Summary: The Church must redemptively address the homosexual community.

Homosexuality and the Church

Hot Potatoes the Church Wonft Touch #1

After I made the statement about the church not touching the issue, I realized some had. The Episcopalians voted a practicing homosexual as bishop, and others have dealt with it on a denominational level. However, I was thinking more of the individual churches as a whole. I have been in church all of my life, and I donft know if I have ever heard a sermon on it, or hardly referred to. Although as troubling as the ducking of the issue is, it is just as irresponsible the way some have handled it. It is usually in extremes. One adopting it as an alternative lifestyle such as the 300 Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches (Charisma Magazine 1/15/2002) . . . , or blatant hatred of homosexuals. Ifll never forget a television news show that had a minister in Texas and his sign carrying followers saying, gGOD HATES FAGSh.

I am not coming to this topic from a purely academic standpoint. God has changed my heart over the years. I was once among those who felt God hated them, and we could mock and make fun of them with disparaging words. Then I began to work face to face with 13-18 year-old boys at a correctional facility in Columbus who were involved in a homosexual lifestyle by choice or by force, and my prejudice and fear began to dissipate. A man from homosexuals Anonymous came to my bible school class to tell of his deliverance after seven years. In the ministry over the past 20 years I have pastored parents whose children had chosen that lifestyle, and had occasional contact with those practicing a homosexual and lesbian lifestyle. This has helped me to stay biblical, and not err in either extreme in this emotionally charged moral and social issue.

The issue really hovers over several questions. Is a person born Gay? If not how do they become this way? Can a homosexual or lesbian change their sexual orientation? Is Aids Godfs judgement on gays? What does the bible really say about it? How then should the church respond?

I Society Speaks to the Questions

Changing views within the church no doubt reflects the changing views in society at large. Which I believe is Media Driven by Hollywoodfs Pro Homosexual agenda. Recent shows like Ellen in which the star Ellen DeGeneres came out of the closet for real and now has her own talk show, Rosie OfDonnell, and Will and Grace, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Boy meets Boy, Itfs All Relative, Queer As Folk, and The L word.

One common myth that is believed because of the media noise of the gay community is that 10% of the population is gay.

Is 10% of the population really gay?

The 10% figure began as a misinterpretation of studies done in the 1940s by sexologist/entomologist (student of insects) Alfred Kinsey and his associates. Scholars like Dr. Judith Reisman and Edward Eichel have challenged Kinseyffs research methodology as flawed (he used an unspecified percentage of college student volunteers and convicts with sex offenses) and his statistics as therefore faulty. A series of recent studies from 1989 through 1993 all show similar figures for the real proportion of exclusively homosexual individuals in America: about 1% to 2%. (Exodus-International web site)

When American were asked in a February 1999 Gallup Poll if they felt homosexuality should be considered an acceptable lifestyle or not, exactly 50 % said yes- up from 34 % who said yeas to the same question in 1982. This coincides with a 1997 poll by George Barna, which reported that 46% of people who had an opinion on the subject stated that, gChristian churches should accept gay people as church leaders.h (Charisma Magazine July 2001)

They address the questions by saying we are born that way, and people should embrace it and not try to change. The bible prohibitions are only cultural and are not for today. The church should accept them as any other person for any position, and aids has nothing to do with God or the gay community.

II The Scripture Speaks (Question 5 gWhat does the Bible say about it?)

Leviticus 18:22

"Don’t have sex with a man as one does with a woman. That is abhorrent. Msg

Romans 1:26-27

That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. 27And the men, instead of having normal sexual relationships with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men and, as a result, suffered within themselves the penalty they so richly deserved. NLT

1 Corinthians 6:9-10

9Don’t you know that those who do wrong will have no share in the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, who are idol worshipers, adulterers, male prostitutes, homosexuals, 10thieves, greedy people, drunkards, abusers, and swindlers--none of these will have a share in the Kingdom of God. (NLT)

1 Timothy 1:8-10

We know these laws are good when they are used as God intended. 9But they were not made for people who do what is right. They are for people who are disobedient and rebellious, who are ungodly and sinful, who consider nothing sacred and defile what is holy, who murder their father or mother or other people. 10These laws are for people who are sexually immoral, for homosexuals and slave traders, for liars and oath breakers, and for those who do anything else that contradicts the right teaching (NLT)

The Question 1: Is a person born gay? No, Our Creators intent is clear in Genesis 1:27-28, 2:18, 23-24.

27. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

28. God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground." Gen 1:27-28

2:18. The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."

2:22. Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

23. The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called `woman, ’ for she was taken out of man."

24. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.

Ability to produce natural children is impossible for a homosexual couple.

Question 2 -How did they become this way?

Romans 1:26-27 Said it was a choice.

Donft argue the point. The beginning of the feelings may be back so early, that they canft remember any other kind. This is Satanfs most powerful lie.

Question 3 - Can a homosexual or lesbian change their sexual orientation?


9. Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders

10. nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

11. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. 1Cor 6

Question 4, 5 we will discuss later.

The Bible makes no positive statements about homosexuality. The only two options affirmed for adult Christians are heterosexual marriage or abstinence.

III Study Speaks

For the Child of God the Bible is the final authority on all moral matters. So Psychology or the study of human behavior is only helpful if it doesnft contradict the Bible. If it does it is wrong. However, our interpretation of the Bible is correct, honest study of human behavior will verify it. Not that God needs verification. But to witness in the human arena where the Bible is not the final authority Psychology is important.

A. The Gay Community have pressed hard to have a study find a physiological cause they were born that way.

œ 1991 Simeon LeVay article in Science that offered proof that homosexuality was inborn.

œ 1991 Michael Bailey & Richard Pillard study of homosexuality and twins.

œ 2003 Dean Hamer and his attempt to link homosexuality with a specific genetic region of their X chromosome.

No studies prove conclusively that homosexuality is inborn. (Davies p23) Ifll not get into the flaws of the studies here, but I will give you the information if you want it.

B. Environmental Factors do seem to play a large role in inclining a person to make the choice.

Looking at the possible roots of homosexuality is not to dredge up dirt from our childhood or lay blame on parents. We only need to know possible areas that need healing if change is going to happen.

Factors to be considered are:

1. Early sexual abuse or violation. (Jesus said, gIf they offend a little one, it would be better if a rock was tied around their neck and drownedh)

2. Emotional detachment from the same sex parent. ( Fathers donft exasperate your children)

3. Cross gender identification - ( Divorce and Single parents, husband/wife roles blurred)

4. Poor gender role modeling - (the sins of the fathers..Exodus 20)

5. Peer degradation - (Do unto others, as you would have them -Golden rule Matthew 7:12)

(From Focus on Family article)

All of these are the results of not living by Godfs Principles for the family.

alternate from Davies book p43(Coming out of Homosexuality)

œ early childhood development

œ family background

œ temperament and interests

œ peer pressure

œ sexual abuse

g Donft misunderstand these factors to excuse the choice to practice homosexual behavior. Even if homosexual tendencies were an inherited trait, we would not interpret that as an endorsement of gay or lesbian involvement. Many studies have indicated that tendencies toward alcoholism and depression are inherited. But we do not embrace alcoholism and depression as gacceptable alternativeh lifestyles. Rather, we try to help people who suffer from these tendencies find healing and recovery.h Bob Davies p44

C. Studies of Sexual Orientation change.

-if you were born that way, change would be impossible

-however if a learned behavior, can be unlearned.

-These studies wonft make it to the TV NEWS -Gay Movement has big money

Sex researchers Masters and Johnson reported in their book Homosexuality in Prespective that the success rate in eighty-one gays desiring reorientation (after six-year follow up), was 71.9 percent. (p24, Coming Out of Homosexuality, Davies)

IV The Delivered Speak

gOur deliverance from homosexuality comes from a Person, rather than a method,h says Frank Worthen, who spent more than 20 years in homosexuality before leaving that lifestyle and starting Love in Action in 1973.

gMike Reed is just one of hundreds of men we know personally who have overcome homosexuality.h Bob Davies p11

The website Stonewall revisited tells numerous accounts of people changing from gay to straight. Joe Dallas said, gIf someone as deluded as I can be brought out of homosexuality, then surely anyone can.h(Charisma Popular worship leader Dennis Jernigan shares how God delivered him from being trapped in a homosexual lifestyle for years through worship in an article in Charisma magazine July 1995.

