself standing in a desolate wasteland covered in garbage and filth. She saw her friends were dressed in rags and were picking up the garbage and putting it in sacks.

The devil came up to her and put his arm around her. She said, “I don’t understand. Yesterday I was here and there was a golf course and a country club and we ate lobster and we danced and had a great time. Now all there is is a wasteland of garbage and all my friends look miserable.”

The devil looked at her and smiled, “Yesterday we were recruiting you; today you’re staff.”

Do not allow Satan to deceive you and rob you of your victory in Christ.

CONCLUSION: This is just a few of the spiritual principles that God has given to us to help us live victorious lives. We’ve got to continually:

1. Claim the victory over sin

2. Refocus on God

3. Listen to His directions and strategies

4. Make time for worship and renewal

5. Be watchful for the deception of the devil