Summary: A Foundation Series Bible Study. The church is Christ’s body and is made up of members with different functions. REVISION EXERCISES and TEST included.

Compiled by: Herman Abrahams (Pastor), Cornerstone Faith Ministries, P.O. Box 740, Westridge 7802, Rep. of South Africa.


Note to the reader:

If you have been blessed with this sermon compilation, I would be honoured to receive an e-mail from you merely telling me where in the world you are based- I do not need any other information. This is merely so that I can have the pleasure of giving thanks to Almighty God that all over the globe the ministry which he has entrusted to me, is blessing the body of Christ and helping to extend the Kingdom of God.

Thank you.

Herman Abrahams,

Cape Town, South Africa.




The Word church (Greek- ekklesia) means the “called out ones”. The church is the community of those:

¨ who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and have been born again in Him;

¨ who have been sanctified (set apart) in Christ Jesus;

¨ who have been called to be holy, and

¨ who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. (1 Cor 1:2)

In the New Testament the word Church always refers to people, never, as it often does today, to a building. In fact for several generations Christians had no purpose-built meeting places. The early Christians met in homes and went from house to house to proclaim the Good News that Jesus is the Christ (Messiah). Teaching, prayer, fellowship and breaking of bread (communion) all took place in the believers’ homes.

Jesus promised Peter that He would build His Church, and it was Peter’s sermon on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2) that led to about 3000 people being baptised and joining the Christian group. In the Old Testament God had chosen the Israelites to be His special people; the New Testament states that all those who believe in Jesus - whatever their race or social standing - are now God’s chosen people, His Church. They are being prepared for the day He returns - The Great “Wedding Day “ of Jesus and His people (the church).

In the N.T. the word for Church refers both to a local group of Christians and to all Christians throughout the world. The church is often called “the Body of Christ” in Paul’s letters. Each Believer is a part of the Body - no Christian stands alone but is part of the whole. “We who are many, are one body” (1 Cor 10:17) in union with Christ, and we are all joined to each other as different parts of the one body.

All the members of the Body should care for each other and love one another deeply. When one member of the body suffers, we all suffer. (“An injury to one is an injury to all”). We are joined together in the body by God the Holy Spirit who has given to each one of us at least one gift for the common good of all (“Unity is strength”) and for the extension of God’s kingdom. Though our functions and responsibilities in the church may differ (leadership, music, teaching, etc.), no one is greater or more important than the other for we are all one and equal in Christ.

Jesus is the head of the Church, His body. He is the source from whom the church obtains her life.. Jesus is the supreme authority in the church. The church belongs to Him. Christian leaders should be led by the Spirit and not by their own understanding to know the will of God for his church.

Jesus has delegated His authority to us and has given us the necessary power to drive out evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness. He has promised to be with us always, to never leave us nor forsake us. He has given us the commission to go into all the world and to make disciples of all men everywhere. (end of document)



Name ........................................…….……......... Date …………………………………...



1. In what kind of building did the early church meet? (Rom:16:5, Philemon vs 2)


2. Read Eph 1:20-23, what is the church called in verse 23?


3. Read 1 Cor 12:27, what does the Bible say to us about Christians here?



4. In this verse the Church is described as the “Church of ..........................? (1 Cor 1:2).

5. The rest of 1 Cor 1:2 are further descriptions of the church (The people of God). Complete the verse by filling in the missing words:

“those ………………………………. in Christ Jesus and called to be ……………...…….., together with all those everywhere who ………………………………………………….…... ……………………………………………………………………….……………………... (NIV)


6. Who is the head of the Church? (Col 1:17,18)


7. Who is the source of the Church’s life? (Col 1:17,18)


8. From whom does the Church derive it’s authority? (Eph 5:23)


9. Who places each Christian in a particular local church for a particular function? (1 Cor 12:18)



10. In the church, does God allow for any division between people on the grounds of race or colour? (Gal 3:28)


11. What name is given to Christians here? (1 Peter 1:22)


12. What are Christians not to neglect? (Heb 10:25)


13. All the different members (parts) make up .....................body because of the unity that the members have in Christ. (Rom 12:5)

14. All the different members (parts) should .................... for one another. (1 Cor 12:25).


15. What does the Bible say about the functions of each member (or part) of the body? (Rom 12:4)


16. Who is the one single source from whom comes our abilities to serve God in His church? (1 Cor 12:6).


17. Has God through His Holy Spirit given to every Christian a gift for service? (1 Cor 12:7, Eph 4:12)


18. What is the purpose of each Christian’s activity in the church? (Eph 4:12)




19. What was Jesus’ last commandment to His disciples and therefore to us his body, the Church. (Matt 28:19,20)







20. Jesus promised to be with His followers until when? (Matt 28:20)


21. How do you demonstrate that you are Christ’s disciple? (John 13:34,35)




22. What did the early church gather to do that the church today should also be doing?

1. Acts 2:41-42 ..............................................................….........................................



2. Acts 2:46-47 ..............................................................................….............................................. ..................................................................................…..........................................

3. Acts 5:41-42 ..............................................................................…..............................................


4. Acts 8:4



5. Acts 12:5 ..............................................................................…..............................................


23. What authority has been given to Christ’s followers? (Matt 10:1)



Memory Work : Matt 28:19&20

Write out these verses from memory






(end of document)



NAME and SURNAME..............................……............... DATE.......................... RESULT...........…


1. According to Romans 16:5 and Philemon vs 2 the early church met in a:

(A) Theatre

(B) Sanctuary

(C) House

(D) Cathedral

2. The Church is called the Body of:

(A) Israel

(B) Christ

(C) Judah

(D) Emmanuel

3. All Christians make up Christ’s:

(A) Council

(B) Body

(C) Cross

4. The Church belongs to:

(A) The President

(B) The Archbishop

(C) God

(D) Shareholders

5. The head of the church is:

(A) The Priest

(B) Jesus Christ

(C) The Government

(D) The Church Council

6. The Source of the Church’s life is :

(A) The tithes

(B) Social Events

(C) Jesus Christ

(D) The offerings

7. The Church derives its authority from:

(A) The State President

(B) The Pastor

(C) World Council of Churches

(D) Jesus Christ

8. God allows for discrimination in the Church along the lines of race and


(A) True

(B) False

(C) True and false

9. According to Hebrews 10:25 Christians must not neglect to:

(A) Meet together

(B) Play Sport

(C) Watch TV

10. All the different members (parts) of Christ’s Body make up:

(A) Many bodies

(B) Two bodies

(C) One body

11. Every member of Christ’s body has

(A) The same function in the Body

(B) A different function in the body

12. Our abilities to serve God in His Church come from:

(A) Our education

(B) Our parents

(C) God

13. Has God through His Holy Spirit given to every Christian a gift of service?

(A) Yes

(B) No

(C) Yes and No

14. Each Christian’s service or activity in the church is to:

(A) Build up himself

(B) Build up the Body of Christ

15. Jesus promised to be with His followers until:

(A) The year 2100

(B) The year 9999

(C) The end of the Age

16. According to John 13:34, 35 Christians show that they are disciples of Christ by:

(A) Going to church meetings

(B) Loving one another

17. Christ has given His followers authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal the sick.

(A) True

(B) False

(C) True and false

II. What does Matt: 28 vs 19-20 say? Write out these verses from memory.







(end of document)