V The Difficulty of the Homosexual Lifestyle

Despite the pretty picture painted by the Media the homosexual lifestyle is not a rosy one

Look at the facts and judge for yourself. (The information is from The International Organization of Heterosexual Rights web page.)

Homosexuals account for 3-4% of all gonorrhea cases, 60% of all syphilis cases, and 17% of all hospital admissions (other than for STDs) in the United States, yet comprise only 1-2% of the population.

The median age of death of homosexuals is 42 (only 9% live past age 65). This drops to 39 if the cause of death is AIDS. The median age of death of a married heterosexual man is 75.

The median age of death of lesbians is 45 (only 24% live past age 65). The median age of death of a married heterosexual woman is 79.

50% of suicides can be attributed to homosexuals (6x normal rate attempted); 25-33% of homosexuals and lesbians are alcoholics.

41% of homosexuals say they have had sex with strangers in public restrooms, 60% say they have had sex with strangers in bathhouses, and 64% of these encounters

have involved the use of illegal drugs.

33% of homosexuals ADMIT to minor/adult sex.

78% of homosexuals are affected by STDs.

Homosexuals account for well over 50% of the AIDS cases in the United States, which is quite a large number considering that they account for only 1-2% of the population.

œ Homosexual relationships, on average are much shorter lived than heterosexual relationships. Amajor studyby the Kinsey Institute revealed that 78% of male homo- sexual "affairs" (relationships entered into with an intent of commitment) lasted less than three years. Only 12% lasted five years or longer.l Certainly, this shows a pattern of broken relationships that must be painful for many.

œ Statistics give evidence of widespread sexual compulsion among homosexual men. The Kinsey study cited above revealed that 43% of the homosexual men surveyed estimated that they had had sex with 500 or more partners; 28% with 1,000 or more partners. 5

œ In a survey reported in the official publication of the American Public Health Association, 78% of the gay respondents reported that they had been affected by a sexually transmitted disease at least one time.7

œ Over 70% of those who have contracted AIDS are homosexual or bi-sexual

œ a six city survey conducted by gay activists last year turned up 1,566 reported incidents of gay domestic violence, several hundred more than reported incidents of anti-gay harassment and violence.

VI The AIDS Questions

To answer the question - gIs Aids Godfs judgement on the Gay Community?h

This is the most controversial part of the message, and my view is contrary to nearly all others on the subject. Almost everyone says, no it is not. God is love. However, I believe it is a judgement of God, but not only on the gay community - but on all sexual immorality and drug abuse. Stay with me even if you disagree until Ifm finished.

1. Remember how much Godfs wrath is against sin.

2. Also remember his judgements are always redemptive until the final judgement.

(God is not just mad blowing off steam punishing people even his judgements reflect his loving nature to protect and provide for us.)

3. All sexual sin has devastating consequences in this life - Aids, STDfs, is a wake up call.

4. All unrepentant sexual sins will condemn you to hell without God.

5. Think eternally - If we are pleasure mad in sexual sin, that will negatively affect our life and ultimately cause us to be lost, if God did nothing could he be loving?

6. Many more who even die of Aids become believers and go to heaven than those who donft.

(For some itfs the only way they can get away from the addictive lifestyle)

7. And yes the consequences of the sin of others does affect some innocent by standers. If I get aids because of my wicked life style, and give it to someone else is that Godfs fault?

I believe God allowed or sent the aids epidemic to put the brakes on sexual immorality unleashed in the 60’s (free love), and itfs the most loving thing he could have done.

VII How Should the Church Respond

A. Do not fear homosexuals. They are not as different from you as you think. All of us have been involved in varying sinful lifestyles. (Romans 3:23)

B. Realize that at the core of the homosexual struggle, there is a deep-seated sense of rejection.

C. Ask the Lord to open a door of communication.

D. Be vulnerable about your own personal struggles and temptations.

E. Communicate acceptance-not rejection. Express love and commitment to the person (1 John 4:9-10). (from Focus on Family article)